Lemmings Forums

Lix => Lix Levels => Topic started by: geoo on January 07, 2012, 10:11:47 PM

Title: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 07, 2012, 10:11:47 PM
Six years ago, back on the old old lemmings forum, some effort was started to gather levels from the community. The idea was to make a version of DOS Lemmings with these levels instead, and release it to a wider audience. Quite a few levels were posted, and discussion evolved, but eventually, nothing came out of it: http://www6.camanis.net.ipv4.sixxs.org/lemmings/lemmingswelt/forums/?topic=1135291547

Now might be another chance, with Lix being announced to the public sometime (whenever that might be) in the future, to have such a community level pack included with it.
Not everyone can produce a full set with multiple difficulty ratings like RubiX or Clam Spammer did for Lix, so this is a good chance for those who can't (though of course also those who can, I don't mean to discourage anyone from contributing) to get their levels shown to a (hopefully) wider audience.
There seemed to be some interest in this, so I'm willing to coordinate the whole thing.

What's the plan?
I will gather levels from everyone who sends any to me, and I'll try to maintain a list with the progress.
The current list is here: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
Once we got a decent amount of levels designed and tested and the release date approaches, during the second phase we'll try to put them in order, so we get a somewhat smooth difficulty curve.
There's no set goal for the amount of levels or difficulty ratings, we'll just see how many levels will roll in, and decide on that later.

What kind of levels?
Basically, levels of all difficulties, with one guideline: levels shouldn't use glitches, and avoid difficult timing or exact precision if possible. Both remaking existing levels and designing new ones is fine.
There's one thing though: It'd be cool to feature some of the levels from authors who aren't in the forum anymore. Lix is intended to be released under CC0 or WTFPL (basically public domain), though we can't just assume they'd be willing to waive all their rights to the levels. The question is, if we can't get a response from them when contacting, what should be done? Leave out the levels, put a note that the rights to these levels belong to their original authors, or release the entire level pack under a somewhat more restrictive license?

A note on tutorial levels: For tutorial levels (i.e. those showing off the skills and very basic features) I'll probably make a separate topic. The issue here is that the levels have to be arranged very carefully and each with the previous few levels in mind, so just making some levels and throwing them together into a difficulty rating won't cut it.
Those of the rating 0.x (basic techniques) will still depend on each other to some extent, but most prerequisites will already have been covered in the basic tutorial.

How does it work?
You can send me levels, and I'll add them to the list: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
It's also possible to suggest some level to be remade, and I can add it to the list. In that case, you can either tell me that you're remaking the level yourself, or ask for someone to do it, then I'll leave the list entry "redesign" empty until someone is assigned to it, the status will be "not started" until I receive a level file.
When you send me a level please tell me what to fill in in the table. I can set the status to "in progress" to indicate that you're still going to majorly rework the level and people shouldn't test it yet, though I'd prefer to get complete levels and reserve the "in progress" status mostly to myself.
Give an opinion whether the design is ugly/incomplete/lacks decoration and needs definite improvement ("."), whether it's ok but could perhaps be improved ("?"), or whether you consider it final. Give the same data for the level name.
Indicate how extensively you have tested backroutes, and if there are any known backroutes that still need to be fixed.
Finally, give a rough estimate how difficult you think the level is, 0.x means basic tricks, 4.x means really hard (likely hardest rating in the end), around 2-2.5 probably means something like Crazy/Mayhem. It's just to help to order the levels later, and give an estimate what kind of levels are still needed.

Put the levels in levels/single/lixlfpack/ so we all got them in the same place and the replays will match (update: however for level posted here in this topic, but not on the list yet, put them in levels/single/lixlfpack/wip/). For levels that have the status "done", especially the harder ones or if you think you found a backroute, send the author your replay and post a note in this topic. Generally, if you have some suggestions/comments on the levels, post it here, I'll try to read it and update the list accordingly if there's some data to be updated.
You can send levels/replay to me via PM/IRC/IM/e-mail (if you don't know my e-mail address, ask me via PM), preferably in batched updates to minimize my work.
Once a level is considered to have a decent design and name ("X"), and is basically backroute-proof ("9"), I'll move it from the "WIP levels" list to the "Complete levels" list.

You can get the levels using the respective download link, get it bundled as zip from github (https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/zipball/gh-pages), or pull the lastest version using git from my git repository git@github.com:geoo89/lixlfpack.git EDIT: or, of course, attach them to your post.

Suggestions/comments on the general procedure are welcome.

How can you contribute?

Let's see how many will roll in!

Quick Links:
Lix homepage: http://asdfasdf.ethz.ch/~simon/
Level list: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
Latest version of the level bundle (.zip): https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/zipball/gh-pages
Date of last update for each level: https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack
Spreadsheet in xls format: https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/blob/gh-pages/lixlfpack.xls?raw=true
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 08, 2012, 03:54:55 AM
When I have access to my old Cheapo set backup I'll go through it and look for levels to re-make, and also levels to modify to include Lix-exclusive skills. I've got a couple done already, will send once I clean them up a bit.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 08, 2012, 11:34:51 AM
Not sure how much time I have to participate, but I would love to try remaking (or get someone to do so) the many Cheapo levels that the person known variously as Ahribar, Repton or Proxima has made, way back when Cheapo was actually popular.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 13, 2012, 07:48:18 PM
Glaring omission that nowhere on this thread is there a URL for downloading Lix. :-\ I realize it's pre-release and all, but still.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 13, 2012, 11:29:06 PM
The download link is to be shared around freely. geoo has added it to the bottom of the initial post.

I'd just refrain from announcing it on larger sites yet. That's usually a one-time possibility, so the game should be in good shape all-around first.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 16, 2012, 01:54:19 AM

Suggestions/comments on the general procedure are welcome.

How can you contribute?
  • Remake existing levels, design new levels, or suggest levels you'd like to see remade
  • Backroute testing
  • Suggestions for renaming, or improving the design of levels, especially if still noted as incomplete in the list
  • Commenting on data in list (e.g. if you have a vastly different opinion on the difficulty, or done some extensive backroute testing)
  • General feedback

when you say remake existing levels do you mean levels from any of the regular lemmings games?

I volunteer to make a few (remakes or my own whatever). I can do easerish levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Luis on January 16, 2012, 02:39:11 AM
Maybe he meant to make a level that already exist harder. Or it could be making remakes of an existing level with the PSP/PS2 editor, because Lemmings has different graphics in the PSP, like you can see here: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=563.0
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 16, 2012, 06:46:53 AM
Remakes of levels from the official games may be problematic for this particular project, due to intellectual property concerns.  You can reuse the underlying puzzle concepts, but you'll want to deviate from the original graphics and even level layouts as much as you can.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on January 16, 2012, 12:15:27 PM
I'm tempted to make one of my levels, but I am having trouble working out the level editor, so I won't do it today.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 16, 2012, 08:45:13 PM

Remaking would primarily be done from other author's levels, not the originals. I've been re-making some of my older levels.

And yea, speaking of remakes, if anyone knows how to get in touch with, say, Proxima or whoever made that "Why Bother?" Cheapo pack (There's a couple levels in that I thought were brilliant that I'd like to remake) to get permission to remake the levels, that'd be awesome.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 16, 2012, 09:01:13 PM
I was working on contacting him, or at least I said I was. :XD: I have at least 2-3 email addresses from old emails in my Yahoo account that I was going to try, and will do so within the next 24 hours if I'm not distracted yet again. :XD:

I suppose you can always first try PMing him on this forum, which should also trigger an email alert to him.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 16, 2012, 10:16:02 PM
when you say remake existing levels do you mean levels from any of the regular lemmings games?
No. For one there's the issue ccexplore mentioned, then people who have played through the original games shouldn't have to go through the same stuff again, and finally most levels from the original game (at least DOS lemmings) wouldn't cut it quality-wise anyway.

The idea is a bit like, making a best-of from the levels this community has produced, and supplement it with new levels specifically for the project. Feel free to make some easier levels, they are necessary as well. :) Just avoid levels that are tedious (like in DOS original Lemmings, though from the levels I've seen from you, you aren't prone to that), and try to avoid use of excessive precision/timing in your solutions.

I'm tempted to make one of my levels, but I am having trouble working out the level editor, so I won't do it today.
Please report on the issues you're having with it, so perhaps it can be improved so it's easier to get into working with it.

And yea, speaking of remakes, if anyone knows how to get in touch with, say, Proxima or whoever made that "Why Bother?" Cheapo pack (There's a couple levels in that I thought were brilliant that I'd like to remake) to get permission to remake the levels, that'd be awesome.
Yeah, I was thinking of these too (Why bother/The real Mr. Lemming/Here's where I draw the line), they were by The Purpletrator/drumnbach/Ben Hunter (I think it's only 2 people, one with two aliases) though. Searching for "Ben Hunter" Lemmings yields one result on facebook, which might be him, but I'm not registered on facebook so I cannot contact him.

If someone could give contacting him a try, that'd be nice.
Same thing with Ahribar/Proxima, would be nice if ccx could do it at some point, his Cheapo levels were excellent, and he's also really good with decoration.
I'll try to contact tseug soon and see who else made some nice levels (feel encouraged to search further as well).
If we fail to contact them, I think it's probably fair assuming they'd be fine with having the levels included and credit given, though not under CC0. What do you think, perhaps we can discuss this a little further.

Oh, and as the level list grows larger, feel encouraged to backroute-test and rate difficulty. :)

btw, I'm hoping to do some additions to my terrain styles soon, if there's anything you'd like to see, drop me a note. One new style will be abstract, so anything goes. ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on January 17, 2012, 11:55:57 AM
I have Proxima/Ahribar on Facebook. I could message him if you like.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 18, 2012, 12:53:43 AM
Oh cool, please do.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on January 18, 2012, 02:06:13 AM
OK, done. One of those awkward messages where I'm trying to ask how he is (because we are basically friends who haven't seen each other in a few years) and also expose the ulterior motive. :P (I just straightforwardly went "I have an ulterior motive, but it's as good an excuse as any to start a conversation and catch up")

Incidentally, I mentioned that I was having trouble with the editor – specifically, is there a guide anywhere to what the buttons mean? Most of them are unintuitive icons. I was thinking of remaking this level of mine:

although I seem to remember that Lix doesn't support 1-way walls yet. But if anyone wants to try and adapt it, feel free. I'm not going to lay claim to it copyright-wise or anything.

That said, I should probably mention that I might not be posting for a while, because things are starting to happen in my life again – basically, I've got a job teaching English in Tokyo which starts next week, so I'm leaving Edinburgh today and the UK on Saturday, via London. So I wouldn't expect any levels out of me. (That said, I will still have internet when I'm there, it just depends how much free time I have, and how much of that I devote to Lemmings – and in actual fact I'll probably still be checking the board)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 18, 2012, 03:47:07 AM
Incidentally, I mentioned that I was having trouble with the editor – specifically, is there a guide anywhere to what the buttons mean? Most of them are unintuitive icons.
That's funny, ccexplore just asked the same thing on the IRC :P. You can bring up mouseover descriptions by pressing the '?' button (bottom row, 6th from right).

I was thinking of remaking this level of mine:
although I seem to remember that Lix doesn't support 1-way walls yet. But if anyone wants to try and adapt it, feel free. I'm not going to lay claim to it copyright-wise or anything.
Sure, I'm happy to have a go at this. You can actually create a one-way obstacle with some clever placement of terrain and steel. For example, in my level Santa's Workshop:

the obstacle immediately left of the hatch can only be bashed through from the left. It's not a foolproof setup (if you have enough skills you can force your way through the 'wrong' way), but it can work. That said, there has been some discussion about adding one-way walls, so this might not be needed anyway ;).

I should add (since this is my first post in the topic), I'm happy to backroute-test any levels that are submitted for this project :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 18, 2012, 05:05:06 AM
Slightly out of topic (maybe I should just start another thread for this), but I need to bring up some quirks in the current version of Lix for level editing:

1) If you're using the Windows version, don't switch in and out of the program with Alt+Tab.   If you do, when you switch back you'll almost always find the editor stuck in "Add Steel" screen.  Stuck because if you click on the Cancel button to try to get out (or even if you actually select a steel piece to add), the "Add Steel" screen just pops itself right back up again.  You're forced to kill the program at that point losing any unsaved progress.

2) When dragging terrains/objects around, you have to point the mouse down on a non-transparent pixel to be able to drag.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 18, 2012, 09:03:12 AM
Here's a crappy level I made with Lix.  It was supposed to be somewhat clever, but fundamentally it's a little annoying to execute (in some ways it's worse in Lix due to subtle differences in behavior (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif)) and tricky to enforce. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif) Which also means there are probably some backroutes I've overlooked.  Who knows, maybe one of the backroutes will turn out to be better suited for the community level set. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/XD.gif)

This is obviously a first draft, so yeah, graphics are not great, to put it charitably.  Because of the small level area, you may find it best to play this level zoomed in the whole time.

Let me know what you think.  I had this silly idea for like 5-6 years and even started a level in Lemmix that I never finished.  So no matter how it turns out for you, I at least have finally gotten it off my chest. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif)  Actually, if you can work the idea into a better form in your own levels, go right ahead.

[edit: it's slightly annoying to execute but should be quite manageable with replays.  The intended solution is supposed to be all-or-nothing, in that if your execution doesn't work out, almost no one exits.]

[edit2: fixed one backroute.  I don't think anyone downloaded the first version though.  Fixed version now has 7 sawblades.]

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 18, 2012, 09:18:10 AM
As a side comment, it seems that the current styles in Lix are severely lacking in hazard objects?  Most of them are in geoo's "construction" set, and they are very good.  But I feel like I'm not getting enough variety of the more traditional hazards (triggered and constant traps) like I do in Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 18, 2012, 10:05:43 AM
finlay: In the editor, there is a button marked "?" which displays on-hover info about the buttons. This should be enabled per default on a fresh installation. I should check whether this is the case, or just make a permanent status bar.

The level project is actually a great usability study. geoo has named tons of little things in IRC already. I'm not in the code often these weeks, but will come back to it at some point.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 18, 2012, 10:37:48 AM
Here (attached) is a remake of finlay's level with my one-way wall replacement thing. Besides that, it's pretty much a straight rebuild with the closest Lix equivalents I could find (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif).

Quote from: ccexplore on 2012-01-18 03:03:12 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12622#msg12622)
QuoteHere's a crappy level I made with Lix.
I quite like this one, it's no bigger or more complex than it needs to be. The execution is annoying, yes, but I don't know if it can be helped without giving away too big a hint to the player. My solution is attached, pretty sure it's the intended one given the comments in your post.

Quote from: ccexplore on 2012-01-18 03:18:10 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12623#msg12623)
QuoteAs a side comment, it seems that the current styles in Lix are severely lacking in hazard objects?  Most of them are in geoo's "construction" set, and they are very good.  But I feel like I'm not getting enough variety of the more traditional hazards (triggered and constant traps) like I do in Lemmings?
IIRC the first 'remake' tilesets were abandoned (or at least put on hold for a long time) close to completion, when most of the tiles were done but there were no traps besides just water. I don't know whether there were any traps planned for these sets though.

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 18, 2012, 07:35:25 PM
For "Catch and Release", Clam's solution is indeed the intended one, and geoo's (from IRC) is indeed a backroute.  I've attached a version that hopefully should fix the type of backroutes exemplified by geoo's solution.  The way I ended up fixing the level also inspired me to change the level title to something more fun. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif)

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 18, 2012, 07:57:50 PM
Hi everyone.

I received finlay's message directing me to this topic. It's nice to be back -- I notice that it's almost exactly two years since I last posted here, with a very vague goodbye message. I think that was wrong and I should have explained my situation more fully. For the last five years, I've had a part-time job at the Press Association, while also caring for my mother, who has a brain tumour, and trying to get somewhere with my ambition to succeed as a novelist. It got to the point where I felt I just couldn't give time to Lemmings level design as well -- especially since I'd come to realise that my project, a series of linked Cheapo sets covering all difficulties, was simply too ambitious.

However, a series of levels covering all difficulties with all of us contributing sounds like an excellent idea, and I'd definitely be happy to contribute to that -- especially as that would finally give me a sense of reward for the effort I put into making my levels. I gather that you're using a new clone named "Lix"; can you tell me more about it, what features it supports etc.? Many of my favourites from my Cheapo levels used vertical scrolling and custom traps, for example.

I'm on a new computer these days, but fortunately the fine chaps at the computer shop were able to save my old hard drive, so I still have all my old files... but I haven't tried loading up either Cheapo or the editor on Natsuki yet so I don't know how much of the editing I'll be able to do myself... fingers crossed. As well as the levels you remember, I had a complete set of 30 easy levels, some of which fell into the old trap of too much building, but it shouldn't be too difficult to use that set as a starting-point and improve it rather than copying the levels exactly as they are.

My best wishes for 2012 to all of you, of course :) I'll be back in here at least once a day to see how this is going and answer any questions about my levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 18, 2012, 11:24:13 PM
Hey Proxima, welcome back!

I think it's reasonable to take a break when you're too occupied with things in real life. I know at some point I was also only quickly scanning through the new posts, and skipping the challenges topic even, though I guess in my case it was just work piling up, fortunately. It's certainly nice to see you back!

The most notable feature in Lix is probably that you can play multiplayer (up to 8 players) over network. This isn't relevant to this level project, but it sure is great fun. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif)
It runs under Windows, Linux and Mac (though I think the Mac version is slightly outdated right now, not sure).
The are a few new skills, and usability features like savestates and fast forward. While it technically supports the old DOS lemmings level format, these require the DOS graphics files, and as the game is supposed to be free, these cannot be used in the project.
But the game comes with new terrain styles instead, e.g. mine are currently in progress and if you want, you can also design your own so they can be added to the game, or just some custom objects to be added. Level editor is included, the level format doesn't have the limitations of the original game, so yes, you can make levels that scroll vertically (and even wrap around if you want). (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif)

Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2012-01-18 04:37:48 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12625#msg12625)
QuoteQuote from: ccexplore on 2012-01-18 03:18:10 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12623#msg12623)
QuoteAs a side comment, it seems that the current styles in Lix are severely lacking in hazard objects?  Most of them are in geoo's "construction" set, and they are very good.  But I feel like I'm not getting enough variety of the more traditional hazards (triggered and constant traps) like I do in Lemmings?
IIRC the first 'remake' tilesets were abandoned (or at least put on hold for a long time) close to completion, when most of the tiles were done but there were no traps besides just water. I don't know whether there were any traps planned for these sets though.
Those styles were made with the intention that each terrain piece's mask matches one of the pieces from the original game. The idea was to allow players who don't have to original styles still play the many old levels we made. It had downsides, like sticking to low-res so that e.g. slopes didn't look too nice, and some tiles just had masks unique enough that it was hard to remake them. Eventually the effort was abandoned, some of the tiles are still used in Matt's new styles though.
Matt isn't much of a level designer, so the styles weren't made with all the intricacies of level design in mind. Not sure whether the lack of traps is a result of that as well.
In any case, I'm still working on my styles, so if you have some objects/terrain tiles in mind you'd like to see, drop me a note. (In that regard, some design ideas for the hatch/exit of the shadow style would be nice.) I can probably also add objects to Matt's styles if you have something specific that fits there.
btw, for sandstone levels, you can also use the torches/braziers as fire hazards, they look nice there. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif)

Solved the new version of the level (old backroute attached for completeness), "Top Gear". It's a bit tricky to execute, yeah. I usually try to add terrain hints or shape the terrain to fix the skill placement that the execution gets easier in these cases, but it's a bit harder in non-bumpy styles (Perhaps adding a terrain hint at the bottom, and then heighten the tower such that mining from the very right does that job could help?). I was wondering why you misaligned the blocks, initially I thought it was to subtly decrease the total fall distance, but my current solution doesn't make use of that. Did you perhaps think that the black borders at the bottom of the blocks are not terrain? Because if you use the grid, everything will align nicely.
Apart from that, I like the level idea, and design-wise it looks pretty nice and clean as well (save for the overlap of the blocks which bugs me a bit).

