[About]Hey! Here's an eight level pack featuring levels I made with my Glacier tile set. The first two levels are the demo levels that came with the Glacier tile set download, but the other six are all new. The demo levels fall into the 'Fun' category while the others fall somewhere into 'Tricky' or 'Taxing'. There's a download link for both Super Lemmini and Neo Lemmix. Feedback is very much appreciated :thumbsup:
[Version 2.0 Downloads]Super Lemmini https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3xWIYE9dsVlR1BnZFRIOW0wZE0 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3xWIYE9dsVlR1BnZFRIOW0wZE0)
Neo Lemmix (V 2018-01-21 Full): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UIhCrFksc_ZpxpO8DULOEyMbsCEwIFt/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UIhCrFksc_ZpxpO8DULOEyMbsCEwIFt/view?usp=sharing)
EDIT: Added a new download link. Same everything, but I've updated it for the new NeoLemmix file format. It's still kinda new to me, so if you notice something broken, let me know. The SuperLemmini link is still the same. Thanks!
Decided to give it a try since it uses your Glacier tileset and all the levels are of Tricky-Taxing difficulty.
I managed to beat most of them except for Tendrils, and I may have backrouted some of them.
I recorded the replays with NeoLemmix v1.47n-D:FC73BC8 (http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2923.msg60539#msg60539). Overall, I enjoyed this pack, and the music is just AWESOME! Here are my comments:
Ice Going - As I said, you need to fix the trigger area of the exit. As you can see in my replay, I had to build to the exit.
Lems Keep on Slipping, Slipping - nice and simple level.
Tendrils - only an attempt replay. Is there a reason for the 2 minutes? If it is to prevent a potential backroute, then that is fine, but too hard for its position and should be moved into around later in the pack.
The Okay Fort - very interesting solution. However, I don't see why the level should have 80 lemmings; I would reduce it to 20 lemmings. Is there a reason that you set the time limit to 2:30?
The Story of One Pick Lemmy - I've seen this miner trick a few times (e.g. Pickaxe 8 "Miner Under Control" of PimoLems).
A Hop, Skip and a Jump - this one is one of my favorites of the pack, it took me a little bit to realize what the solution was. Interesting usage of miners here! The time limit is unnecessary though.
March of the Millipedes - another favorite, although I didn't use the blocker in the end. Is the blocker meant to be a decoy? The time limit is unnecessary.
The Frozen Section - most likely a backroute. Again, is there a reason for the 80 lemmings when it could be simply around 30? The time limit is also unnecessary.
Overall, great job with this pack! :thumbsup:
QuoteI recorded the replays with NeoLemmix v1.47n-D:FC73BC8.
Replays from this version
should work fine on anything from V1.47n onwards.
Thanks for the feedback Wafflem! Glad you liked it.
About the time limits, most of the levels have time limits to prevent certain backroutes. However, on Tendrils, I think you're right, the time limit is kinda unfair. Your solution is perfectly legitimate. I'll fix that.
Those are definitely backroutes on March of the Millipedes and The Frozen Section :laugh:
However, the Millipedes backroute is inventive enough, I'm fine with it being in the level. I might have to patch The Frozen Section though. Attached are my solutions for levels 7 and 8.
On Ice Going, I was test playing on an old version of Neo Lemmix. I'm guessing that's what's messing with the exit. You're right, that's not supposed to happen. I'll Fix that.
Here are my solution replays :)
Overall the exit trigger area seems a bit off in this tileset. It is a few pixels too far to the right as it appears. Hold "T" during playing in NL for physics mode so you can see the trigger areas for yourself.
Otherwise I think this tileset is really great! :thumbsup:
Some comments on the levels an my solutions:
Level 1: As a result of the slightly misplaced exit trigger area you must build to the exit here. Otherwise nice beginner level :)
Level 2: Again a nice little level to warm up.
Level 3: This was a tricky one, at least the way I solved it :P Good level! :)
Level 4: This may be a little backroute I found here.
Level 5: Nice use of the blocker + miner combo here! Good level, but it is quite obvious what to do here ;)
Level 6: This is my favorite out of this pack! Great level :thumbsup:
Level 7: I "think" this is intended. Good level nevertheless.
