Merry Christmas from me! 30 levels of Christmas-themed Lemmings from around the community, including some new levels never seen before. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourselves and have a Happy New Year!
Special thanks to BulletRide for helping me to test said new levels.
This pack has only been tested on NeoLemmix V10.011.011-D. It is not expected to work on earlier versions. You can download a copy of NeoLemmix from here:
Installation and execution:
- Download and install the latest version of NeoLemmix (V10.011.011-D as of writing) from here: (
- Download the Holiday Lemmings '16 pack from the link on this post (
- Run NeoLemmix, and when prompted, select Holiday16.nxp from the dialog box
- Enjoy!
Latest version of the pack can be found here (
P.S. You might get a musical surprise here and there!
Well, "Another cold day" is completely broken. I have been unable to patch it. I'll have to find an alternative level.
Fixing the backroute in "Someone must help us!" is easy enough.
Other changes/fixes:
- Levels 10 and 11 have been exchanged as per Colorful Arty's suggestion during his stream.
- Level 15's talisman now works properly.
- Some subtle scenery changes to Level 29.
I will update the pack once I get "Another cold day" replaced. Sorry Minim.
Pack has been updated. I recommend everyone download the pack again (file is attached to the first post).
Updates are as follows:
- Levels 10 and 11 (and their music tracks and talismans) have been exchanged.
- Level 15's talisman now works properly.
- Level 19, "Another cold day", has been replaced with a new level, "Little Helpers".
- Some subtle scenery changes to Levels 26 and 29.
Updated the pack again:
- Level 14 now has tighter restrictions.
- Levels 19 and 24 have been updated.
Enjoy! And Merry Christmas everyone!
Hello Crane,
I have solved this entire pack. My replays are attached. Nothing too difficult here, since this pack is simply a compilation of various snow/holiday levels from various authors. I have already played both Lemmings Stampede and Minim's holiday pack from a while ago, and so all their levels that are in this pack I have already seen and solved before. I've just recently finished LPing Clammings, and so all of Clam's levels in here I have just played not too long ago. The only levels I haven't seen or don't ever remember playing are Xmas 1 - House of Holly, Xmas 4 - Out with the old..., Xmas 11 - Fall Guy, Xmas 20 - Faithful Friends, Xmas 21 - Vignette, Xmas 26 - Someone must help us!, Xmas 29 - Christmas Spirit, and Xmas 30 - Hailfire Peaks. I've seen Xmas 4 before in the Lemmini topic, but I don't think I ever played uci's level. It's possible that I might have played Xmas 11, Xmas 20, Xmas 21, and Xmas 26 before, but I honestly don't remember. The layouts for them do look familiar, though.
The hardest levels for me were Xmas 13 - That Freezing Feeling and Xmas 24 - Ethereality. The former I don't remember how I solved it before, but I remember it was annoying to pull off on Dos. I think my solution is a backroute, as I have some skills leftover. I don't remember if I solved it this way on Dos. The latter's a really nice level with a great solution, although it's not that easy to find. I don't remember where I have seen and played this level before. The only other level that isn't difficult but is probably the biggest time cruncher in the entire pack is Xmas 26.
All rightie, I think I'm done playing Christmas packs for the rest of the year, as I recently did both of Gigalem's Holiday packs and now this. That's enough for me. Thank you for the holiday cheers, all of you. Happy early Christmas, everyone!
ok the last level Xmas 30 (Hailfire peaks) was Modernist 5 in Artlems. Also was a contest level(number 11) that Icho played on Youtube. Of coursre I solved it before I saw Icho's solution since I didn't even know it was a contest level till later. Also Arty added a Talisman to it(use one 1 miner) which I got.
The last level somehow seemed familiar. I just couldn't quite point my finger at where I've seen it before. Until this pack, I have never played the level before. I thought it was a really nice level to round off the Holiday 2016 pack. For the final level, it's nowhere near the hardest of the pack, although it can still be hard for others not as experienced. So, it looks like I'll be playing the level again when I take on Artlems at some point in the future. Thanks for the info.