I finally remade 'Level with strange blocks', and Clam got a good new name for it. It's quite a bit different, so I don't know whether it gets easier or harder; perhaps you should refrain from trying this level if you still want to have a go at the original Cheapo version (though I think you really shouldn't have (had) that much trouble with it if you give it another go). There was a 4-builder version of it while designing it, but I opted for the 5 builder one because I find it to be cleaner like that. 3-builder version like in Cheapo would be possible as well theoretically. But don't let yourself be confused by these comments. Anyway, due to the 2 additional builders, I kinda expect backroutes, though Clam did some testing already. And it's kinda ugly...

Clam's remake of finlay's levels looks nice as well, especially the one-way gadget looks a bit better than in Santa's Workshop. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif) Perhaps I should make some endpieces for the pillars, them being cut off bugs me a bit.

I'll add these new levels to the list when you think they're final if you don't mind.

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on January 19, 2012, 01:47:17 AM
Here (attached) is a remake of finlay's level with my one-way wall replacement thing. Besides that, it's pretty much a straight rebuild with the closest Lix equivalents I could find :).
Cool. There's a few things I maybe want to change about the level in the end, though, particularly the name, which I'm not too happy about. I now kind of just mentally call it the "climbing level".

By the way, is it possible to have in the editor a guideline tool for death drops, bridge lengths, bomber holes, etc?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 19, 2012, 02:00:03 AM
By the way, is it possible to have in the editor a guideline tool for death drops, bridge lengths, bomber holes, etc?

I already started working on something sorta like that when doing my own level, by creating the left and right build bridges as decorative objects.  I guess I could do the same for the other things on your list.

However, note that they are not quite the same as true guideline objects in, say, Cheapo,  because the objects will actually show up visually when playing the level, so you'll have to remember to delete them before releasing the level.  Also, because right now all decorative objects are drawn behind terrain, the only way to implement guideline objects for things like bomber holes is to actually create them as terrain objects, which means you'll need to move them out of the way even for playtesting.

So ultimately, what we need is some support from Simon to properly support such objects in Lix (namely, guideline objects only show up in level editor and not in actual play or preview, and that they can be drawn in front of terrain).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 19, 2012, 03:19:18 AM
I tried to remake Ball Pit from my levelpack, but I ended up with a new level. (Is the time limit too restrictive? My best time leaves five seconds to spare...)

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 19, 2012, 05:06:11 AM
I built a couple of new levels, not sure whether they will end up in the community level set or my own set, but I feel I should post them here to avoid being lonely (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif). 'Hidden Springs' I shared over the IRC already, it's quite simple but should be fun to work out. 'Death Slide' is totally new (even to the IRC), I expect the likes of geoo, Simon and ccexplore to figure it out, otherwise don't panic too much if you can't solve it (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif).
(edit: reuploaded, removed a digger)
(edit2: removed all unneeded skills, lowered lix count)

Quote from: Nortaneous on 2012-01-18 21:19:18 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12635#msg12635)
QuoteI tried to remake Ball Pit from my levelpack, but I ended up with a new level. (Is the time limit too restrictive? My best time leaves five seconds to spare...)
I had over a minute to spare, not sure if I might have backrouted it though, my solution is attached. (edit: also see ccexplore's comment below (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif))

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Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 19, 2012, 05:07:20 AM
Simon and geoo has been very vocal against unnecessarily tight time limits recently.  You may want to consider making the level untimed (set time limit to 0) unless the time limit serves a purpose (eg. backroute elimination).  Otherwise when the final community set gets compiled they might just take out the time limit in the level anyway. ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 19, 2012, 11:21:22 AM
Here's my attempt at decorating "Top Gear" so it fills out the 640x400 area.  Although I'd be the first to admit maybe it's a bit excessive. (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif) If it's not really that big a deal to have the level height be notably smaller than 400, I can remove some of the more excessive bits.

I made some minor adjustments to the terrain for visual purposes, but sorry, I still find myself preferring the softer edges I get from not perfectly aligning the 64x32 blocks the way geoo intended.  I also made an attempt to add a subtle (too subtle?) visual hint related to the positioning of one of the moves.

Two important changes that I'd like some backroute checking for are: 1) I extended the level area horizontally, so you can now do some moves in the new area that you couldn't before.  My intention is that you don't get any backroutes from this change, let's see if I'm correct.  2) I removed the laser above the bottom exit, as I believe it's no longer necessary given the other changes I had already made.  Again, let's see if I'm correct or not.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 19, 2012, 11:43:48 AM
Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2012-01-18 23:06:11 (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg12636#msg12636)
Quote'Death Slide' is totally new (even to the IRC), I expect the likes of geoo, Simon and ccexplore to figure it out, otherwise don't panic too much if you can't solve it (http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif). (edit: reuploaded, removed a digger)
Solved the diggerless version.  I still have a leftover skill, but I'd like to think I'm at least pretty close to your solution.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 19, 2012, 09:52:21 PM
Actually that's pretty much it. The miner (and runner too ;)) were just extra skills intended for distraction. I wanted to add a bunch of other skills as well, but most (including the digger) made other solutions possible, or were obviously useless (climber/floater), so I decided to take them out rather than make the level look ugly with extra traps or whatever. At this point, I should just remove all unneeded skills and leave it at that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 19, 2012, 11:02:27 PM
I tried to remake Ball Pit from my levelpack, but I ended up with a new level. (Is the time limit too restrictive? My best time leaves five seconds to spare...)
I had over a minute to spare, not sure if I might have backrouted it though, my solution is attached. (edit: also see ccexplore's comment below ;))
That's not quite a backroute; that's just I apparently don't have the save requirement high enough to force saving the lemmings in the pit. It's possible to save 16 with only one lemming in the pit; maybe raising the requirement to 17 (and adding another climber, because it's possible to end up with three in the pit) would do it?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 20, 2012, 01:56:36 AM
I'll add these new levels to the list when you think they're final if you don't mind.
"Top Gear" should be fairly close to final, barring no backroutes in the current 640x400 version, and no strong requests for further changes to the visuals.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 20, 2012, 12:11:36 PM
Huh. Turns out that, if you hit exit on the Linux version and say you want to save without having a filename in, Lix freaks out, doesn't save, and stops responding to commands completely.

Anyway, here's the idea that I was trying to implement with the level I lost to that bug. It's a bit trivial, but it could be made less so with the right level design.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 20, 2012, 12:31:34 PM
Noted the bug, will add a check!

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 20, 2012, 09:56:34 PM
here's two levels. (there essentially the same as the ones I made in Lemmix)
this was sort of a test for me. I really like the wrap around function.  Has anyone used this to the full yet? (I haven't played a lot of levels yet. and I think that "catch and release" is hard btw, of course I haven't spent a lot of time on it). I love lateral thinking puzzles like that [if that's what u call it]

Is it alright if a level is loosely based on one from a game?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 21, 2012, 10:19:25 AM
Here's my solution for Roundabout. I could've saved time by timing that one builder better, but I didn't feel like re-recording.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 21, 2012, 08:51:03 PM
for some reason I can't view replays downloaded here. there's a red ex sign on the menu when I select it and nothing happens when I press "replay".

anyway here's another. <spoiler> I tried to make this one a 'misdirection' level. Anyone who plays it tell me if it, if it works that way and of any back routes. I'm not a good judge of my own work.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 21, 2012, 10:23:07 PM
Progress report:

* The Cheapo game runs fine on Natsuki (my current computer). So, I have access to all my old levels, and I don't really need the editor -- as they will all have to be rebuilt from scratch anyway, loading them in the game and sketch-mapping them on paper should be good enough. However, it would definitely be useful to have the editor.

* Editor isn't working. It will open, but when I try to open a level (or start a new one) I get this error: "Level Editor Crash Info: Cannot Create Primary Surface". I tried re-downloading the wledit2.cfg file ccexplore posted in my previous diagnostic topic, but no joy.

* Lix doesn't seem to be working; I just get a black screen when I try to load it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 21, 2012, 11:09:11 PM
Your current computer runs Windows XP or higher, right?  I seem to recall that way back when you were active, the computer you ran Cheapo on was running Windows 98.  In particular I'm not sure how much Lix has been tested on anything besides XP and Windows 7.

Anyway, let's start by gathering a little more info with dxdiag.  On XP, go to the Start menu and find "Run" near the bottom-right of the menu.  Then type "dxdiag" (no quotes) and press Enter to launch the program.  Click "Next Page" to go through each page; if a page offers buttons for testing certain features, click on them as well.  After you go through everything, click "Save All Information" to save the info it gathered into a text file, then upload the file here as an attachment.

On Win7, go to the Start menu and just type "dxdiag" (again no quotes) on the Search box at the bottom of the menu and then press Enter.  It should launch the program.  Do the same as above.

[EDIT: in case the program crashed or get stuck in the middle of its operations (unlikely but you never know), I suggest you do whatever you need to prepare for that possibility before you run dxdiag.  Just in case.  Don't want you to have to reboot and lose something you didn't save for example.]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 21, 2012, 11:34:01 PM
Okay, here is the dxdiag file.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 22, 2012, 12:12:45 AM
I was able to extract the Windows downloadable afresh here and run it successfully in Wine (on Linux).

Try these random ideas:
-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 22, 2012, 06:07:59 AM
for some reason I can't view replays downloaded here. there's a red ex sign on the menu when I select it and nothing happens when I press "replay".

The level's filepath gets saved along with the replay, so you need to either use the same filepath as the person who made the replay, or edit the filepath entry in the replay. To avoid this problem recurring, I suggest anyone downloading levels from (or making levels for) this topic should store them in levels/single/lixlfpack.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 22, 2012, 07:11:07 AM
anyway here's another. <spoiler> I tried to make this one a 'misdirection' level. Anyone who plays it tell me if it, if it works that way and of any back routes. I'm not a good judge of my own work.
Misdirection? How so? Seems more like crowd control to me, but mine might not be the intended solution. (also, I'm doing the /lixlfpack thing now)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 10:36:49 AM
Okay, here is the dxdiag file.
Thanks.  The information in the file indicates that you do not have the correct video driver installed on your computer.  It is using the system fallback generic VGA driver which only provides rudimentary graphics support.  It's likely why neither the Cheapo editor nor Lix is working for you, in fact I'm rather surprised that Cheapo the game still manages to run.

The information indicates the graphics card on your computer is of the Intel 845 chipset, which appears to be an older model that was only supported up to Windows XP.  Since you are apparently running Vista, it may explain why only a generic driver was installed.  The old XP driver may still work for you though.  See if you can find a download for the driver through your computer manufacturer's website.  If not, you can try the download here from Intel:


Unzip the downloaded zip file and run the "setup" program.

[EDIT: JUST IN CASE...you may want to read below in case changing the video driver did more harm than good and you need to revert afterwards]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 11:16:36 AM
Unzip the downloaded zip file and run the "setup" program.

Because there's always a small chance of video not working after changing the driver, and it sounds like this may be your only computer, I have some instructions below to help you revert the change, shall it render your computer unusable afterwards:

1) reboot the computer
2) before the computer starts booting into Windows, press F8 repeatedly (in fact, you can probably start doing this while the computer is rebooting)
3) The F8 should get you to an "advanced options" boot menu for Windows that should include a "safe mode with networking" option.  Select that one with the keyboard arrow keys and press ENTER.
4) You'll notice Windows boot into sort of an ugly version, but should still function mostly.  This is Safe Mode.  I think you can still even launch IE or whatever web browser you're using to get back to this post, shall you need it.  (Though maybe not a bad idea to print this post out beforehand?)

(You can skip 1-4 if your computer is still usable [ie. has video etc.] and you just want to revert the driver change for whatever reasons.)

5) Open the Start Menu and type "Device Manager" in the search box to find and run Device Manager.
6) Find "Display Adapter" in the list, and click on the little triangle to the left of it.
7) The list expands with at least one item under "Display Adapter".  Right-click on it and select "Update Driver Software" from the popup menu.  (If more than one item under "Display Adapter" just use the first one.)
8.) Click "Browse My Computer for Driver Software" (2nd option at bottom)
9) Click "Let me Pick From a List..." (option button at bottom)
10) You are presented with a list of drivers ("Model").  Find the one that says "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter".  If not found, uncheck the checkbox that reads "Show compatible hardware" and VGA should show up in the list on the right.  Select it and click "Next" button at the bottom.
11) At this point it should start installing the driver.  When it finishes, click "Ok" or "Close" or whatever button to finish.
12) If you are in Safe Mode (ie. did steps 1-4), reboot to go back to normal mode.  Otherwise you're done and can continue using your computer without rebooting.

Again, this is just in case, hopefully you won't need it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 12:30:30 PM
By the way, is it possible to have in the editor a guideline tool for death drops, bridge lengths, bomber holes, etc?

Here's a start towards this.  Unzip and put the files/folder somewhere under the "bitmap" subfolder of Lix.  You get the build bridge, the bomb hole (for both non-flinging bomber as well as flinging bomber), the cube, and maximum safe fall distance.  Many of these objects come in "terrain" and "decoration" versions, accessible via "Add Terrain" and "Add Decoration" respectively.  The reason they come in two version is, as I explained before, currently Lix doesn't quite have proper support for guideline-type objects.  Decorations are not terrain and therefore don't interact with lixes, which means you can leave them in the level without interfering (perhaps even aiding sometimes) with your private playtesting, because they leave the terrain unchanged.  On the other hand, decorations are always drawn behind terrain, so may not be suitable in some cases.  In particular, the bomb-holes only have terrain versions because obviously you need them to be drawn in front of terrain to be useful.

Also let me know what other guideline objects you think should be added.  [edit: added a glaring omission--the platformer]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 22, 2012, 12:47:49 PM
Nortaneous: I saved 17 in The Pit basically using Clam's approach, just with a digger instead of bomber at the end. I haven't figured out the intended solution yet, though if you say it involves saving some from the pit, I reckon you'll still want to change the levels a bit. I put it on the list anyway (if you don't mind).
As for your other level, even with the current solution, I think it's perfectly fit for the first difficulty rating; though of course you can also add something more to the solution if you want. Perhaps the design could be extended a little still, then again it looks nicely clean right now though. Oh and of course, it still needs a name.

thick molasses: Not sure what you intended for TM3, but Nortaneous' and my solution (attached below) seem a little simple considering the bottom part of the level layout (unless that's the misdirection you were referring to). I quite like TM2, solved it using no diggers and only one basher. Though the wraparound is kinda pointless in this level, just annoys when scrolling around the level. But yeah, there have been made some levels making use of this (some of Clam Spammer's levels), and it is also used extensively in multiplayer to get balancing.
One major gripe I have with your levels though is the design. They just look like a random bunch of pieces thrown together. If you're using blocks, I recommend to align them to the grid (click the button with the 16, and if you're moving around terrain pieces then, they'll be aligned), and avoid pieces that just float in air. When using terrain pieces from different styles, also make sure that the result looks consistent. As for the background color, I feel that black usually looks best (though the dark blue in TM2 looks fine as well).
Perhaps you can rework the levels a bit in this regard, because apart from this they look pretty promising.

ccexplore: The new design of your level sure is...interesting. I noticed the terrain hint (when I first saw the brazier I was wondering what it was supposed to do there :P), though of course, it depends on where you start building the second set of bricks. I think the best hint to estimate where to start mining would be using a fine-grained (e.g. 8x8) block grid in this area, so you can count blocks and can estimate where to have the miner start pretty precisely depending on where the bridge ends up. Of course, it'd be at the cost of looks a bit, and your block misalignment would make it a bit harder to do than necessary, but I just checked and it really makes it easy to get the precise starting point of the miner.
I uploaded the current version and added it to the list, but I encourage you to add something like this fine-grained grid to aid miner placement.

finlay: I put up "It's a long way up" as well, but feel free to tell me a new name to rename it to, or still change the level/tell me to change something.

Ok, 3 levels have been added to the list.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 22, 2012, 04:20:19 PM
ccexplore, thanks for trying to help. It really means a lot to me that you're willing to go to so much trouble for my levels. Unfortunately I don't know whether we can get this to work :( I tried the setup program from the link you gave me, but it just said my operating system is not supported, and exited. I also tried the manufacturer's website, but I wasn't able to find anything. Of course, I mainly use my computer for writing and browsing the web and I know very little about the technical aspects, but if I've understood correctly what their website is saying, it seems this computer isn't meant to support Windows Vista in the first place (no idea why everything else works, if that's the case). I'll have to blame the chaps at the computer shop for that, but I don't really want to go back and complain to them when everything else I want to do except run Lix is working perfectly. I could try starting up the computer I used before my previous one, but moving everything around and getting it set up would take a long time, and from what you said previously, it probably wouldn't be any good anyway. So I may have to give up....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 22, 2012, 06:34:20 PM
Proxima, have you tried -w, as I mentioned earlier?

geoo and me have spend much of the day in Mumble. I made another level for the lixlfpack, Mice in the Pipeline. Both of us played the level multiple times. We need other people's opinions about its difficulty, geoo noticed rather much of its design process.

I tried Alien Invasion and, since I haven't solved it yet, I made fun of the spaceship design. geoo commented that only aliens were allowed to have spaceships like this, mixing two incompatible level styles and using upside-down thrusters. He plans to build a second part of the level where you have to rescue the treehouse-invading aliens back into the ship.

geoo found a challenge in the level, you have kill 118/120 lixes in the thrusters on top of the ship. It's allegedly very technical to execute.

I solved Tribute to Benny Hill in 29:25 minutes, and the whole level offers 30 minutes of time. I backrouted the Steve level where you must platform all across the top, and geoo amended it a little.

Some of Steve's levels have strange names, not relating to the level at all (Boss on parade, Get Hype, Well OK then). geoo commented that Steve chose these names based on what he was (unrelatedly) thinking about or listening to at the time. I believe this is problematic, at the very least I can't remember the name of the level I mentioned above.

Nortaneous asked in this thread whether the time limit on his level was too harsh, and cc answered that geoo and me didn't like unnecessary time limits. We didn't find the time limit necessary and scrapped it altogether. (Set a time of 0 in the lix editor.)

geoo had ramen for lunch and pondered for almost an hour whether to make artificial beef flavored ramen, or green curry ramen. He watched sumo wrestling while eating.

The lixlfpack levels are very hard right now. We need more flower levels, for the girls.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 22, 2012, 08:24:38 PM
The lixlfpack levels are very hard right now. We need more flower levels, for the girls.
No flowers, but how about this one, called "Land of Rainbows and Unicorns"?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 11:28:06 PM
I tried the setup program from the link you gave me, but it just said my operating system is not supported, and exited.

It's also possible to change the video driver using Device Manager.  However, probably good idea first to check and see if "-w" works for you or not, as Simon suggested:

1) browse to the folder where the Lix program is located.
2) right-click on it and select "Create Shortcut" from the menu.  A shortcut is created in the same folder.
3) right-click on the shortcut just created, and select "Properties" from the menu.
4) In the popup window, in the field that says "Target", add a space followed by -w to the end of the text.
5) Click OK to save the changes.

Now launch the game using the shortcut and it will run Lix with the -w option.

Unfortunately I don't think there's any analog of this workaround that will help with the Cheapo editor.


To change the video driver using Device Manager instead of the setup program.