Thanks IchoTolot, glad you like it! Yeah, the exit is a little off. I play tested on an old version. I'll correct that for the new version. Thanks for the tip on the trigger areas. Didn't know that.
RE: your solutions
Level 4: There's two way of solving this one. That's one of them :thumbsup:
Level 6: Glad you liked it! This is probably the one I spent the most time on.
Level 7: This is very, very close to my solution. Nice work! There's a few ways to do this one. So far, none of the backroutes seem too game-breaking.
Level 8: :XD: Yup, that's a backroute. This one is pretty bad. I'll have to fix that one.
Just posted version 2.0. Download link in main post. The main differences are:
- Level 8 has been change to fix a bad backroute.
- Level 3 has a more fair time limit.
- The exit's collision has been adjusted.
I think this should be the intended replay for The Frozen Section! If it is, I found this level to be harder than Tricky (maybe late-Taxing to early-Mayhem?).
Really enjoyed these levels overall, they were very refreshing from all these hard levels that people have been releasing. Even my upcoming pack can be difficult. I look forward to Volume 2 or even if you'll ever make a big pack! :thumbsup:
You should also post the fixed tileset in your Glacier tileset topic.
This should be more like it. :)
Yay, that's more like it! Wafflem, your solution's a bit different from IchoTolot's, but I like both solutions. It doesn't look like it's possible to skip half the level anymore :thumbsup: Thank you for replaying the patched version.
I'll get to work on updating the Glacier tileset topic.
I'll have to think about what I want to do for volume 2. I was thinking about making another tileset and make each volume feature a new tileset. Not sure yet.
Thanks for your feedback everyone!
This pack was a lot of fun! Great work. Music was awesome too. Replays attached.
First 2 levels are great fun levels.
Level 3 - Level 3 is much trickier. Nice level here.
Level 4 - Love the lemming bbq!
Level 5 - I beat this 2 different ways and I think they are both huge back routes.
Level 6 - Was probably the best level. Great job
Level 7 - Love the music on this level. Another good one.
Edit: after watching your replay and how you intended it to be solved I noticed that you can actually remove one of the builders and still keep your intended solution for the most part. See extra attached replay.
Level 8 - I thought for some reason this pack was 10 levels so I was disappointed it was over! Good level none the less!
Overall this pack was a blast I can't wait for the next one! :thumbsup:
Found a backroute in A Hop, Skip and a Jump. This one doesn't use one of the skills.
RE Wafflem
Good find! I never would have thought of that, even though it seems so simple now.
RE BulletRide
Glad you like them! On level four, I stumbled across the second backroute as I was uploading version 2 lol. The first backroute you found was a surprise. That one's really cool. I might leave that in. The solution that only uses two builders I'll have to fix.
On level seven, I'm surprised I didn't think about that :XD: Nice job finding that :thumbsup:
I'm glad everyone's loving the music! It's from an old collection of mods from the MegaZeux community. Here's the link if you want to explore the whole pack. (You'll need a music player that plays .mod files)
http://vault.digitalmzx.net/show.php?id=1540 (http://vault.digitalmzx.net/show.php?id=1540)
I have to say, I love these levels let alone this tileset
Tricky 7 was a fun one for me, Here's a Replay
To be honest, I have a question, Do you plan on doing more tilesets like this?
Thanks GigaLem! Glad you like the tile set. I do plan on releasing more tile sets. I'm working on one right now actually. I thought it'd be done last week, but I took a break from that to build my new computer. Now I finally have everything installed again and can get back to work :thumbsup:
Below is what my tileset is base on. It's a game I've been working on for a while.
Played through this pack (new formats NL) since I couldn't resist the beautiful graphics. I really like the color blue.
I generally enjoyed playing these levels. A general observation was that due to the design of the terrain skill blueprints came often handy. It was sometimes hard to see where are holes and where not.
Some remarks on the single levels
L1 + L2: Were nice easy introductory levels.
L3: Here I couldn't see the one small hole at first and wondered why they are wandering off. The level is mainly about using your ressources wisely.
