Lemmings Forums

NeoLemmix => NeoLemmix Levels => Topic started by: GigaLem on December 25, 2020, 02:53:24 AM

Title: Festival Millas 2020 - Release Thread
Post by: GigaLem on December 25, 2020, 02:53:24 AM
This time before Christmas (at least in my timezone) its...

Featuring 4 (mostly 3) new sets, across not 32, not 40, but  55* new levels to play for the holiday season
*=56 but the last level is the credits level and the 4th new set is used for Oni level 18

This year the ranks are Themed after Kanji in DDR's Difficulty, Raku is the easiest to hop into featuring 10 levels to play through. Welcome Midnight Formosaga

The rank's level count rises as you go, Odori is were things get tricky, having 12 levels to tackle

Lets make things Heavy! Geki has 15 levels to Break Through, Welcome Clockwork Kishuya!

Demon's Puzzles Arise in this rank, Containing 18 levels (and 1 Credits level) featuring the pack's hardest levels yet! Welcome Lilac's Treehouse

Download for the Pack and the Graphic Sets (You'll need these both) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uxr9xuj0QoExuSshNm9_uK0S9QzJa1m8/view?usp=sharing)
Music Pack (Sorry that its kinda big) (https://mega.nz/file/s29mgAQA#P86q9fGntOtG6GNhW3YTwIld8Wx06gBWBoYvcMDAEcM)


Project Leader

Level Design

Graphic Sets


Special Thanks
Sabrina DiDuro
Ziyo Ling
Galaxy Trail
You for Playing

Music Credits

EDIT:Most Links are removed due to select channels being terminated
Dirty Androids
Broadway Walk
Egret and Willow
Midnight Lady

Trance Liquid
Of the first Magnitude

Euphoric Lagoon
Diamond Dust

Blueberry Stream
Tangerine Stream



Sota Fujimori
Beyond the Earth (Stardom Remix)

Soichi Terada
Wabi Sabi Wall - https://youtu.be/Uu5lQDiedM4

Naoto Tanaka, Akemi Kimura
Crash Site Ruins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr16U4zTzPQ

Andy Blyte, Marten Joustra
Arctic Antic - https://youtu.be/9NoYkYw8gHc

Nekomata Master
Tsukiyuki Ni Mau Hana No Youni - https://youtu.be/ufQWDmOO5vE
Esperanza - https://youtu.be/yrtaxFRxKP4

DJ Nagureo

Sayonara Heaven (Camelia NM Electro Remix) - https://youtu.be/Iwphf0qSoxg

Leilani Wilson , Sabrina "Spacey Stife" DiDuro
JC101a - https://soundcloud.com/leila-wilson-woofle/jc101a
Ancestral Forge Alpha - https://soundcloud.com/leila-wilson-woofle/af1na

Ryo Ohnuki
2.14.83 - https://youtu.be/MtVaqEnrJxA

Chris Stevens, Tim Clarke, Jan Paul Moorhead, Matt Furniss
Acorn Achimedes Lemmings Music for Beast I, II and Cavelem (no links provided but easy to find)

Vincent Ganatch

Title: Re: Festival Millas 2020 - Release Thread
Post by: Armani on January 06, 2021, 01:10:12 PM
First two rank solved!

I think this is the first time I play your level.
These tileset looks awesome!
I have some leftover skills for most of the levels.
I might have backrouted some of them or they are just open-ended.
My favourite level is Odori12, final level of the rank.

Replay attached :D

And I think you are very good at making levels featuring neutrals or/and zombies.
Why not make a level for level design contest? :P This time we have a rule that requires you to use both neutrals and zombies.
Title: Re: Festival Millas 2020 - Release Thread
Post by: Armani on January 07, 2021, 11:56:31 AM
Solved remaining levels.
There are so many nice levels is this batch :thumbsup:
And the difficulty of the last two rank is quite high.