1) open Start Menu
2) type "Device Manager" in the search box and press ENTER.  Wait for program to launch.
3) find "Display Adapter" in the list, and click on the little triangle to the left of it
4) the list expands with at least one new item under "Display Adapter", that should read "Standard VGA graphics adapter" or similar, based on the dxdiag info.  Right-click on it and select "Update Driver Software"
5) Click "Browse my Computer..." (second option button).
6) Click on the "Browse" button at the top-right of the page
7) In this 2nd popup window, find the folder you unzipped the contents of the zip file to.  (Little triangle left of a folder entry means you can click on the triangle to expand and see all the sub-folders inside the folder.)
8.) Select the folder, then click OK.
9) Back to the main popup, click "Next".
10) If all goes well, Windows should find the driver somewhere under the folder you selected, and installs it.

Between steps 9 and 10 if it is trying to change the video driver, the screen may flash for a bit, but should eventually settle down into working video when installation finishes.  If it ends up settling into a black screen, try pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.  That brings up the logon/user switch screen and can usually clear any transient black screens.  If that doesn't work, force reboot the computer and see what happens.  If video remains unusable after reboot, follow the steps given in the previous post to revert the change (including use of Safe Mode).


it seems this computer isn't meant to support Windows Vista in the first place (no idea why everything else works, if that's the case). I'll have to blame the chaps at the computer shop for that, but I don't really want to go back and complain to them

It's not that unusual to try to run an OS on a computer that the manufacturer hasn't necessarily tested the OS on, so I don't think I'd go so far as to blame and complain, especially since as you said, almost all of what you need to do with the computer is working.  Also remember that the computer manufacturer has more incentive to get you to buy a newer model than trying to squeeze every last ounce of working out of an older model.

it probably wouldn't be any good anyway.

Not sure where you got that from, just because it's older doesn't necessarily mean it's worse.  In fact you may have less problems with compatibility on older OSes.  I wouldn't rule out trying the old computer, but yes, no guarantees either.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 11:34:00 PM
Some of Steve's levels have strange names, not relating to the level at all (Boss on parade, Get Hype, Well OK then). geoo commented that Steve chose these names based on what he was (unrelatedly) thinking about or listening to at the time. I believe this is problematic, at the very least I can't remember the name of the level I mentioned above.

Coming up with reasonable title that also relates to the level can be tricky.  I suppose if you think you can do better in the titling department, you could ask the original level author to see if they are okay with a title change.  Steve's titling method is really just keeping in tradition of how they titled levels for the official Lemmings games. :P

No flowers, but how about this one, called "Land of Rainbows and Unicorns"?

Hmm, needs more unicorns. ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2012, 11:51:38 PM
ccexplore: The new design of your level sure is...interesting.

 ;P To be clear I'm :-\ myself about the current ceiling design.  Other possibilities include using sawblades to create the text instead.  Or forgo the text and maybe have some sort of steam coming out of a regular ceiling.  There's also simply making a relatively low and thick ceiling but I didn't think it'd look very good.  Ditto with reducing the level height.

I will work on a few alternate ceiling designs and show you in IRC.  Also feel free to provide your own suggestions.

I uploaded the current version and added it to the list, but I encourage you to add something like this fine-grained grid to aid miner placement.

Okay, I'll look into that too and see what I can come up with.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 23, 2012, 02:24:25 AM
The lixlfpack levels are very hard right now. We need more flower levels, for the girls.

Am I doing it right? ;P (level attached)

edit: Added another level (not a flower level)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 23, 2012, 09:58:17 AM
And here's a third level in one day. (Wow, I'm on a roll! :D)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 23, 2012, 12:45:50 PM
Hmm, in Clones the lix could at least dress like unicorns...
I think the unicorns are just hiding in the vortex.

;P To be clear I'm :-\ myself about the current ceiling design.  Other possibilities include using sawblades to create the text instead.  Or forgo the text and maybe have some sort of steam coming out of a regular ceiling.  There's also simply making a relatively low and thick ceiling but I didn't think it'd look very good.  Ditto with reducing the level height.

I will work on a few alternate ceiling designs and show you in IRC.  Also feel free to provide your own suggestions.
I think the ceiling design isn't bad per se, it's just that it almost touches the towers and that looks at bit messy. Attached is a suggestion with a separating line below the text, and the water removed to get some more vertical space (a platform with two towers floating slightly above the water surface looked a slight bit odd anyway). Also tried to incorporate the fine-grained grid and made the level more symmetric. Tell me what you think.

Clam: Solved your levels, I think I also found the intended solution to "Inside the Fourth Wall" now, without jumping over the steel block. Pretty tough and very clever level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 23, 2012, 04:36:31 PM
To change the video driver using Device Manager instead of the setup program.
Thank you!  :thumbsup: This actually worked, and now I can run both the Cheapo editor and Lix on Natsuki. (Haven't tested the Cheapo game again after making the change... should do that.)

There's just one oddity. At the same time I bought this computer, I bought a new monitor, a widescreen one, but since my video driver (or whatever was responsible) wouldn't support any resolution other than 800x600 or 1280x768, I left widescreen turned off. When I restarted after installing the new video driver, widescreen was turned on and the button to turn it off doesn't work. It's actually not a problem -- I was shocked at first and jumped for the button immediately, but then I realised that my desktop background image was stretched and everything else is fine, so I can just find a new image (I haven't changed it in a while, so why not?) that fits my current resolution. Still, it's just a bit odd that the button stopped working like that.

Anyway, getting back to Lix, I've had a go playing around on a couple of levels. It looks pretty good; I'll need a while longer to adjust to the controls and everything, but I'm looking forward to getting into this now :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 23, 2012, 05:44:35 PM
Okay, here's my first attempt at a Lix level. Just a little idea I had last night -- it's probably been done already. Really I was just getting a feel for how the game and editor work.

EDIT: Just noticed something. On this level, if you make a lemming climb, then block and explode at the top-left corner of the serif, the others can't get up. You could use this technique to get up a block of the same size on the original game. It's not to do with bad object placement; I got the same result building a test level with grid snap turned on. Of course, this technique isn't needed to solve this level, and it can still be done with more than one bomb, or a bomb combined with another skill, or a smaller block... but it would still be nice if it worked as expected.

EDIT: Replaced with fixed version of the level (grid used to position terrain correctly)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 24, 2012, 01:43:43 AM
Just finished playing the tutorial levels. I'm definitely impressed with Lix so far  :thumbsup: and some of the new skills look like they could be very interesting. I really don't like the batter, though, and will be staying well away from it in my level designs. I clearly just don't get it very well, because I haven't been able to get anywhere near the save requirement on the batter tutorial level. (I saved 95 on the Flinging level, though!)

The graphics are really nice, and I'm looking forward to getting properly started with level building. My only disappointment is that, while some of the styles are obvious substitutes for the original styles, so that most levels can be rebuilt in a corresponding style, there's no substitute for the Blue style. I'd like to remake Rhapsody in Blue, one of my favourite levels, but it will have to have a new title :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 24, 2012, 04:00:18 AM
I clearly just don't get it very well, because I haven't been able to get anywhere near the save requirement on the batter tutorial level. (I saved 95 on the Flinging level, though!)

Hmm, this is a little worrisome, I think it means the batter tutorial level may need some further tweaking?  I haven't played the tutorial levels myself yet so maybe I'll give it a go tonight and see.

At least a few multiplayer levels center around the batter, so it would be good to iron out as much as possible any kinks in the tutorial for that skill.  Anyway, I'm sure you have Simon's attention on this issue.

while some of the styles are obvious substitutes for the original styles, so that most levels can be rebuilt in a corresponding style, there's no substitute for the Blue style. I'd like to remake Rhapsody in Blue, one of my favourite levels, but it will have to have a new title :(

Hmm, seems like the better answer is to create a substitute blue style instead of remaking your level in a different style?  I'm no artist however (I think geoo and Matt are the main artists when it comes to Styles), so it might take a little bit of time. :-\
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 24, 2012, 08:24:57 AM
I really don't like the batter, though, and will be staying well away from it in my level designs. I clearly just don't get it very well, because I haven't been able to get anywhere near the save requirement on the batter tutorial level.

I have to say, the batter 'tutorial' is somewhat harder than you'd expect from a training level, and IMHO doesn't teach much either. I don't know how you'd tweak the current design to make it a nice simple tutorial, maybe it would need a complete overhaul :-\. But given time (and some better batter levels ;)) I'm sure you'll come to like the skill :).

As ccexplore touched on, the batter is primarily a multiplayer skill at the moment, and its usefulness in singleplayer isn't easy to quantify - ditto for other non-L1 skills like cuber, runner, and fling-bomber. That's part of the beauty of this new game, there's still plenty to discover :).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 24, 2012, 08:58:18 AM
Yeah, the batter's main purpose is multiplayer balancing. Enenmy blockers and lone attackers are removable much easier and without losing lixes due to fling-exploder assignments. It's up to level designers whether to give batters, some levels are better without.

Tutorial levels will be the most-often played levels for new players, which will judge the whole game just by playing those. Rubix already did a good job on them, but batter level is indeed too hard. It kills necessary lixes all the time instead of e.g. returning them to earlier places. Maybe we'll also make a new in-level text system. The current text is done via one-time bitmaps.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 24, 2012, 09:36:43 AM
EDIT: Just noticed something. On this level, if you make a lemming climb, then block and explode at the top-left corner of the serif, the others can't get up. You could use this technique to get up a block of the same size on the original game.

You're talking about the 32x32 brown block at the bottom-right part of the "L" right?

I think either you might have remembered wrong, or maybe it's a little different in Cheapo.  The corresponding size in low-res Lemmings is 16x16, and a lemming can only walk up steps of at most 6 pixels, not 8.  The bomber pit is 8 pixels deep in Lemmings, and 16 in Lix with double the resolution.  So in this case, pretty much everything matches up between Lix and Lemmings size-wise, and I don't think the setup would've worked in Lemmings either. ???  Do you have a specific example in Lemmings or Cheapo to show what you expected to work?

What does work in both Lix and Lemmings (and Cheapo), is if you time the bomber to explode just a bit before he reaches the top of the block.

(Nice level btw, I don't know about you but I think it's already a great addition as-is to the community set.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 24, 2012, 02:00:02 PM
I think either you might have remembered wrong, or maybe it's a little different in Cheapo.  The corresponding size in low-res Lemmings is 16x16, and a lemming can only walk up steps of at most 6 pixels, not 8.  The bomber pit is 8 pixels deep in Lemmings, and 16 in Lix with double the resolution.  So in this case, pretty much everything matches up between Lix and Lemmings size-wise, and I don't think the setup would've worked in Lemmings either. ???  Do you have a specific example in Lemmings or Cheapo to show what you expected to work?

Interesting. It works on Tame 9 (Mac) but maybe that's specific to the Mac version?

I'm glad you like the level; I'll try to find time to make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 24, 2012, 03:45:07 PM
Meanwhile, I've started playing through the existing levels, starting with Rubix's "Pleasant" set. Very nice set of fun, easy levels with an excellent gradual difficulty increment. I notice that there is (as I guessed) already a level based around the letters "LIX" -- do you still want me to keep mine as well?

On Rubix's "LIX" level in particular, but also in general, it annoys me that it's so much harder to stretch a bridge in Lix than in previous versions -- you have to wait longer than I'm used to before the shrugger starts walking, and it feels like you get a shorter time interval in which it's possible to click.

Level 15 isn't working; there's an icon that seems to indicate missing terrain?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on January 24, 2012, 08:38:35 PM
Level 15 isn't working; there's an icon that seems to indicate missing terrain?

This level contains the explosive crate object, this used to be a decorative object (i.e. the lix would walk right through it), but it was recently changed to a terrain object. The level file still refers to the decorative crate that no longer exists, so the game refuses to run the level. Try the attached level file with the crates removed. :)

As an aside, maybe the game should just run the level without the missing pieces, and maybe give a warning that something is wrong?

There are a couple of gameplay annoyances ("bugs" would be too strong a word) that are all part of the same thing: the replay function remembers and includes when you pause and change speed.

This doesn't happen for me (on the Windows version), maybe it's different on your version?. The replay reverts to normal speed shortly before the last recorded action, maybe this is what you're seeing?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 24, 2012, 08:56:57 PM
Interesting. It works on Tame 9 (Mac) but maybe that's specific to the Mac version?

I checked and the height in Tame 9 is 12 pixels (low-res), while the block in your level would be 16 pixels tall in low-res.  Tame 9 works the same in both Mac and non-Mac versions.

Perhaps what we need are additional rectangular terrain that have a height of exactly twice the maximum walkable step-height.  [Or more generally, heights that are integer multiples of the maximum walkable step-height.  The brick-wall terrains in Lemming's "hell" set are a prime example of what I'm talking about.  Perhaps such terrain already exists in one of Lix's styles.]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 24, 2012, 11:07:16 PM
This doesn't happen for me (on the Windows version), maybe it's different on your version?. The replay reverts to normal speed shortly before the last recorded action, maybe this is what you're seeing?

Hmm, maybe, but I seem to remember it reverting to normal speed much too early sometimes, and I think it corresponded to my changing speed during play. The replay also starts out paused if I paused early on during play or something like that.

I checked and the height in Tame 9 is 12 pixels (low-res), while the block in your level would be 16 pixels tall in low-res.  Tame 9 works the same in both Mac and non-Mac versions.

That would account for it. Sorry about the confusion :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 25, 2012, 12:04:44 AM
For the tutorial levels, as stated in the first post, I was hoping to do a somewhat more extensive series of levels for that purpose, introducing all the skills and features and some behavior in a very gentle manner, also requiring to make use of previous lessons learnt to ensure people won't forget things later again. I got to see whether I can make it so that it's fit for players not really familiar with Lemmings, while not being boring to players with previous experience either.
The other tutorial could perhaps be seen as a head-start for those who don't want to go through a longer tutorial.

With regards to bridge stretching, generally levels should not make use of it, unless they cannot be modified to work without (I can only think of one example of that). The feature of queuing builders should also discourage from that, as not having to assign another builder after each bridge is more comfortable.

Hmm, seems like the better answer is to create a substitute blue style instead of remaking your level in a different style?  I'm no artist however (I think geoo and Matt are the main artists when it comes to Styles), so it might take a little bit of time.  :-\
I'm afraid to say my artistic abilities are too limited to make sophisticated crystals like in the original game.
If you're just aiming for something blue though, there's plenty of that: The blocks from the carnival set, wall and pillar tiles from my shadow set (can also make 32 px wide pillars if you want), and soon there'll also be pipes of width 8. Incidentally, I just made a level with working title "Blue level" two days ago as it's entirely blue, which I still have to think of a better name for.

Meanwhile, I've started playing through the existing levels, starting with Rubix's "Pleasant" set. Very nice set of fun, easy levels with an excellent gradual difficulty increment. I notice that there is (as I guessed) already a level based around the letters "LIX" -- do you still want me to keep mine as well?
I don't see why not. At least you can't easily take the route along the top unlike in RubiX' level, as you start at the bottom and the skillset is sufficiently different. I see one small misalignment at the top left of the X, but I see you already found out about the grid which helps avoiding these things easily.

Perhaps what we need are additional rectangular terrain that have a height of exactly twice the maximum walkable step-height.  [Or more generally, heights that are integer multiples of the maximum walkable step-height.  The brick-wall terrains in Lemming's "hell" set are a prime example of what I'm talking about.  Perhaps such terrain already exists in one of Lix's styles.]
I don't really see much need for it, such blocks would also not fit as well with the other blocks and the grid. You can simply use some 16 pixel high block to achieve the same effect, and with less precise bomber timing (if you can't afford a blocker for example). Or if you really insist, 16+8 = 24, and there's plenty of pieces of height 8 and 16.
For exact multiples of the step height (now I honestly don't see the use for that) the same works.

Hmm, maybe, but I seem to remember it reverting to normal speed much too early sometimes, and I think it corresponded to my changing speed during play. The replay also starts out paused if I paused early on during play or something like that.
What happens is that during action replay, 3 seconds before the last recorded action, the game reverts to normal speed if some fast forward was enabled, just like ccexplore said. Notably, if you click to disable action replay during these 3 seconds and then load the savestate again, the game will stop 3 seconds before the previous assignment then, perhaps that's what you encountered.
It used to happen right when the last action occurred, but as it's frequently the last skill assignment that you want to amend, I think it makes more sense they way it is now. Nevertheless, I still tend to mess up with the feature not expecting the speed to revert to normal every now and then.
Furthermore, when you're in pause/FF/FFF/ZZZ mode, and load a savestate, the game will continue in pause/FF/FFF/ZZZ mode. Not sure how useful this is, but I think being able to load a savestate and having the game immediately paused is pretty valuable.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 25, 2012, 12:15:10 AM
With regards to bridge stretching, generally levels should not make use of it, unless they cannot be modified to work without (I can only think of one example of that). The feature of queuing builders should also discourage from that, as not having to assign another builder after each bridge is more comfortable.

Indeed, I agree with levels not requiring it, but that doesn't mean the player won't want to use it, especially as Lix keeps track of your records for each level. Besides, I grew up with the original game, which as we know is very builder-intensive; stretching my bridges, and feeling annoyed when I fail, is now far too deeply ingrained a habit to get rid of.

If you're just aiming for something blue though, there's plenty of that: The blocks from the carnival set, wall and pillar tiles from my shadow set (can also make 32 px wide pillars if you want), and soon there'll also be pipes of width 8. Incidentally, I just made a level with working title "Blue level" two days ago as it's entirely blue, which I still have to think of a better name for.

The carnival set is completely different in feel though, and not the most attractive of the Lix sets. But I'll see how I feel when I get round to converting that level -- there are plenty of other ones I can do first.

What happens is that during action replay, 3 seconds before the last recorded action, the game reverts to normal speed if some fast forward was enabled, just like ccexplore said. Notably, if you click to disable action replay during these 3 seconds and then load the savestate again, the game will stop 3 seconds before the previous assignment then, perhaps that's what you encountered.
It used to happen right when the last action occurred, but as it's frequently the last skill assignment that you want to amend, I think it makes more sense they way it is now. Nevertheless, I still tend to mess up with the feature not expecting the speed to revert to normal every now and then.
Furthermore, when you're in pause/FF/FFF/ZZZ mode, and load a savestate, the game will continue in pause/FF/FFF/ZZZ mode. Not sure how useful this is, but I think being able to load a savestate and having the game immediately paused is pretty valuable.

Thanks for explaining. I still find it a bit annoying, especially the automatic pause, but if you want to leave it in I can accept that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 25, 2012, 01:23:38 AM
I don't really see much need for it, such blocks would also not fit as well with the other blocks and the grid.

Well, the argument is circular since obviously you originally created some of the existing styles with a particular grid alignment in mind.  If it was me I might argue the solution is to allow a user-defined grid alignment option in the editor as well as the pre-defined ones. ;P The original Lemming styles clearly did not share any rigid fascination towards the number 16 (high-res), with such examples as the ONML Brick style having heights related to multiple of 6's (low-res).  Or that a build bridge is of height 12 (low-res).

All that said, I suppose yes, it's not that big of a deal. :-\ ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 25, 2012, 06:37:53 AM
Indeed, I agree with levels not requiring it, but that doesn't mean the player won't want to use it, especially as Lix keeps track of your records for each level. Besides, I grew up with the original game, which as we know is very builder-intensive; stretching my bridges, and feeling annoyed when I fail, is now far too deeply ingrained a habit to get rid of.
I know that habit very well, when playing Lemmix or Cheapo I do it all the time as well even when I don't need it. But it feels more like a bad habit, so no reason not to try to drop it. The queuing feature helps with that, now I rarely do it in Lix, as there's rarely an instance when I have to assign a builder to a builder that has just finished.
If you want to use as few skills as possible, you'll always run into hard to execute solutions. If you're really going for these, then Lix has got all kinds of tool assistance (stavestates, ZZZ mode) to make them a lot less annoying than in the original games.