L4: I'm not sure if that's a backroute; it feels somehow hacky. Here I think I ran out of time in one attempt since I didn't increase the RR timely. But increasing the RR was actually only a formality. But this level was tougher for me to figure out and I fiddled around a bit.
L5: Again not sure if it is fully intended but if then it used an interesting advanced trick.
L6: Here I attempted at first something different but it didn't work out because of "checkerboarding" (lemmings fall through a tiny hole (between diagonally adjacent terrain) of a miner tunnel when walking up the slope). But it was generally an interesting and not too stressful way of managing multiple hatches.
L7: This level took me a while and I tried many hackish things. The solution is literally out-of-the-box, which is interesting.
L8: Here I made at first the mistake of clearing first the righthand way, which didn't work out skillwise. When dealing with the left side first everything fitted together well. It's an interesting roundabout level.
Thanks Forestidia for playing my pack! Glad you enjoyed it.
Regarding your solutions:
Looks like the only severe backroute you found was for L6. I may have to patch that in a future version. I'll have to find some way of preventing the player from building on that lower platform to bridge the gap. It bypasses an important part of the level. Thanks for finding that!
For the other levels, I tried to design them with multiple solutions in mind. Playing back your solutions, it looks like you found a few new paths that others haven't found yet, so that's pretty cool.
Looks like you found the main solution to L5. There's at least one other way to complete it :D
I finished this level pack.
Wow... these levels are very tricky! Struggling with Tendrils, can't seem to find a solution that works. I'll keep going with it...
Thanks for playing my pack WillLem :)
If you want to give up on any level, let me know. I can get you a hint or a replay.
Quote from: WillLem on October 28, 2019, 12:18:16 AM
Wow... these levels are very tricky! Struggling with Tendrils, can't seem to find a solution that works. I'll keep going with it...
Quote from: zanzindorf on October 28, 2019, 10:23:07 PM
Thanks for playing my pack WillLem :)
If you want to give up on any level, let me know. I can get you a hint or a replay.
Got it! :)
Managed to find a 2 minute solution with 1 miner left over (see replay). I'm curious to know what the official solution is tho! This was a real puzzler, great work.
-WillLem 8-)
EDIT - I've also attached replays for the other levels as well. Enjoyed playing through these :thumbsup:
Some thoughts on the levels:
For the fun ones, I went for 1 minute solutions for a bit of a challenge. Love the music for Lems Keep on Slipping, Slipping btw, very nice.
Tendrils was the most difficult for me for some reason, it took me a while to see that route and figure out how to make it happen. Once I'd done this though, I was used to the new tileset and it helped me to apply solutions to the others.
Some backroutes here, but I will have another go at these sometime to see if I can work out the official solutions. To be fair, the backroute I found to The Frozen Section probably came about because of the work I did on Oh No! More Reverse Lemmings - I've become very used to finding ways to tunnel up to an exit through thin platforms!
Thanks for the feedback! I'm having trouble opening your replays. Which version of NeoLemmix are you using? They unzip as RPL format, which I don't recognize.
Quote from: zanzindorf on October 31, 2019, 04:42:32 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I'm having trouble opening your replays. Which version of NeoLemmix are you using? They unzip as RPL format, which I don't recognize.
Ah! I used SuperLemmini to play through the pack. If you have it installed, it will open the replays just fine. If not, I'm happy to play through the pack again in NeoLemmix. Let me know :)
Ah, gotcha. I'll have to find my copy of Lemmini. It's been a while since I've played it.
Here are the intended solutions for each level, though, with your replays I may or may not make some changes:
I finally got around to redoing these replays in NeoLemmix. Managed to replicate most of my solutions, but there are one or two physical differences between the two engines which meant I had to find slightly different ways of doing things.
This game look phenomenal!! I must play it!!! :lem-mindblown:
Hi @zanzindorf,
I've went through Zemmings Vol 1 again for SuperLemmini to save replays this time and hence finally have video solutions uploaded to my channel.
Link to playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJs5Xe14Gt_NeSNYmj-Rqh49 (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJs5Xe14Gt_NeSNYmj-Rqh49) Enjoy! :P
Also attached my replays! :)