Some comments on individual levels

Geki1 A Charitable Puppyhood Christmas Special : First level of the rank is already quite difficult but also very clever :thumbsup:
Geki5 Miracle on Ian Avenue : One of my favourite level of the rank. I have a climber left but I think I got the main trick of the level.
Geki7 All The Right Moves! : I have many skills leftover, still I love the trick on how to release the left crowd and use builder bridge to make some long shimmiers. Also this is my favourite level of the rank :thumbsup:
Geki9 The basement less visited : My solution to this one is very fiddly and heavily timing-based. I wonder if there's more elegant solution other than mine.
Geki10 Nativity Creativity : Dirty backroute :evil:
Geki12 Hauling cargo IN SPACE! : I'm normally not a huge fan of large button hunting levels but I must say I very much enjoyed this level :thumbsup:
Geki13 On the Fence : I guess this one is not intended? I think you can easily block my backroute by lowering splat pad a little bit.
Geki15 Alleyway Fortress : This seems not intended too. I don't use top part of the level at all.
Oni3 Send Us An Angel : I love this level very much! The level provide somewhat limited skill set but still it's challenging enough!
Oni4 Chaotic Neutral : This is also the level I very much enjoyed :thumbsup:
Oni7 A Year in ruin : My favourite level of the entire pack :thumbsup: And this one is pretty hard!
Oni8 A Christmas Carol Tea : Probably the hardest level of the pack! I would say the starting part is the hardest. I managed to solve the level quite quickly since I recently made a level using similar tricks. I was lucky ;P
Oni9 and Oni10 : Backroutes :evil:
Oni12 Friends of Varying Talents : I love the main idea of the level :thumbsup: I think I backrouted the level slightly, especially the swimmer part of the level.

Hopefully, I didn't break too many levels.
Title: Re: Festival Millas 2020 - Release Thread
Post by: GigaLem on January 08, 2021, 09:33:08 PM
I'll be happy to take a look at some of these replays in a bit, been on a bit of a break because my level making drive is low right now
QuoteGeki13 On the Fence : I guess this one is not intended? I think you can easily block my backroute by lowering splat pad a little bit.
by how many pixels might I ask?

I'll probably go over why I haven't been able to get started with fixes quite yet in another topic.
Title: Re: Festival Millas 2020 - Release Thread
Post by: kaywhyn on June 11, 2023, 09:40:51 AM
Hello Gigalem/Plom510/Nessy,

I have solved all of the pack and attached my replays. Also, I did an LP of it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJukWa3dz3YcGBfCLXD__tE4 (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJukWa3dz3YcGBfCLXD__tE4). Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

FM2020 is the third holiday pack in the series, after FM2018 and FM2019, both of which I've already played from a while back. According to the dates, I didn't start this one until well after a year I did FM2019. Hopefully it doesn't take me too long after to play through FM2021, but we shall see :laugh:

As usual, this pack contains levels by Gigalem, Plom510, and Nessy. The pack mostly starts off with levels from Plom510, but slowly gravitates towards mostly Gigalem levels near the end. There are also some levels here and there by Nessy, though nowhere near as much as either Gigalem or Plom510.

As stated in the OP, there are 56 levels, 55 main ones for the pack and one credits level thanking various people who contributed to the making of the pack. Even though I severely backrouted plenty of the levels, especially in the later ranks, I still enjoyed this pack very much :thumbsup: I definitely noticed the steeper increase in the difficulty in contrast to the previous two packs, though I found FM2018 more challenging than FM2019 even though they both have the same number of levels, 32. Then we go back to hard with FM2020, though this is justified due to having more levels than either of the previous two packs, 55.

The number of levels in the ranks are also unequal. The first rank of Raku has 10 levels, then Odori has 12, then Geku has 15, and finally Oni has 19 (18 main levels and the credits level).

The main gripe and criticism I have is that with some of the tilesets it is very easy to mistake solid terrain for background or vice versa. Don't get me wrong, the graphic sets are fantastic, but there's some things that aren't too discernible without turning on CPM or, in my case as I don't play with CPM in my LPs, without sending someone over there to see if it's actually solid or background. I originally thought it was due to the my old age and bad eyes, but no, they aren't as discernible in some cases. For example, in Raku 4, I mistook the bench for solid but it's actually background. Similarly, in the next level, I mistook the lamppost for solid but again it's background, and the different shading in the snow can easily be mistaken for either one. Finally, in Odori 7 I thought the square window pieces with the petals and the thin black lines was all solid, but in actuality the background sky filled in the rest of it. I'm wondering if the background isn't dark enough, though in this case it can't be too dark or it will blend in with the solid thin black lines. I think this is why Gigalem was planning an overhaul of the graphic sets to address these issues, but it all depends on when he can get to doing so.

Despite the potential for confusion with solid terrain with background or vice versa, I can still highly recommend others to give this pack a go! :thumbsup: It's definitely harder than either of the previous FM packs, especially in the final two ranks, but as you already know by this point I love hard levels in the game of Lemmings, as they're the type I like a lot.

