Lemmings Forums

NeoLemmix => NeoLemmix Levels => Topic started by: MASTER-88 on November 28, 2021, 12:33:13 PM

Title: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 15.8.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on November 28, 2021, 12:33:13 PM
Cureent best versions 1:02 B (RAW) 1:02 C (Colored (Modern) Both are identical with gameplay.************************************

ORGINAL POST 20.12.2021: You can play my new lemmings pack Just load zip and use neolemmix. Its just that simple.**********************************

This wll contains at least 4 different difficulty:
1= LOL mode 30 levels (step 1
2= YOLO mode 30 levels (step 2
3: OMG mode 30 levels (step 3
4: WTF mode 30 levels (step 4

This Pack difficulty is pretty high or low depend my intelligence quotient is only 135 and around 30 years lemmings experience. So levels will come very hard to end.

I´ll post whole pack when its come out, but here is few pictures my levels. Much unique levels, but also much levels will be Remake with harder skills.

Load Zip attach and lets play..;P

EDIT: 15.th Augus 2023 (V-1:02b & c version is Done
Okay making modern version my 1st pack, but i also have fix a lot my RAW version, because i did some quite serious errors. Its look last time i accidentally post my 2nd best version. So its not contains all fixed things i listed before (how ever its contains most). Another reason. I was an idiot and forget make Step 1 Level 24. So its contains 119 levels. Okay new version build unique level board Step 1 level 24 (actually its my another Superlemmings Demo pack level which never are publish before. I also make harder remake with same level Step 3 level 16 and its replace another pointless remake (Deep Grave Maze)  Okay now we at least have 120 levels.

I did all fix things i list before. I also fix more things some very minor and some quite importants.

New 2 Versions are 1:02 B (RAW) Use orginal music (expect 2 last final level) and not use any backgrounds.
Another version are 1:02 C (Its colored/modern version) Every levels contains background graphic and also a lot special music. If you are loaded all my music zip i post before (my 2nd pack & 3rd pack). You will have all those new themes. I did this modern version all my 3rd pack.
New fix list. Make some levels harder and few backroute is also fixed. Seee fix list below

EDIT: 17th July 2023 (V-1:02) is Done****************************************************
List fixed things. Like i did my 2nd pack. I fix most graphic things much better looking. Also removed pointless remakes, create some unique levels, make some levels harder and some easier. Also change some level order. Also add Logo. My old version not have any logos. New Zip is 1:02 Updated version. This version is pretty similar, but some levels are replace unique levels, also grpahic are improvement, a lot backroute fixed. Some difficult is increased up a little bit. How ever this pack is easier than my Plus 2nd or Plus 3rd pack. Those both pack my custom+ triology are pretty extreme difficult at end and goes very hard sooner than my 1st pack. My 1st pack goes quite hard until when you reach step 3 mode and step 4 mode is always hard progress.

Step 1: LOL 30 Levels: Very easy levels and easy levels later (Fun/tricky)
Step 2 YOLO 30 Levels: Easy/Medium difficult levels (Tricky/taxing)
Step 3: OMG 30 Levels: Medium/Hard difficult levels (Taxing/Mayhem/Havoc) And some even harder
Step 4 WTF 30 Levels Hard/Veryhard (Mayhem/Havoc and higher) 1:02 version make some levels even harder, because i handled use tools better.

Level fix list 1:02 VERSION***********************************
Other changes about levels
Step 1 LOL
Level 05 Build for Victory (making harder) This is actually level 24 my orginal pack. I removed pontiless remake
Level 11 Clockwise around (unique level) Remake level will be Step 4 level 2
Level 12 Skybase One (50 lemmings with this time) I also removed everysingle remakes expect last one.  Remake level will be Step 4 level 11. Its similar level as last time.
Level 14 King of the Hills (unique level) remake level will be Step 3 level 26
Level 18 Web Basher Challenge (higher completion-%) Removed diggers, added some floaters help
Level 22 Hearth of the earth (unique level) Remake level will be Step 3 level 24
Level 23 We all float down (okay this is now Step 1 mode level.) Its already Step 2 mode
Level 26 Bloody Wheels (unique level) Remake level will be step 3 level 10
Level 27 Broken Pier (this is easier version level Step 3 level 22 speedbuilding scenario)
Level 28 Climber Blast Furnace (this is easier version level Step 4 level 17 Factory of Fears)
Level 29 All is compression (backroutes fixed and level is also harder)
Level 30 Three skill one way (my 1st level my amiga pack) also very old Lemmini level.

Step 2 YOLO
Level 02: Stepping Stones Space station (that level 9 my orginal update)
Level 03: Prehistoric wasteland (name is changed, because i remove extra remake)
Level 07: Builder Master Lemmings (Unique level)
Level 09 Three path join with US (Unique level)
Level 10 Go Miner X Spot (this level was Step 3 level 21 last time)
Level 13 Icicle Mayhem (unique level)
Level 15 Cage 3 (little bit harder completion-%)
Level 17 Build UP (Techincally unique level. Its use same board as Step 4 level 18)
Level 20 Lemmings Expressline (that was Step 3 level 24 last time)
Level 21 All is compression part two (backroute fixed make this level harder)
Level 22 Two Different Worlds (that was Step 3 level 26 last time)
Level 25 GunShip Count down (fixed backroutes) Removed first version level, so this is little bit easier than last time. Just more builders.
Level 26 Safety Drop part two (2 more have to save make level harder)
Level 27 Quick visit in Dark Palace (20 seconds time. Few seconds less time because i removed broken talisman)
Level 28 in out and that order (you have save all lemmings with this time) make this little bit harder. Here is a lot skills to make it. Also added flags with teleports

Step 3 OMG
Level 05 Hall of Flames (that was level 15 last time.) Also now we have 80 lemmings.
Level 09 We all float down part two (removed broken talismans)
Level 07 Build for victory part two (That was Step 4 level 2 last time) Also name is changed, because i remove one pointless remake)
Level 10 Blood Sucker (unique level and also remake level Step 1 Level 26
Level 15 Defend succesfully (Unique level)
Level 21 Have a pain day (my 3rd level my Amiga pack) Its little bit easier here. Just 3 minutes time.
Level 24 Mother of Earth (unique level harder version Step 1 Level 22)
Level 26 Trouble times in hills (unique level harder version Step 1 level 14)
Level 30 Bash Controll (that was step 4 level 26 last time) Otherwise same level

Step 4 WTF
Level 02 Turn around scenario (unique level, also harder version Step 1 level 11)
Level 03 This is plan B (Much harder) One more have to save, less time and less error marginal
Level 04 Just a minutes falling down part two (Fixed backroutes)
Level 05 Metal Ark (few less skills)
Level 10 & 16 Teleportation lemmings 1 & 2 (added flags with teleports)
Level 14 Trapshaft (fixed backroutes)
Level 18 Speedstaircase Scenario (remove broken talisman)
Level 20 Miners Hells Fire (Much harder with this time) Just less skills and higher completion-%. Also removed broken talisman.
Level 23 Gun ship showdown (fixed backroutes)
Level 26 Strange Land part two (that was step 3 level 30 last time)
Level 27 All in one group (fixed backroutes)
Level 28 Expressline Trinity (remove talisman)
Level 30 Lemming Revolution (Fixed backroutes) Also massive graphic improvement and fixed end text. There will be remaster version my 3rd pack Step 5 modes. Its little bit harder than my orginal version, because its includes buttons and less time. This level have level completion talisman and its name Revolution lemmings. its final level my 1st pack.

How ever here will be 4 remakes 4th saga levels. One per each difficulty and everytimes its goes harder. Just a lot less Dark Castle levels and webroad levels. Also removed all very similar type levels and replace many levels unique levels.

Im not add special music my 1st pack. Expect last level music is musicfactory, like last time.

1:02 B & C fix list (contains also) previous fix.
Step 1 LOL
Level 28 Climber Blast Furnace (my previous update contains higher completion-%, but when i post wrong zip its not was here. Okay this thing is fixed. Also remove 25 floaters away and let 25 floaters to help.
Level 24 Castle Quest (okay builded this forget level so its unique board) So now we have 120 levels. This level remake will be Step 3 level 16.
Level 29 Its all compression (1 bomber) 2 bombers and builder make backroute possible. Its techincally break entire level idea. Also little bit higher completion-%

Step 2 YOLO
Level 03 Prehistoric wasteland. There was name error.
Level 15 Cage 3 (i already list more higher completion-% but i didn´t make it. Okay make it again and its maybe even more higher with this time. Cannot remember.
Level 18 Bash through ironplate part 3 (backroute fixed) I just notice there is way too small metal terrain which allow backroute.
Level 22 Two different worlds (you have save all) its not might are trouble.
Level 29 Just a minute falling down (trap terrain added) Its graphical more than practical. Not really affect replays i think

Step 3 OMG
Level 11 Lets turn around part two (i did some fix last time, but post wrong zip.) There is less builders. Even more less than my last intention. Cannot remember.
Level 16 Stair Complex (okay remake level Step 1 level 24. Its replace Deep Grave Maze remake level. This is techically unique level, because my Neolemmings demo pack never are publish.
Level 29 Fix Road Quickly (okay remove most bashers. This heavy amount bashere was my Lemmini level intention. That was actually old Lemmini level. Neolemmings system not really need those bashers.

Step 4 WTF
Have to make those fix again Level 3 & 4. I list those things before, but posted wrong zip.
Level 14 Trap Shaft (okay more potential backroutes fixed. Added traps more balance and some terran more balance. Not affect my inention solutions
Level 25 Temple of Rotations (This level is now harder. You have to save all. I just figured out with my current skill level its not was even too hard save all. Last version you was allowed lost one. How ever there is lost skills and game still let quite few remains when i replayed this.
Level 29 Frozen Inferno (added graphical traps) Snow burner traps here and there. Now this level look like Frozen inferno. Its not break my own replays. How ever its might break your replays or block some alterenate routes. This level look much cooler rightnow. At least when we add new Backround.

EDIT: Remove my own broken Zip. I was forget build Step 1 level 24 last time. I´ll still keep jkapp76 list up. jkapp level list contains 117 levels. He miss post two and i forget build one. We can redo it later.

EDIT About Music (RAW version not need music zip) I use two special music my RAW version. Both in Two last levels. How ever if you will play my colored version. You have to load a lot music zip. I aready post several music list my 2 & 3+ pack topic. Also some in amiga topic. So you can find all those here.

