Hi I'm darkshoxx, nice to meet you all. :)
Quick disclaimer, as I'm going to talk about a focus on streaming on twitch, I am aware that this post may be interpreted as advertizing of my channel. I hope this does not break any rules. I will not be posting unsolicited links. :lemming:
My Motivation:
Some time last year I played through the original DOS Lemmings and Lemmings Xmas game. I stream on twitch and am looking for a "stream warmup" game to play for the first 30 minutes of the stream while everyone is joining in. This used to be "Prose & Codes" which neatly breaks down into quick individual levels with potential viewer participation. And it's those two key features that I'm looking for. My current plan therefore is to begin streams by playing Levels/Levelpacks of Lemmings, either directly taken from the internet, or (and this is the part where it gets interesting) made by viewers, either regular or newcomer. In other words, at the beginning of the stream I'd like to give the option to viewers to submit a level(pack) and then play that.
My Goals:
Given what I wrote, this means
1) both me and the interested viewers need to become somewhat proficient with the usage of the level editors available
2) I need to be able to offer to play whatever level(pack) including styles etc. a user might submit. Even if I was to railroad my community to a specific editor, I'd still need to be able to accept levels made by anyone in every editor. But that's a long term goal.
My current strategy:
I gotta start somewhere, so I found this video tutorial of neolemmix
together with links to the neolemmix player and editor. This appears to be as decent of a starting point as anything, and my plan is to go through that on stream and explore how the basics work.
I also tried to follow the instructions here: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=3233.0 and start levelpacks with this today, with some degree of success.
Here's the thing:
That's just me. That's my best guess on how to start things. I'd like to know if there's anything obvious I'm missing, a better angle to approach this from and/or general advice on how to get started.
Looking forward to your responses :thumbsup:
Honestly I would recommend sticking with just NeoLemmix rather than allowing a mixture of engines/editors. For one thing, you won't have to learn multiple control schemes or get confused by physics and gameplay differences between engines. NeoLemmix has far more content produced for it than any other engine these days, and most old content has been (or can be) converted for it. You can download all the styles in a single bundle and then you have them all.
This community is absolutely happy for you to share stream links -- we even have a topic (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=1593.0) where we collect all our channel links.
Nothing to add really, NeoLemmix is the new standard and it's probably the most comfortable engine to play with.
That being said, welcome to the Lemmings Forums! I'm thrilled to know about a new Twitch channel streaming Lemmings :thumbsup:
Thanks both of you!
> You can download all the styles in a single bundle and then you have them all
ooh, where can I get all of them?
If it's encouraged, I'll gladly share: :lemming:
I'll do some exploring of Neolemmix there in like half an hour.
I think the only Lemmings related thing I put on YT was the voice-attack attempt ???
There is a category for Lemmings on twitch:
Styles download: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?program=52
Three easy steps to start:
1.) Get the player:
2.) Get the styles (extract it inside the Player's folder):
Download link on the same page right next to the player.
3.) Get the editor (put it in the same folder as the player):
--> Ready to go, be it be playing or creating. 8-)
Hi IchoTolot :lem-mindblown:
Thank you for the info, I found the styles pack just before during the stream. (And I already had the player and editor from following a certain video ;) )
We then proceeded to follow along your tutorial video on stream today, thank you so much for making that! :thumbsup:
For anyone interested, here's the VOD (when done processing):
I happily invite everyone to share their levels/levelpacks with me. As mentioned, the idea is to begin streams with user-created levels, if this concept works out.