Raku Rank Feedback

The first rank of the pack, these levels weren't too much trouble, and I don't think others will have many problems with them either. I will note that the first level might be a bit too precise. It's possible that I might had overcomplicated it, though. Also, I think the candle can easily be mistaken for solid because it doesn't appear to be background but it actually is.


Raku 1 - Pups Pup in the Kennel Nice level to start off the pack, but again the solution seems to require a bit too much precision. If you don't place the builder the instant the Milla turns around, you don't fence high enough to be able to platform and get over to the exit. This is bad, considering it's only the first level. Consider reducing the precision in this case ;)

Raku 2 - Sorting Area Definitely harder than the previous level but a great puzzle. The hardest part to figure out was how to manage the floater group from the glider group, but it turns out it was just a simple make the first floater a blocker to turn the other floaters around and release her after they do so so that the gliders follow the only floater who goes on ahead. The rest was easy after that.

Raku 3 - Jumping on Towers I really like the concept of digging at the top to release all the preassigned climbers at the bottom. I thought the building at the top is a bit too precise, but turns out it's not, as I had a builder to spare. So, I really made the second gap harder than it needed to be. Even though, there's still a lot of precision with the platformers. Also, some of the background snow can easily be mistaken for the darker white that's terrain.

Raku 4 - Water under the Bridge I like the fact it's a no constructives level. It's all about knowing where the shimmiers need to go in order to reach the exit. Again, already pointed out the problem with the bench and lamppost, and also potentially the different snow. Great level here otherwise!

Raku 5 - There's Snow Cones Probably the hardest level up to this point in the rank. The biggest problem was the splat pad where the right OWAs were. However, it seems you can easily avoid this problem with maxing out the RR early enough so that it doesn't become one. Still a great level, but yes again with the potential for confusing terrain with bg.

Raku 6 - Water with Snow Ice The hardest part was figuring out how to place the blockers to free them later, as well as how to get the worker isolated once coming back to the right to do the platforming work. Also with fencing through before anyone turns around, though in my case I forgot that you don't necessarily need to release both blockers with one well-placed basher :forehead: Great level here too.

Raku 7 - Quote "That's a Good Bridge" Looks hard due to the skillset but it wasn't too bad. It's not easy to figure out the best way to get through the bridge mentioned in the title. It looks great! :thumbsup: I do have to wonder if I made the solution harder than it needed to be, as I resorted to using a backwards miner to make a climber friendly wall near the exit. Maybe with better bomber placement it wouldn't be needed or isn't required at all. Another great level!

Raku 8 - One in a Pavilion Not easy to figure out the best way to get through the level. Now here's a good example of inconsistency, as the bright snow is now background here while in other levels, like Raku 4, it's solid. This definitely needs to be addressed and changed. If something is solid, it should stay solid rather than switch between that and bg in different levels. However, in this level, the snow is darker and not as bright as on Raku 4. In addition, there are two different snow colors and both are background here. That's potentially very confusing for players. Other than these issues, a fine level here.

Raku 9 - Try Try Again Another nice no constructives level. This wasn't a problem at all, though it still took some time to plan out how and when to send up the shimmiers to do different parts of the level.

Raku 10 - It's time for everyone to go home! Looks intimidating due to the many different specialist groups for the multiple entrances, along with the somewhat huge level size, but it wasn't that bad once I took things one at a time. It can otherwise be overwhelming when you have too many things to think about and juggle. Really nice level to finish off the rank! :thumbsup:

Odori Rank Feedback

The second rank of the pack, these levels are a little more challenging than the ones in the previous rank. Once again, I would have to say that the first level might be a bit too hard to begin the rank. Then again, I said that for all the rank starters of the pack :P Some great levels here too!


Odori 1 - Split the Shift I'm sure the blockers are for crowd control and to make the start easier, but I ran out of bashers, so I'm curious what they're for then ??? Good level, but IMO hard for its position as the first level of Odori due to the start. Seems to require a lot of precision in that area.

Odori 2 - Drop on by Another great no constructives level, though a bit too repetitive for my liking, especially with sending on the shimmiers over and the bombing that needs to be done. One is really precise. I really like the puzzle of figuring out how to avoid the trap near the exit. I also didn't notice the fillable gap with a stoner before the exit, though I think it doesn't help that the background dark part of the mountain is unfortunate to create that illusion effect of it looking there's no gap but there is.

Odori 3 - Milla Be Nimble, Milla Be Quick Bad backroute :evil: Another issue is that the plank near the bottom can be mistaken for solid but is actually bg. This is definitely a very prominent issue with the sets in this pack.