RAW version not need any styles or tilesets. All levels are orginal. If you play colored version you will need a lot backgrounds. You can load those here

EDIT: Added better logo maded by Jkapp76. :thumbsup:**************************************

EDIT 2: ADDED jkapp76 level list files*************************************************

EDIT ABOUT TRIOLOGY************************************:
Triology This is first part Custom+ triology. Triology Total 394 Levels.
Custom +1 (120 levels) (only orginal lemmings skills)
Custom +2 (124 levels) (all other skills, but no jumpers, lasers, sliders) Also contains 4 Special level
Custom +3 (150 levels) All Neolemmix skills is here.
Amiga Classic (special pack) used Amiga boards, some are modify and some are similar (30 Levels) My 1 & 3 pack pack contains some my greatest Amiga levels.

Thanks: jkapp76 maded all my logos. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: Strato Incendus on November 28, 2021, 03:03:29 PM
I appreciate the rank names! :thumbsup: My pack Pit Lems had the ranks LOL, ROFL, WTF, OMFG, and FML. So it's curious coincidence that we chose a similar order (I assume you haven't played Pit Lems, since it's only for Old Formats, but one day there will be a remastered version for New Formats).

OMG can go before WTF - just OMFG couldn't 8-).
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on November 28, 2021, 05:17:07 PM
LOL. I always think my Pack names is some uniques.:forehead: Its seems its not. At least we have different levels i guess.:);P
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: IchoTolot on November 29, 2021, 04:17:13 PM
I see you are taking pictures and videos with presummingly your phone of NL.

Let's say there is an easier and more prettier way!


In the level selection screen of NL there is an option to save the level image ("Save image" when clicking on a level) in PNG format on your PC. This will result in a way better picture quality.


I would recommend trying out OBS (Open broadcaster software). It is 100% free and can record NL with audio and voice. Just be sure to just capture "fullscreen" with it as the software tends to not recognise the NL window properly. So simply capture the whole screen, set up audio and you should be fine.


I can assure you that both options will result in way better quality for your pictures and videos compared to simply using your phone. ;)
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 03, 2021, 06:37:49 PM
My Pack is progress i really hardly working on it. My previous pictures show just most my demo levels. I´ll improve most my levels, especially when harder difficulty coming out.

All LOL mode 30 levels are done (might fix some things) not need fix major things, those levels is always easy

All YOLO mode 30 levels are done (also those all are pretty easy and fun) Some things will be fixed all times

19/30 OMG mode levels are done (those levels are mostly hard and i have to be very carfeul with my strategys. Easy ways not are allowed. A lot solutions is remain and some keep some more focus

15/30 WTF mode solutions are done and most will be requires some better looking. I don´t want pass any cheap way to pass those levels. Mostly those levels are hell fucking hard and really hard to make without pixel step button used.

???/? Let see did we need some few levels in this mode. I think making whole 30 levels will be repeat little bit my max create skills. WTF mode will be all you have to need to make. (About Lemmings +pack its take me only two days make through Mild-to Psycho 8. Then this game start goes nearly mad like hell. I still have some levels remains with this pack.

My Pack will includes few new things. Its will includes levels with teleports and etc... Those teleports levels are definitely my hardest, because its really hard go in with correct realease rate.

I think i´ll public whole pack when i am correctly looking everythings. I have DEMO levels, but, those are just DEMO. This pack will take a time. Sometimes i am really make 8 hours per day with this.

Hopefully in next year i could public my whole pack. I´ll promise you lemmings fans will enjoy it. Its really good pack. Its not too impossible, but its a lot harder than console/PC lemmings games and its will includes orginal & oh no more lemmings solutions and music will be repeat like SNES levels. 120 levels is at least coming. I´ll hope make at least few VERY HARD bonus levels. Making very hard levels take sometimes very much time. I spend 12 hours with each level when i got it pretty much hard, without cheaping ways.

My pack will make you crying when you reach 4th WTF difficulty. I luckly make videos my every replay, because those levels was hard to planned and very hard to completed.

But my progress is not done yet. So We have wait next year. New lemmings game will appeared then.;P
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 04, 2021, 08:39:42 PM
QuoteI would recommend trying out OBS (Open broadcaster software). It is 100% free and can record NL with audio and voice. Just be sure to just capture "fullscreen" with it as the software tends to not recognise the NL window properly. So simply capture the whole screen, set up audio and you should be fine.

Thats is program i used recorded console games, like all my SNES lemmings levels and most speedruns. I cannot make that work on PC or other versions. Its will definitely good way. I also plan make Oh no more lemmings pause free completion, but just cannot find correct video system with this.

About my picutures all those levels are Demo version yet. So i´ll just show some  levels which not are optimize all way.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 08, 2021, 10:39:06 PM
Okay news my progress. Many levels are coming. I think my fist pack will includes only those 4x30 levels per each difficulty. 1: LOL, 2_ YOLO 3: OMG & WTF  I´ll make 12 evels dozen "impossible dozen" extra pack, but that will take much later in next year. At this point each lemmings level take 5-12 hours to make succesfully. My longest each level period is 14 hours per single level

I have to break every possible cheap ways and loverlooks is not allowed. Damn its easy overlook levels. So i´ll test make "hundreds different route" Thats reason why level making take forerever.

Few Demo pictures my pack is here. I´ll post Pix later.

I´´ll my firsr whole 4x30 pack public in this year.

Impossible dozen will be next year.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 12, 2021, 10:10:41 PM
About news my personal progress. That are started much harder than i think before.

Only 5 levels are remain to hardest mode (WTF). (115/120 levels are done) Those easy levels was fast to make, nothing cannot overlooked. But about hardest levels, its extremely easy overlooked and make some unintention cheap ways. I spend most times fix those things.

About my progress.I´ll public my pack when 120 levels are done 30 per each difficulty.

1= LOL mode (diffiuculty is around Fun to Tricky) You can also overlooked levels if you want
2= YOLO mode (difficulty is around Taxing to Mayhem) You can also overlooked if you want
3= OMG mode (difficulty can compared only Neoplus levels its some Medi to Danger
4= WTF mode (difficulty can compared only Neoplus levels its some Danger to Psycho.

OMG mode and WTF mode levels take a lot time to make.

This level on under take me whole 12 hours to make. Here is also easier version level with this. I make first hardest version first. (easy version is OMG 26) hard version (WTF 21)

I might done all 4 difficulty in this year, but definitely have to look every levels before public my pack and this will definitely happen in next year. I´ll fix things and avoid things which i can avoid overlook or cheap ways. This is most hard things about lemmings levels. Its very easy overlook.

Lets see.:) That my first real lemming pack. I can make extra difficulty later, because at this point make each level take whole day or more.

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 15, 2021, 05:29:22 AM
Finally make done 120 levels and i think its enought test your all skills. At least three last levels are just insane difficult to beat and insane difficult to solved. Spend a lot time with this myself.

Next i´ll replayed my pack and add some talismans and look every levels are okay. Hope no much overlooked or ETC.. cheap ways at least latest levels.

But actual public might happen in next year. I´ll have some new video game progress so i think those 120 levels are very okay rightnow. Last WTF mode could be even harder than Psycho mode lemmings plus version. At least its pretty tied hard as this. At least its come very hard right before end. Especially i am glad levels WTF 21, 28 & 30. Those are really interesting looking levels and pretty awesome strategys required. Also pretty good soundtrack in last level.

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 20, 2021, 11:31:11 AM
At this point i think my pack is ready to submited. I play every levels through and contains few talisman challenge. I am got every replays (also recorded all OMG & WTF) mode levels with good quality my OBS (not use crap camera anymore) and make completions solutions those all. Those all solutions is confirmed to completed and i can prooft it

About LOL & YOLO mode both have auto replays too. So replay file will be available. How ever i am play those levels through several times and its are make several different replays.

About i am pick up few failed replays. But i have also corrected ones. Its probably depend, i did some changes my levels when i replay those alls and usually just new replay is only working one.

Next things are check outed too
1:All traps
2: All goals
3: Levels completed
4: Levels are order 1-30  & difficults are order 1-4. Pack run always that order 1 to 120 levels.

Did am i overlook somethings? @Its always very possible. We always got some new finds even DOS lemmings levels which are very old. But as far as i can tell. I did fix out many possible cheap ways. That mostly harder levels OMG & WTF mode. LOL & YOLO mode solutions are allowed use several different completion solution, so we can´t overlook that so much.

Next question is how i can public and submit my whole pack? I´ll go vacations middle of the week and back somewhere next week. I have few days before vacation.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120-150 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 20, 2021, 01:37:23 PM
I think i´ll need little bit help how post my whole pack. I think might want make some logos, but its not that important thing.

Here is visual test video OBS recorded about my pack

No logo includes (just no idea how make it)
Also difficult uses Step 1 LOL, Step 2 YOLO, Step 3 OMG & Step 4 WTF.

All levels come rightoriders so no real troubles with this.

How post my pack? Its easy attach one NXVL file per each level using attachment option. I want post my whole pack all 120 levels in on go?

This look my pack working well like other lemmings players pack. You can play it and choose level. Its give completion mark (when you beat each level or difficulty)
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is coming 120 orginal lemmings levels
Post by: MASTER-88 on December 20, 2021, 02:15:45 PM
I think i have idea. I have to check out work on this. I´ll attach that zip. Let see did this working.

EDIT: That working. Just load this zip. All levels will go ready to play.

I´ll post that also mainpage
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on December 20, 2021, 07:11:31 PM
Hi Master-88,

I've downloaded your pack, and I've noticed some things that can be tidied up a bit. For example, your pack is missing some files that are common to all NL level packs that need to be included. I've provided a link to instructions that Icho posted sometime ago on how to put together a level pack. I haven't made a level pack myself yet, but it's much easier than it looks!

https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5558.msg92726#msg92726 (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5558.msg92726#msg92726)

Simply replace the examples he provides with the right name of your own stuff. The best way to do this is to download a level pack from the NL levels board and use that as a template and imitate it.

Also, as the pack is now released, this can move to the main Neolemmix levels board, as it's no longer "in development." Also, this might be a good time to think of a better name for your level pack!
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 06, 2022, 07:22:34 PM
Thanks your advice Kaywhyn.

I´ll agree this point music and many little things in this pack is are goes wrong. I haved much troubles make that. Even i check out other lemmings pack. I suck Zip files and most give me real troubles.

