download this level and add something to it!
may add:
terrain, steel, objects, including the exit or additional entrances.
set the stats for the level.
you may
remove or alter what a previous participant has added. You may however place additional terrain over top of something (which sometimes may be necessary, but be fair with this.) The point is to have as many people contribute as equal a portion as they can. There's not a set rule on exactly how much you can add or how large an area, but keep this in mind.
It's first come first serve. I'll add your name to the bottom of this list, post here if you want to participate. Please post your submission within a timely manner (week or so) once your turn is up. Rename your file "1.2, .3, .4 etc".*
I've begun it so there is my contribution. I did not add any stats (1 Lemming is default). I picked Pillar because it was the only set not used at all in any of the 3 contests.
Please note: after the level is done it may be slightly altered to work in Lemmini or Lix if desired. I have no idea how well this idea is going to work so we'll just have to try it and find out.

*The title of the level does not have to reflect this You may decide the title for the level, this we can fight over, to the death.
*Five terrain pieces
*2 floaters
So far mobius and Proxima have added, we need more people! come and join the fun. Let's see what kind of craziness (or ingeniousness) we can create together.
- a ceiling route
- a sufficiently generous time limit.
I'd like to participate
- a Steel structure that you can tackle in various ways
Oh, I thought we had to take turns in a precise order but apparently not!
1.5I added :
- Erased terrain on the ceiling and round decoration on the big pillar (I'm not sure these two are allowed, if it's not I deeply apologize

- Structure on the left
it's beginning to look interesting

People kind of just went without waiting for the list but that's ok, since there aren't a ton of people here.
1.6: since there's not much activity on the level recently, I've just added some new interesting shapes...
I hope you'll find something interesting in the new structure!
1.7, since I actually felt like adding to it right now.
- An exit.
- Some steel preventing a very quick route to the exit.
- Tidied up the floating wood pieces to the far right (mostly just putting proper ends on them).
- Changed the stats and skillset so the level now actually has a solution - not a particularly impressive one, but something at least.
- Gave it a name. Feel free to change it if you don't like it.
I also erased one lone pixel that was floating in midair.
1.8 added:
* Another entrance! (Level is no longer solvable, that's for the next person to fix.)
* Some water, terrain and steel on the far right
1.9: time to wake up this topic

so I've updated the level.
I'm sorry I lost interest in this. But this latest version looks good enough to call it finished

I'll try to solve it later.
Now that's it's done.. I don't know what to do with it
I'm sorry I lost interest in this. But this latest version looks good enough to call it finished
I'll try to solve it later.
Let us know how that goes. I was going to say I will download and play it tonight, but then reading through some of the change notes (like "level is no longer solvable, that's for the next person to fix", from as recent as the second-to-last version no less), it isn't even clear to me whether the level in its current form is actually interesting to solve yet.
Level seems almost complete, but I think it can't be solved yet, because skill quantities need to be tweaked.
(and there's probably still room for improving the level design somehow...)
I know this is a really old topic and the level itself has been abandoned, but...
Is it alright if I use this level in my LemmingBytes pack and just make a couple more adjustments to make this level solvable and (hopefully) interesting? I won't change the terrain layout that the others have added, but I may add some more terrain and objects and change the skillset.
I can't speak for the others but I don't mind at all
I also don't mind if you alter the existing layout. As long as you give credit on where the level came from this version you make is your own. Anyone else can take it and alter it and make their own version.