Odori 4 - Package Heat The only level that didn't have a music track assigned but I already reported it to Gigalem on Discord. This level isn't easy to figure out and certainly one of the harder ones. It was not easy to figure out how to get up the level efficiently. I'm sure my solution is backroute, as I don't use all pickups I collected. Great level nevertheless.

Odori 5 - Winter Boot Camp Excellent 1 Milla level which isn't too hard but it's not exactly trivial either. Once again, it's all about observing the route where the shimmier can go effectively around the level to reach the exit.

Odori 6 - Bathe and Switch Looks somewhat intimidating and challenging due to the size and needing to manage three separate groups, but a great level. There's still enough skills to carve out any solution you like, but you still need to be careful with them. Certainly the most challenging is figuring out how to get the neutral disarmers to the traps before the other groups, as well as the regular entrance group.

Odori 7 - Now all of Mabetu knows you're here! Not sure if the title is a reference to one of the first lines of the movie Mulan, with Mabetu replaced with China, or if it might be a quote uttered in the game itself for the graphic set. Probably the hardest of the rank. I was stuck here longer than I needed to be, though that's because it's quite a hard level, and I had a really hard time figuring out how to manage the neutrals and then get someone to build over the gap before the exit and and allow some neutrals to overtake her to disarm the traps before anyone gets killed. It was also not easy to figure out how to contain the crowd and release them later. The first gap you get to isn't easy to figure out how to do efficiently either. It took me a while to realize the slope in the window piece that you can use to come back to the left. Great level, though!

Odori 8 - Won't you be my neighbor? In contrast to the previous level, this was a complete breather. Nothing hard about this one at all. Also Gigalem seems to be a Mr. Rogers fan, as it was a show that used to be on PBS.

Odori 9 - Force Your Way The very first level by Nessy in this pack. Great one. The hardest to figure out was how to release the crowd so they can get underneath the huge steel wall and out the other side. Even then, it's not too hard of a level for the first one from Nessy, but it's still challenging enough to require thinking on how to solve.

Odori 10 - Garret Guiders Another hard but great one. Yet another level where all the regular Millas are sacrifices in order to make a path for all the neutrals. It was not easy to figure out how to collect the pickups and then the rest of the level, especially with figuring out how to get the neutrals down safely at the top. It's hard to see that the builders are used to make a splatform. You would think you can just use a bomber to do so and hence save up the builders, but the thing is it's only possible to send up 1 Milla to release the neutrals. Therefore, the only possibility is to make a splatform via the builders. Once you see this, the rest isn't that bad.

Odori 11 - Buddies without Bashers In contrast to the previous level, this one is easier. Didn't take too long to get it solved.

Odori 12 - Scramble them Workers! The huge size without a doubt makes the level look very intimidating and hard, but it's not too bad once you realize what you need to do. This is IMO the best level of the rank! :thumbsup: I realized the solution somewhat early with reasoning, but it still took several tries to get the timing correct and for the solution to all come together. Great trick with fencing the blockers free.

Geki Rank Feedback

The penultimate rank, these levels are a big jump in difficulty from the previous two ranks. These levels are sure to test anyone hard. As usual, some great levels in this rank!


Geki 1 - A Charitable Puppyhood Christmas Special Another hard level to start off a rank but a pretty good one. I found the beginning the hardest, as it wasn't easy to figure out how to keep everyone safe and contained while one goes on ahead to do the work. The part with the splat pad was right on the dot with the fall, as one more pixel and it would had been a splat fall. I think one more pixel up and no one still wouldn't transition to a faller and splat due to the splat pad.

Geki 2 - Float And Go The second Nessy level in the pack, this one is definitely harder than his first one in the previous rank. It was hard to figure out how to do the start, but once I realized to keep the crowd moving then it wasn't too bad. The high save requirement makes this quite challenging. Another great level.

Geki 3 - Into the Builderless Wow, what a great no constructives level! Definitely one of the hardest of the pack and looks impossible unless you realize what those many shimmiers are for. This definitely reminds me of a level in the Heavy rank from Lemmings Open Air, except there's a fencer to help with things too. The part that took me the longest was figuring out how to mine in one direction and then to help both crowds up. Nice job to Gigalem with this one! ;)

Geki 4 - In the dead of the night Another hard one, especially with figuring out how to get rid of the zombie guarding the exit. The start was also hard to figure out, though it seems delaying with a floater is enough to give the second builder enough time to get across the gap :laugh: This is the only part that seems unintended to me and instead feels hackish. Good level, but again not easy.