Like i said i back my vacation, so i´ll might make some correct later. I also start make new pack, which is PLUS 2 Pack, but its will requires mostly new skills. I start those my year 2021. I have other game progress rightnow. Just spend most my time play Seikendenetsu 3 (aka Secret of mana 2)

For sure this my pack is for sure worth playing. My Brother play LOL & YOLO mode and also found some bugs with few levels. Im not are worry about this. Easy modes are allowed use all yours skills and use all your bugs. OMG and WTF might be super hard find any cheap ways.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on January 07, 2022, 12:27:47 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on January 06, 2022, 07:22:34 PM
Thanks your advice Kaywhyn.

My pleasure ;)

I´ll agree this point music and many little things in this pack is are goes wrong. I haved much troubles make that. Even i check out other lemmings pack. I suck Zip files and most give me real troubles.

Like i said i back my vacation, so i´ll might make some correct later. I also start make new pack, which is PLUS 2 Pack, but its will requires mostly new skills. I start those my year 2021. I have other game progress rightnow. Just spend most my time play Seikendenetsu 3 (aka Secret of mana 2)

It does seem confusing at times, but you'll quickly pick up on the general gist of level pack making. You can always let me or someone else know if you need some help with this. As you have seen, this is quite a friendly community and someone here is likely more than happy to help if you ask.

For sure this my pack is for sure worth playing.

I will definitely give this pack a playthrough at some point. In particular, I would love to LP it, and when I do I'll provide you the link to it :)
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 16, 2022, 12:57:46 AM
QuoteI will definitely give this pack a playthrough at some point. In particular, I would love to LP it, and when I do I'll provide you the link to it

Okay. At this point i have so many different gameprofress and absolutely no my own skills about zip files anymore. I even ask my brother which is degree datanome. He is much better than me, but, because there is minor things and its not matter about pack itself.

I was pretty dissappoint about last level music when neolemmix choose it wrong when we load that other computers. Its okay with my computee, but i have windows 7 and other windows 10. But otherwise i cannot find other bugs. Like i already said. Every way is allow make though 1-2 difficulty (LOL & YOLO) My Brother got find few bugs and new route, but those was actually harder than i planned so i`ll accept. Big question is OMG and WTF mode. My brother cannot even beat those levels and those levels are super hard.

I personally loved level WTF 28 and final Level 30, both are some so fucking great planning in lemmings history. 28 is my personal favorite, because its impossible if you make one single mistake and all is over. And this level will probably hardest level i any lemmings pack ever. When you do how completed this, its pretty easy one. Its level which requies all your skills. Its definitely my best level.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 16, 2022, 01:08:34 AM
Only things which piss me off about my pack about last level. I choose music: Name:
musicfactory, but somereason game like change this one orig 5. Its only things which piss me off.

No any troubles my windows 7. But other load change it orig 5??? Its only real fault my pack.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 16, 2022, 01:23:21 AM
QuoteI will definitely give this pack a playthrough at some point. In particular, I would love to LP it, and when I do I'll provide you the link to it :)

At this point i´ll give the my promise public my pack if you want. Im not really care much about my name about pack. Those levels are just making for fun and most lemmings fans might like solved. Its not matter who really make it. I used my nick name MASTER-88.

Im not are Disney.  Everyone who like used my levels with your own boards is allowed. Im just like make lemmings playing for fun. New Challenge. So those boards not are patent. I actually used some SNES, Genesis, NES levels with new appearance. Just make some things different.

Most levels are unique which never see before.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 30, 2022, 07:09:35 PM
Great to see pack is here. Anyone trying play and all comments about playing is allowed. My Brother got find some bugs LOL & YOLO levels. OMG & WTF make this pack just superb.

I´ll later make replay videos every my OMG & WTF levels. But at this point i want see how you solved my levels.

Thanks everyone. Its nice to see peoples got new challenges. Lemmings is always fun.

If you are guys got find some new specials especially OMG and WTF mode levels is more than great. I think i really erased nearly every bugs and make those hard like hells.

I´ll post my completion replays little bit later. I have alls.

Comments my levels are welcomed.

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: Turrican on January 31, 2022, 01:18:38 AM
I tried today the first 10 levels from the last rank ( WTF ) , and here are my replays for these levels.

Pretty nice levels! My favourite of these is WTF 10. I found it also ,  to be the most difficult of these , but for that it also contributed the fact , that the level has a pretty tight time limit.

I also , may have found some backroutes on some of these levels ( WTF 7 for example ) .
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 31, 2022, 07:48:30 AM
Quote from: Turrican on January 31, 2022, 01:18:38 AM
I tried today the first 10 levels from the last rank ( WTF ) , and here are my replays for these levels.

Pretty nice levels! My favourite of these is WTF 10. I found it also ,  to be the most difficult of these , but for that it also contributed the fact , that the level has a pretty tight time limit.

I also , may have found some backroutes on some of these levels ( WTF 7 for example ) .

WOW. I am really impressived yours all my WTF 1-10 solutions. Thats great how you really crush my WTF level 4. That was my personal favorite. Also liked WTF 3 you make it  with much easier way than i orginally planned. Also WTF 7, 8 & 9 was much easier way than i plan first. I think i have personally easier way make WTF 10 myself than your way.

I´ll hope see your next videos.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on January 31, 2022, 03:02:25 PM
Hope see Turrican new replays my levels. I was really impressived WTF levesl 1-10. Some levels was so easy looking compared my orginal plan.

Okay here is orginal completion solutions all my WTF mode leveles.

Don,t even think open that link before you are making completions yourself.:):P I´ll warning levels 28, 29 & 30 WTF are super hard ones if you not know how you make this. I´ll wonder if anyone can find back routes those levels.


I´ll will warning WTF 25. Its not hard level, but if you have Epilepsy or some neuro problems in your brain, this level might cause real confused. That was actually my intention. Its just make you confused. Still im not want make epilepsy attack anyone. Point with this level was just you are confused all time and cannot make rational decision all time

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: Turrican on January 31, 2022, 11:40:01 PM
Here are my replays for the next 10 levels of the WTF rank.

Pretty nice levels , again! My favourite of these is WTF 14. I have posted here , two solutions for that level.

Also , WTF 11 was the most difficult of these levels , for me.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on February 01, 2022, 05:15:38 AM
Quote from: Turrican on January 31, 2022, 11:40:01 PM
Here are my replays for the next 10 levels of the WTF rank.

Pretty nice levels , again! My favourite of these is WTF 14. I have posted here , two solutions for that level.

Also , WTF 11 was the most difficult of these levels , for me.

WOW. Just check out those alls and im really impressived again.

Great strategy WTF 11. I did its bit dfferent myself. Not sure easier or harder than your way
WTF 12 I did some difference and also your strategy was 1 seconds faster than my own. Congrats
WTF 13. Great strategy. I personally plan it little bit easier way than you.
WTF 14 (two solutions) You really crush this level and make my orginal plan with trash. That was also much faster and cooler than my own strategys, which contains blocker breaker all times and much cooperating
WTF 15: Its probably my hardest level (not techincally hardest) Really great back route. Though not sure is it easier than harder than my way
WTF 16: Pretty similar than my way. You make it look much more simple
WTF 17: Liked. Its pretty similar as my orginal way
WTF 18: You beat this level which is great. Its could be faster, but nice one
WTF 19: Different than my own and my brother route. I liked new back route with this level
WTF 20. Extremely nice you save all lemmings. Medal is one lost allowed and level completion is 10 lost allowed. Why i make this level easy. I personally suck miner cancel consistent myself. Make all saved is just pure awesome job.

I´ll wait next 10 levels. Its might make you cry.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: Turrican on February 03, 2022, 04:03:27 AM
I have tried the next five levels from the WTF rank , and here are my replays for these levels.

Very nice levels , again! My favourites of these are WTF 24 and 25. The most difficult of these levels for me , was WTF 22.

For WTF 23 , I have posted two solutions here. The first is a normal slution , but the second , must be a backroute.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: Turrican on February 03, 2022, 10:52:04 PM
And here are my replays for the final five levels from the WTF rank ( and with these , the rank is completed ).

My favourite of these is WTF 29. Very nice and challenging level! The most difficult of these levels for me , was WTF 27.

Overall , I enjoyed playing the rank. It contained some pretty nice and challenging levels. My favourites from the rank , are WTF 24 , 25 and 29.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on February 05, 2022, 11:30:02 AM
WOW At this point im not want say anywords, because i cursed myself with my bugs. I am really impressived.

WTF 21: Great route, different than my own, but its quite easy level, even its look super hard one and take me really long to make
WTF 22: Great solution. My solution was bit different, but main idea was pretty much same
WTF 23 Two solutions. Damn that back route. That was great find. Also first route was awesome, my own route is way different
WTF 24: Basher race. You use way different route. Its actually 3 seconds slower than my own. Great find
WTF 25: Great route. This level allow a lot different skills. I think all saved is also possible. Your route was very fresh
WTF 26: Bash Controlls. Liked Very different than my own route. Great job
WTF 27: One group: Loved how you make 17 saved. My completion route is way different than your
WTF 28: At this point this really start piss me off you really trash my idea beat this level. I am quite mad, because i think that was my perfect level and you really make its using easy route. Congrats:thumbsup:
WTF 29 Very different than my own and also much faster. Great job
WTF 30: Damn. Why fuck i don´t that fucking metal better. That was great back route. Congratiolations.

I´ll hope see some my OMG solutions too. Some levels are same as here, but easier, but also a lot unique levels like OMG 23 & 30, both are very complicated one.

You can watch my orginal completion WTF solutions here. I also have Zip files.


Big congrats. You are really superb.:thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: Turrican on February 06, 2022, 07:53:13 PM
Thank you for your comments! :thumbsup:

Also about WTF 30 : When I first tried the level , I tried to use a different method ( compared to the one used in the replay , that I have sent you ) , but I thought that the builders would not be enough for that method , and I used that backroute instead.

But , when I watched your solution , I saw that it had a lot of similarities with my original method , and that , that method is possible.

When I first tried the level ,I had noticed , that you can use miners , on the area of the exit , but I thought that the builders I had would not be enough , for the lemmings to reach both the miner tunnels and the exit.

After watching the replay of your solution , I tried the level again , and managed to make my original method work , and succesfully complete the level.

So , I have posted here the replay of the original method here. I think that's much closer to your solution now.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on March 30, 2022, 04:12:28 PM
Thanks a lot. I´ll check out your soltuion and my solution.

Sorry that take a lot time comment. I was just have other game progress. So im sorry. I´ll comment that soon as i can. I´ll check out and etc....