If it was me I might argue the solution is to allow a user-defined grid alignment option in the editor as well as the pre-defined ones. ;P
That's actually already possible, set it in the options menu and use the # grid.
(But I still don't see why 12 would be preferable to 16 for block size. There's that one single obscure feature of bombing away a ledge :P, which can be achieved just as nicely with the current blocks. I prefer consistency, and now it just happens that the majority of blocks have been set to be powers of two. :P)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 25, 2012, 10:52:14 AM
Well, now that I examine the terrain offerings in Lemmings and ONML more closely, they too actually fall into multiples of 8 and 16 (low-res) more often than I thought, while the "unit lengths" in some cases are multiples of 6 and 12.  For example, the ONML Bricks set that leads to the Tame 9 example Proxima referenced, the terrain piece that makes up the brick Proxima was talking about, it was part of a terrain piece of height 48 (low-res), which of course is both a multiple of 8 as well as 12.

Tricky 19 is another example, where a step of height 12 is actually created by erasing from a 32x32 block.  It doesn't look odd because the 32x32 block comprises of textures of unit length 4, allowing from shifts and cut-offs in 4-pixel increments without looking strange.

So it would seem the moral here is that with a little thought, you can have both 12 and 16 coexisting harmoniously in the same style.  Tame 9 in fact is such an example, with the "big" bricks in unit height 12, but many other elements (eg. the square red bricks, the crates) in unit heights of 8 and 16.

It seems to me that if someone were to create the ONML Bricks style strictly following your approach, the terrains featuring the height-12 bricks would never have been included in that style, and I'm not sure I would see the omission as a good thing.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 25, 2012, 03:16:36 PM
Here's the first of my Cheapo remakes :) This is an easy level, but perhaps interesting to try to optimise. I've modified it to include some of the new skills in Lix. Also, I've edited my post at the top of the previous page to include an update to the "LIX" level, with grid snap used and diagonal bricks in the corners (I decided against using more decorative terrain than this). I'm happy for this to be the final version of the level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 25, 2012, 10:01:22 PM
Those styles were made with the intention that each terrain piece's mask matches one of the pieces from the original game. The idea was to allow players who don't have the original styles still play the many old levels we made. It had downsides, like sticking to low-res so that e.g. slopes didn't look too nice, and some tiles just had masks unique enough that it was hard to remake them. Eventually the effort was abandoned, some of the tiles are still used in Matt's new styles though.
Matt isn't much of a level designer, so the styles weren't made with all the intricacies of level design in mind. Not sure whether the lack of traps is a result of that as well.
In any case, I'm still working on my styles, so if you have some objects/terrain tiles in mind you'd like to see, drop me a note. (In that regard, some design ideas for the hatch/exit of the shadow style would be nice.) I can probably also add objects to Matt's styles if you have something specific that fits there.

After building "The Adventure Playground", I've noticed that the Lix "Underworld" style is currently lacking some important pieces from the original Hell style, e.g. the spikes, the chains, the glowing red rocks. So I'd like to request these. (Of course it's also missing the letters and the diagonal blue bricks, but we don't have to have everything, especially as Lix makes it easy to combine terrain from different styles in one level, so diagonal bricks from the other styles can be used.)

I've attached the traps and hazards I animated for my Cheapo styles. Could any of these be included in Lix? (I realise that a couple of them may be problematic as they incorporate Lemmings graphics, e.g. the clashing rocks uses graphics from the Rock style. Also, I know I'm not much of an artist, so most of them probably don't merit inclusion, but I am very pleased with the fire hazard in particular.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 25, 2012, 10:06:49 PM
here's another. This is rather easy but I'm trying to figure  out a way of making it harder and/or having multiple solutions. If anybody has any ideas feel free.
and I fixed my level "Roundabout"

Here's the first of my Cheapo remakes :) This is an easy level, but perhaps interesting to try to optimise. I've modified it to include some of the new skills in Lix. Also, I've edited my post at the top of the previous page to include an update to the "LIX" level, with grid snap used and diagonal bricks in the corners (I decided against using more decorative terrain than this). I'm happy for this to be the final version of the level.

that's a good one. One thing I noticed right away though (this has nothing to do with your level design) is that when you have a scrolling downward level its really easy to accidentally scroll down when selecting skills.  Or is that just me?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 25, 2012, 11:13:24 PM
"Elixer" is a nice and fun level!  :thumbsup: If you intended to refer to the alchemical drug, it's spelled "Elixir".

You could make it harder (and make the number sequence neater) by reducing builders and bashers to 3 of each. Conversely, if you wanted to add multiple solutions you could add more skills :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 26, 2012, 12:11:50 PM
Tricky 19 is another example, where a step of height 12 is actually created by erasing from a 32x32 block.  It doesn't look odd because the 32x32 block comprises of textures of unit length 4, allowing from shifts and cut-offs in 4-pixel increments without looking strange.

So it would seem the moral here is that with a little thought, you can have both 12 and 16 coexisting harmoniously in the same style.  Tame 9 in fact is such an example, with the "big" bricks in unit height 12, but many other elements (eg. the square red bricks, the crates) in unit heights of 8 and 16.

It seems to me that if someone were to create the ONML Bricks style strictly following your approach, the terrains featuring the height-12 bricks would never have been included in that style, and I'm not sure I would see the omission as a good thing.
Huh? Why wouldn't they have been included? I think they would have, just with a height of 16 instead of 12 (basically what I did, and it has the advantage that you can see where miners will end up).
And the Tricky 19 example shows that if you don't have a block of height 12, you just make yourself one.

What I meant to say is, you found some application for a block of height 12. Next thing happening is that you find an application for a block of height 23, 37, 14*Pi, ... and want these blocks as well. If you check the "concrete" folder, it's already pretty full, but if you want a block of some approximate size, you select it and it aligns with the rest. If I were to include all sorts of blocks there, you'd have to look closely or try a couple of times until you find the thing that aligns. In almost all instances, the exact size of the block doesn't matter, so powers of two suffice. It's just a whole lot more comfortable working with these, an with these standard sizes you get a very good estimate for the fall height, or the distance bombers walk before exploding, without having to learn it for every single block size. (Seeing you're the busy beaver and basically misaligned everything in the previous level you made perhaps you don't care about that, but I certainly do. I find it to be a massive chore to work with the original sets where the steel barely aligns with anything, or e.g. in the pillar set, where the designers were high on some rectangular pills of some non-rational side ratio and made the blocks 42x20 instead of 40x20 where they would have aligned at least with each other.)
In the few instances you really want a block of exactly 12, 23, 37, (int) 14*Pi, whatever, you can always use the no-overwrite trick to get a block of custom size. That said, 12 isn't such a bad number when it comes to alignment, so if you want e.g. one of those squarebrick thingies from the main folder of size 12 or 24, I'll make a special block dedicated to ccexplore. Not a whole production series though. ;P
Ok, on to the relevant things now. :P

After building "The Adventure Playground", I've noticed that the Lix "Underworld" style is currently lacking some important pieces from the original Hell style, e.g. the spikes, the chains, the glowing red rocks. So I'd like to request these. (Of course it's also missing the letters and the diagonal blue bricks, but we don't have to have everything, especially as Lix makes it easy to combine terrain from different styles in one level, so diagonal bricks from the other styles can be used.)

I've attached the traps and hazards I animated for my Cheapo styles. Could any of these be included in Lix? (I realise that a couple of them may be problematic as they incorporate Lemmings graphics, e.g. the clashing rocks uses graphics from the Rock style. Also, I know I'm not much of an artist, so most of them probably don't merit inclusion, but I am very pleased with the fire hazard in particular.)
Well, the new styles weren't done to be faithful recreations of the original sets, though it's obvious that many were inspired by them. Though I agree that this particular set is a bit limited in flexibility, I'll see whether I can recycle something from the scrapped old version, but I think the scrapped tiles are mostly just the originals with a Gauss filter applied. I'll see what I can do, as anything that isn't a block is pretty tricky for me. For the text, I think that's definitely beyond my capabilities, so the only solution would be finding some fitting public domain font.

I've had a look at your traps earlier already; replacing the lemming with a lix isn't a problem, thing is, I can't just take these graphics as they're low-res while lix is high-res, so that'd give a huge clash in style. If you have some high-res version of these, that'd be awesome. If not, I'll try to make something at least inspired by these.

Adventure playground is an excellent looking level btw, I find it hard to combine styles that different and still have it look good (see Alien Invasion :P).
Just wondering, did you avoid using the shaded pieces of the top pillar part deliberately, or are you just not aware of them? (Basically, that's me wondering whether I should add the shading to the pillars in LIX before adding it to the list, or keep it as is.)

that's a good one. One thing I noticed right away though (this has nothing to do with your level design) is that when you have a scrolling downward level its really easy to accidentally scroll down when selecting skills.  Or is that just me?
I can't really tell, as I've stopped using the skill panel ages ago. You can also disable border scrolling if you using the right-click scrolling instead.

here's another. This is rather easy but I'm trying to figure  out a way of making it harder and/or having multiple solutions. If anybody has any ideas feel free.
and I fixed my level "Roundabout"
Ah, Roundabout looks a lot better now, and Elixir is nice as well. The the latter, the climbers climbing out at the top at the right is something one might overlook at the first try (at least I did).
Tell me when they're ready to be included in the list.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 26, 2012, 01:26:59 PM
That said, 12 isn't such a bad number when it comes to alignment, so if you want e.g. one of those squarebrick thingies from the main folder of size 12 or 24, I'll make a special block dedicated to ccexplore. Not a whole production series though. ;P

And for me as well; I'll need it to recreate my level "Have a bash at it!" faithfully, and possibly others as well. I don't need a whole production series, but a 12x24 brick would be even more useful to me than the square blocks.

Well, the new styles weren't done to be faithful recreations of the original sets, though it's obvious that many were inspired by them. Though I agree that this particular set is a bit limited in flexibility, I'll see whether I can recycle something from the scrapped old version, but I think the scrapped tiles are mostly just the originals with a Gauss filter applied. I'll see what I can do, as anything that isn't a block is pretty tricky for me. For the text, I think that's definitely beyond my capabilities, so the only solution would be finding some fitting public domain font.

Indeed. As I said, for myself I'm not bothered about the text, just the pieces I'd need for rebuilding old levels, and I'm sure they would be useful for designing new ones too.

I've had a look at your traps earlier already; replacing the lemming with a lix isn't a problem, thing is, I can't just take these graphics as they're low-res while lix is high-res, so that'd give a huge clash in style. If you have some high-res version of these, that'd be awesome. If not, I'll try to make something at least inspired by these.

I don't, since they were drawn for use in Cheapo, but if you could do that, that would be awesome. The two fire objects are the ones I'm most anxious to see included.

Adventure playground is an excellent looking level btw, I find it hard to combine styles that different and still have it look good

Thank you :)

Just wondering, did you avoid using the shaded pieces of the top pillar part deliberately, or are you just not aware of them?

Which pieces? If you mean the white pillars in the top area and the piece named "pillar_top", I avoided that because it has the same width as the pillar body, and I wanted to use a wide top.

that's a good one. One thing I noticed right away though (this has nothing to do with your level design) is that when you have a scrolling downward level its really easy to accidentally scroll down when selecting skills.  Or is that just me?

It is, both in the game and the editor :) One gets used to it though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 26, 2012, 03:03:38 PM
Intended solution for The Pit. (Cf. Ball Pit, which is what I was trying to remake. Might take another shot at it later.)

As for the climber/brick concept demo I posted a while back, I'm going to remake that later today as a proper level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 26, 2012, 06:28:06 PM
^I like that one a lot. You should do it. Does lix have traps like that though?
I also like the one "LemDunk" I saw on youtube. you should remake that too.

"Elixer" is a nice and fun level!  :thumbsup: If you intended to refer to the alchemical drug, it's spelled "Elixir".

You could make it harder (and make the number sequence neater) by reducing builders and bashers to 3 of each. Conversely, if you wanted to add multiple solutions you could add more skills :P

I can't spell as you can see. (to much reliance on spell check).
How did you do it with 3 builders? I've tried digging and bashing in the beginning area to trap in the bunch but to build up to the miner's tunnel I cant get enough height with just one builder.
I think I will try to remake this level later and either change skills or the layout as well to make it harder. Like an "Elixir 2". I'll leave them as is for now. and you can add them to the list if you want. I would be honored :P. Just curious how would you rate these? fun, tricky...?

I've fixed the name and here's another. *note; I made that level before seeing the one sort of similar to it in the lix pack. oh well

Also, are you guys still altering the program? If so, have you thought about being able to have a different number of lemmings come out of different entrances? I won't complain about all kinds of things I'd like to see in the game cause I know how much work it takes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 26, 2012, 07:04:24 PM
How did you do it with 3 builders? I've tried digging and bashing in the beginning area to trap in the bunch but to build up to the miner's tunnel I cant get enough height with just one builder.

Why are you digging and bashing in the beginning area, don't you have a blocker?

Dig and bash in the tall terrain, and then mine just after passing the top-left corner of the steel, and you can get into the miner's tunnel.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 26, 2012, 07:10:21 PM
Also, are you guys still altering the program? If so, have you thought about being able to have a different number of lemmings come out of different entrances? I won't complain about all kinds of things I'd like to see in the game cause I know how much work it takes.

There would then be too much information that's hidden from the player and requires trial and error to discover. As a one-off, if you really have to, you can simulate it by putting multiple entrances in one place.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 26, 2012, 08:22:14 PM

Ha okay, I see you feel very strongly about this, and they're your styles after all so I guess why not.  I guess ultimately every style will constrain a level designer in some manner just based on what's available and not available, and you can mix styles in Lix anyhow.

I wasn't going for "let's support every random block size".  I even said that the Lemmings styles actually are not that far off from yours alignment-wise, just that they are a little less rigid than you are in that regard.  I think having size 12 or 24 is at least worth considering.

You mentioned having consistent alignments across multiple styles/levels as an aid for eg. bomber timing.  That is a good point, although it seems more applicable to the horizontal dimension than vertical dimension.  Plus, it just means you want to be consistent in alignment for the terrain that are actually involved with things like bomber timing; the argument doesn't say much about other terrain that aren't so involved (which is the case for most areas of many levels).  In any case, there are other means to handle this sort of thing, such as terrain hints (landmarks).

You mentioned creating custom block sizes and Tricky 19 being a good example.  However, the terrain in Tricky 19 actually comprises of a tessellation of 4x8 (low-res) rectangles, and the square block itself has no boundaries.  So it's easy to crop at 4-pixel increments without looking strange.  Whereas with most of your blocks, creating a custom block size from them is more like trying to create a custom-size steel block in the Lemmings styles.  It's not impossible per se, but certainly would take a bit of work, to the point where level designers are not likely to do it unless absolutely necessary (and of course it's almost never strictly necessary in Lemmings because steel areas aren't tied to specific terrain--not exactly a good tradeoff though).

And because you keep making fun of the inadvertent so-called misalignment in "Top Gear", I would ask you this:  given someone who has never actually seen the style used "properly" before, do you really believe the so-called misalignment is the very first thing they will spot looking at my level?  I'll bet they are more likely to question things like the unusual narrow-height tunnels leading to the exit space (which is not really my preference but does come out of backroute-preventative measures) than the fact that things are "misaligned"--especially when more precisely speaking, it's just following a different alignment than intended.  The irony is that I wasn't even intentionally going for "mis"alignment, it just fell out of me not liking the darkness of some of the block edges.  (And yes, I will work on that level more.  I just want to work on other level ideas first, I'm sure you can understand that.)

Anyhow, back to your regularly scheduled topic now.
Title: dessert-based style?
Post by: ccexplore on January 26, 2012, 09:00:49 PM
I was thinking about the dessert-themed custom clones levels http://clonesgame.com/node/1183 made by 92Dexter11, and it occurred to me that having a candy- or dessert-themed style in Lix might be a very good idea, seeing as it is that there is no analog of such a style in any of the Lemmings games (right?) so it would be something truly unique to Lix.  The theme would also seem good for "flower" levels/"female appeal", in fact maybe even more so than the abstract rainbow style?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 26, 2012, 11:40:30 PM
"Four Easy Peices" (I like the reference in the title, but it should be "Pieces") is a very nice level, easy but not too much so. (Given that the forum is mainly inhabited by players who enjoy making and solving excruciatingly hard levels, it's really nice to get some of these for a change!) I would rate both this and Elixir as "Tricky". It needs more decorative terrain, and I don't like the steel wall on the far right. I completed it with six builders to spare using this trick:

When the miner breaks open the box containing the lower-right lemming, I have him build immediately: then his brick is a little way up the tunnel and doesn't stop the lemming climbing out.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 27, 2012, 01:31:32 AM
(Given that the forum is mainly inhabited by players who enjoy making and solving excruciatingly hard levels, it's really nice to get some of these for a change!)

Yeah, it's good to not neglect "easy" levels for the community set as it is not meant to be all hard.  After all that's how the so-called "flower" levels come into discussion, that we want some levels more geared towards new players.  I would make a few myself although I just feel that my limited artistic abilities makes me not an ideal contributor for that sort of levels.

Actually, speaking of artistic, any thoughts on whether we would have "special graphics" levels for Lix?  Or is that completely out of question due to copyright concerns (though I wonder if we can argue "fair use" in this case, especially if we are careful to not do verbatim copying of graphics but more fascimiles)?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 27, 2012, 01:33:28 AM
Two more levels, remakes of my Cheapo level "Drop the Dead Lemming" and its sequel, but obviously I had to change the title. (It seems that "Lix" is a much harder name to make puns on than "Lemmings", so I may just avoid pun-based titles....) The layout is obviously based on Fun 10 (I hope that's not a problem?) and I've left most of the decorative terrain work for later in case we get the additional pieces for the Underworld style I suggested. (Is it just me, or is the fall height much lower than in previous games?)

EDIT: Attached fixed versions of the levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 27, 2012, 02:20:37 AM
(Is it just me, or is the fall height much lower than in previous games?)

Well...in short, yes and no. ;P

The fall height should match Lemmings exactly (which is equal across many ports including PC, Mac, Amiga, SNES, Genesis etc.)

CustLemm on the PC has a slightly higher fall height (66 px vs 63 px, low-res).

Cheapo has an even higher fall height but I don't remember the exact value (somewhere over 70 px I think?).

Finally, not that it needs any reminding ;P, but remember to take into account how block heights may not be the same between Lemmings/Cheapo styles vs. geoo's Lix styles.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 27, 2012, 02:27:51 AM
Cheapo has an even higher fall height but I don't remember the exact value (somewhere over 70 px I think?).

I just checked, and it's 75. No wonder Lix's fall height feels low :( Obviously, not the Lix designers' fault since they were making it faithful to the original Lemmings, but some of my levels (including the ones in the above post) will require a lot of tinkering.

After all that's how the so-called "flower" levels come into discussion, that we want some levels more geared towards new players.  I would make a few myself although I just feel that my limited artistic abilities makes me not an ideal contributor for that sort of levels.

My Cheapo sets contain quite a few pairs, as in the original game, using the same layout with easier and harder versions, so I will be contributing a fair number of easy levels :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 27, 2012, 12:38:44 PM
Still working on that other idea. Could take out two of the brick guys and put in a blocker if that bit is too annoying. Still need to add decoration, title, etc. but the puzzle is done unless there are backroutes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 27, 2012, 03:52:41 PM
Nortaneous: Looks good. I don't know whether my solution is a backroute, but I did have skills left over, namely
exploder, platformer and walker

Here's another pair of Cheapo remakes. Let me know if there are backroutes on the harder version.

The originally intended solution doesn't use the steel block just left of the large wall, but I found a second solution that does use that block. It's easier to execute than the intended solution, and requires fewer tricks, but it's still quite elegant and difficult and uses nearly all the skills, so at the moment I'm leaning towards leaving it in, with the originally intended solution becoming a extra challenge. Of course, there may still be a backroute I've overlooked.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 27, 2012, 07:29:02 PM
I fixed "Elixir" so there's just 3 builders and no diggers. (when I was confused about that solution I was just being stupid :( ). I'll say its final now.

and here's another.

this level has sort of a narrow time limit but its not so you have to hurry, (I didn't hurry). It's just so your forced to multitask.

unrelated but; how do you insert 'spoiler' hidden messages into here? I did this by copying and pasting some one else's message.