Already played Geki 5 from LOTY2020, though this time I didn't use a stacker to stop a climber from getting into danger. Same with Geki 7, where I pretty much used the very same severe backroute to Nessy's level :P

Geki 6 - All in a day's Clockwork Another great no constructives level. The route is obvious once you know where they need to go, but getting it to work can still be challenging.

Geki 8 - Lost in Shang Tu Spent longer on this level than I needed to, but that's only because I somehow missed the disarmer icon on the neutral. This does make sense, as otherwise why would you even need to rescue her. Before I realized she's a disarmer, I was stuck wondering how you would get a swimmer over the other side to come from the right side with the OWW. Turns out it doesn't look possible to do. One of the more challenging levels of the pack, though this one isn't too bad. I do use some skills as delays in order to get the neutral far enough ahead to disarm the traps but to also platform up the gap before I can lose the neutral. Still a great level!

Geki 9 - The basement less visited The only hard part is getting a Milla into the zombie area and giving her a bomber before getting infected. Once you succeed, the rest is easy. So really, it's just a matter of figuring out the best time to send out3 Millas so that two get by the trap at the start to set up the rest of the route for the others. Another great level!

Geki 10 - Nativity Creativity Another dirty backroute :evil: Quite easy to make the splat pad a non-issue here by collecting everyone on the far bottom right before mining through.

Geki 11 - Can't Reach It... Don't Need It Yet another great level by Nessy. The hardest part is figuring out how to get the pickups and making the splatform for the others and then coming back to release the crowd.

Geki 12 - Hauling cargo... IN SPACE! Looks extremely intimidating due to the huge size and buttons everywhere, but it's not that bad if you plan out what to do. A lot of juggling and multi-tasking needed in multiple parts of the level. I still enjoyed this level to an extent! The start is certainly the hardest but once you figure out how to do it with a minimal amount of skills the rest shouldn't be too bad. You still have to be careful with your skills, as you'll find they aren't too plentiful and therefore makes the level challenging.

Geki 13 - On the Fence Another level I found hard and struggled with. In many early attempts, I had most of the solution figured out, but I kept running out of skills or one of the workers would get into trouble because I didn't have any more shimmiers to keep her safe. I think my error was when I kept going over the top from the left. Much later, I challenged that assumption and came from the right side instead. This luckily worked out in my favor. Seems Armani didn't have too much trouble with this one though, as he found a dirty way to bypass the splat pad with careful bomber placements.

Geki 14 - Reindeer's Eye View Another hard level for me. The early parts were fine, but I kept having trouble figuring out the stuff in the upper middle area. I kept running out of skills and would lose too many due to the climber going out the side. However, I later realized that I could delay the cloning to mine out the crowd in that area. Also, I wonder if I made the solution harder than it needed to be, especially as when I dug to stop the others from going up and into the water they were very clumped up. Most of it seems to come from how I didn't kept the crowd contained for long at any time.

Geki 15 - Alleyway Fortress Another level that looks very intimidating because of the size but wasn't too bad. A lot of skills leftover, but it seems to be open-ended for the most part. Also a level in which I didn't use all the cloners. Oops :-[

Oni Rank Feedback

The final rank, these are sure to contain the hardest levels of the pack. Indeed, I found a lot of them very hard but quite decent challenges. Also, I agree with a lot of the feedback Armani gave for the Geku and Oni ranks ;)


Oni 1 - Cosmic Mansion Deceivingly difficult 1-of-everything level to start off the rank. Seems I made the solution harder than it needed to be, as I saw Armani's solution and that one is definitely easier to do. Other than the digger at the start, the rest of the level isn't easy. As usual another great one from Nessy.

Oni 2 - Attic Antics Another somewhat huge level that looks challenging but it wasn't too bad. The hardest part to figure out was how to dig away the second OWW before the others arrive, but this is where I used timing to get a second worker to come at a time so she doesn't splat while the first digger is going. Great level!

Already played Oni 3 from LOTY2020. I used the same save all solution here as I did there. Same with Oni 7, though I think my solution is slightly different this time. I don't think I had a basher left like here. I agree it's definitely one of the hardest of the pack!

Oni 4 - Chaotic Neutral This one should be another very bad backroute :P I really like the preassigned neutral disarmer shimmier :thumbsup:

Oni 5 - Park Souls One of the hardest of the rank. The start is hard, and also figuring out how to get on the other side of the OWW. I don't know if I made the solution harder than it needed to be. I really like the mining down to the steel where the anti-splat pad is on the far bottom left.