As far as i can tell there is no mistake in my pack. That level was really hard one. I´ll check out it. Be right back.:thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on March 30, 2022, 04:32:57 PM
Okay i watch your solution and see this metal bug is away. I m not really intendet make it. Its looks just way too cheap back route. I´ll also erased that bug my own pack later. My pack is public and cannot.

This is Intention solution how make Final level Revoltion. Definitely your way was much better and easier, but ideat was pretty same. (this metal never located here anymore) You make it very well also without it. I also closed it my new creation.


Great Job without that fucking back route. That was nice one.::thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on April 06, 2022, 08:24:35 PM
BTW. New pack is good progress rightnow.  I am did over 100 levels rightnow. I think this pack will contains at least over 120 unique levels.

At this point this pack is much harder than my first one. Its mostly, because i am better with neolemmix mechanism and learn use tools better and also this pack will includes all new skills and many other new stuffs, buttons, splitters, zombies and etc...... My first pack contains only orginal lemmings levels and skills.

Spending good 6-12 hours per days building that pack. (started make few demo levels in year 2021)

New Pack will run through next difficulty 30 levels per each one:
1: Simple Cakewalk (Done 30 levels)
2: Easy Road Trip (Done 30 levels
3: Tricky Boardwalk (Done 30 Levels
4: Suffering Hellroad (Done 15 levels)
5: Millenium Mayhem (Im not are make any levels in this difficulty, so its probably not contains all 30 levels) But this will be definitely one super hard mode and contains at least some levels. Hope i can learn game even better and make even more harder levels.

Two first difficulty is mostly practice. First one learn you use new skills. 2nd one learns you make tricks with new skills and when you reach 3rd difficulty, your game will goes really hard one and there is not easy way out.

However im not never are find any drive with neutral lemmings? Those are like zombies but no kill you. So that only one i never used my pack. Zombies is available by many later levels.

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on April 13, 2022, 05:53:14 AM
Okay new lemmings pack is done. I decide make only 120 levels as well like my first pack. I still keep my door open and might make few special levels if i got fresh ideas.

So its 4 difficult settings. 30 level per each difficult.
This pack will be a lot harder overall than my first one. Also less remake levels and more unique levels.

Next i´ll play it through and check out things (traps, metals, stuffs, etc.....) and later post it. I´ll create new topic when i´ll post my pack.

For sure its will be some serious fun try playthrough my harder levels. Last 30 levels are really hard ones. You really have to handled all your new skills. I liked my last level. Its might be some serious fun if you loved hard lemmings levels.:devil:

I´ll Be back later and with new topic.:P
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: jkapp76 on April 17, 2022, 04:12:24 PM
where can I find links to both of your level packs?
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: ericderkovits on April 17, 2022, 08:31:34 PM
I fixed his 1st pack to play in the latest neolemmix player as the pack needed to be packed correctly.

just install it to the levels folder
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on November 27, 2022, 01:54:53 PM
Hello Master88,

I have solved the first two ranks of the pack. My replays are attached. Also, I have an LP of the pack: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJulieZsJxzkAFxdZUKvh8DN (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJulieZsJxzkAFxdZUKvh8DN). Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Master88 Custom Neolevels is a custom pack by Master88 and the user's first one. It has 4 ranks of 30 levels each, similar to L1's structure. As already mentioned earlier in the thread, some of the rank names are the exact same as that of Pit Lems, a level pack by Strato Incendus. At least with what I've seen up through near the end of the third rank, this pack uses only the classic 8 skills and hence is pretty much the most recent pack to use those skills.

Definitely the one thing I have pointed out repeatedly in my LP is there are way too many repeats! Now, I don't have anything against repeats myself, as I certainly consider those worthwhile if the solution in the repeat is different from the original. Otherwise, if the solution on the original is possible on the repeat, I don't consider it a worthwhile inclusion in the pack. Indeed, there have been plenty such repeats where I can use the exact same solution on both the original and some of the later appearances of the same level. Even more, it seems that every level appears at least 3 or more times! The repeats even happen as early as the first rank. IMO it would had been far better if the repeats were way more spaced out from their original level's appearance rather than just being about after every level or so.

LOL Rank Feedback

Can be considered the Fun rank equivalent of L1, these levels are easy in general, with many of the levels providing a lot of skills such that you're pretty much free to carve any solution you want. The pack starts off very similar to L1, except LOL 1 is a floater tutorial rather than a digger tutorial, but LOL 1 and Fun 1 are similar in that they both give 10 lemmings but you only need to save 1. After that, there's a pretty good assortment of diversity and variety in the skillsets and levels. The LOL rank would probably even be considered easier than the Fun rank overall in many ways, although there's still a few odd levels that can probably be considered a bit difficult for the rank, especially for less experienced players. The ones that come to my mind here are LOL 15 - Twin in Dark Palace and its repeats LOL 22 - Twins back in Dark Palace and LOL 30 - Return back to Dark Palace, LOL 25 - The Cage 2, LOL 26 - Web road, and LOL 29 - All is compression.

My favorites of the rank: LOL 17 - Ironplate part two and LOL 25.

YOLO Rank Feedback

Levels overall are slightly harder in this rank, and I would even say that some go a bit beyond Tricky difficulty and are Taxing difficulty here, especially these in the second half! However, just like the previous rank, so many repeats here which start right away at YOLO 1! Again, repeats aren't bad IMO, they're just really overdone here and are way too close to one another and not spaced out enough from their original appearances.

Levels that I consider hard for casual players: YOLO 2 - Solitary cell lemmings, YOLO 3 - Dinosaurus cementry, YOLO 4 - 4th Saga YOLO, YOLO 7 - All is compression part two, YOLO 8 - Twins last visit in Dark Palace (I consider this the hardest of the rank, maybe it's even early Taxing difficulty), YOLO 10 - Star road, YOLO 15 - The Cage 3 (can probably even be considered Taxing difficulty here), YOLO 18 - Ironplate part 3 (two sets of OWAs pointing in different directions can be confusing to new players, along with a very restricted skillset),  YOLO 19 - Teleporting from home, YOLO 20 - 6 lemming come to Dark palace, YOLO 23 - Three lemming acrobating show, YOLO 24 - Lets turn around, YOLO 26 - Safety drop part two (new players might especially be confused about how they can save enough due to the added trap that wasn't there in previous versions of the level), YOLO 27 - Quick visit in Dark palace (just like YOLO 8, except only 1 lemming and a very tight time limit of 22 seconds), and YOLO 29 - Just a minute falling.

My favorites of the rank: YOLO 14 - Hello John We got New Lemming (just remove the assign 40 floaters akin to Bitter Lemming from L1 part by making the hatches preassigned floater ones instead and this is a great level!), YOLO 16 - You need a cunning plan (ironically the solution reminds me more of "Postcard from Lemmingland" :laugh:), YOLO 18, YOLO 24 (again without the several repeated floater assignments and it's a great level), and YOLO 27.

Will continue with more of the pack when I'm able to! Currently near the end of the OMG rank, and it's very similar to the YOLO rank in that there was no unique level until after the first 11 levels, but I'm finding these repeats are at least way more interesting than the earlier appearances of those levels in the pack! :thumbsup: Also, near the end of the rank it seems to all be unique levels and so at least the pack is going in a more interesting direction. Since the pack now seems very interesting and quite promising, I'm looking forward to the rest of the OMG rank and the final rank after that! ;)     
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: WillLem on November 28, 2022, 05:02:57 AM
Completed LOL and YOLO so far, here are my replays. Some feedback points:

:lemming: These are great fun, easy levels perfect for casual playing. They suit my attack-the-level playing style perfectly, so I enjoyed these :thumbsup:

:lemming: A good amount of variation in the different types of levels (any way you like, limited skillset, only one skill type, different RRs, varied lem counts, etc.)

:lemming: Level design is generally in keeping with L1-style levels, especially in the skillsets and the types of solutions required to solve the levels, providing a decent amount of nostalgia factor for those who value it.

:lemming: Minimalistic level layouts which are easy on the eyes and clearly laid out.

This is a great first offering and I look forward to getting into the rest of the pack at some point. I was compelled enough to play through the whole of the first 60 levels in one sitting, they're very enjoyable and I had fun finding the most optimal solutions for the levels. Good work! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on November 28, 2022, 08:40:13 AM
OMG rank solved, and so I'm back with more replays and feedback ;)

OMG Rank Feedback

Even though a lot of the levels are repeats and we don't encounter the first unique level of the rank until level 12, I must say this time the repeats are way more interesting and really great challenges! :thumbsup: Then I think starting at level 21, the rest of the rank are unique levels until the rank finisher, which is a repeat. Even the unique levels themselves are interesting and challenging, and so regardless of whether it's a repeat or unique the levels definitely belong in this difficulty. However, just like the previous rank, some of these could even fit the Mayhem difficulty. So, things are definitely getting quite difficult starting in this rank!


OMG 1 - Building and turning Great challenging level to start off the rank :thumbsup: I was a dummy here for a long time and kept doing things that ultimately wouldn't solve the level. In particular, I overlooked the building on top of the step near the bottom to raise the wall high enough to turn the following lemmings from the right entrance around to the exit for a very long time. I'm definitely aware of this technique, I just didn't think to use it here :XD: Otherwise, this was a great level and puzzle to think through and figure out. Really great lesson in making the most of your limited supply of builders, as you cannot waste any here!

OMG 2 - Miner to victory part three Still the exact same solution as I used in the previous iterations of the level, so nothing interesting here! :P

OMG 3 - Dark dawn OMG Nice 1-of-everything level! :thumbsup: Even though there's now 1 less of every skill from the original appearance, this increases the difficulty significantly. I still had to think about how to best use each skill, as once you use one you can't use another of that skill. The level concept is pretty much the same, where it's to get the crowd as tightly packed as possible so as to give the worker lemming enough time to build to the exit while the rest take a detour.

OMG 4 - Web basher ULTIMATE Not that much different from the previous iterations as it's just get low enough so that they don't splat. The main challenge is keeping everyone safe by spamming skills due to the 99RR

OMG 5 - OMG its Dark Palace again Honestly, only the 1 lemming iteration was interesting, and by this point this level's been done to death by appearing so many times in the pack. However, due to the skillset, not everyone can mine to hit steel to turn around, as there isn't enough miners for that. Thus, it's necessary to take a bit of a detour with some of the crowd.

OMG 6 - 4th Saga OMG Pretty much the same idea as the previous iteration of keeping the top entrances contained while making the splatforms with the bottom entrances, except the main challenge also comes from finishing within the 1 minute time limit. Otherwise, not too interesting!

