Update 4/8/21
This pack is getting close to release now, all the levels are done, I think there is one more level I want to add to the pack as an ultimate finisher to the Toolkit rank in the pack. Other than that, it's just tileset aesthetics and getting things up to scratch with the recent version of NeoLemmix.
So the pack now has 9 ranks, I have removed the Special Stage, Competition and SEBSegabytes rank and replaced them with one rank called Toolkit.
Each rank has now been increased to 21 levels because I have 21 tilesets which I want to use in the pack now after creating one more which I felt was missing. All will be revealed when the pack releases :)
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Shield - Still shielded from tougher levels and have plentiful skillsets to hand. (second difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (third difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (fourth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fifth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (sixth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (seventh and final difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! With some levels from other special guests! (a collaboration rank, 20 levels)
NEW Toolkit - This rank is basically home to a unique level type which I feel some people dislike but for the sake of being fair, I am still including them for those who enjoy them but in a separate rank.
Toolkit basically means that, you have a larger skillset to deal with a more complex level. Some of these levels can be extremely difficult and have high entropy. (toolkit levels, 21 levels)
Older posts
Update 30/12/19
There are now 11 ranks in this pack.
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Shield - Still shielded from tougher levels and have plentiful skillsets to hand. (second difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (third difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (fourth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fifth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (sixth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (seventh and final difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! With some levels from other special guests! (a collaboration rank, 20 levels)
Competition - A rank for contest level entries, named after the multiplayer mode for Sonic 3 (about 15-20 levels)
Special Stage - A rank for some special levels with a recurring theme hence Special Stages (10 levels)
SEBSegaBytes - Some returning classics from SEB Lems and MegSEGAbytes (repeat levels from previous packs, 20 levels)
There are 20 main tilesets in use for Gotta Go Fast and I am trying to get one of each tileset for each rank as hard as this sounds, I'm doing ok at the moment.
Rose 12/20
Shield 12/20
Ring 16/20
Sneaker 12/20
Emerald 12/20
Super Sonic 15/20
Chilli Dog 14/20
Encore 15/20
Competition 13/15
Special Stage 10/10
Encore 20/20
Total 151/205
Over 2 years in the making now and we are closing in on the end now :)
Update 21/10/19
This pack is back on track now and I have just crossed the 120 level mark (excluding the SEBSEGAbytes rank which consists of returning levels from previous packs).
A 9th rank has been added to the pack also, the Shield rank has been added between Rose and Ring, this is to strengthen the amount of easier levels in the pack to be more friendly to newer players.
I have removed the images that were in this topic before because some levels have been removed from the pack and put into another project I have in the pipeline. More details will be revealed at a later date :)
Update 22/01/19
I have rank names for Gotta Go Fast at last.
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Shield - Still shielded from tougher levels and have plentiful skillsets to hand. (second difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (third difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (fourth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fifth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (sixth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (seventh and final difficulty rank, 20 levels)
SEBSegaBytes - Some returning classics from SEB Lems and MegSEGAbytes (repeat levels from previous packs, 20 levels)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! With some levels from other special guests! (a collaboration rank, 20 levels)
And lastly, a flagship new tileset to add to the mix. For the first time ever, the new Chemical Plant tileset!
Full Circle
Thanks to GigaLem for helping me finish this tileset, the teleporter actually sucks the lemming through the tube. Credit to GigaLem for all the great objects in this tileset!
Also thanks to Nessy and Wafflem for the help with testing the levels in this pack, it is going really well so far :)
(Original post)
This pack has been in development since shortly after the completion of SEB Lems and I've been mentioning this pack time and time again in the IRC so I thought it was time to formally announce it now that I have a name for the pack which I'm happy with.
So the gimmick in this pack is I will only be using SEGA themed or Sonic themed tilesets so the rule is I only use the following tilesets
Scrap Brain, Star Light, Marble Garden, Casino Night, Mystic Cave, Death Egg, Labyrinth, Sandopolis, Green Hill, Launch Base, Press Garden, Hydrocity and Studiopolis (plus other possible new tilesets by myself - see below).
I will be using some returning levels from SEB Lems as well as some levels which are also in the upcoming collab pack MegSEGAbytes, I feel that due to the theme of this level pack, I feel like it is a collection of levels which use these tilesets in particular so I feel reusing the levels from other packs is relevant.
I have an initial target of 100 levels for this pack but knowing what happened with my previous pack SEB Lems, I had a target of 120 levels there and ended up with 175 levels so the 100 target on this pack may well be exceeded by up to 50%.
As of right now I have 45 levels already including possible inclusions from SEB Lems and MegSEGAbytes.
