This topic is now closed as the new skills are now stable. Please distribute new skills levels as you would with any other level.
WARNING! This topic is NOT for posting feedback, replays to other people's levels, general discussion, etc. If your post is not sharing your levels, do NOT post it in this topic. From now on, forum warnings may be issued to anyone who violates this rule.
Okay so - simply posting them all over the place in the general discussion topic, yeah, I can see how that's going to get messy.
Instead, let's keep all levels posted in one topic - this one. This topic will have some rules (somewhat based on those for the update topics in the level design contest). Posts that do not follow the rules will be deleted, and forum warnings will be issued to repeat offenders. This is not a censorship thing, there is nothing you are not allowed to post at all in regards to this, it's only a matter of "where" and this is being done for tidiness purposes. You can give all the feedback you like in the General topic, and you can post as many levels as you like as long as you keep to the "one post, remove your old post and attach everything to the newest one" rule.
1. If you are posting an update to your existing levels, or posting new levels, make a new post rather than editing your existing one. You may edit if you're fixing typos / adding screenshots / just want to add comments / etc, but make a new post for actual content changes / additions. Of course, your new post absolutely may be just a copy/paste of the old one (with the new level files attached).
2. When you make a new post, delete your old one.
3. If you're posting your levels as a ZIP file (which will be necessary if you have 7 or more), please include a level list in your post.
4. It is permitted, but not required, to also include replays for your levels.
5. No discussions / etc in this topic - it's for posting levels only. Use the general discussion topic ( for discussion, linking to posts here as needed. The only things this topic should contain are levels, creator's replays for those levels, and creator's comments on the levels where relevant (eg. if the level's purpose is to show off some technical aspect).
6. Don't repost other people's levels here for them. Let them move them over from the general topic in their own time.
To avoid doubt, it is still fine to post levels relating to bug reports / etc in topics for those reports. This topic is more aimed at actual, real-world-style levels.
As a special case to the "one post per user" rule - if there is a divider post marking "posts before this might not be compatible with new version", and you have not yet updated / re-tested some of your levels, you may have posts before + after it, as long as it's still only one post per "segment", and all posts do actually contain levels (not just commentary or "check the update to my earlier post" etc). Additionally, the older post should still be removed once all levels from it have been updated / retested as necessary.
Here're my mini level pack featuring new skills!
Level1 featuring Spearer and Slider
Level2 featuring Grenader and Laserer
Level3 featuring Spearer and Grenader
Level4 featuring Speraer and Laserer
Level5 featuring Slider and Laserer
Divider post
Posts prior to this pre-date the exp V5 and V6 builds, and might possibly be no longer solvable with the new changes to the Laserer in V5, the Slider in V6, or the changes in each of these updates to the Grenader.
All levels+replays are updated to work with exp V6. :)
Video links here and the levels+replays are attached. :)
13.) (new)
This mini-pack is confirmed as working in V6, I've also added 3 new ones:
Easy Does It...
Rainbow Island II
Sliding PoolsLevel List
1 Just Laser!
2 Only Sliders Can Survive This
3 Tailor-made For Spearers
4 You Need Grenaders This Time
5 Now Use Laserers And Sliders
6 A Task For Grenaders And Spearers
7 Keep Your Hair On Mr. Lemming (Part 2)
8 Easy Does It...
9 Rainbow Island II
10 Sliding Pools
11 Smile If You Love The New Skills!
Now that a final decision has been made about the new skills, I have removed my levels from this topic.
"You Scratch My Brick" requires the two skills that aren't making the cut, so it has to be abandoned. I have no plans for reusing the layout, but I guess I can throw it in "Bits of Levels You Can Use" in case anyone else wants it.
The GemLems new-skills levels were not serious levels and were just intended to help people play around with the new skills and get a feeling for them in different situations. Even though some of them only used the Laserer out of the new skills and technically could be kept, I am not going to reuse them or reissue them, and I don't want anyone else to either.
(Of course, the layouts were taken from GemLems levels that originally didn't use the new skills at all, and the original levels will still be appearing in GemLems -- those are not abandoned.)
Title : Never Know What Save'em
Difficulty : Easy
Title : Naughty Kids
Difficulty : Normal
You need experimental V6 to play them :)
Divider post
Posts prior to this pre-date the exp V7 build, and may use the no-longer-included skills (Grenader / Spearer) and/or, less likely, be broken by V12.11.X physics changes.
Reposting my levels (minus Grand Heist which relied on the Grenader).
- Pedantic Phaser (both skills, low difficulty)
- This Level Needs A Name (Laserer, medium difficulty)
- Slide Key (Slider, medium difficulty)
- Compound Mystery (Laserer, proof-of-concept troll level)
Replays are also attached.
ok, with experimental version 7, I have 2 of my contest levels using the new skills.
Rule 1 level(Coming Home Lemmings), I replaced the 3 floaters with 3 sliders.
Rule 2 level(All for 4 and 4 for all), I replaced the 2 fencers with 2 lasers. However due to the steeper slope of the lasers compared to the fencer, my original solution doesn't work,
so had to solve it a different way(which now uses 1 fewer platformer, 1 fewer walker and changed the number of jumper pickups from 10 to 8.)
Also had to make the shimmier ceiling steel so no laser will break it due to shimmiers needing the ceiling in the solution.
I'm not sure if people will find this now more difficult to solve than before, but I still think it's easy.
My Rule 3 level didn't have any floaters or fencers
Anyways here are my contest levels but changed with the new skills. Just put these levels inside the levels folder of the experimental player
Also the music I used, place in the music folder of the experimental player.
ok here is another level using the 2 new skills(slider and laser).
also the music for the level.
ok, V2 of my new skills level
locked release rate at 80
moved green button farther right on ceiling.
moved platformer pickup a little farther right.
ok here's another new skills level (Never say never)
also the music I used.
As stated by the rules in the opening post, I've deleted my former post with the levels for the V7 update and make a new one now, because this is an actual (albeit minor) content change:
There were two small backroute fixes to "Thus spoke Zarathustra" (see updated screenshot, added steel and wood pieces).
The replays I received for the other three levels were acceptable alternative solutions. Thus, no changes to those levels - I'm just attaching them again because I had to delete my old post.
The Creation
Thus spoke Zarathustra
Pictures at an exhibition
Here is another new skills level using the V7 experimental player.
Take a nose dive
also music I used.
Divider post
Posts prior to this pre-date V12.12.0-RC1, and may be affected by physics changes between the previous new-skills-exp and V12.12.0-RC1.