OMG 7 - Lets turn around part two Nice repeat here! More or less the same as the last time, except the miner is replaced with digger/basher staircases. Also, everyone from the bottom entrance and the lemming to make a climber friendly wall for them climb out to the left instead.

OMG 8 - keep your range to middle The main challenge here is just dealing with the 99RR and keeping everyone safe, which can be hard due to no blockers, but otherwise not that much more interesting from its original. Probably would had been much more interesting if the time limit was 1 minute, which I'm certain can be done even though I went a bit over a minute in my solution.

OMG 9 - We all float down part two The only difference here from the original is an added trap before the exit, which might not seem much but it does increase the difficulty significantly. This means you can't just assign floaters freely anytime you like. Instead, you must sync lemmings as much as you can in small groups so as to minimize losses. I would raise the trap a bit to make it more visible though! I didn't even notice it until I saw lemmings getting killed out of nowhere!

OMG 10 - Sky walkway Hard level due to the very limited skillset and a very tight 1 minute time limit. This is definitely worthy of the OMG rank! Probably even borderline Mayhem difficulty.

OMG 11 - Let's turn around part three Another turn around level in the series but is significantly harder than any of the previous iterations. This one took me some time, especially as for a while I kept thinking to make those builders to raise a wall high enough to turn the other top entrance lemmings around floaters when you actually don't have enough along with all of the bottom entrance. At the same time, it's possible to make a splatform for them when they drop from the top of the level, which is what I did in my solution, meaning I didn't have to use the floaters. There's more than enough builders to make both the wall and splatform.

OMG 12 - In and out station Finally, the first unique level of the rank! This was much harder than I thought it would be. A lot of the time I thought I had the level solved but then later realized that I haven't, as then lemmings could enter the bottom teleporter coming from the right and hence pop out in the wrong direction from the receiver at the top right. I don't know if there are easier solutions than the one I found, though. I want to say that I did indeed overcomplicate the solution. However, if there isn't really too much other ways to do the level, then this could definitely qualify as a Mayhem difficulty level instead.

OMG 13 - Temple tempest Back to another repeat. Another hard level that would probably work better as a level later in the rank, as this fits late Taxing better. Pretty close to early Mayhem difficulty possibly. It was not easy to decide which entrance to give the floater to. There's also plenty of approaches that might appear to work but actually don't. It was hard to see to build twice for the splatform for the left entrance and then carry the rest of the solution from there. There was definitely some worry about whether that would be fast enough to rescue the right entrance later on. Overall, nice challenging level!

OMG 14 - Tightropes road Back to another unique level. Bit easier than the previous level, although the hardest part to do here is to turn two lemmings to go out to the left to do the work and prepare the route for the rest who take a detour. I believe the builder turnaround is an absolute must here, so doing that with the very limited amount of builders is difficult. Also getting someone up enough ahead to seal off the tiny gap before the pole on from the right, but all it takes is just one builder brick.

OMG 15 - Hall of Flames Nice wordplay in the title. Not as hard as I thought, as long as you're aware of hitting steel to turn lemming around. The only other hard part is bashing through before any one turns around back to the left. I think this is a unique level too, but I'm not sure.

OMG 16 - Deep grave maze OMG Nice repeat with miners as the only digging destructive skill. Certainly not as tedious as using digger/basher staircases

OMG 17 - Rooftop Balcony One of my favorites of the rank! :thumbsup: Unlike the original, you don't have anywhere near enough builders to make a splatform AND to get high enough over the wall at the bottom. I really like the solution of making the path through the bottom with the two worker lemmings here. The hardest part here was to contain the crowd to keep everyone safe before all that. Nicely done here :)

OMG 18 - Lemmings bashing race Another great level where you absolutely have to multi-task due to the time limit. I'm sure I could had saved even more time by maybe building to get over the first wall in the middle area though.

OMG 19 - Follow arrow and flames Well, I certainly didn't really do what the title says to do. I think I might had backrouted this :P

OMG 20 - Secret of the sand castle Not a hard level at all, as it's obvious what needs to be done, but just finishing on time is the main difficulty. Nice level here!

OMG 21 - Go miner to X marks spot First unique level in a long string of them until the rank finisher, which is a repeat. Typical bounce the miner off with blockers multiple times. The really hard part is just coming out at the right spot, as too far on either side and they'll get scorched by the flamthrowers instead, similar to "Feel the heat" from L1.

OMG 22 - Speed building scenario Hard one, as the builders are quite limited despite looking plentiful. It's not easy to determine whether or not to use another builder to turn back to the right for those who hit their heads and turn back to the left. Seems setting the right RR is the most critical in this level in order to get the right spacing and to finish on time. In a way kind of reminds me of that one LP1 level

OMG 23 - The strange land I think only the left exit is possible on this version. The rank finisher is the repeat of this level with a different skillset but is very clear that only the right exit is possible on that one. Somewhat hard here, with probably the hardest part containing the right-most entrance and so that climbers don't go out to the right. This level with miners as the only digging destructive skill.

OMG 24 - Lemmings crazy expressline one Another favorite of mine! :thumbsup: I really love how the solution all comes together and with one lemming climbing out to the right to prepare the gaps and bash through the pole and the last lemming in the tail end to take a different path to go through the OWW to make a path for the others that will go through it and then he prepares the two gaps before where the athlete drops. Definitely reminds me of Crazy 4 from ONML, as it's a similar concept, except here you don't start with a 99RR and instead must manually max it out at the right time in order for the solution to work out. Well done! :)

OMG 25 - Criss cross lemming limbo Not as hard as I thought but still challenging. There's probably easier ways to do the level than the way I did it though. Here I relied on the crowd landing on the very tip of the star terrain at the bottom in order to survive, as they would splat otherwise if they don't land on top of the tip. The digger isn't the problem, as he's low enough when he transitions into a faller after digging out the terrain to survive.

OMG 26 - Two different worlds part one Very nice open-ended level where you're free to carve out any solution. The left half is definitely harder than the right half, although the bottom left is probably the hardest to rescue, at least without help from the top left.

OMG 27 - Castle of flagpoles Hard level. Due to the very limited skillset, it was not easy to figure out the most efficient route. There's also some nuisances, such as bashers stopping because they don't have any floor underneath them. Even then, this is quite a nice level, and it would be even better by making the hidden traps visible! I never had the problem of getting killed by them, but CPM renders hidden traps pointless any way :P Not to mention that it's generally frowned upon by the NL community, where the philosophy is to not hide traps.

OMG 28 - This is your destiny Bit easier than the previous level, but once again is still challenging. In particular, getting the top entrance down safely was the most difficult. Seems a bit heavy on the precision side there. The platforms above the exit definitely give "Save me" vibes :laugh:

OMG 29 - Fix road quickly A bit too fiddly for my liking. Then again, I did have three builders to spare in the end, so I didn't have to be too precise when building over the trap before the exit. Not sure if there's a way to contain the right entrance as well in order to make things easier.

OMG 30 - Strange land part two Finishing off the rank ends a long string of 9 unique levels in a row with a repeat. As mentioned earlier, it's clear only the right exit is possible here, as you do not have enough builders for the gaps to the left exit. This is definitely worthy of the position of being the last level of the rank, as this is quite difficult. I don't know if it's intended to get to the exit from the left side or to bash underneath and build and time to block to turn him to reach the exit from the right side. Overall, nice level to finish off the OMG rank.

I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the WTF rank now, as the OMG rank has been the most interesting despite all the repeats! :thumbsup: At least this time they were challenging in some way and have far more interesting solutions very different from the original and maybe the first repeat or so. Once again, I'm continuing to enjoy the pack a lot, even more after the OMG rank.

@WillLem - Nice, seems coincidental that we started playing the pack around the same time. Maybe my LP got you to play the pack? :laugh: Just one thing I will add to your post is that this is a classic 8 skills pack, which is sure to be to pretty much everyone's liking here, particularly those who are Superlemmini fans. At least that has been true for the 95 levels of the pack I have played, and so I'm sure this won't be changing with any of the remaining levels not sticking to the classic 8 skills. There are levels that use NL objects though, in particular there are a few levels that use teleporters.

Good luck with the rest of the pack. You're more than welcome to reference my replays/LP for hints if you need any on levels you might get stuck on, but I doubt that won't be necessary, as I have the utmost confidence that you can handle these levels just fine, given that you managed the first two ranks without problems! :)
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: WillLem on November 29, 2022, 03:42:15 AM
Quote from: kaywhyn on November 28, 2022, 08:40:13 AM
Even though a lot of the levels are repeats and we don't encounter the first unique level of the rank until level 12, I must say this time the repeats are way more interesting and really great challenges! :thumbsup:

Yeah, the pack does have a lot of repeat levels. In fairness though, I think in most cases talismans wouldn't be suitable, since there are significant variations in things like skillset and lem counts between most of the repeats, from what I've seen. Some of them could be given talismans though, for sure.

Ultimately, though, I'm guessing Master88 likes the idea of making an L1-style pack with repeats, and it certainly delivers as far as that's concerned! :lemcat:

Quote from: kaywhyn on November 28, 2022, 08:40:13 AM
@WillLem - Nice, seems coincidental that we started playing the pack around the same time. Maybe my LP got you to play the pack? :laugh:

I didn't realise you'd done an LP for this, tbh! I'll give it a look after I've had a go myself, since this pack seems within my difficulty level so far.

Quote from: kaywhyn on November 28, 2022, 08:40:13 AM
Good luck with the rest of the pack. You're more than welcome to reference my replays/LP for hints if you need any on levels you might get stuck on, but I doubt that won't be necessary, as I have the utmost confidence that you can handle these levels just fine, given that you managed the first two ranks without problems! :)

Thanks for this, I'll keep going with it and try not to use hints as much as possible ;P

I'm usually not one to be too proud to seek help where needed, but I'm actually still stuck on Lemmings Plus III because I really want to be able to do the whole of that without hints. There are a few levels which have just stopped my progress. I'll come back to them at some point.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on November 30, 2022, 10:10:22 AM
WTF rank completed and hence I have solved all of the pack. My entire replay collection is attached.

WTF Rand Feedback

Being the final rank of the pack, the hardest levels that Master88 made are supposedly all here. Just like all the previous ranks, there are a lot of repeats here and only a small handful of unique levels. So, I think the OMG rank actually has the highest amount of unique levels and IMO the best rank of the pack, though there were still some true gems in the WTF rank too. Some weren't to my liking because some being too fiddly or way too much rapid fire skill assignments in a very short amount of time that the level practically has to be done while paused, which IMO disrupts the natural flow of gameplay. Not to mention that some of the ideas have been very overdone to death by this point in my Lemmings solving career, such as basher/digger and basher staircases, though the level which you do the latter requires it so many times that honestly it wasn't that much fun for me to play, though there was the satisfaction of being very quick with it to beat the very tight time limit.


