The Lemmings Forums Discord is for the game Lemmings from 1991.
This is NOT for GlOiRlIiLlLiAl TiAlGi!We get so many people looking for
that server simply because of the creator's name. If you're looking for that server, then
don't click this invite. It's gotten so out of hand that I need to say this.
If you're here for the video game Lemmings from 1991, or for NeoLemmix or other related stuff, find the link in the spoiler:
I deem the Lemmings Forums Discord unofficial at the time of this post, until Namida says I can deem it official :P
But either way, Enjoy :)
One of the major points of a forum is the written rather than spoken style, and that the posts don't disappear just because you're not there when they're posted.
I certianly have nothing against this existing, but I don't feel it appropriate to deem it official. We don't even have an official IRC channel for the forum itself (albeit #neolemmix somewhat acting as an unofficial one).
EDIT: Over the time since this message was posted, it's become more official (and pretty much replaced IRC). However, I'll stress that as forum admin, I still reserve the right to later declare it "not official" if I feel it isn't being run in a way consistent with the forum's values. So far, I have no reason to believe this is going to happen, though - it's a "just in case" statement, nothing more.
I think this is going to be our replacement for Skype namida, a lot of us made Discord accounts last night and GigaLem created the server.
I don't think it's going to used for anything other than poker nights or stream nights :thumbsup:
If its not too much trouble, I know it may not be official but can this topic at least be pinned for those who want to join?
Update - I added the Lemming emotes to the server
Gonna take a break before adding the lix emotes
Quote from: GigaLem on November 20, 2016, 03:36:36 AM
Side effects include: Lower Forum activity
Another side effect similar to that would be the activity on Quakenet would go down; may even become unusable if we all relied on Discord to chat.
Quote from: Minim on November 23, 2016, 06:41:33 AM
Quote from: GigaLem on November 20, 2016, 03:36:36 AM
Side effects include: Lower Forum activity
Another side effect similar to that would be the activity on Quakenet would go down; may even become unusable if we all relied on Discord to chat.
I would not be very afraid of this. I think most of the stuff will still be in IRC or the forum.
You could even say IRC is bringing down the forum activity with the same argument ;P
For quick chats which are not worthy of creating posts or topics these alternative methods are way more handy. It could also increase the overall interactions and "bounding" between forum members.
I have added the lix emotes onto the discord server, plus the talismans
I recently stumbled across this
A bot post messages from IRC and Vice versa, I want to set one up but I don't know a thing about Discord bots
I was thinking of making it active to a tribe I would put it in (I would call the tribe #irc_tribe) and the bot's name would be "Satalemming"
I'll just give you the image, swearing abound
How do you report someone to discord?
I'm just reflecting here an announcement made in the chat: We have waited long enough on the issue around the ownership account. If it is not resolved by the 14th of November, I will create a new Discord server to replace this one. I may do so sooner if I get the impression GigaLem is not making any sincere effort to resolve the situation. To avoid doubt, this is a deadline for the issue to be fully resolved, not just for next steps to be taken.
Quote from: namida on October 28, 2021, 06:28:13 PM
I will create a new Discord server to replace this one
Does that mean it'll basically "start over", or will all content carry over from the previous server?
Quote from: WillLem on October 28, 2021, 06:39:09 PM
Quote from: namida on October 28, 2021, 06:28:13 PM
I will create a new Discord server to replace this one
Does that mean it'll basically "start over", or will all content carry over from the previous server?
If you mean by this "Will it still keep all the same channels, roles ect.?" then it's up to namida, but if you mean "Will all our old messages still be on there or will there be 0 messages?" then there won't be any of our old messages on the new server. Unfortuantley that is impossible, so all our old memories will be lost. Hopefully GigaLem can just get this sorted out, though, and it won't come to that.
Yes - it won't be possible to transfer messages, though I'll certianly look into whether there's some feasible way to archive them. I figure there's got to be something - official or otherwise - that could comb through the chat history and save everything.