Also, are you guys still altering the program? If so, have you thought about being able to have a different number of lemmings come out of different entrances? I won't complain about all kinds of things I'd like to see in the game cause I know how much work it takes.

There would then be too much information that's hidden from the player and requires trial and error to discover. As a one-off, if you really have to, you can simulate it by putting multiple entrances in one place.

I don't understand how that makes a lot of hidden info. I meant how in Lemmings Revolution you can have two entrances where one has most of the lemmings come out and the other only has one or two come out. And each have their own separate release rates. It makes it easy to separate a one or few lemmings from the pack and probably has other applications as well. Of course in revolution you could tell when a entrance was done or not because it lit up.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 27, 2012, 08:05:48 PM
I don't understand how that makes a lot of hidden info. I meant how in Lemmings Revolution you can have two entrances where one has most of the lemmings come out and the other only has one or two come out. And each have their own separate release rates. It makes it easy to separate a one or few lemmings from the pack and probably has other applications as well. Of course in revolution you could tell when a entrance was done or not because it lit up.

I don't think the information would be hidden per se, but as you pointed out yourself, some additional work would be needed to show for example whether an entrance still has more lemmings coming out or not.

More fundamentally, it is totally different model from how entrances work in original Lemmings (or indeed, most of the games in the series before Revolution), which is how Lix is doing entrances right now.  Before Revolution, lemmings are distributed (mostly) evenly across entrances, so that 1st one comes out of 1st entrance, 2nd one comes out of 2nd entrance, etc., and it cycles repeatedly.  There are no per-entrance settings, things like release rates are global.

With Revolution however, effectively the entrances operate completely independently of each other.  Not only can each spawn a different number of lemmings, but you can control release rates of each entrance individually.  Moreover, it is not a turn-based model where 1 lemming comes out of one entrance before a lemmings comes out of another entrance.  Instead the streams of lemmings from each entrance all start simultaneously and operate in parallel; they are basically independent of each other.

I'm not saying you can't mix and match the two models in Lix, but at the very least, it can get confusing to have something that sort of works in between the Lemmings model and the Revolution model.  We'd for example probably want a tutorial level to demonstrate or explain this.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 27, 2012, 11:46:46 PM
New "Elixir" solved. Nice use of the
climb-bomb trick

"Transmigration" is blank. I hope you didn't forget to save your level?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 28, 2012, 05:48:36 PM
well that was strange... I saved the level but the text file appeared blank but it was actually filled with pages of spaces.  ??? My electric went out yesterday while I was on the computer so that may have something to do with it.
Anyway, I fixed it by saving under a different name.

Also that was my intended solution for Elixir.
And I solved "come on down to my place" that's a neat trick that I never saw before. I haven't solved come on down 2 yet though.

does it involve bashing out blockers?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 28, 2012, 06:16:09 PM
Completed "Transmigration". Excellent level. and it looks artistic as well! The in-game title contains a spelling error (G instead of S).

Which solution to "Come on down to my place" did you find? There are two,
one using the left L, one using the right L

Answer to your hidden text: yes, well, it would have to really, considering how few different skill types you get, wouldn't it? ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on January 28, 2012, 07:07:28 PM
A skill swap of Elixir, with a completely different solution: (edit: could probably work with 50 lemmings like the original; I just cranked it down to make it easier to test)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 28, 2012, 08:29:38 PM
Completed! A really nice sequel level and I hope both will get included, though there's one part of it I didn't get:

I built a landing platform for the crowd, then dug down towards it -- but because all the available skills were needed elsewhere, I just had to hope that all the crowd would emerge facing right. Is there a way to ensure this -- or have I got the wrong solution concept altogether?

EDIT: Ah, I see it :)

Time the digger so he breaks through while the platformer is still on screen (that you get one extra platform makes this easier) and time the platformer to explode, flinging any left-walking lemmings back to the right
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 28, 2012, 10:55:19 PM
So, I just noticed in molasses' post above that "Transmigration" was meant to have a tight time limit to enforce multitasking. It's actually not tight enough to achieve this. I completed the level in 3:03 with multitasking, 4:04 without. (The level provides 4:30.) Neither of these is perfectly optimal, e.g. I didn't bother to assign floaters at the bottom of the drop.

Oddly, when I select the level from the menu it still says 4:16 as my time achieved, even though I've now twice done better. Why is this?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 29, 2012, 01:33:40 AM
Which pieces? If you mean the white pillars in the top area and the piece named "pillar_top", I avoided that because it has the same width as the pillar body, and I wanted to use a wide top.
What I actually meant was that you could use the piece named pillar_top_shaded directly below the piece pillar_base (which you put at the top). I put the shaded piece in for that purpose (similarly in the sandstone set), but of course it's your choice whether you want to use it.
(I put the levels on the list already, but I can add these shaded pieces if you want; or if you still want to change something else at some point, just attach a new version of the respective level for me to update).

Oddly, when I select the level from the menu it still says 4:16 as my time achieved, even though I've now twice done better. Why is this?
What's displayed are actually the stats of the best solution, where best means fewest skills and lowest time is only the tiebreaker criterion. So probably all your solutions faster than 4:16 used strictly more skills than it.

I put Roundabout, Transmigration, Elixir and Nortaneous' variant of it on the list. Did some minor changes like fixing overlapping steel pieces, hope you don't mind. Also 50 lix instead of 10 in the sequel now, so it's consistent.
Transmigration has a ceiling route, though it's a bit tricky due to the steel piece in the middle.
Also attached my solutions for the two (unmodified) versions of Elixir, a few notes:
I used a faller instead of a climber bomb in Elixir.
For the sequel, I found a slightly different solution from Proxima that ensures no-one falls off the platform: I used the blocker at the platform, held the crowd in a digger pit, and used a bomber to turn the second climber around.
Ensuring everyone walks to the right right out of the digger pit should be possible as well by setting the correct release rate depending on the exact blocker placement.

"Four Easy Pieces", as Proxima already mentioned, still looks somewhat plain, but is a nice level apart from that. Not having anything above the underworld entrances also makes them look even more odd than they already do.

I really like Nortaneous' "bluh" level, only thing is that perhaps you could make the central section a little shorter so that the level doesn't need scrolling. And perhaps the triangular extensions at the side could be made a little wider, so you got a bit more flexibility with the cuber placement.

I also solved the ComeOnDown/Edge pairs. I actually found the second ComeOnDown level easier than the first one, two solutions of it are attached. Edge gave me a whole lot of trouble until I solved it. I also attached a previous attempt which only saves 45. Not sure about backroutes, I didn't read your solution description yet because I want to try it again in case you add a backroute fix. Really great levels, these four. Just a few remarks on Edge: The water should be moved down a little as its top parts are visible above the steel blocks, the pier the exit stands on a slight to the left as right now it looks like the lix could walk down below it, and the goldmine exit has a top piece that you could add, it's included as decoration (top right button in the editor).
btw, knowing the fall height and being able to measure them in brick/block sizes really helped me here. I guess you already found out by now, but in Lix the safe fall height is 126px (a little less than 4 32px blocks, or 8 16px bricks). A bomber takes 75 frames before exploding, which 15x5 frames. When walking, 15 frames is a little less than a 32px block, and when falling it is a little less than 4 32px blocks.

Just some notes:
When putting the levels in the list, I choose the file name to be the level name, all in lowercase, without spaces or special characters, and truncated if too long. The reason for this is so the levels appear in the level list in lix in alphabetical order (in Lix, all uppercase letters are sorted to come before the lowercase letters. Thinking of it, having each word in the level name start with a capital might have improved readability, but now I've gone with all lowercase).
I'll usually remove time limits, unless they are really important for the level, e.g. as backroute fix or if they make a notable portion of the challenge in the level (like in Just a Minute). There was some topic on the matter where Simon explained the rationale behind this.

Current list is here: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
Again, if you find some levels where you think the difficulty is majorly off, e.g. you feel from two levels rated the same one is significantly harder, or two similarly rated ones are of notable different difficulty, tell me. Especially for my own level it's very hard to get an estimate. We don't want to end up with with a difficulty curve like in ONML.

Whereas with most of your blocks, creating a custom block size from them is more like trying to create a custom-size steel block in the Lemmings styles.  It's not impossible per se, but certainly would take a bit of work, to the point where level designers are not likely to do it unless absolutely necessary [...]
Hahaha, you of all people have to say this. :D (Though I see you're referring to all level designers here).
That's what the busy beaver and the reference to Top Gear was intended for in my previous post, you made yourself a lot more work than necessary by not using the grid, so sure you'd also be willing to take up the work to make custom-sized blocks? :P
As for Tricky 19, my style also contains 4x8 and 8x4 blocks (low-res) like the walls in Tricky 19 are comprised of. :P Though there are easier ways to make steps of arbitrary multiples of 4 (low-res) than recreating this pattern with individual blocks...
Apart from that, you seem to be reading quite a bit into that line I wrote referencing Top Gear. Cropping the black shadows of the blocks by overlaying them with other blocks is a design choice I respect (as I demonstrated by keeping it and putting up with the chore of having to position everything precisely without a grid when I showed off the fine-grained 7x7 block grid to aid miner placement), and nowhere did I imply you should hurry updating your level. Sorry if you somehow thought I did.

Basically, the main reason I'm so reluctant adding such blocks is that it means work for me, where I don't see how the gain makes up for that, if there is any at all. In the dozens of single and multiplayer levels I've designed in Lix, I've never come across a situation where I felt "Damn, I'd really love to have a 12n x 12m block now" for some integers n and m.
Out of curiosity, next time you stumble across a situation where you just long for one, tell me. :P

That said, I'll try to have the 24x12 block for Proxima and 12x12/24x24 blocks done for the next lix update. Think I have to do them manually, as it's only the concrete blocks that I did by processing the texture through eidblot.
A candy/desert style sounds interesting, best thing is chocolate pieces come in blocks! Though if I'll do something like this, it'll be at the bottom of my list, as I first want to get some objects (like some of Proxima's traps) done, extend the abstract and shadow style, then I got another pretty unique style in the workings (that even allows you to make blocks of any size you want easily :) ), and add some minor things.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 29, 2012, 02:54:23 AM
Completed "Transmigration". Excellent level. and it looks artistic as well! The in-game title contains a spelling error (G instead of S).

Which solution to "Come on down to my place" did you find? There are two,
one using the left L, one using the right L

Answer to your hidden text: yes, well, it would have to really, considering how few different skill types you get, wouldn't it? ;)

-That's probably because I created 'transmigration' in Lemmix and tested it the long way there and never actually did it in Lix. Is it just me or are their some minor speed differences?
Do you think a time limit forcing multi-task would make it significantly harder? If not than I'll leave it the way it is.

I got it using the left L.
Ive only played them a few times, as well as everybody eles's levels. I've been too busy.
-nice remake of my level. I didnt get to play it yet. I actually intended (or wanted) it to be a level that could be easily modified for more solutions.
-sorry that my levels don't use the new skills much, but I haven't gotten used to them yet. Just realized that platformers aren't turned around by walls. Is that the way they wanted it?
-here's another. this one I modified at the last minute to remove an alternate solution. But there still may be others. It's another one I'm still working on, maybe making sequels to or if anybody else wants to feel free. Also thought of a good level title: Lix Luthor  :P

edit- almost forgot; if I made "Four Easy Pieces" look better (actually I was thinking about changing some what drastically (to "Five easy pieces" since that is the name of the movie...) would it be a good level? if you don't want it at all that's fine.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2012, 01:58:27 PM
Firstly, comments on geoo's replays:

Come on down to my place: That's the correct solution using the right L.

Rumble to the bottom: First solution is intended. I may modify it to remove the other.

Close to the Edge:
Ingenious idea of making the top blocker a walker! I'd thought you would have to explode him (to reduce the fall height a little further), timing this and fiddling the release rate so that the last lemming out could be the second exploder in the wall, while all the others walk back to the left; he'd have to explode after the worker had climbed past his target spot but before the worker had done the build/bash from the top bomb hole. As this is all very fiddly, I'm very glad you found a way to circumvent it!

The 45/50 solution is actually very close to the correct western solution.

Odd Jobs: Completed. Pretty easy, actually:
I just bashed into the far left wall, then mined down.
The level looks pretty good, but you could reduce the empty space on the far right.

Transmigration: It depends.
Did you intend the worker to have to build all the way to the left wall? He doesn't. He can stop building when he's under the top holding area, and float down; to get the crowd down all facing right, dig, then switch to mining for the last stroke. The multi-tasking really isn't hard, especially with queued builders, but the tighter time limit would force the player to find this idea.

Four Easy Pieces: I think it's a good level. Pretty easy, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Yes, it says in the tutorial levels that platformers are meant to continue walking the same way if they hit terrain. This certainly makes some puzzles more interesting :)

geoo: Is "LIX" really that easy? It's intended to require the climb-bomb and steep staircase tricks, both of which may be difficult for people who haven't seen them to come up with. Although I haven't played many of the other levels, so I don't really have much of a feel for what your number system means yet.

Thanks for explaining about the level stats thing :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2012, 05:31:36 PM
Just been playing some of the levels from the current list.

Completed "Little Miner Puzzle (part 2)" but forgot to save a replay. I'm sure it's the intended solution. It took me a while to find, and it's a little tricky to avoid losing lemmings from the crowd, so I would rate this at least 1.5.

Haven't solved "Well OK Then" yet but this is clearly at least a 2.

I find only the presumably intended solution on "One Way Segment", so you can add that to the "B" rating.
Place a bridge in the starting area so that all lixes under the bridge are facing left, then send up a climber/floater, platform across the gap, dig to release the crowd, bash to the exit.

Replay for "It's a long way up" attached. Again I find only this solution.

Replay for "Tapestry" attached.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2012, 08:31:36 PM
Replay for Insane Steve's "Rhapsody".

So I'm wondering, would you like me to remake "Rhapsody in Blue" for inclusion? It's a sequel I made to the Cheapo version of this level -- the essentials of the layout are mostly the same, except the four diagonal pillars are missing, and so is the top-right wall (so you have to think how you're going to make the climber turn round). There's 2 of each skill and you have to save 77/80, making the solution slightly different in a couple of places. I think it's a little bit harder than Insane Steve's level, but perhaps it is still too similar to be worth including?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 29, 2012, 08:32:19 PM
I changed "Odd Jobs". I think its better. Tell me if it's significantly harder or not. Also I'm looking for a better name. 'Odd Jobs' is stolen from a Revolution title.

for another program related question: How come you can't make a blocker a climber or floater? You could do that in original couldn't you? Or maybe I forgot and that was just Revolution too.
Also sometimes when I try to replay the game crashes. And some replays say "game is too new".  ??? I don't think I mentioned this before.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2012, 08:41:13 PM
Odd Jobs is definitely much better and harder now. Here's my solution.

There seems to be something a bit "off" with Lix's priority checking; on my first attempt at this solution, when I tried to change the [second-last skill used] to a [last skill used], one of the walkers was given the skill instead. That really shouldn't ever happen....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on January 29, 2012, 09:05:55 PM
There seems to be something a bit "off" with Lix's priority checking; on my first attempt at this solution, when I tried to change the [second-last skill used] to a [last skill used], one of the walkers was given the skill instead. That really shouldn't ever happen....

What were the exact skills involved?

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2012, 09:53:18 PM
Digger, then miner. Sorry, I was just trying to avoid revealing part of the solution to "Odd Jobs", but I guess it doesn't matter.

I also had a similar problem on "Rhapsody" -- I needed to make one lemming from the crowd both a climber and bomber, but in Lemmings climbers aren't prioritised for skill selection, so I guessed they might not be in Lix either. I first tried to solve the problem by assigning both skills to the basher, which as far as I know ought to work in Lemmings, but it didn't. (After a while I came up with the solution of giving the climber a bomber after he's separated himself so he explodes on the way down, as you can see in the replay.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 29, 2012, 10:28:34 PM
"Lemmings 2007" - Custom Level

is this person here? He has tons of levels and I'd love to remake some of them if that is allowed. I would give credit to them of course. Should I ask permission first? I don't know how to get in contact with them at all.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 30, 2012, 12:24:20 AM
I modified 'Odd Job's a little to become 'Slippery Pete'. The lower right area is actually how I intended the first one but I wanted one way walls and couldn't think how to do it this way it until now.
I'd still like to keep 'Odd Jobs' as it is [for myself anyway].
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 30, 2012, 12:40:09 AM
Slippery Pete replay:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on January 30, 2012, 02:32:23 AM
is this person here? He has tons of levels and I'd love to remake some of them if that is allowed. I would give credit to them of course. Should I ask permission first? I don't know how to get in contact with them at all.

Leave a commentary on youtube on his videos.  That should trigger an email alert to the email address associated with the uploader's account.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 30, 2012, 12:42:25 PM
Replays attached for a further four of the current lixlfpack levels.

Alien Invasion, if the RR fiddling I needed to isolate two lemmings is indeed required, is definitely the hardest of the bunch, though Tribute to Benny Hill may wear out some players' patience ;)

I think the rating of 2.5 for A Towering Proposition is too high (maybe 2.3?) The trick is not easy to see, but with such limited skills there's only so much you can do.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 30, 2012, 05:29:28 PM
Alien Invasion, if the RR fiddling I needed to isolate two lemmings is indeed required, is definitely the hardest of the bunch, though Tribute to Benny Hill may wear out some players' patience ;)

I think the rating of 2.5 for A Towering Proposition is too high (maybe 2.3?) The trick is not easy to see, but with such limited skills there's only so much you can do.
Thanks for the replays, but could you keep the filenames as they are on the list, makes things a bit easier for watching replays. You can also get the complete pack of levels (always synchronized with the list) here: https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/zipball/gh-pages

The intended solution for Alien Invasion is different, and doesn't need any RR changing. I uploaded a new version to the list.
Haha, my solution to Tribute to Benny Hill only takes 10 minutes, and I managed to optimize it to 7:42 even. I think with FFF it doesn't take too long.
Yeah, I probably overrated A Towering Proposition. I remember having big trouble with Havoc 5 ages ago, and then it was in the last difficulty rating of Insane Steve's Cheapo pack, so that probably contributed to it.

Get Hype is a bit different from the intended solution, and somewhat easier by avoiding the main trick. I like the idea of having an easier version of it, but don't you think having to save 5 with 5 walkers available is a bit trivial? :P

For LIX, I rarely have difficulties with levels where you get plenty of skills and just need to be a bit crafty. Also immediately saw what to do, but it might be different for other players though, so I'm going to set the rating up to 2 for now. I'm definitely going to introduce the climber bomb trick in some difficulty 0 level, and perhaps also the basher/digger staircase, as they are some basic but very useful tools. Btw, the level can be done without the basher/digger trick, in fact, it's doable with 3 of each skill. Replay attached. EDIT: Fixed. Think I moved the replay out of the folder before posting.
Also took your ratings for the other levels into account. There's not many things to try out in Well OK Then, and I agree it looks impossible at first glance. Though you might have trouble with it as it uses some quirks that just aren't possible with the original skillset.

I'm surprised you're having trouble with the assignments, as diggers and climbers do have priority over walkers. Are you sure you're not inadvertedly holding the mouse button that inverts priority, or directional select, or something like this?
At the bottom panel you'll also see what has currently priority.