WTF 1 - Deep grave maze WTF Yea, I've seen the digger/basher staircase way too many times in the custom level scene now, so not an interesting level by any means to start off the rank. This was just very boring to play too, as it requires it so many times.

WTF 2 - Builds to victory part three Another pointless repeat of the level, as it's the exact same solution minus the compression in order to finish on time.

WTF 3 - This is plan B Same thing with the builder/miner staircase, seen this way too many times in the custom levels scene as well. However, I was a dummy here in that I originally tried coming from the left before realizing that it's much easier to do it coming from the right :XD:

WTF 4 - Just a minute falling down 2 Reminds me very much of a Mobilems level on the Lemmini version in the final "extra" rank. This is practically use the "Perseverance" solution of L1 but you have to be fast as time is very tight. I checked your solution after solving this on my own, and very different. However, I did realize that one could cancel the builders to speed up the solution and hence I could had saved some time by doing that rather than finish as the clock runs out exactly.

WTF 5 - Metal Ark Not a special level in any way, though it is the first unique level of the rank. The hardest part was rescuing the left hatch, though it seems I didn't place one of the miners as carefully as in your solution so that one miner is enough to release the left entrance. Instead, I relied on timing to get someone from the right side to mine and destroy more of the wall so that I could release said entrance.

WTF 6 - Lightning speed techniques A very hard level because of the precision needed and speed to rescue both hatches before you lose someone, as you cannot allow anyone to go splat due to needing to save everyone. For a very long time, I kept thinking that both floaters need to be on the left hatch, but it turns out the level is impossible to solve if you do this. So, both floaters come from the right instead. Also it's not easy to figure out the minimum amount of builders needed to rescue the left hatch so that you have enough to build to the exit with the right entrance while also making sure no non-floater drops off the staircase. A very nice level, but honestly I wasn't much of a fan due to the rapid fire skill assignments. Then again, I checked against your solution after solving, and turns out I overcomplicated the solution. Big surprise there... not really :XD:

WTF 7 - Palace of Dark showdown Nice final appearance of the level in the pack, although this has appeared way too many times by this point. I especially like the digger pit that must be made with a lemming facing the right so that you don't accidentally release the crowd when stopping the digger with a builder.

WTF 8 - Orbit platforms A bit harder than the original due to having a smaller skillset, though still not very hard since there's still a lot available. Can pretty much be considered a breather. I later realized it's easier to get up from the right side instead of the left like I did. Oh well :laugh:

WTF 9 - Lemmings super hard acrobatics Another very hard level for me, and certainly the hardest version out of any other early version of the level. My solution is very different from yours. Getting everyone down safely was hard and getting up through the structure in the middle at the bottom were hard to figure out. Time is also tight here, though not super tight.

WTF 10 - Teleportation lemmings One of my favorites of the rank, so I'm in agreement with Turrican here. It was a great fun challenge to figure out how to keep everyone safe without using a builder, as you have enough builders to just use them to build to the exit. Nicely done here! :thumbsup:

WTF 11 - Night crawles onto web Very hard level, so yet another thing I'm in agreement with Turrican on. I use the very obscure basher/blocker trick, and as it turns out it's not required at all. Instead, I missed that one spot on the far right side where it's possible to mine through two walls with just one skill :forehead: That would had made it easier for me, but nope, I always kept coming up a skill short. Instead, the obscure trick allowed me to get through three things, two walls and then punch a hole to get to the exit all at once ;)

WTF 12 - 4th Saga WTF The final appearance of the level, this level at least showed me that it's not necessary to turn a lemming around like I did in earlier versions to make a splatform for the upper entrances. Nice use of delays to keep them safe until the bottom lemmings have built across the gaps. Even after figuring out the solution, the main challenge is finishing on time due to the tight time limit. Fortunately, not much walking needs to be done, so it's not too big of a problem.

WTF 13 - Perfect turning scenario More or less the same as the original, except there's only 1/6 the amount of lemmings and you need to save everyone. Luckily, you have enough to turn everyone around by building and mining to hit steel and then a lot of extra to stall so that the teleporter doesn't overload. I tried to do the same on the original so that I could either save everyone or as much as I could, but I gave up after a while because I think I would had became frustrated eventually.

WTF 14 - Trap shaft Second unique level of the pack. Another breather level, though that's because it's possible to get up on either side and then careful use of the destructive skills to come up from below to reach the exit. These solutions are easily blockable with either more steel or OWAs pointing in the "wrong" direction so that you can't bash through.

WTF 15 - Castle maze Ah, this was another hard level and gave me a lot of problems just like the original. Once again, my solution is very different from yours but I had more miners available to stall the others so that the teleporter doesn't overload. However, turns out I completely missed those who do go out the wrong way in the teleporter can actually free themselves later :forehead: No wonder I had so much trouble even though I initially had the right idea to go through all gaps at the bottom. Also not realizing the excessive miners are for stalling for a very long time. I kept using them to tank on steel to turn which I guess is technically stalling as well but the wrong kind for this level.

WTF 16 - Teleportation lemmings part two Not an exact repeat of WTF 10 and the original due to layout changes, but it's clear it's based on the same idea. This time, the use of the far right teleporter is enforced. The only hard part is figuring out that the RR needs to be maxed so that the teleporter in the starting area overloads to allow the second one to turn back to the left and build to the exit while everyone else takes the very long detour. So, this one was a quick solve and easy IMO.

WTF 17 - Factory of fears Nice unique level here, with the only hard part timing the climbers to block to turn the builder three times. Also, one must be careful with the amount of bombers used, as the first time I used too many and hence fell short of the requirement. So really, do the top middle efficiently and it shouldn't be a problem. Also, I would reduce the amount of lemmings here, as assigning the climber skill 40 times is just too excessive IMO. It would be a much better level this way.

WTF 18 - Speed staircase scenario As mentioned before, the basher staircase idea has been overdone to death in the custom levels scene, and so this level isn't interesting to me in any way. This level requires it way too many times for my liking. The same idea can be done with a shorter wall. It was satisfying to beat the very tight clock, but yea, this isn't anything too special, at least for me.

WTF 19 - Lightning speed lemming express At first, I thought the solution would be the exact same as the original and hence would be another pointless repeat. Turns out the solution is slightly different in that the crowd cannot go through the OWW due to the much tighter time limit. Definitely still has the Crazy 4 vibe here. This would probably be the better one to leave in the pack, though both this and the original are great.

WTF 20 - Miners in hellsfire The only difference from the original is that the blockers have been replaced with miners, meaning you just have to cancel the miner each time with another one, which is a bit harder to pull off due to how very precise it is. I don't understand why you're allowed up to 10 losses though. If anything, it's very easy to lose just 1 and as Turrican has shown a save all is possible, though I kind of suspected it is, I just didn't think about going for it here

WTF 21 - Two different worlds part two Another favorite of mine of the pack! :thumbsup: As mentioned before, I love builderless levels, and just like the original, the left half is harder than the right half. Because you don't have climbers or builders, the only way to get up the level is to use the terrain. Nice to know there's still multiple ways to do either half, though you still have to be very careful on the digging destructive skills, as they might seem abundant but run out surprisingly fast. Again, I really enjoyed this level and the original!

WTF 22 - Its all matter how you succeed Definitely harder than the original, though I initially tried some messy stuff that looked like the solution was going to be annoying and fiddly to do, but turns out there's a much easier way by containing the crowd and sending out climbers as necessary to bomb and build over each gap. This definitely reminds me of a LPI level where you do something similar on the repeat, I think?

WTF 23 - The Gunship Showdown The final appearance of the level, though once again pretty much the core of the level's still the same, just the way to get down safely without the aid of blockers to hold the crowd back. As such, definitely the hardest version of the level. Even then, I'm sure there's still multiple ways to do the level, such as building to get over the top and using the far right of the level to get down and still have enough builders for the level.

WTF 24 - Lemmings bashing race part two This level has appeared more than once before, though one of them is more of a remake of the original due to layout differences. This is quite a great one and very satisfying to beat the clock. My route is different from your solution, and it seems that I dismissed going out to the right on the starting platform too quickly as impossible due to the time limit :forehead: It's quite pixel precise to make the splatform for the crowd anyway, as you pretty much have to build at the right spot and also make sure no raised bump is left after bashing through the wall to the left. Still, this is a great level and I like it a lot.

WTF 25 - Temple of rotations Another great level! :thumbsup: The hardest part to figure out was how to go over the top in order to destroy the final OWW before the exit. My solution is very different from yours, mostly due to going for a save all which fortunately is possible but uses up all the builders. Here, I failed to realize to use more stalling so that no lemmings go out the receivers in the wrong direction, and instead I made turnaround points to avoid going into the traps in case they do. Again, great level.

WTF 26 - The bash controll Not a bad level, but the quality suffers significantly due to the many hidden traps. Most of the NL community will tell you to make the traps visible, as hiding them otherwise with absolutely no indication as to where they are without turning on CPM is frowned upon and considered unfair design. In addition, CPM renders hidden traps pointless, as one click and all is revealed :-[ Once again, my solution is different, and I was fortunate that the climbers were sufficiently spaced so that the other one turns around to bash through the first OWW. Personally, I would replace the shredders with the acid pits and make open windows so you know where they are. 

WTF 27 - All in one group I thought this was going to be quite a challenging one, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Again, my solution is very different from yours and is even the most saved possible, which is lose 1. It does require that the lemmings be sent out as climbers at the right time though.

WTF 28 - Lemmings Expressline Trinity Definitely a backroute I found here, as I do not build over each gap at the bottom :P As I thought, the intention is indeed to use a builder per gap, but I didn't want to bother due to what I thought was going to take a while and fiddly solution. Instead, I resorted to a builder wall to contain the crowd instead of keep the crowd moving :P Seems like the only way to enforce the intended solution is to make several of the builders pickups ;)

WTF 29 - The Frozen inferno Good challenging level where you first need to deal with the splat hatches and once you do so then you're pretty much free to carve out your own solution while making sure to be careful to not run out of skills.