I have no idea about rank names or how many ranks the pack will have either. I will probably stick with the SEB Lems theme and have 20 levels per rank though when I do decide on the ranks :)
I have some early level images anyway of some of the entirely new levels.
DMA the Movie
Reach for the Stars
Tight Wad Hill
If you're looking for rank ideas let me give a few
Set a
Set b
Set c
D license
C license
B license
A license
S license
I know these are racing themed but I figure they have to do with speed so why the heck not?
if it helps, let me know your favorite.
also why not try the metropolis set? it is based on a sonic game
Hey Flopsy, could you explain the title? "Gotta Go Fast" to me doesn't contain any hint about Sonic. (I'm not an expert on the game though, so perhaps there's a reference in there that escapes me.)
Lemmings Mania is unfortunately already taken, as far as I know, by the follow-up to Lemmings Redux :) .
But what speaks against "Sonic Lems", "Sonic the Hedgelem", or something along those lines? :D
Gotta Go Fast is a tagline associated with Sonic, it's something which especially gets chanted at speedrunning events for the game. I felt like this was the best name for the pack personally. Also I have plans for other SEGA references for the pack so putting Sonic in the title is possibly better for this reason if I do go ahead with this.
Believe me, I have pondered for ages what the name of this pack should be and may be I might come with something better closer to release but Gotta Go Fast is a good working title for me personally.
I'm taking a break from this project for a while, the progress is on ice for the time being.
I feel like the recent contest's entries have not been well received and as a consequence, the future of this pack is hanging in the balance right now.
Just a post to confirm that this pack is back in development again, I had been working on it again for the last few months and have hit over 2/3 complete now.
I'll post a detailed update over the coming days.
Update 22/01/19
I have rank names for Gotta Go Fast at last.
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Knock Knock Knockin' on Eggman's Door (Launch Base)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (second difficulty rank, 20 levels)
The Curse of Lady Bay (Casino Night)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (third difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Static Space Lover (Star Light/Death Egg)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fourth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Shining Light (Mystic Cave)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (fifth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Buzzkill (Labyrinth/Scrap Brain)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (sixth and final difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Pedalpusher (Sandopolis)
SEBSegaBytes - Some returning classics from SEB Lems and MegSEGAbytes (repeat levels from previous packs, 20 levels)
Green Thrill Zone (Green Hill)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! (a small collaboration rank, 10 levels)
A Flopsy Wafflem Double Feature (Studiopolis)
And lastly, a flagship new tileset to add to the mix. For the first time ever, the new Chemical Plant tileset!
Full Circle
Thanks to GigaLem for helping me finish this tileset, the teleporter actually sucks the lemming through the tube. Credit to GigaLem for all the great objects in this tileset!
Also thanks to Nessy and Wafflem for the help with testing the levels in this pack, it is going really well so far :)
FWIW, I would point out that this doesn't seem to be limited to your packs - in general, things are a bit on the quiet side and there's less activity lately. The community seems to go through cycles like this - very active for a while, then relatively quiet for a while, etc. A lot of the most active people are currently away from the site (eg. Wafflem, Nepster).
Of course, it's your call what you do or don't want to work on, but I do think this is worth taking into account. (And - this is just my personal view, you may disagree - but the way I see it, is that I make packs for the enjoyment of doing it. Other people enjoying them too is just a bonus.)
QuoteI make packs for the enjoyment of doing it. Other people enjoying them too is just a bonus.
Same here! ;)
@Flopsy: I've found that, if you're passionate about something, just run with it, and other people will happily jump on the bandwagon along the way.
In turn, you're actively trying to make people enthusiastic about something you're doing, or waiting for people to develop that same level of enthusiasm, that's usually when it fails. Because in those cases, the target audience isn't ready yet to approach whatever you're doing with the same passion as you.
Lead by example, and others will gladly follow ;) .
In the meantime, while there isn't any "pre-release hype" for a specific pack yet, I'd say "enjoy the silence"! ^^ When there's nobody waiting for you to release something (yet!), at least that also means there isn't any pressure to finish something either.
I've gone for a month or so without any uploads on my YouTube channel, knowing I don't keep a lot of people waiting. They're simply happy whenever I return, it seems, but it's not like they don't have other things to do. ;)
I've dialed back the development of my own upcoming Lemmings packs for the same reason. No shame in taking it more slowly, the quality of the individual levels will certainly profit from it. Wasn't it actually you who gave me that advice? ;)
Quote from: Flopsy on July 23, 2019, 02:28:36 AM
This pack has officially been cancelled due to the lack of interest from the community in general in this pack as well as the recently released MegSEGAbytes pack
This is a shame. Don't give up making levels if you think it's a satisfying hobby and or if you think you can share something cool with others, though.