So I'm wondering, would you like me to remake "Rhapsody in Blue" for inclusion? It's a sequel I made to the Cheapo version of this level -- the essentials of the layout are mostly the same, except the four diagonal pillars are missing, and so is the top-right wall (so you have to think how you're going to make the climber turn round). There's 2 of each skill and you have to save 77/80, making the solution slightly different in a couple of places. I think it's a little bit harder than Insane Steve's level, but perhaps it is still too similar to be worth including?
Yeah, I know the Cheapo version of it. I'd love to see this one, I think it's a really nice twist on the original.

I still haven't got very far with these, but the reason I ask now is that I just noticed Rubix's "Nightmare" set contains (Level 7) a level also based on Fun 10, also in the Underworld style, with a similar solution to mine -- except much easier. Even if it weren't for the duplication with my level, I would definitely recommend changing this, because there's no way that belongs in "Nightmare".
Well, you'd have to ask RubiX if he wants to update or move this level or whatever. I can drop him a note if you want.

Come on down to my place: That's the correct solution using the right L.

Rumble to the bottom: First solution is intended. I may modify it to remove the other.
Ok, found also a solution using the other L. :)
As for Rumble to the bottom, I actually kinda expected the second one to be intended, as the first one is extremely close with the fall distance. My solution is only 1 brick away from splat height, and if you're unlucky because you start bashing a little too high, or the basher leaves a little piece of terrain at the end of the tunnel, you'll have to retry.
I'll look for the western route of Close to the Edge sometime.

I put the new levels onto the list anyway, you can still update them.
Also Slippery Pete on the list now, it's a nice level solution wise; though again, the rocks floating around or the one plank at the bottom not aligned with the rest look a bit strange.

-That's probably because I created 'transmigration' in Lemmix and tested it the long way there and never actually did it in Lix. Is it just me or are their some minor speed differences?
Do you think a time limit forcing multi-task would make it significantly harder? If not than I'll leave it the way it is.
Talked with Simon about it yesterday, and we decided to remove the time limit altogether. It doesn't really make the level harder, and in fact I did both parts in parallel intuitively, but if you happen to take a bit more time, you'll have to restart for no good reason. btw, the ceiling route is still the fastest one, taking just a little more than 2 minutes. :P

edit- almost forgot; if I made "Four Easy Pieces" look better (actually I was thinking about changing some what drastically (to "Five easy pieces" since that is the name of the movie...) would it be a good level? if you don't want it at all that's fine.
Yeah, I don't see why not, it's a nice level for one of the easier difficulty ratings.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 30, 2012, 06:32:07 PM
Thanks for the replays, but could you keep the filenames as they are on the list, makes things a bit easier for watching replays.
Okay  :thumbsup:

Get Hype is a bit different from the intended solution, and somewhat easier by avoiding the main trick. I like the idea of having an easier version of it, but don't you think having to save 5 with 5 walkers available is a bit trivial? :P
Oops, yes. Set walker, jumper, climber, floater to 3 of each.

Btw, the level can be done without the basher/digger trick, in fact, it's doable with 3 of each skill. Replay attached.
The attached document is blank  ???

Yeah, I know the Cheapo version of it [Rhapsody in Blue]. I'd love to see this one, I think it's a really nice twist on the original.
Okay, I'll put that on my to-do list. When there are more blue tiles available, perhaps :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 30, 2012, 06:39:23 PM
I fixed Odd jobs finally. I think its best this way, forget the previous versions (including slippery... that just made it easier I think). And another new one.

btw, I finally figured out how to replay properly and watched them. The only real drastically different solution to any of mine would be the ceiling route on Transmigration but I think that's cool.

What are you going to call the 'ratings?' "mild, spicy, masochist....  ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on January 30, 2012, 06:47:12 PM
Will check out the new levels tomorrow probably.

Btw, the level can be done without the basher/digger trick, in fact, it's doable with 3 of each skill. Replay attached.
The attached document is blank  ???
Fixed, edited my previous post. I started using a temp folder for all things I upload and download now so I don't have to use the sucky Windows default file browser, and removed the file before submitting my post.

As for Two's complement, probably a pun on this, considering the level involves exactly two lix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 30, 2012, 08:20:49 PM
LIX 3-of-each solution: very nice  :thumbsup:

Odd Jobs: good to have a final version. My solution now saves 100% with a bit of care (separating the floaters by assigining the first at the bottom of the drop) but this was probably possible on the old version too. I don't like the way, on this level, if you set the miner too high, the lixes drown because their head touches part of the water even though it's hidden behind steel. It's contrary to both Lemmings knowledge and common sense :) Perhaps steel should have a cancelling effect on object triggers, or something like that?

I preferred "Slippery Pete" as the title, to be honest -- especially as "Odd Jobs" was already used on Lemmings Revolution, as you pointed out.

Bridges Burning: replay attached. Very nice level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 30, 2012, 09:01:05 PM
Alright, simple backroute fix for Get Hype I think: make the level save 12/13 instead of 9/10. Nice catch.

Edit: Wait, no, it can still be done with that solution, give me one second to look at it more.
Edit2: Here, try this version instead.
Edit3: Nope, that doesn't work either. Give me yet another moment.
Edit4: Ok, here's a version that I think works.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 30, 2012, 10:31:29 PM
Replay for gethype3 and update to the easier version, all terrain changes carried across and all "5" skills changed to 3.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on January 31, 2012, 02:46:04 AM
Odd Jobs: good to have a final version. My solution now saves 100% with a bit of care
I preferred "Slippery Pete" as the title, to be honest -- especially as "Odd Jobs" was already used on Lemmings Revolution, as you pointed out.

I meant to change the name- I just forgot cause I got the versions confused. Also its supposed to be 100% required.

Here is a remake of Pieuw's level "Diggin' the air". He gave me permission to do his levels, so I may do more, quite a few more possibly. He has a ton; from easy to really hard. Now I didn't get to test this much, so it may require tweaking because of differences in Lix from Lemini which what he used I believe.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 31, 2012, 03:41:46 AM
Replay for gethype3 and update to the easier version, all terrain changes carried across and all "5" skills changed to 3.

Hmmmmm, I kind of want to force the player to do ... something. This is very close to intended but I want the player to use something else near the end. Here's another upload.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 01, 2012, 12:19:39 AM
Here's two more levels. The first is a simple one, I thought it might be a good "introduction" level demonstrating the jump skill. I could always make it more complex too.
The other is another remake of a level from Pieuw. I thought this one was pretty good. The original terrain was the bubble theme, I had to use the terrain from a different tile-set because i needed more thickness than the wood.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 01, 2012, 01:46:46 AM
I'm getting something of a "We All Fall Down" vibe from that level. Nah, it's fine, just please don't make a follow-up with twice as many lixes.

Here's (presumably) a backroute for "Bibbidi" (which either you or Pieuw spelled wrong -- there are no Ls).

"Diggin' the air" is certainly completable, and not too difficult, in Lix; I don't know how exactly it compares to the Lemmini version, but I see no problem with leaving the level in as it is. Very nice work on rebuilding it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on February 01, 2012, 02:30:29 AM
A few more levels, one familiar, two maybe not as familiar.

EDIT: Here's a revised version of A Matter of Perspective, the original has a backroute.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 01, 2012, 10:20:40 AM
Here's a level that grew off from a somewhat wacky idea into, well, this wacky-ish level. :P  You be the judge.

Note: some precision required, but should not be annoying to execute especially with zzz-mode.  Feel free to send me even almost-solutions, at least I can tell you whether it's intended or not and adjust accordingly.  Or maybe redo the whole level if you actually manage to come up with something neater. ;)

Visually there's definitely much room for improvement, basically the whole upper half of the level area screams for some sort of ceiling decorations.  I might even consider making the background color non-black (as I recall, some people like minimac dislikes large swaths of black, and yet you need some open spaces for this level, obviously).

[edit: fixed backroute, see more recent post for updated version A]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 01, 2012, 12:57:37 PM
Not completely unexpectedly, I found a backroute myself.  Although it's actually not so bad, I might even consider changing the level to use the backroute over my solution.  Or maybe even make a "part 1" "part 2" of the level in the set to keep both solutions (though maybe not, because the backroute is not totally different from intended either).

That said, I've hastily created a second version of the level that should have that particular backroute eliminated.  We can figure out what to do later set-wise, once the level(s) has been played by other people.

[edit: fixed backroute, see later post for updated version B]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 01, 2012, 01:48:56 PM
I'm getting "missing terrain" errors on Razor's Edge and No More Heroes  :(

Here's a solution to the new Get Hype ... I think I'll hold off adapting the easier version to each change until there's a final version of the level ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 01, 2012, 01:52:18 PM
That's because Steve used the abstract style which isn't included in the current Lix version yet. You can get it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43603680/abstract.zip

I also made a couple of mostly easier levels using it, but didn't post them yet for precisely that reason: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43603680/abstractlevs.zip

Didn't get around to checking out most of the new levels yet, sorry.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 01, 2012, 05:31:58 PM
Completed "Razor's Edge" and the four Minimalism levels -- those don't really warrant a replay. Ironically, Minimalism 1 took me the longest to solve. Replays for "Land of rainbows and unicorns" and "Buy one get one free (part one)" attached. I have to finish the chapter I'm writing today, so I haven't had time to complete the other two yet, or Insane Steve's other two.

I sent Pieuw a message about the backroute, and he was happy for me to try fixing it. However, after viewing his intended solution, I can't actually make it work on TM's remake. The lemmings always climb out of the basher tunnel, and you can't get across that gap from the upper level with two builders. So... is the best thing to do to leave the level as is, with the backroute becoming the solution, or try to fix it?  ???
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on February 01, 2012, 11:16:54 PM
Redid No More Heroes to have a one minute timer instead of a 1:20 one, which I was trying for at first. Solution is not changed that much but a couple things are added.

Think I should hold off of posting new levels outside the chat until I have them in a more finalised state  :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 02, 2012, 01:07:58 AM
here's two more. (these aren't remakes) One uses a trick that I haven't seen anywhere but I'm sure it's been used before.
When a lix hits a bumper or (spring board whatever they're called) or when you use the batter skill they seem to take an awful long time to recover and go back to walking. Maybe I'm just being impatient.

I sent Pieuw a message about the backroute, and he was happy for me to try fixing it. However, after viewing his intended solution, I can't actually make it work on TM's remake. The lemmings always climb out of the basher tunnel, and you can't get across that gap from the upper level with two builders. So... is the best thing to do to leave the level as is, with the backroute becoming the solution, or try to fix it?  ???

so that was a backroute?? That's actually how I completed it originally.  Tell me what the intended solution is. It sounds like it's just a problem of the terrain being slightly too far away or close. It's probably easy to fix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 02, 2012, 01:24:39 AM
Time a bomber so he explodes in the bottom-left corner (but without breaking the far left wall). The second lemming builds over the gap, while the third bashes to the right from the bomb hole. In the original bubble terrain, the fourth and fifth lemmings will walk back and forth in the bash tunnel without climbing out. When the builder hits the ceiling and turns (on the original map he will have crossed the gap), make him a miner in the right place so the basher and miner both stop. The first lemming to head to the right (which should be the basher) must bomb under the trap trigger.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 02, 2012, 02:47:17 AM
while the third bashes to the right from the bomb hole. In the original bubble terrain, the fourth and fifth lemmings will walk back and forth in the bash tunnel without climbing out.

I haven't looked or played that level at all.  But if I recall correctly, on original lo-res PC Lemmings, the bomber pit is 8 pixels deep, and the end of the basher tunnel has a tiny 1-pixel step up to the "wall" part of things, so in effect the step off of the end of tunnel would be 7 pixels deep.  6 pixels is the maximum a walker can get up, so I guess we are already pretty close to the tipping point already.  I can imagine how some subtle tiny graphical differences in how the end of the basher tunnel looks (for example) can change things so that it becomes possible to walk out the tunnel in Lix.

I suspect making the ground bumpier may help by allowing you to start bashing from a slightly lower position.  Assuming bumpier ground doesn't lead to some other backroute.  (Again, never looked at the level even once, so this is just a general suggestion.)

I'll leave it to Simon to decide whether this difference seems problematic enough to warrant making game-mechanics adjustments so that basher tunnel off bottom of a bomb pit is always inescapable even on flat ground.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 02, 2012, 04:29:43 AM
I've updated both versions of "House of Flying Lixes" to try to eliminate the class of solutions (not bad, but not what I'm going for) I saw today on IRC, while minimizing changes.  Let's see how successful I am in that regard.

And yes, I know it's a little silly to keep putting out two versions that are almost identical.  On the other hand, at this point it might be somewhat of a giveaway if I modify A to earnestly get rid of B's solution.  Maybe after someone has solved either one......

[edit: rats, I forgot geoo's backroute actually saves more than required for A, so the changes are probably not enough for A anyway.  Guess I'll need more changes......]

[edit2: okay, try 'em now]

[edit3: levels updated to fix Clam's backroute]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 02, 2012, 02:59:24 PM
I haven't looked or played that level at all.  But if I recall correctly, on original lo-res PC Lemmings, the bomber pit is 8 pixels deep, and the end of the basher tunnel has a tiny 1-pixel step up to the "wall" part of things, so in effect the step off of the end of tunnel would be 7 pixels deep.  6 pixels is the maximum a walker can get up, so I guess we are already pretty close to the tipping point already.  I can imagine how some subtle tiny graphical differences in how the end of the basher tunnel looks (for example) can change things so that it becomes possible to walk out the tunnel in Lix.
Indeed. I made a simple test level with a perfectly flat wall, and after one bomber, one basher, changing the RR to 1 so the lixes reached the basher at every possible stage of his animation, they all climbed out. So it looks like your suggestion may be the way to go for this level.

There are too many levels coming out for me to solve them all, let alone have time to design my own, but here are my solutions to TM's latest two. Both excellent levels!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 02, 2012, 10:27:17 PM
Time a bomber so he explodes in the bottom-left corner (but without breaking the far left wall). The second lemming builds over the gap, while the third bashes to the right from the bomb hole. In the original bubble terrain, the fourth and fifth lemmings will walk back and forth in the bash tunnel without climbing out. When the builder hits the ceiling and turns (on the original map he will have crossed the gap), make him a miner in the right place so the basher and miner both stop. The first lemming to head to the right (which should be the basher) must bomb under the trap trigger.

Wouldn't it just be easier to let the first lemming fall into the pit and build out. The basher would continue to bash and stop when he comes through which should take longer than it takes to build out of the gap, in that instance you don't even need a miner. ---Well that's beside the point.
-Also I'll fix the fact that the gap is too wide anyway.
Indeed. I made a simple test level with a perfectly flat wall, and after one bomber, one basher, changing the RR to 1 so the lixes reached the basher at every possible stage of his animation, they all climbed out. So it looks like your suggestion may be the way to go for this level.
So in Lix bashing from a bomb hole doesn't trap them
I suppose making the terrain bumpy would help in this case but it would have to be inconsistently bumpy to work right? e.i. the ground to the left must be slightly lower, which might kinda give away the solution. Idk tho like I said, I never even thought of this solution, I had the second lemming mine then bash and one fell to his death before the builder was done and you save a bomb.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 02, 2012, 11:52:50 PM
I suppose making the terrain bumpy would help in this case but it would have to be inconsistently bumpy to work right? e.i. the ground to the left must be slightly lower, which might kinda give away the solution.

Still haven't looked at the level.  I guess it depends on whether you want the Lix to be able to walk off the left side of the bomber pit or not?  If Lix doesn't have to be able to walk off the left side of the pit, I'm thinking that simply bombing at a slight dent into the ground (so slightly lower than average ground level) would be sufficient, it doesn't have to be a constant slope from left to right.  You can even have more such dents ahead in the path as long as there aren't too many, and there aren't that many Lixes milling about in the basher tunnel.

That said, unless the original level author has strong objections, it may well be okay or even desirable to make an alternate solution the main solution in the remake.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 03, 2012, 03:41:08 AM
I'll fix it so the original solution is possible--somehow. I tend to always find an odd way of doing things so its very likely the intended solution is more noticeable.
-On another note about bombers; apparently the shape of the bomb hole differs depending on what the Lemming... "Lix" is doing when it explodes. When they blow up walking the shape resembles that of original lemmings but when they are mining the shape is more of a perfect circle. Maybe someone should make a topic here to discuss the rules and properties of this program more detailed.
-I was playing 'Get Hype' and almost solved it the third or fourth time but then after that I tried it 20 times and kept digging in the wrong spot & I got frustrated. I'm so terrible at precision moves, but why did it seem easy at first? Good level though, didn't mean to bash it. oh no, a pun...
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 03, 2012, 03:44:27 AM
I believe in this case it's worth trying to preserve the original solution, as it's not easy to spot, and using the in-progress bash tunnel as a crowd delaying tactic is a nice touch.

For players not used to Lemmings, it will definitely be even harder to spot now, given that Lix can escape in the analogous situation where the ground is perfectly flat.


Anyway, I updated "House of Flying Lixes" to take care of Clam's backroute today.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 03, 2012, 03:50:39 AM
-On another note about bombers; apparently the shape of the bomb hole differs depending on what the Lemming... "Lix" is doing when it explodes. When they blow up walking the shape resembles that of original lemmings but when they are mining the shape is more of a perfect circle. Maybe someone should make a topic here to discuss the rules and properties of this program more detailed.

Are you sure you got that right?  Actually in Lix there are 2 different types of bombers, a "non-flinging" bomber that works just like the classic L1 bomber, as well as a "flinging" bomber that works more like the L2 bomber, where nearby lemmings get "flung" into the air by the explosion.

It's easy to miss because the icons on the skill buttons are nearly identical (I made that point already in the feedback thread), with the flinging version having just a slightly larger explosion graphic, which is probably impossible to tell if you don't have the two graphics side by side to compare.  The flinging version's "bomb pit" left behind also has slightly larger and more circular shape compared to the non-fliging version.

The point is, it should not depend on what the lemmings was doing when he explodes.  If you really are seeing that then it's a bug in the game.  If what you are reporting is based on seeing things on two different levels, check to see whether the two levels are using the same type of bomber or not.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 03, 2012, 01:03:41 PM
I realised that, due to a slight difference between Lix and Cheapo gameplay, the intended solution to Behind Bars saves 7/10 on Lix, so this is now required.

I've also made an easier duplicate level -- geoo, you said you wanted to have an easy level with the climb/bomb trick, so how about this one? I know it can be done without the trick -- in fact, it can be solved without bombers at all -- but I think the trick is the easiest solution to spot. There are also some interesting challenge solutions available (save 5/10 ignoring one trapdoor; save 9/10 with one builder; save all).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 03, 2012, 03:24:10 PM
Finished version of that bluh level.

As for the Pieuw level, I thought this was the intended solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 03, 2012, 03:41:41 PM
I thought this one up in my sleep last night.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 03, 2012, 09:38:50 PM
I fixed Pieuw's level. It should work well now, let me know if it doesn't. I haven't made any new levels lately I've been busy playing everybody else's. Thanks for the comments on mine.

Are you sure you got that right?  Actually in Lix there are 2 different types of bombers, a "non-flinging" bomber that works just like the classic L1 bomber, as well as a "flinging" bomber that works more like the L2 bomber, where nearby lemmings get "flung" into the air by the explosion.

Your right, I just overlooked that, there is no glitch.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 04, 2012, 11:45:33 AM
The bomb/bash part works fine, but I can't get the basher/miner mutual stopping to occur. (This may be a Lix problem rather than a fault in the level design....) Also, the backroute still works; you can prevent it by lowering the ledge under the gap, so that if you fall there, you can't get back up with the 2 given builders.

Here's another pair of Cheapo remakes. Yes, Too Close for Comfort is an execution puzzle, but I enjoy playing this level so it didn't feel right to leave it out. I've made it a little gentler than the Cheapo version (where all 20 builds were needed; I can do the remake in 16).