Oni 6 - Resident Treevil Another hard one, but it really seems I overcomplicated this one, especially at the very start. It wasn't easy to figure out how to get the crowds down safely and to eliminate the zombies. Armani's solution is far better than mine. His solution is starting to make me think the intention is to go through the bottom rather than everyone goes over the top, though I think I can see the latter still working, especially if you have some jumpers to do so so that a builder isn't needed.

Oni 8 - A Christmas Carol Tea Yet another that's quite possibly the hardest of the pack. The only level in the pack where I needed more than one video to solve. I didn't realize a miner could do the job in the structure at the bottom near the exit so that you don't need to use a fencer. This one seems to require very good precision with the basher cancelling midstroke, though I wonder if I could had simply used jumpers to get two climbers up the left side of the structure while the basher is going. Before I was successful, I kept running out of the essential skills Then I watched Armani's solution and that's exactly what I was trying to do, but turns out it's possible to just use a miner and not need a digger to do so too. I was also dumb and forgot that you can mine from the left side at the top :forehead: Awesome level nevertheless that managed to give me so much trouble :laugh:

Just like Armani said, I too found bad backroutes to Oni 9 - Sheet Happens and Oni 10 - Out Past Curfew :evil:

Oni 11 - Find another streetcorner for your noise Looks intimidating and hard due to the tall size, but it wasn't too bad. It's not easy to figure out how to get to the neutrals to rescue them. I liked this one to an extent, though I think I overcomplicated the part with the basher in the middle, as it required careful placement to not also chip off the platformer bridge. I think if I had the walker skill available it would had not been as precise.

Oni 12 - Friends of Varying Talents Wow, I really like this one! :thumbsup: Getting different specialists to do different parts of the level to get everyone home safely. The only one I didn't use was the floater, but I used the other 4. A lot of the solution can be deduced based on the design and which specialist is most suited to the task.

Oni 13 - Mire of Magenta The solution here is very cool and all, but it's quite unfortunate that this comes not too long after playing a few levels that require a lot of precisoin >:( Most notably, the original Rigel 10 from Mike's Lemmings Version 2 and Hard 1 of Unusual Lemmings. Even with the visual indicators in the terrain telling where to place the builders and blocker, I still had to tweak the skill assignments so many times, and eventually after a while it gets very annoying. Needless to say, levels where the solution is obvious but still requires a lot of tweaking until everything works is not fun IMO. I don't think I'm the only one who has this view. The builder/miner combo I tend to like, but when you need to use several builders in different directions to do so, then you're just asking for way too much precision, and that is what makes the level less fun as a result. Of course, I'm a hypocrite saying this as I seem to be a fan of very fiddly solutions when solving, but when I'm designing I try to eliminate it as much as I can from my own testing.

Oni 14 - Vulkovan Park Another level that requires some precision but not as much as the previous one. However, in this case I really self-inflicted a lot of precision and made it harder than it needs to be. I checked Armani's solution after solving and his is easier to do. Also with how I used a platformer to keep everyone safe at the start. Great level though, as I especially like extending that basher as much as possible.

Oni 15 - The Cortex of Shang Tu Another hard one, though it's not easy to figure out how to get everyone to the exit. I'm not sure if it's possible to go up the middle to reach it. Still one of the great levels near the end of the pack.

Oni 16 - Relieving the Stress The only thing that makes me think this is a backroute is how very easy it is to save the splat hatch at the start with a glider and cloner. However, it doesn't seem possible to go about the level any other way, so maybe it is intended to be easy to do so. I still didn't find this one easy by any means. Had the glider not go out back to the right, I think I would had struggled longer here. Still a great level, whether my solution is acceptable or not

Oni 17 - Launch Party Another really challenging level, even more so than Geku 12, but it seems that it's still open-ended regardless. Some of my early attempts I think had me running out of the necessary skills, but eventually with some tweaking I managed to get it to work. The only thing that sucked was having to redo most of the level as I forgot the switch at the top at the start :( Fine level!

Oni 18 - Battle in the Stars! Unique in the sense this is the only collab level between Nessy and Gigalem in the entire pack. For the final level, while it's not the hardest, it's not easy by any means. It seems intimidating more than anything due to the tall size and how there's a lot to juggle and the many switches to get to. Even then, it seems open-ended as well. I'm not sure if being able to bash all the neutrals free from below is intended though. A great level to finish off the pack!

Thanks gentlemen for this pack! :thumbsup: Probably the best FM pack I've played thus far! I look forward to FM2021 and FM2022 when I get to them :)