I have some pleasing news to tell everyone, I finally had the Discord ticket resolved, I have ownership of the server again finally. I apologize for how slow it is, not only does Discord have millions of servers to deal with, but I having to overcome my fears to get the ownership transferred. I'm very sorry for the wait. 2021 has taken a toll on me mentally and I've been needing to grasp some positive energy as of late.
Hi everyone,
I apologize for all the spam messages on Discord. As you all know, they're asking to "test a game I made," which is clearly bogus and weren't sent by me. I managed to delete some of them before I got word from namida (with good intentions and for the protection of the LF Discord as he explained in his PM on the Lemmings Forums to me, so no offense taken there on my end, namida! ;)) that I got kicked from the server because I realized that the green LF logo on the left-hand side of Discord was no longer there for me and no messages would load up when I went to a different tribe. It didn't stop there, though. I also saw DMs of the same message going to the people who have a DM history with me on Discord. The most recent one I saw was around 3:30PM my time, about 40 minutes ago. Well, I just changed my Discord PW and enabled 2FA about 20 minutes ago. I'm wondering if this will be enough, or if I need to disable my Discord account as well. I would rejoin the LF server, but I will wait a few hours or so before doing so. Please let me know if the spam messages are continuing to appear and if they are, I will go ahead and disable my Discord account too.
I would had taken care of this sooner, but I was still at work at the time, and hence I wasn't at my PC. I could had simply handled it on my phone, but it's easier to do it all on a computer. In any case, I changed my Discord PW and enabled 2FA. I thought it was enabled before, but apparently not! :-[
In the meantime, just to be safe I went ahead and changed my PW here on LF too ;)
Quote from: kaywhyn on February 23, 2022, 12:21:37 AM
Hi everyone,
I apologize for all the spam messages on Discord. As you all know, they're asking to "test a game I made," which is clearly bogus and weren't sent by me. I managed to delete some of them before I got word from namida (with good intentions and for the protection of the LF Discord as he explained in his PM on the Lemmings Forums to me, so no offense taken there on my end, namida! ;)) that I got kicked from the server because I realized that the green LF logo on the left-hand side of Discord was no longer there for me and no messages would load up when I went to a different tribe. It didn't stop there, though. I also saw DMs of the same message going to the people who have a DM history with me on Discord. The most recent one I saw was around 3:30PM my time, about 40 minutes ago. Well, I just changed my Discord PW and enabled 2FA about 20 minutes ago. I'm wondering if this will be enough, or if I need to disable my Discord account as well. I would rejoin the LF server, but I will wait a few hours or so before doing so. Please let me know if the spam messages are continuing to appear and if they are, I will go ahead and disable my Discord account too.
I would had taken care of this sooner, but I was still at work at the time, and hence I wasn't at my PC. I could had simply handled it on my phone, but it's easier to do it all on a computer. In any case, I changed my Discord PW and enabled 2FA. I thought it was enabled before, but apparently not! :-[
In the meantime, just to be safe I went ahead and changed my PW here on LF too ;)
For extra safety, you should hit the "log out on all devices" option (somewhere in Settings, I assume) too. This will invalidate any existing login tokens; as on Discord changing your password does not invalidate these.
Essentially, the login token can be thought of as an ID card that's given out to you once you prove your identity with the username / password (and if applicable 2FA). The exploit in question is, by extension, comparable to making a copy of an ID someone already has, rather than obtaining a new one under their identity. To keep the metaphor going, "sign out all devices" is like declaring "all existing IDs belonging to this person are now invalid, they must get new ones by signing in with their username / password / 2FA again".
Quote from: namida on February 23, 2022, 12:36:43 AM
For extra safety, you should hit the "log out on all devices" option (somewhere in Settings, I assume) too. This will invalidate any existing login tokens; as on Discord changing your password does not invalidate these.