Also, Halfway Down the Stairs now requires 45/50 instead of 47. (48 is the max possible.) This lowered requirement makes possible an awesome challenge: do without the miner.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 04, 2012, 06:49:59 PM
Another level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 04, 2012, 10:48:53 PM
The bomb/bash part works fine, but I can't get the basher/miner mutual stopping to occur. (This may be a Lix problem rather than a fault in the level design....) Also, the backroute still works; you can prevent it by lowering the ledge under the gap, so that if you fall there, you can't get back up with the 2 given builders.

I can get it to work, but it is hard (took me a few tries). As to the back route, I didn't think to take it out-- it is the way the original level is and I wanted to preserve it. Unless everybody doesn't want multiple solutions, I kinda like having it.
Anyway I fixed another problem where there was a hole in the terrain below the left platform and could've caused problems. I picked a hard level to remake first, apparently.  :-\
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 04, 2012, 11:09:08 PM
I like the backroute.

Skill swap of that Holey Mountain level that was posted in one of the first pages. Would be a fairly easy level for introducing cubers, I think. I'm not quite sure how good the design is for this concept; I might try to make it into another design and get two levels out of that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 04, 2012, 11:37:06 PM
Confirmed that the basher/miner solution to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo works as intended on the remake.

I feel that backroutes should always be removed if possible because they make the level a less interesting puzzle; especially in cases like this (and, for example, 1 Taxing) where the main solution is clever and difficult to find but the backroute is far too easy. Sometimes (as with 22 Taxing) a clever backroute can have its own kind of elegance and be worth making into a separate level, but I certainly don't get that feeling from this one.

Solved "Lixology" (Nortaneous's Holey Mountain skillswap). Neat little level. One problem is that you credit the level to "geoo / Nortaneous" but this is too long for Lix's display. I think we need to agree what convention we're going to adopt for when one designer makes a skillswap of another's level -- there are quite a few of these now already, and there will probably be more to come. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 05, 2012, 02:11:55 AM
Ok, quite a big update, we're up to about 60 levels now: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
Some short notes, hope I didn't forget anything:

Thick Molasses:
I did some slight edits to your levels. Usually cropping the boundaries, or removing the time limits. Tell me if there are any objections.
I added all your new levels but Odd Jobs to the list. For Odd Jobs, shall I replace Slippery Pete with this one (i.e. rename it as Proxima suggested), or keep the name Odd Jobs? My 10/10 solution is attached.

Bridges Burning: I solved it a bit differently, I was just patient with doing the digging at the left, which works out nicely. Not sure which is intended, but interesting level either way. Solution is attached.
The Italian Job: Excellent level, I love it. I found a slightly different solution, not sure whether it should be considered a backroute, I find Proxima's solution more elegant in any case. Solution attached.
Three Days of the Condor: This will probably be the first level in the set where you need miner turning. With the trick being somewhat intuitive, I guess for a first encounter of the trick its usage isn't too obscured (there aren't that many things to try out).
Bibblidi: I find the intended solution a bit hard to execute as the walkway is pretty short for the miner to be in time. Then again, the backroute is easy, but takes a bit away from the level. Not sure what to do about it.
As for walking out of an 8px gap - yeah, that behaviour is different in Lix, I made use of the new behaviour in Bulldozing. Then again, the old behaviour is useful for levels in its own way as well.
Digging in air: Nice remake. That trick offers itself very nicely for cubers as well. (I intended to make a level where the trick is a bit more difficult to see for cubers at some point.)

With regards to rating names: I think it only makes sense thinking about them once the number of ratings is known, which I'm not sure about yet (depends on how many levels we will gather).

Razor's, No More Heroes and A Matter of Perspective added, as well as Get Hype updated. Also the Get Hype update with Proxima's skillset, Let's all go down the Strand.

Another Lix in the Wall: Liking the design of this one, makes a very nice easier level.

Behind bars: Really love this one. Basically simple and symmetric design, yet having a very interesting solution. Also nice decoration there. It's time to climb added as well, though I'll probably make another separate level for the first encounter of the climber bomb, where it's blatantly obvious that you have to use it.
Halfway down the stairs: Trickier that in looks due to the skillset. I reckon there might be multiple solutions (I was attempting a flinging route at some point, which looked prospective, but was a bit too technical to pursue further). Wonder whether there's a solution needing no precise timing at all.
Vignette, Too Close for Comfort: Very good design with these styles, and showing pretty classic tricks.
Compression Method 2: Not as good as the other ones, especially as the reference is only clear to Lemmings players who remember the level, but still decent. First part is a nice tiny puzzle, and then cuber spamming to get them up (there had to be one level of this kind ;)). Only thing is, I saved 49 at my first attempt. :XD:

ccx: Will reply to you tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 05, 2012, 03:26:53 AM
Lixology (anyone have a better name for that level?) could lend itself to interesting challenges. Turns out the level is possible with two cubers.

Here's a sort-of-remake of Lem Dunk. (If anyone skillswaps this, call it Lix Ferenda.) It's an easier level, but it could be interesting with a skill swap. (edit: fixed entrance placement)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 05, 2012, 01:39:02 PM
Thanks for the list update and all your hard work!  :thumbsup: Very glad you like my levels, especially Behind Bars which is also one of my favourites.

Halfway down the stairs: Trickier that in looks due to the skillset. I reckon there might be multiple solutions.

Here's the no-miner solution I mentioned. Also attached, Lix Lata ceiling (or at least, non-floor) route. A very nice 10-of-each, many-solutions level, with excellent decorative terrain; I'll try to find a good skill swap that at least enforces using the full level area.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 05, 2012, 10:34:09 PM
Lixology (anyone have a better name for that level?) could lend itself to interesting challenges. Turns out the level is possible with two cubers.

Here's a sort-of-remake of Lem Dunk. (If anyone skillswaps this, call it Lix Ferenda.) It's an easier level, but it could be interesting with a skill swap. (edit: fixed entrance placement)

I like Lem Dunk a lot, good level. Lixety-split? idk...

Alright then, I fixed Bidditi.. so that the other method is not possible, the lower platform is too low now but still high enough to be a possible distraction to a newcomer to the level.
Also, another one I worked on. Idk if it's final yet.

I added all your new levels but Odd Jobs to the list. For Odd Jobs, shall I replace Slippery Pete with this one (i.e. rename it as Proxima suggested), or keep the name Odd Jobs? My 10/10 solution is attached.

thanks for adding my levels. :) attached is the correct (and final) version of Slippery Pete. 10/10 is required. (I meant it that way in the first place but I made two versions and got confused)
With the Italian Job I tried a bunch of different layouts to implement that dig/bash/build trick and it turned out kinda difficult to implement. Turns out there has to be a pretty specific set of things about the level otherwise it's easy (for the player) to find a way around it.
Nicely done, back-route! I figured something like this would be possible but I just didn't feel like testing it out. Proxima's was the intended solution. I'll let someone else decide which method is better. The extra climber was left in for a distraction. Does it work at all?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 06, 2012, 03:13:51 PM
Replay for Dances with Lixes. Very nice level, and excellent decorative terrain!  :thumbsup:

Yes, on Italian Job there's nothing wrong with leaving in the extra climber, as it makes the player look for other possibilities without actually presenting any.

Here's a remake of my Cheapo level "Minesweeper Lemmings" -- without either the Minesweeper graphics or the lemmings, so obviously a new title was called for! I seem to remember that this level was plagued by backroutes and I can't remember whether I fixed them or not, so let's see what you guys find....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 06, 2012, 06:49:17 PM
Thick Molasses:
My backroute for Italian Job (Simon also found this solution btw) can easily be eliminated by setting the amount of lix higher, 100 should be sufficient (as in future you can set a minimum RR, so you prevent the player from setting it to 1). Tell me if you want me to do that, then I'll just update the level with that.
Attached is my solution for dances with lixes, a bit brute-force unlike Proxima's somewhat more elegant solution. I didn't expect the sand and marble to mix so well, but the sand is saturated enough that it works nicely.
I got two gripes with the latest version of Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo: Biggest one is the hidden traps. Hidden traps are almost always a big no-no. Only thing it does is annoying the player once he finds out while trying to execute his solution. I said almost always because for instance, in Rhapsody, if the traps were hidden, the effect would be that the level would seem utterly trivial, but you'll immediately notice the traps because they're right at the start. Second minor gripe is that besides the trick already being a bit harder to execute, it gets even a bit harder because if you don't bomb very close to the left edge, the builder will be too slow. So it'd be nice if you could perhaps extend the walkway there are a little bit. I haven't seen the original level, but it's a very nice remake.

Speaking of original, to the latest member Pipouw, are you the same as Pieuw by any chance? In that case feel encouraged to join in! (And even if not, feel encouraged :)) Reminds me that I should still play many of your levels, the ones I played were very enjoyable.

I like Lixology a lot, and I don't mind the name either. I'm not sure whether to include Holey Mountain (did you solve it btw?), as there are levels showing off similar tricks that are nicer than this level. But you can of course use the terrain for your level nevertheless, or try a different design as you said.
Solved Lix Lata, haven't found a good skill swap for it yet though.
As for noting down the author names, I used abbreviations for now when they were too long. The text overwriting the selection menu will probably be fixed in Lix, but then the names would be truncated instead I think, so I feel this is the best option.

Waltz in C Sharp Miner (hilarious level name, really excellent) solved, lovely level, though I have the feeling there's a couple of possible solution, so whatever yours is you might have a hard time enforcing it.
Also solved halfway down without the miner, saves 46/50. The blocker can be avoided, but I used it for easier execution. Checked your solution and it's the same basic idea, but completely different setup. Nice use of the steel in your solution though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 06, 2012, 07:54:52 PM
Waltz in C Sharp Miner (hilarious level name, really excellent) solved, lovely level, though I have the feeling there's a couple of possible solution, so whatever yours is you might have a hard time enforcing it.

Glad you like the level and title :) I've attached my intended solution. I could remove yours simply by removing the middle steel block on the left edge of the wall left of the exit, so you can't build to it and climb as you did. However, I'm inclined towards leaving it. Your solution did use fewer skills but it doesn't have a backroute "feel" to it -- it was quite ingenious, used a good amount of the level area, and seems about equally difficult to find as my solution, or perhaps harder (that trick to contain the crowd from the top trapdoor was especially nice). What's your opinion?

This seemed like an ideal candidate for making an easier version -- multiple trapdoors are always fun -- so I've attached one.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 06, 2012, 09:18:29 PM
Have some more solutions! :P

Watching your solution afterwards, I see that using the miner at the start to accelerate building over the gap(s) might allow to optimize some a little further. Though what you do at the top right is definitely inefficient (though elegant), as you can save a miner and a builder by simply mining into the wall and catching them with a bridge at the bottom.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 06, 2012, 09:53:06 PM
Watching your solution afterwards, I see that using the miner at the start to accelerate building over the gap(s) might allow to optimize some a little further. Though what you do at the top right is definitely inefficient (though elegant), as you can save a miner and a builder by simply mining into the wall and catching them with a bridge at the bottom.

Yes, I noticed that just before you posted :P Also, I had a look at the Cheapo version, and it's actually impossible to mine into the wall there since Cheapo doesn't allow you to assign miner to a lemming standing on steel. I've decided to eliminate that route with an extra steel piece.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 07, 2012, 01:56:56 AM
go ahead and change "Italian Job" the way you said.

As for Pieuw's level, I agree hidden traps can be annoying but I don't think it is in this case. considering that the level is rather small (or quick) and it's rather easy without the trap. Myself I usually anticipate traps like that actually, anytime I see the ceiling close to the ground. Of course the time I played that level I wasn't and was shocked by it, but it made it more challenging for me. I'll take it out if you really want but I think it would drastically change the level.
As for the other problem, I could lengthen the left side again, but I already did once, I think it's intended to be close like that. Did someone (Proxima?) say they spoke to pieuw himself and he said the backroute was not intentional? It just seemed strange to have that lower platform there in the first place and then not notice a solution with that there.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on February 07, 2012, 12:42:00 PM
I've just played the current version of Bibbity, and the hidden trap is horrible.

With it, the level stands out against the wide range of levels that follow simple usability guidelines. Why do you hide information from the player unnecessarily? The terrain is easily movable to make the trap fully visible, without enabling backroutes.

Also, please consider taking out the time limit. There's a whole thread about why time limits are bad unless absolutely nothing else prevents a glaring backroute.

Quote from: Proxima
this one isn't too bad -- the bomber to undermine it is the last task you assign, so you can just replay past the difficult bit once you know where the trap is.
No. Without seeing the trap, the player may well have use the exploders before it, and must sort out a larger part of the solution.

Quote from: Proxima
I don't want to see a sanitised Lemmings where you always know when you walk under terrain that there won't be a trap there. It just wouldn't be the same game.
Yep, it would be a different and better-designed game. "It's always been like that" isn't a sound argument here.

With the current abundance of honest and good levels, designers cannot afford to mess with a player like this. The player is free to write off the level as annoying and just play another one.

geoo may have a point with Rhapsody (Lemmix version), which wouldn't even require a single skill assignment unless there is something fishy with the walls. Even though Rhapsody breaks a design rule here, it's immediately obvious how it does so, and it takes great care to not mislead the player further. Unlike Rhapsody, Bibbity is not at all trivial even without the trap.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 07, 2012, 06:01:55 PM
I know it's not my level, but I vote for not changing "The Italian Job". It's not a backroute, it's a clever way of adapting the solution to save a skill. Where possible, it's always nice when levels provide opportunities to reward cleverness by making it possible to save more than the requirement, or use fewer skills.
While my solution for Italian Job might look similar to the intended solution, when I actually found it I missed one crucial aspect of the solution: I use the digger/builder/basher gadget solely for blocking off the right end. The important element I missed is that the additional functionality of the basher, and the different way to send a scout while avoiding the splat height. So conceptually, my solution feels quite a bit different and simpler (and not particularly clever, thus backroutish) to me, and so I'll go ahead and do the proposed change.

The terrain is easily movable to make the trap fully visible, without enabling backroutes.
Good point, that's definitely the best solution for this particular level.
Yeah, that was what I was actually aiming at when I criticized the hidden trap.

But I feel that for a collaborative project like this, it would be appropriate to allow different level designers to make levels in their own styles.
Of course, but within certain guidelines. Some designer may have his own style characterized by levels being "Block off the crowd with a blocker, build from one end of the level to the other, release". For instance, such levels would usually not be welcome, because one guideline is that levels should be reasonably interesting. And one guideline is, to quote Simon, "Don't bullshit the player". Which includes not showing off a level as a genuine and fair puzzle while putting a trap at the end to say "Haha, better luck next time.", which is precisely what happens here. As a player, I don't want to feel cheated. I perceive a difference between genuine difficulty (figuring the idea of a level) and cheap difficulty (simply having to redo a level, possibly entirely scrapping the old solution worked out).

It's about how you present the level. If it looks too easy to be true, and you get a message "Watch out!" via a hidden trap right at the start of the level, that's a different story. Heck, for variety, I'd be fine with a level entirely focused on scouting for hidden traps. But with regards to "expecting a hidden trap everywhere", at least I don't want to go on a scouting mission for hidden traps in each single level before giving the actual level a try (and I'm not sure whether you'd want to). The player can assume everything about the level is presented to him at first glance, and if there is something fishy going on, the player should get the hunch that there is right at the start.

Another guideline I try to follow is "make execution as easy as possible", because difficulty of execution is generally not an indicator of quality. If some trick is intrinsically hard to pull off, fine. If making execution would be at the cost of good design, fine. But when easier execution can be afforded at basically no cost, then I advocate it to be done.
That's why I suggest the starting walkway to be slightly extended. I think "It's intended to be close like that [and subsequently more difficult to execute]" is not much of a reason for keeping it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on February 07, 2012, 07:24:24 PM
Quote from: Proxima
you keep using words like "usability", "bad" and "better-designed" to make it sound like your preferences are objective facts

I'll go out on a limb and assert that most people here dislike hidden traps. geoo's and my views are obvious by the posts above, and even Molasses said he was shocked by them at first, then got conditioned. With Clam and Rubix, I discussed hidden traps in IRC back when we didn't have logging, thus I can't back this up with anything substantial. The time limit thread was the topic which several people commented on publicly.

However, such a special guideline is a corollary of much more general design principles, like clarity and recognizability of the given environment. These are indeed standard in contemporary game and software design.

Quote from: Proxima
it makes me feel that my opinions aren't welcome here, and that's putting me off wanting to contribute.

Actually, I encourage you to give opinions and constructive criticism. It's feedback for the game and the levels. Some obscure bugs were found only due to extensive game usage during the level design project. I'm more than happy to read stuff by you.

Sometimes, it's just hard to guess what you want. First I believe you want the level to remain as it is, now you say you'd like the trap visible instead of hidden. You also think your opinions/feedback aren't welcome, even when it is d'accord with geoo's/mine/other frequent posters', and/or brings forward a topic which people are happy to comment on... I didn't quite grasp that.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 07, 2012, 07:40:29 PM
I can see where Proxima is coming from.  Regardless of what one thinks about hidden traps or time limits or whatever, it is pretty clear that the "community level set" has always been more like "community level set as envisioned and curated by geoo and Simon and no one else in the community" ;P.  To be fair I don't think it was ever even hinted to be anything but that; it's not like the community gets to vote on levels and such.  And it's pretty clear that the intention was more to create a set that serves as the "official" level set for the Lix game.  Still, it's refreshing to me to hear disagreement voiced over how the game and levels should be, even if nothing changes.  It may be a better game to Simon and geoo, but it is also a fact that they aren't supposed to be the sole audience that the level set targets for.  And yet, with diverse views on level design, realistically you are unlikely to get a set of levels that will be 100% satisfactory to everyone who plays, so it's not unreasonable to push certain design philosophies into the set, given that not doing so doesn't necessarily guarantee more satisfaction anyhow.

It's also good to keep in mind that it's always possible to create your own custom levelset instead of going into this one.  Clam for example has mulled over repeatedly whether some of his levels should go into his own set vs this one (to be clear, for reasons other than disagreement over level design philosophy, I think).

(And as usual, I have no strong opinions one way or another over the latest hot topic.  Although it is worth noting that nothing really stays hidden once you take a peak in the editor. :P)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 08, 2012, 12:00:16 AM
well, the only reason I had any objections to changing the level was because I was trying to make it as close to the original as possible. But in any case; here it is with the suggestions. The trap is unhidden and I also lengthened the left side so it's not as tight (with the basher and all) and I took the time away. I agree completely about time limits. The hidden traps never bothered me but I usually take a ridiculous amount of time on a level anyway. I keep playing it over and over. ...Some call it obsession. :(  Anyway, I'm making these for others not myself so I'll oblige. Just be sure to note somewhere that it's slightly changed from Pieuw's version. This better be the last time I have to upload that level. jk ;P
btw, I really like that level, Recycling plant.

Then, here is an early version of The Italian job. I changed the name in case anyone decides it's good enough to be considered. The reason I changed it is because this one involves stopping a miner and basher simultaneously, which is something I'm not good at. But I know it's possible. The trap isn't nessisary, but if you take it away also take away 1 builder. This is more of a test, I'm curious which of these is better overall in either technique or originality etc...
Also, could someone upload my level Italian Job. I deleted mine by accident :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 08, 2012, 12:44:24 AM
Sometimes, it's just hard to guess what you want. First I believe you want the level to remain as it is, now you say you'd like the trap visible instead of hidden. You also think your opinions/feedback aren't welcome, even when it is d'accord with geoo's/mine/other frequent posters', and/or brings forward a topic which people are happy to comment on... I didn't quite grasp that.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. For the level, I simply hadn't thought of the option of leaving the trap but making it visible, until you mentioned it. For the general point, what I meant was that, even though the discussion of what to do with this one trap is pretty trivial, I can see that the differences in our views on level design are going to cause problems later on with my levels, and it's probably best if I don't take part in this. Sorry again for being such a pain. I'm really glad to have had the chance to get a look at Lix -- it's a really great version of the game!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 08, 2012, 01:07:10 AM
but I liked your levels. Don't leave...

