Lemmings Forums

Lemmings Boards => Lemmings Main => Topic started by: Mindless on February 06, 2006, 11:35:26 PM

Title: LemLevBMP
Post by: Mindless on February 06, 2006, 11:35:26 PM
So here's my latest app... call it an alpha, beta, or whatever you want, but in any case it's supposed to be a level screenshot maker thing  :-? ... I've done less than minimal testing, so have fun breaking it.


CMD Line Syntax:
lemlevbmp_0_1_0.exe levelfile.lvl

Sorry if you can't understand this post, it was rather rushed.  ;D
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: Timballisto on February 07, 2006, 12:00:07 AM
You know what I'd like to see eventually?  A program for creating custom level graphics sets.  That'd be pretty awesome.  I haven't tried the screen shot thing yet, as I'm currently working on algebra...and typing.  Well, typing on a mac.
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: MC Marshy on February 07, 2006, 12:21:55 AM
Wow dude! I just took a screenshot of one of my levels from my upcoming levelpak with that. I'll upload the screenshot to The Lemmings File Portal. It is called "The furnace"
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: tseug on February 07, 2006, 12:27:25 AM
What are the skills for that level?
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: MC Marshy on February 07, 2006, 10:56:41 AM
Quote from: tseug link=1139268926/0#3 date=1139272045What are the skills for that level?

I've forgotten what the skills are but the level is in my 5th pack that I"m working on now. Try playing my 4th pack which can be downloaded from the Lemmings file portal and tell me what you think  ;)
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: JM on February 07, 2006, 12:55:40 PM
Mindless I took a picture of an extended graphics level with this program and the terrain for the extended graphics doesn't show up. Could you make the program show terrain from extended graphics?
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: Mindless on February 07, 2006, 01:33:12 PM
Quote from: JM link=1139268926/0#5 date=1139316940Mindless I took a picture of an extended graphics level with this program and the terrain for the extended graphics doesn't show up. Could you make the program show terrain from extended graphics?
I've already written a function for that, I just forgot to put it in. :D  Expect it in the next release.
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: JM on February 08, 2006, 05:15:43 PM
This program is ace! I can't wait till it can take pictures of the terrain from extended graphics levels. With this program I could probably take screenshots from every levelpak for Custlemm and give them to Shvegait so he can upload them when we review one of the packs  :)

This would sure give him a rest and I am always free to take screenshots  :)

I could start taking screenshots for some of my packs,some of tumble weed's,the rest of garjen's packs and maybe more of Dragonslover's packs. And some of the packs on Garjen's website that nobody ever reviews including Paris's packs and Christo Marquez's packs.
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: Mindless on February 09, 2006, 06:52:21 AM

- supports VGASPECs
- added memory leaks

I hope to have a trim feature for the next release to cut off all the wasted black areas.

Good luck.  ;D
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: JM on February 09, 2006, 10:11:17 AM
Quote from: Mindless link=1139268926/0#8 date=1139467941http://it.travisbsd.org/lemmings/_misc/lemlevbmp_0_2_0.exe

- supports VGASPECs
- added memory leaks

I hope to have a trim feature for the next release to cut off all the wasted black areas.

Good luck. &#A0;;D

When Shvegait takes screenshots for the levels he would cut off all the wasted black areas. Could you also make the screenshots be made in PNG format?
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: Mindless on February 11, 2006, 05:11:08 PM
Quote from: JM link=1139268926/0#9 date=1139479877
Quote from: Mindless link=1139268926/0#8 date=1139467941http://it.travisbsd.org/lemmings/_misc/lemlevbmp_0_2_0.exe

- supports VGASPECs
- added memory leaks

I hope to have a trim feature for the next release to cut off all the wasted black areas.

Good luck.  ;D

When Shvegait takes screenshots for the levels he would cut off all the wasted black areas. Could you also make the screenshots be made in PNG format?
I'll see what FreeBASIC libraries are available for creating PNGs.
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: Mindless on February 20, 2006, 04:48:23 AM

- supports trimming (to disable trimming call lemlevbmp with the --notrim option (e.g. lemlevbmp_0_3_0.exe levelfile.lvl --notrim))
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: JM on February 21, 2006, 05:08:48 PM
I used the program and I took more screenshots. I've done all of Tumble Weed's packs and some of Christo Marquez's levelpaks. Shvegait still hasn't uploaded the screenshots I sent him.
Title: Re: LemLevBMP
Post by: namida on March 08, 2006, 03:11:51 AM
One for Cheapo would be nice too. And it wouldn't be too hard either, as the level is saved as a BMP anyway as far as I know - you'd just have to strip off the extra info, and use the style file for objects.

There again, Peter's probably done a program that can do this.