Lemmings Forums

NeoLemmix => NeoLemmix Styles => Topic started by: namida on July 10, 2021, 09:44:43 PM

Title: Style updates topic
Post by: namida on July 10, 2021, 09:44:43 PM
Please post in this topic any time you make an update to a style, or release a new style, that you would like added / updated in NeoLemmix's style manager. This may include re-posting if you believe an update request was overlooked. Please do not post in this topic for ANY other reason - it WILL be deleted.

Please note that styles you submit to this topic:
1. Should have the download as an attachment, or a link to a post where they are provided as an attachment. I would prefer you avoid Google Drive / etc links - had too many issues with these getting mixed up, resulting in out-of-date versions of styles ending up in the Style Manager.
2. Should contain the FULL style, not just the changes since the last version.
3. Styles that consist solely of large AI-generated images that are not useful as pieces in a style, will be declined. To avoid doubt, you may use AI in your styles, but it still ultimately needs to be a NeoLemmix style, not just a collection of AI images shoehorned into a NeoLemmix style. (Existing pieces in existing such styles from before this rule was added, are grandfathered and will not be removed due to this rule; but updates to them will still be subject to this rule in regards to any new pieces added.)

This topic is here because the whole "who do I PM about it?" question has gotten too messy in the past with changes to who it actually is - having a topic removes the need for that. This topic should not be used for end-users to find style downloads - it is for administrative purposes.

It is also fine to post in this topic to let me know of someone else updating their style, if they themself have not posted here about it. You do not have to be the creator of a style to inform me of an update here.

Finally - do NOT rely on posts in this topic remaining here. I will generally delete them from time to time to keep the topic tidy. Remember - this topic is for notifying the NL staff that updates are necessary, nothing else.
Title: Re: Style updates topic
Post by: 92Dexter11 on February 23, 2025, 02:34:23 PM
Updated dex_brass:
Deprecated some terrain pieces and replaced them with an updated version.
Renamed some terrain pieces, and included an alias.nxmi

Updated dex_hoard:
The dragon exit and its locked variant have the above digits lowered when set to a finite number of lemmings allowed.

These changes shouldn't have any effect on any existing levels or replays. If there are any problems, please let me know immediately and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Style updates topic
Post by: namida on February 26, 2025, 07:55:22 PM
Updated to here.