There's no "log out on all devices" button for Discord anywhere. Instead, all online articles I read simply say there are two methods to do so, change your password or enable 2FA, both of which I have done. However, I went ahead and logged out of both the Discord desktop app and the mobile app and logged back in. I can confirm that I need to input a code on both due to having 2FA enabled. Yes, it is a bit annoying to do so each time, as it slows down the login process, but it is ultimately a really good extra security measure ;)
Okay. I've lifted the ban now.
kaywhyn! I am glad you got your account back!!!
Pasting from the Announcements Tribe
As of today, I have stepped down as the Server's Owner, As per his suggestion I'll be staying as a mod for now. Starting today IchoTolot is the new server owner. I decided to hand the Crown to him for my own mental health, thank you for your support during my tenure here as owner but it's time for me to move on.
While I may not be part of the server staff as per my request, I have decided to modify the first post because of a problem.
The Lemmings Forum is Discord is for the people interested in the game Lemmings and its various pieces of media, but we have received so many people being like
"is this Gloirliilllial Tialgl?"
"where is this feature in Gloirliilllial Tialgl?"
"tag me for Gloirliilllial Tialgl"
or something like that
FWIW this is likely because of the name of the creator of Gloirliilllial Tialgl, this is definitely an unintentional thing to happen, but now its getting rather annoying. Since folks looking for the Gloirliilllial Tialgl server will likely be looking at the first post, know this. Don't go to this discord if you're looking for Gloirliilllial Tialgl. We have no idea what it is, nor the interest. While we can point you towards it, unless you're interested about the game this forum is named after, I don't suggest staying if you're not interested in Lemmings.
To the Creator of Gloirliilllial Tialgl, I'm asking this as kindly as possible, please inform folks in the best way you can that the Lemmings Forum and its discord server is not the place for Gloirliilllial Tialgl. Thank you.
Won't mentioning that game here just make it more likely that Google will direct more of those lemmings people to the Lemmings Forums Discord?
Hmm, right, you should avoid naming the problematic Lemmings-unrelated names.
Giga: May I add formatting (e.g., invisible extra super-small text) to your first post? That keeps the Lemmings-unrelated names easy to read for humans, but makes it harder to index for search engines.
This sounds moderately urgent. If you don't tell me yes/no within 24 hours, I'll add such formatting.
It's a worthwhile shot, although it's not guaranteed to help. Those off-topic joiners can come from elsewhere: People share links to Discord groups, and IIRC Discord has a global group search.
-- Simon
Quote from: Simon on April 01, 2024, 09:46:34 PM
Hmm, right, you should avoid naming the problematic Lemmings-unrelated names.
Giga: May I add formatting (e.g., invisible extra super-small text) to your first post? That keeps the Lemmings-unrelated names easy to read for humans, but makes it harder to index for search engines.
This sounds moderately urgent. If you don't tell me yes/no within 24 hours, I'll add such formatting.
It's a worthwhile shot, although it's not guaranteed to help. Those off-topic joiners can come from elsewhere: People share links to Discord groups, and IIRC Discord has a global group search.
-- Simon
If you need to, you're free to do so
All right, I inserted grey letters with size 1 pt in your first post, and in your reply #22 (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=3062.msg101958#msg101958).
Let's see if that's enough to confuse search engines. Maybe search engines are smart enough to ignore the small letters. Feel free to add more such obfuscation on your own.
I took the liberty to trim your warning ("I need to say this, This is NOT for ...") to minimal wording. Reason: People don't like to read; the fewer words you put, the better. (I saved your original text offline. If you want the original wording back, let me know, I'll PM you the original text.)
-- Simon
FWIW, searching for that game on Google doesn't bring up LF of the LF Discord. Players must be finding the LF Discord some other way.
Quote from: WillLem on April 02, 2024, 01:28:38 PM
FWIW, searching for that game on Google doesn't bring up LF of the LF Discord. Players must be finding the LF Discord some other way.
It'll be because the moderator goes by Lemming. People will do a search for "lemming discord" and choose the first result.