MegSEGAbytes is an interesting thought for sure, I'll have to look some more into that. With the backroute fixes in place, though, I somehow doubt I'd get as far as I did last time!
This pack is back on track now and I have just crossed the 120 level mark (excluding the SEBSEGAbytes rank which consists of returning levels from previous packs).
A 9th rank has been added to the pack also, the Shield rank has been added between Rose and Ring, this is to strengthen the amount of easier levels in the pack to be more friendly to newer players.
I have removed the images that were in this topic before because some levels have been removed from the pack and put into another project I have in the pipeline. More details will be revealed at a later date :)
That's great to hear, Flopsy, and quite a leap ahead in development indeed! :thumbsup:
Update 30/12/19
There are now 11 ranks in this pack.
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Shield - Still shielded from tougher levels and have plentiful skillsets to hand. (second difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (third difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (fourth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fifth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (sixth difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (seventh and final difficulty rank, 20 levels)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! With some levels from other special guests! (a collaboration rank, 20 levels)
Competition - A rank for contest level entries, named after the multiplayer mode for Sonic 3 (about 15-20 levels)
Special Stage - A rank for some special levels with a recurring theme hence Special Stages (10 levels)
SEBSegaBytes - Some returning classics from SEB Lems and MegSEGAbytes (repeat levels from previous packs, 20 levels)
There are 20 main tilesets in use for Gotta Go Fast and I am trying to get one of each tileset for each rank as hard as this sounds, I'm doing ok at the moment.
Rose 12/20
Shield 12/20
Ring 16/20
Sneaker 12/20
Emerald 12/20
Super Sonic 15/20
Chilli Dog 14/20
Encore 15/20
Competition 13/15
Special Stage 10/10
Encore 20/20
Total 151/205
Over 2 years in the making now and we are closing in on the end now :)
Update 4/8/21
This pack is getting close to release now, all the levels are done, I think there is one more level I want to add to the pack as an ultimate finisher to the Toolkit rank in the pack. Other than that, it's just tileset aesthetics and getting things up to scratch with the recent version of NeoLemmix.
So the pack now has 9 ranks, I have removed the Special Stage, Competition and SEBSegabytes rank and replaced them with one rank called Toolkit.
Each rank has now been increased to 21 levels because I have 21 tilesets which I want to use in the pack now after creating one more which I felt was missing. All will be revealed when the pack releases :)
Rose - Named after Amy Rose, nice and relaxed difficulty level like Team Rose was in Sonic Heroes, mostly X of everything levels but it's not overly generous (first difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Shield - Still shielded from tougher levels and have plentiful skillsets to hand. (second difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Ring - Onto the easier puzzle type levels and earn those rings! (third difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Sneaker - Getting more difficult, get those Super Sneakers on and carry on, Gotta Go FAST! (fourth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Emerald - About as difficult as getting actual emeralds in the Sonic games (fifth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Super Sonic - You have all the Emeralds now, time to morph into Super Sonic (sixth difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Chilli Dog - You have fought hard, you have beaten some tough levels to get here, can you finish the job and earn the Chilli Dog! (seventh and final difficulty rank, 21 levels)
Encore - A Flopsy/Wafflem collaboration ENCORE! With some levels from other special guests! (a collaboration rank, 20 levels)
NEW Toolkit - This rank is basically home to a unique level type which I feel some people dislike but for the sake of being fair, I am still including them for those who enjoy them but in a separate rank.
Toolkit basically means that, you have a larger skillset to deal with a more complex level. Some of these levels can be extremely difficult and have high entropy. (toolkit levels, 21 levels)
Don't you mean 189? 21 x 9 = 189, not 188 :P
Quote from: kaywhyn on August 04, 2021, 02:31:48 AM
Don't you mean 189? 21 x 9 = 189, not 188 :P
Encore rank has 20 levels ;P
I know that, I'm referring to the planned total number of levels. There's 188 currently, but if there's planned to be 21 levels per rank in each of the 9 ranks, that's 189 :P
It might actually end up being 189 levels, I'm planning to make all the ranks 21 levels each now.
I'm a HUGE Sonic fan. Very keen to try this!
Quote from: Lehnah on December 26, 2024, 12:34:14 AMI'm a HUGE Sonic fan. Very keen to try this!
This is the in development thread, perhaps this (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5757.0) is what you're looking for
Quote from: GigaLem on December 26, 2024, 12:40:35 PMQuote from: Lehnah on December 26, 2024, 12:34:14 AMI'm a HUGE Sonic fan. Very keen to try this!
This is the in development thread, perhaps this (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5757.0) is what you're looking for
Brilliant, thanks!