WTF 30 - Lemmings Revolution Yet another nice challenging level, though honestly I'm not a big fan of the music track here :P It made it quite difficult to focus on getting the level solved, especially the scatting vocals. I think my first several attempts I made it impossible to get the non-climbers up to the exit, as I didn't have enough of the right skills to do so. However, once I adjusted how I did the beginning and some skills around the middle area, then I had better success. Definitely a very nice final feeling kind of level here to finish off a great pack!   

Now that I've gotten through the entire pack, my assessment of the classified difficulty of Easy-Hard still stands. Some levels are much harder than the surrounding ones in each of the ranks, but for the most part the difficulty averages out to be Hard on the high end. In any case, I enjoyed the pack, especially once I got into the OMG rank. Before that point, the pack wasn't much trouble but it's still no pushover. Thank you for this pack that uses only the classic 8 skills, and I will look forward to trying your other two level packs at some point :thumbsup: Hope you're enjoying my LP as well! ;)
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 17, 2023, 07:50:00 PM
I see this topic until now. Im just forget check out 2 years old topics, my fault, too much progress around. But yeah kaywhyn (im not will write his name wrong in future, that was just my bad mistake) told me about this.

Thanks played my levels and hope you are enjoy.

Yeah this my first pack was pretty classic. Its used only orginal lemmings skills and that was also my first custom pack i ever maded. So i did a lot tech errors in levels. I just become better lemmings builders my 2nd and 3rd packs. How ever this my 1st pack includes some my best boards ever. I remastered some my 3rd pack.

Hope you will enjoy to play my progress.

kaywhyn told me about my system name levels are different. I personally not are got negative crtici about this before. Its seems its really piss of kaywhyn. He did a lot own time job fixed levels match his style. IMO my system list levels are even easier to read than others. I am personally got that more useful. How ever its different than most othres ones here.

But im not want make peoples mad about this. I´ll fix things, if this really piss of most of players. I´ll just personally find this even easier than normal system, because used numerous. Just can very quickly check out replay. Sometimes i have to spend times when i play other gamers pack and i´ll forget level name, but not level number. I think my system list levels are faster and better IMO.

How ever we are here all different persons. We have different styles make things and etc..... Im not want caused high pressures anyone or painful progress. I personally like my style organize levels.

How ever i am planned check out my all packs in future and fix grapchi errors and etc... little things. So just have to ask your guys. Is this my style list levels just that horrible like kaywhyn told me??? Or is he/she only person who got pissed off this?
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on June 18, 2023, 12:10:31 AM
Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 17, 2023, 07:50:00 PM
How ever i am planned check out my all packs in future and fix grapchi errors and etc... little things. So just have to ask your guys. Is this my style list levels just that horrible like kaywhyn told me??? Or is he/she only person who got pissed off this?

Ok, sadly you completely misunderstood me. I never said that about your naming scheme with your levels at all. The way you named your .nxlv files is fine. As a matter of fact, some others have named their files this way, and as you have accurately stated the advantage here is that you can quickly see at a glance what position a particular level is in. I used this naming scheme myself when I did some level pack conversions for SuperLemmini. So, no, this is not the problem I have.

Rather, the issue for me is how the game presents your pack. When I'm LPing other people's level packs, keep in mind it's your level pack I'm showing off. I want to show off his/her pack in the best way possible. The way you have it, the preview screen before you click to enter the level is a bit too cluttered IMO, even though it's only a few extra words before both the level title (top line) and the rank name (line below it). The way I have it, it takes those words out so that, eg, the game just shows LOL 1 in the second line, while the top line shows Safety Drop, which IMO looks better. In addition, I can tell at a glance that Safety Drop is the first level of the LOL rank, so therefore having Level 01 before Safety Drop in the title in the game is redundant.

However, what I didn't know at the time is that what really matters is what's in Notepad, because that determines how the rank name and level title is displayed in the game. So really, to get only the level title, you just need to open each level in Notepad and take out "level" and the number before each title and then save it. You can leave the .nxlv files themselves the way you named them. It'll still take a lot of time, but even this drastically cuts down the time to do it considerably. Then you just need to write up the levels.nxmi file properly so that it shows the condensed top two lines in the game.

As for this level pack, I definitely enjoyed the final two ranks. The main problem I had was how there were so many repeats of the same level throughout the pack, though that definitely got way less and better as you got farther in the pack. By this, I mean how there were plenty with 3 or even 4 versions of the same level. Now, I understand this might be your way of making levels, but at least for me, a lot of the repeats here were unnecessary, especially as I recall a lot of them I could use the same solution to a later repeat as I did with an earlier version of the level. They also start long before you reach the end of the first rank. At the same time, this is your first level pack and as you said you were just learning at the time. So, maybe you avoided doing the same with your future packs with so many repeats.

If there aren't any or many repeats in your later packs, then I will definitely look forward to those. It'll be a while before I even get to them, but eventually at some point I will play them.   
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 18, 2023, 12:40:33 AM
QuoteAs for this level pack, I definitely enjoyed the final two ranks. The main problem I had was how there were so many repeats of the same level throughout the pack, though that definitely got way less and better as you got farther in the pack. By this, I mean how there were plenty with 3 or even 4 versions of the same level.

Yes i did this my first and thats definitely not was my best idea. I´ll still used 2 levels strategy in same boards in future. That my intention. Its make peoples familiar easier version level. For Example Cranium pack i played. There is some very unknow and insane hard levels in Chaos.  For example i have to test those leves my neolemmix editor & used test lemmings and look how levels actual works. So that reason i´ll usualluy make 2 same type level (1st is much easier). My First pack was quite crap. Its just contains 4 same type levels. Its way too much. That was my first pack and yeah its not my best. How ever i´ll still keep my 2 levels strategy in future. I´ll also plan levels avarage skills players. I´personally like Plus 1 pack (Namida) Its contains easy versions and goes harder.

Making some very hard levels plans i´ll forget to sleep. Some hardest levels take 8-12 hours to build and plan. Compared that entire pack its take 100 hours. Thats take a lot time.

How ever Cranium Pack is one best entire site IMO. But no remake levels make it really hard got meet some new levels. I´ll agree 4 remakses is too much. So that my amateur work. Its just my first pack and its not greates. I´ll still keep rules make 2 same boards. Because fisrt one (easier) will you will help you in future.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 18, 2023, 01:17:25 AM
All about my Retro pack. Those boards are familiar. Im not recommend that your first pack. Because its quite hard. Some levels at end are very hard even with lemmings experts.

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on June 18, 2023, 04:00:00 AM
Ok, I'm glad that we were able to sort things out :thumbsup: I forgive you, but really just a reminder to be careful how you write your posts, because if you're not careful you can unintentionally offend someone with it. For example, I know your post when you asked for your channel to be added to the OP in the pause free challenge came off as rude to both Proxima and WillLem.

Also regarding Cranium, I was unaware that Crane took down the pack due to a negative word you used, since I was in a gaming session at the time. Let me tell you, I and several others really had to convince Crane to have his pack restored, but it was also very stressful dealing with his emotional being. I did defend you by telling Crane to keep in mind that MASTER-88 doesn't know you (Crane) as well as some of us do and that something like that would upset him, but now that I'm seeing your post in that level pack topic yes I do agree that it was a bit mean of you to say that about Crane, even though we know you meant well since you were employing black comedy, aka, dark humor. I myself am a dark humor kind of person like you, but I always take care with what I write. Luckily, the pack is back, but yea, I and some others really needed to put some sense into Crane to get it restored.

Again, as a reminder I don't mind the swearing, as long as it isn't directed at me. It just came off as rude to me because it felt like you directed the profanity at me even though you were criticizing what appeared to you as a messier way of organizing a pack. It was really just me giving you an example of how to write a levels.nxmi file.

In any case, you don't have to do it right away with your second and third level packs, since I did say it'll be a while before I even get around to playing them. Remember, to me presentation is important, and my intention is that whenever I play someone's pack on video I like to present them in the best way possible by showing them off in a way that looks great.

Quote from: MASTER-88 on June 18, 2023, 12:40:33 AM
Yes i did this my first and thats definitely not was my best idea. My First pack was quite crap. Its just contains 4 same type levels. Its way too much. That was my first pack and yeah its not my best.

Ok, good to know we're in agreement here about the repeats were completely overdone to death where there are 4 or 5 versions of the same level. However, I disagree about your first level pack being crap. I know it's your personal opinion about your own pack, but honestly your first level pack isn't all bad. It did at least get a lot better in the final two ranks, because those were done really well IMO :thumbsup: Not only were repeats almost done away with completely, they at least had solutions where you couldn't use them in the original version, and this is what makes a repeat worth it IMO. The unique levels themselves in the final two ranks were great for the most part as well ;)

How ever i´ll still keep my 2 levels strategy in future.

Ok, I have something to look forward to even more then :thumbsup: I would had preferred if every level was original, but this is fine too if they weren't done to the extent of your first pack. L1 did this with repeats, so it's fine if you use this method for your packs. Also if the pack is huge, it can be very hard to come up with completely unique levels for the entire thing, so some designers use repeats to fill in slots, especially if it is a really interesting solution they found that can't be used on the original version.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: MASTER-88 on June 18, 2023, 09:20:06 AM
No problems. Also Crane is my friend and awesome guy. That he got his pack down to while was mostly i got find way too much backroutes and he not liked it. I also ask sorry about Crane and we discuss a lot PM and ask him return his pack. Yes i was little bit rude about Crane. That was just my Sarcasm humor. And yes im ask that sorry and we are very okay now. :thumbsup: That definitely not my intention make offense anyone.

Im not want bad feelings anyone here. But my bad english skills make me sometimes hear more rude than i intended. My humor is also very saracasm. Yes i´ll know all peoples not like my humor and all peoples not understand sarcasm.

We persons in lemmings forum are differents. We make levels and most very talented players are very painstaking. We will need that skills make lemmings. We have to look everythings. We don´t want pass too much backroutes, so we have to be nitpicking and careful. I am also nitpicking myself. But just only making levels. I´ll still usually used humors when i dying something. So i am quite relax man myself.

kaywhyn you are right all about this. I have to be more friendly and make some less sarcams in future. My intention is not offense peoples. I´ll like you guys. Sorry about bad humors or things i hear way too rude or somethings. How ever english is not my native language and sometimes my style talk about is pretty rude. its  just because english ei not my native. If we speak my own laguage, i´ll definitely sounds less rude.

Hey no trouble. Just keep fun. And thanks your information kaywhyn

Im not want make bad feelings anyone. Hope you enjoy to play and plan. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 orginal lemmings levels (UPDATE 20.12.21)
Post by: kaywhyn on June 19, 2023, 07:15:05 AM
Hey MASTER-88, no problem at all and no sweat. I accept your apology. I'm just glad that we can get along and that we cleared up what was a misunderstanding. I hope you continue to enjoy watching my LP whenever you are able to find some time :) And yea, I don't know any Finnish at all and therefore won't be able to communicate with you in your native tongue :laugh: The only other languages besides English I know are Vietnamese, Spanish, and a little bit of French. 
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 17.7.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on July 17, 2023, 01:19:55 AM
V-1:02 is done. Its like a lot massive graphic improvement. But also add a lot unique levels and remove some pointless remakes. List about levels/level list. Fix things
Also ADDED LOGO. But this is quite crap. But this pack already not have any logos. So i at least add some LOGO.

Like i did my custom +2 pack i fix all level graphics a lot better looking (water levels balances) arrow balances and etc..... 1:02 version includes a lot less remake levels, some very unique levels and few amiga classic levels. Also make this little bit harder than 1:01 version. This is still easiest my custom level packs. Like old version this use orginal skills only. There is no buttons, neutral lemmings, zombies.

Other changes about levels
Step 1 LOL
Level 05 Build for Victory (making harder) This is actually level 24 my orginal pack. I removed pontiless remake
Level 11 Clockwise around (unique level) Remake level will be Step 4 level 2
Level 12 Skybase One (50 lemmings with this time) I also removed everysingle remakes expect last one.  Remake level will be Step 4 level 11. Its similar level as last time.
Level 14 King of the Hills (unique level) remake level will be Step 3 level 26
Level 18 Web Basher Challenge (higher completion-%) Removed diggers, added some floaters help
Level 22 Hearth of the earth (unique level) Remake level will be Step 3 level 24
Level 23 We all float down (okay this is now Step 1 mode level.) Its already Step 2 mode
Level 26 Bloody Wheels (unique level) Remake level will be step 3 level 10
Level 27 Broken Pier (this is easier version level Step 3 level 22 speedbuilding scenario)
Level 28 Climber Blast Furnace (this is easier version level Step 4 level 17 Factory of Fears)
Level 29 All is compression (backroutes fixed and level is also harder)
Level 30 Three skill one way (my 1st level my amiga pack) also very old Lemmini level.

Step 2 YOLO
Level 02: Stepping Stones Space station (that level 9 my orginal update)
Level 03: Prehistoric wasteland (name is changed, because i remove extra remake)
Level 07: Builder Master Lemmings (Unique level)
Level 09 Three path join with US (Unique level)
Level 10 Go Miner X Spot (this level was Step 3 level 21 last time)
Level 13 Icicle Mayhem (unique level)
Level 15 Cage 3 (little bit harder completion-%)
Level 17 Build UP (Techincally unique level. Its use same board as Step 4 level 18)
Level 20 Lemmings Expressline (that was Step 3 level 24 last time)
Level 21 All is compression part two (backroute fixed make this level harder)
Level 22 Two Different Worlds (that was Step 3 level 26 last time)
Level 25 GunShip Count down (fixed backroutes) Removed first version level, so this is little bit easier than last time. Just more builders.
Level 26 Safety Drop part two (2 more have to save make level harder)
Level 27 Quick visit in Dark Palace (20 seconds time. Few seconds less time because i removed broken talisman)
Level 28 in out and that order (you have save all lemmings with this time) make this little bit harder. Here is a lot skills to make it. Also added flags with teleports

Step 3 OMG
Level 05 Hall of Flames (that was level 15 last time.) Also now we have 80 lemmings.
Level 09 We all float down part two (removed broken talismans)
Level 07 Build for victory part two (That was Step 4 level 2 last time) Also name is changed, because i remove one pointless remake)
Level 10 Blood Sucker (unique level and also remake level Step 1 Level 26
Level 15 Defend succesfully (Unique level)
Level 21 Have a pain day (my 3rd level my Amiga pack) Its little bit easier here. Just 3 minutes time.
Level 24 Mother of Earth (unique level harder version Step 1 Level 22)
Level 26 Trouble times in hills (unique level harder version Step 1 level 14)
Level 30 Bash Controll (that was step 4 level 26 last time) Otherwise same level

Step 4 WTF
Level 02 Turn around scenario (unique level, also harder version Step 1 level 11)
Level 03 This is plan B (Much harder) One more have to save, less time and less error marginal
Level 04 Just a minutes falling down part two (Fixed backroutes)
Level 05 Metal Ark (few less skills)
Level 10 & 16 Teleportation lemmings 1 & 2 (added flags with teleports)
Level 14 Trap Shaft (fixed backroutes)
Level 18 Speedstaircase Scenario (remove broken talisman)
Level 20 Miners Hells Fire (Much harder with this time) Just less skills and higher completion-%. Also removed broken talisman.
Level 23 Gun ship showdown (fixed backroutes)
Level 26 Strange Land part two (that was step 3 level 30 last time)
Level 27 All in one group (fixed backroutes)
Level 28 Expressline Trinity (remove talisman)
Level 30 Lemming Revolution (Fixed backroutes) Also massive graphic improvement and fixed end text. There will be remaster version my 3rd pack Step 5 modes. Its little bit harder than my orginal version, because its includes buttons and less time. This level have level completion talisman and its name Revolution lemmings. its final level my 1st pack.

How ever here will be 4 remakes 4th saga levels. One per each difficulty and everytimes its goes harder. Just a lot less Dark Castle levels and webroad levels. Also removed all very similar type levels and replace many levels unique levels.

Im not add special music my 1st pack. Expect last level music is musicfactory, like last time.

Okay that was quite hard job. A lot graphical errors. So take while to fix all.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 17.7.23)
Post by: jkapp76 on July 17, 2023, 02:55:32 AM
I think this is the right name...
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 17.7.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on July 17, 2023, 09:53:08 AM
Yes its right name. And thanks again jkapp76. 8-) Added new logo and new link in mainpage. ;)

Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 17.7.23)
Post by: jkapp76 on July 17, 2023, 06:22:07 PM
Here is your latest pack updated to the proper standards.

I used my own tools to auto-convert most of this. I made a new tool to remove "Level **" from the beginning of every level as it already receives this name by the program.

I also included a version of this pack updated to work with the new Super Lemmix (SLX) as well. This is the version I am playing.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 17.7.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on July 17, 2023, 08:56:46 PM
Thanks. I´ll update those files in mainpage. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 18.7.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on July 28, 2023, 09:27:15 PM
Added new Superlemmings version File. Jkapp76 make little error and forget one level. I just figured out it myself. We are humans and errors happen. I am very thankfully jkapp76 are make so much progress with my pack and i am very thankfully. He is great man and awesome friend.
Title: Re: New Neolemmix pack is Ready 120 Levels (Difficulty: Easy-Hard) (UP 18.7.23)
Post by: MASTER-88 on August 15, 2023, 07:11:20 AM
Okay making modern version my 1st pack, but i also have fix a lot my RAW version, because i did some quite serious errors. Its look last time i accidentally post my 2nd best version. So its not contains all fixed things i listed before (how ever its contains most). Another reason. I was an idiot and forget make Step 1 Level 24. So its contains 119 levels. Okay new version build unique level board Step 1 level 24 (actually its my another Superlemmings Demo pack level which never are publish before. I also make harder remake with same level Step 3 level 16 and its replace another pointless remake (Deep Grave Maze)  Okay now we at least have 120 levels.

I did all fix things i list before. I also fix more things some very minor and some quite importants.

New 2 Versions are 1:02 B (RAW) Use orginal music (expect 2 last final level) and not use any backgrounds.
Another version are 1:02 C (Its colored/modern version) Every levels contains background graphic and also a lot special music. If you are loaded all my music zip i post before (my 2nd pack & 3rd pack). You will have all those new themes. I did this modern version all my 3 packs. I have just a lot waste time

New fix list. Make some levels harder and few backroute is also fixed.

Step 1 LOL
Level 28 Climber Blast Furnace (my previous update contains higher completion-%, but when i post wrong zip its not was here. Okay this thing is fixed. Also remove 25 floaters away and let 25 floaters to help.
Level 24 Castle Quest (okay builded this forget level so its unique board) So now we have 120 levels. This level remake will be Step 3 level 16.
Level 29 Its all compression (1 bomber) 2 bombers and builder make backroute possible. Its techincally break entire level idea. Also little bit higher completion-%

Step 2 YOLO
Level 03 Prehistoric wasteland. There was name error.
Level 15 Cage 3 (i already list more higher completion-% but i didn´t make it. Okay make it again and its maybe even more higher with this time. Cannot remember.
Level 18 Bash through ironplate part 3 (backroute fixed) I just notice there is way too small metal terrain which allow backroute.
Level 22 Two different worlds (you have save all) its not might are trouble.
Level 29 Just a minute falling down (trap terrain added) Its graphical more than practical. Not really affect replays i think

Step 3 OMG
Level 11 Lets turn around part two (i did some fix last time, but post wrong zip.) There is less builders. Even more less than my last intention. Cannot remember.
Level 16 Stair Complex (okay remake level Step 1 level 24. Its replace Deep Grave Maze remake level. This is techically unique level, because my Neolemmings demo pack never are publish.
Level 29 Fix Road Quickly (okay remove most bashers. This heavy amount bashere was my Lemmini level intention. That was actually old Lemmini level. Neolemmings system not really need those bashers.

Step 4 WTF
Have to make those fix again Level 3 & 4. I list those things before, but posted wrong zip.
Level 14 Trap Shaft (okay more potential backroutes fixed. Added traps more balance and some terrain more balance. Not affect my inention solutions
Level 25 Temple of Rotations (This level is now harder. You have to save all. I just figured out with my current skill level its not was even too hard save all. Last version you was allowed lost one. How ever there is lot skills and game still let quite few remains when i replayed this.
Level 29 Frozen Inferno (added graphical traps) Snow burner traps here and there. Now this level look like Frozen inferno. Its not break my own replays. How ever its might break your replays or block some alterenate routes. This level look much cooler rightnow. At least when we add new freezing Backround.

I´ll remove my own broken zips. I´ll keep jkapp76 zip. How ever Step 1 Level 24 not was builded then and i also figured out jkapp76 was forget list two levels Step 2. Last time. How ever 117 levels was listed jkapp76 list. If jkapp76 want add some new levels later. I´ll keep this zip up in maingpage.

I´ll hope i was careful enought with this time. I check out my RAW and Modern version replays through twice (4 times total) Luckily this pack is pretty short compared my later packs.