I beat the first version of "Long way to fall" btw. The miner trick is something new to me/well that's how you solved my level 'bridges burning' when I actually intended on just digging to separate the others and losing the basher (or bashers)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 08, 2012, 02:35:19 AM
For the general point, what I meant was that, even though the discussion of what to do with this one trap is pretty trivial, I can see that the differences in our views on level design are going to cause problems later on with my levels, and it's probably best if I don't take part in this. Sorry again for being such a pain. I'm really glad to have had the chance to get a look at Lix -- it's a really great version of the game!  :thumbsup:

Are you sure?  No one thinks you're being a pain and it may not seem like it, but your opinions are at least being discussed even if not always accepted.

I feel like even if there may be some levels here and there that may have "irreconcilable differences", surely most of the levels will be okay?  I mean, so far I don't recall any controversies amongst the dozens or more levels from you or most others, and this hidden trap level isn't even yours.  My experience (and memory) with your Cheapo levels may be somewhat limited, but I have a hard time seeing much controversies coming out from them?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 08, 2012, 12:24:58 PM
Okay, less drama, more levels.  Please help backroute-test the level and let me know what you think.

[edit: whoops, already see a very silly backroute myself. :XD: Fixed now (hopefully), unfortunate someone already downloaded the first version.]

[edit: removed this version and posted update version with more backroute fixes]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on February 08, 2012, 03:46:10 PM
cc: I was the second downloader and got the version without the silly backroute. Attached a solution, I'm not sure whether it's a backroute or not. >_>

Proxima: Thanks for the accolade. :) Of course it's your decision whether you stay with the level project or not. I'd merely like to correct one formulation of cc's: The level project is not going to be as geoo or I envision it as ideal for us, but instead as enjoyable by as many players as possible.

Waltz I didn't solve yet, but it looks gorgeous.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 08, 2012, 05:02:10 PM
For the general point, what I meant was that, even though the discussion of what to do with this one trap is pretty trivial, I can see that the differences in our views on level design are going to cause problems later on with my levels, and it's probably best if I don't take part in this. Sorry again for being such a pain. I'm really glad to have had the chance to get a look at Lix -- it's a really great version of the game!  :thumbsup:
Are you being serious?  ???
Your levels are some of the best contributions, excellent in both design and level idea, and it'd be a great loss if you stopped designing levels now.
I don't see how you infer that we're going to run into big issues at some point in the future, I mean, wouldn't that have constituted itself in me having issues with your levels if it were true?
I remember one single instance where I changed something in one of your levels, and that was when I moved the water in Close to the Edge down by a tiny bit, as its top parts were above the steel, and thus you could see where the water is cut off (which wasn't visible in the editor, so I assumed it was just a little oversight on your part), and noted that I did that. I remember making a suggestion for LIX and Behind Bars, which you didn't like, so I didn't add these suggestions in.

I set a couple of guidelines - no hard and fast rules - meaning you can break them if you have a reason for it, and discuss individual suggestions. You even agreed that in this particular instance, following the guideline (i.e. uncovering the trap) was a good solution in the end, which ended up being the result of the discussion.

I don't feel I'm being overly bossy about enforcing the design principles here. But if you disagree, tell me and make suggestions what to change in the way things are done.

So yeah, "community level set as envisioned and curated by geoo and Simon and no one else in the community" (or more exactly, to quote Simon, "as envisioned by us to be enjoyable for as many players as possible") might be true to some extent simply due to the way this is set up, but I'm trying to keep levels mostly as they are and discuss when I don't like something; if you think it's downright impossible to cope with this way, then I'll happily hand over the organizational work with all its (minor as I think) privileges over to you, if think you're better fit for the job, and willing to maintain the list and do all the other stuff. :) (Then I get some more time to make and play levels and perhaps work on the styles again. :P)

well, the only reason I had any objections to changing the level was because I was trying to make it as close to the original as possible. But in any case; here it is with the suggestions. The trap is unhidden and I also lengthened the left side so it's not as tight (with the basher and all) and I took the time away. I agree completely about time limits. The hidden traps never bothered me but I usually take a ridiculous amount of time on a level anyway. I keep playing it over and over. ...Some call it obsession.  :(  Anyway, I'm making these for others not myself so I'll oblige. Just be sure to note somewhere that it's slightly changed from Pieuw's version. This better be the last time I have to upload that level. jk  ;P
btw, I really like that level, Recycling plant.

Then, here is an early version of The Italian job. I changed the name in case anyone decides it's good enough to be considered. The reason I changed it is because this one involves stopping a miner and basher simultaneously, which is something I'm not good at. But I know it's possible. The trap isn't nessisary, but if you take it away also take away 1 builder. This is more of a test, I'm curious which of these is better overall in either technique or originality etc...
Also, could someone upload my level Italian Job. I deleted mine by accident  :(
It's on the list, you can find it here:

Yeah, I see your point about trying to keep the level as original as possible, but when remaking you already make quite a bunch of design choices (which style to choose, how to lay out the terrain), and uncovering the trap or extending the walkway doesn't affect the solution concept, so I feel there's not much of a difference in that.

I attached two solutions to The French Connection, using two different ways of basher/miner cancelling (not sure which one is intended, I like the first one better). It's a pretty tough one, possibly harder than The Italian Job, but I find Italian Job more elegant, because it uses merging the miner tunnel into the basher tunnel instead of relying on some technical trick (or pretty precise timing in case of my first solution).

About Recycling Plant, do you mean Clam's "Lix Recycling Plant", or are you mocking the non-existence of that level in the list (which I intend to remake from my L2 version at some point). ;)

[edit: whoops, already see a very silly backroute myself. :XD: Fixed now (hopefully), unfortunate someone already downloaded the first version.]
Yeah, that fixed my first two backroutes, but I got two new solutions instead. :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 08, 2012, 10:50:02 PM
[edit: whoops, already see a very silly backroute myself. :XD: Fixed now (hopefully), unfortunate someone already downloaded the first version.]
Yeah, that fixed my first two backroutes, but I got two new solutions instead. :P

Ok, try this version now and see what solutions you get this time around.  I expect this is far from the last of the backroutes yet...... :-\

Also, I'd like one or more people to actually run Simon's replay on the new version of level, and comment on whether it plays out to your expectations or not.

This level update also gives yet another reason to consider allowing objects be displayed in front of terrain as well as behind--you're actually forcing hidden traps on the level designers if they are always drawn behind terrain!  (Note: they're not actually hidden in my level, in fact they should be pretty easily spotted, but I wouldn't mind it more visible.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 09, 2012, 01:11:05 AM
here's another. Let me know if there's a better way to make the trick less obvious. I'm sure there's back routes, I even thought of a possible one but when I went to test it I forgot it. I added that decoration at the top but originally I kinda felt that especially after a bunch of levels that are 'full' or busy, I personally wouldn't mind seeing one that has a lot of emptiness. (just to change it up).
I couldn't find any good translations of this title in either google translate (not surprisingly) or a German dictionary I have.

you know, ccexplore, I think your levels are almost as devilish as Tseug's.  ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 09, 2012, 01:48:05 AM
you know, ccexplore, I think your levels are almost as devilish as Tseug's.  ;)

 ;P For me, basically I feel I have very low artistic skills (one may even say negative :P), so I kinda feel that I have to create hard levels, or else I fear it just won't be worth anyone's time.  I can tell you I do have at least one level idea I haven't worked on yet, that shouldn't be a hard level (relatively speaking), though it remains to be seen whether it's interesting enough or not for the set.  At least that one will be very easy to create if I do decide to go with it.

I do hope that getting myself to make more levels for this effort will at least eventually broaden my level-making abilities a little more.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 09, 2012, 03:44:45 PM
This probably isn't as hard as I was hoping the concept would be. Bah.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 09, 2012, 09:13:47 PM
I can't play that level because of missing terrain. Do I need to download a newer version of Lix or something?

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 09, 2012, 09:17:11 PM
You need geoo's abstract tileset: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43603680/abstract.zip

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 09, 2012, 09:30:03 PM
what the heck, I have that and it still doesn't work. Your supposed to put it in "bitmap right?" Well the tiles come up in the editor.

it looks like a good level btw.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 09, 2012, 09:52:04 PM
You need to put it in bitmap/geoo/, so that the file structure is bitmap/geoo/abstract/[two folders and a bunch of files here].
Solved the level and attached the solution, I saved quite a lot and got a lot of skills left over, so I'm not sure whether the solution is intended.

As for yours, TM, I gave it 20 minutes or so today, and I haven't solved it yet, actually. So that trick is certainly not obvious. I'll try it further tomorrow. As for the name, did you mean to say something like "Ein einfaches, halbherziges Puzzle"? I'd have translated it the obvious way, "A simple, half-hearted puzzle", though I think considering I've been having problems with this level so far, I'm not sure how fitting such a name is. ;) The cut off bricks look a bit odd, perhaps rods or pipes would look better there, but apart from that I think the level looks fine, with or without the decoration at the top. :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 09, 2012, 10:24:17 PM
it works :thumbsup: and it's a good level too. (Nortaneous) I didn't solve it yet because I'm too busy but whether it's hard or not I like the look of it a lot.

sweet, I finally stumped somebody. ;P
The title is just a reference to the song "A Simple Desultory Philippic". Desultory, to me, means rambling or going off topic, or lacking in consistency, constancy... But I don't quite like the sound of my title anyway. I'll either change it to the song title or just "conundrum" if that name isn't already taken. I got this idea after watching some of Tseug's levels. (Don't worry though this level doesn't use any glitch or weird  thing like that).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 09, 2012, 11:39:57 PM
geoo: That differs from the intended solution only at the end. Here's a version that should fix that, although I'm not quite sure whether to count it as a backroute.

Anyway, I originally wanted to have the lava go all the way up to the slopes on the sides of the ring, but it turns out that the trigger area of the lava extends one pixel past where it appears to end, so if it's positioned on the grid, it kills the climber going left. Considering that there's apparently no way to overwrite traps, I can't get it to work. Oh well.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 10, 2012, 02:20:30 AM
re: Brickout - Here's my solution. I'm hoping that's a backroute, considering how many parts of the solution have to be perfectly timed.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 10, 2012, 03:03:25 PM
Ok, try this version now and see what solutions you get this time around.  I expect this is far from the last of the backroutes yet...... :-\

Boy how true that was. :XD: Trying to salvage my "Brickout" solution ends up being like 10 times more difficult than the level itself. :-\  Almost every part of the level is subjected to conflicting requirements when it comes to backroute elimination. :XD:

In the end some major changes are made, as you can see in this new "B" version.  Even the solution is no longer quite the same as my original, but is pretty close, and in some ways better I think.  I hope the B version is less backroute-prone, but I have the feeling with so much lost sleep, I undoubtedly have missed something. :XD:

I've made this a "B" version because geoo actually found some pretty nifty solutions in my first two versions, to the point that it is worth considering changing those versions of the level to enforce his solutions instead.  I'll leave the decision up to him whether to include just A with his solution(s), just B, or both.

[edit: moved the decorative terrain out of the way as it looks like they can still be utilized.  I'll figure out what to do with them later]

[edit2: foiled once again!  The curse of conflicting requirements has striked yet again. :XD: See new post for next replacement attempt]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 10, 2012, 08:29:49 PM
here's two more. The first is based on one of pieuw's which was a remakes of somebody else's. I can't find the video on youtube so I can't remember who it was. But mine here isn't exactly like it anyway. Firstly, please leave the time limit in as it's necessary [without it the level is a dud]. I finished it with a few seconds to spare so I added 15. I'm sure there are multiple solutions, I don't actually remember what the 'intended' solution was. I tried briefly to eliminate the most obvious solution but it might still be possible. If so I'll change that.

Next is one loosely based off a level from Revolution, "Which Switch is Which?". It's not like it enough to be called a remake in my opinion. It's easy, fun or tricky at most.

I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, ccexplore, about being artistic. I think Brickout looks fine, artistically speaking. after all sometimes simple is better
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 11, 2012, 12:59:20 AM
Ok, for Brickout, I think adding a hatch in the center with a convenient landing platform below opened up a new can of worms. :P

Anyway, I originally wanted to have the lava go all the way up to the slopes on the sides of the ring, but it turns out that the trigger area of the lava extends one pixel past where it appears to end, so if it's positioned on the grid, it kills the climber going left. Considering that there's apparently no way to overwrite traps, I can't get it to work. Oh well.
Ah, I see, yeah, it'd look nicer with the lava extending up to the top.
I encountered one issue with trigger areas being too large (i.e. trigger areas that should be disjoint appear to overlap) recently, and I think Simon's going to look into it. Might be that this is related to this issue and will be fixed, but it might also be that by the game logic at some point the lix is within the wall. I'll ask Simon.
Solved it again, basically the same way as before.

sweet, I finally stumped somebody. ;P
The title is just a reference to the song "A Simple Desultory Philippic". [...]
Ah, in that case, ignore what I said about the name earlier.
Had a fresh look at the level again today, and managed to solve it. Love the idea, and I think it's well hidden and there's enough other things to try out. :)

Found two solutions to "too far to walk": one saves 96 and has almost a minute to spare, and the other takes a bit more time and saves fewer, but I think it might be what you intended.
Of course I don't remove time limits on every level; it's obvious that this one needs the time limit.
The other one is indeed pretty trivial, but makes a good level for one of the first ratings.

All solutions are attached.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 11, 2012, 02:05:39 AM
for Too far to walk, the second is the intended (at least it's pieuw's level). I really can't say if his allowed for the other method or not. (which is really cool btw!). I have to look on youtube and there's hundreds of levels... I can't even remember the name.

you can change the title of 'simple desultory...' to just "conundrum".

as for 'brickout', am I close?  :XD: I saved all but that one.

then I posted another new one that I worked on today. It's more of a execution style level rather than puzzle difficulty. I might change it or do something else with it idk yet.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 11, 2012, 03:29:20 AM
Brickout B has proven to be a disaster thanks to my ill-considered decision to add land directly below the second entrance (in an attempt to reduce number of skills as a backroute-prevention effort). :XD:

I have decided that I need to do the right thing by removing one particular skill that has clearly been problematic (and adjusting other skills).  I have kept it around so far to try to entice the player into trying more routes that aren't supposed to work, but obviously so far it has just ended up enabling route after route instead. :XD:

Thus the new Brickout B here.  I also took out many of the "band-aid fixes" seen in previous iterations, since I think the skill removal is sufficient.  But to be honest, there were so many backroutes I no longer remember which ones relied on the removed skill and how strongly so.  At least by starting fresh with no band-aid fixes, I can just add them back in later on an as-needed basis.  Let's see what happens now.

(note: the first edit of this post is for inclusion of reply to TM below, no changes in level)

as for 'brickout', am I close?  :XD: I saved all but that one.

Your solution can definitely be modified just slightly to save 48/48 on the old version of Brickout B.  However, it's render moot now since I got rid of that bit of land underneath the middle entrance area.  That addition created far more problems than what it was intended to fix. :XD:

It did seem like the old "Brickout B" manages by sheer accident to be a somewhat interesting level that is not super-hard, and has multiple solutions, so maybe there's something to be said for including it in the set under those type of levels.  I dunno.

[edit2: see new version]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 11, 2012, 07:07:59 AM
Sweet, a third climber, time for new (or revived old) backroutes!

Also solved Babylon fading, I didn't find it that trivial to figure, actually. And execution was a not a problem at all.
What do you think of this design for Conundrum btw, with rods instead of cut off bricks?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 11, 2012, 10:46:35 AM
Well, I've neglected this topic somewhat lately (doesn't help that I missed about 50 posts while I was away last weekend), but I am still playing the levels posted here though. In fact, I've solved all but ccexplore's houses of flying lixes, so if there are any levels you want more replays and/or feedback on, I'm happy to provide this.


It's also good to keep in mind that it's always possible to create your own custom levelset instead of going into this one.  Clam for example has mulled over repeatedly whether some of his levels should go into his own set vs this one (to be clear, for reasons other than disagreement over level design philosophy, I think).
Yep, my reasons aren't to do with disagreement at all, and in fact I'm mostly in agreement with Simon and geoo's views on level design (albeit maybe not so zealously). I've decided to keep my levels separate from the community set, for two main reasons:
1) Since I've made enough (or near enough) to qualify as a full set, it makes more sense to keep all my levels together, rather than having some here and some there.
2) As geoo said back in the first post in this topic, this project is primarily for those who can't or won't make a full set, so it seems a bit rude to stick my own levels in too. ;)


Now for the fun part, here are seven new (unless you've seen them already via the IRC) levels! :) Like I mentioned earlier on, maybe I shouldn't put these in the community set topic since they aren't going in that set, but it's so cold and lonely in the other Lix levels topic. :scared: :P

'Abridged Version', 'Mirror Mines', 'No Killer, All Filler' and 'Bridge Burnout' are "flower levels, for the girls", as Simon put it, basically easy early-Tricky type levels that you can solve without really thinking. This type of level may even get a full rating in my set, who knows :P. 'Infinite Timer' and 'Sand me down' are moderate difficulty (the latter somewhat harder), and 'Wrap your head around this one!' is a toughie, definitely one for my Insane rating :D. (For replay purposes, these are in /levels/single for now, until I classify these properly.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 11, 2012, 05:06:15 PM
geoo: Thank you. I don't feel my levels are worth such a compliment, but if you want me to stay with the level project, I'll do my best and we'll see how it goes. I must get chapter II.7 finished today, though, so no new levels from me until that's done.

TM: attached my solution to "Too Far", which saves 98. It's similar to the intended route but also uses fewer skills. If you decide this is a backroute, it can easily be prevented by reducing the red bricks to a single row except at the end.

"Escape": yes, good level for an easy set. I saved 100%, essentially geoo's solution with a tiny modification. A second 49/50 solution exists (too obvious to be worth uploading) with only one athlete, sent up to the right from the start.

Haven't solved "Babylon" yet but it's definitely a nice puzzle. (I thought I had a solution, but I didn't realise the rod to the left of the upper water was steel :( ) You might consider moving the initial view all the way left, adding terrain above the crusher trap, and fixing that odd gap in the long vertical wall. The execution for this level doesn't seem to be too bad; there are a couple of precision moves, but with the replay feature (especially having a reliable replay feature, unlike Cheapo's) these just don't seem annoying any more. However, as I said in your "Level types" topic, I personally enjoy being challenged by execution aspects of a level and the feeling of exhilaration at getting them right, and that's one of the main reasons I feel unsure about whether my levels will fit with the aim of this project. Much more so than hidden traps -- I can actually only think of one level, off the top of my head, that used them, "Rockabye Baby", and that's another example where it's obvious there will be traps as the level would be trivial otherwise. Also, ccexplore heavily backrouted the Cheapo version and those may be impossible to fix, so I might throw out that level anyway. But I will definitely use time limits, not often, but in cases where I feel I'd rather do so. As ccexplore said in the "Fake Difficulty" topic -- "Since you are not likely to please everyone, perhaps the best thing to do is just to make levels that you'd enjoy playing yourself."

Haven't solved "Conundrum" yet either -- looks to be an excellent puzzle level. You might want to hold off on decorative terrain for Underworld style levels anyway. Honestly, this style is really unbearable, especially considering its Lemmings counterpart is one of the best styles, so if geoo doesn't get round to designing more pieces for it then I certainly will.

Clam: I'd be interested to see your solution to Waltz in C Sharp Miner, particularly if it uses fewer skills and is different from geoo's third solution (his other three should be blocked by the extra steel).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 11, 2012, 06:42:02 PM
Solution to Babylon Fading.

EDIT: ...and Conundrum. Really beautiful puzzle!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 11, 2012, 08:29:15 PM
I'm surprised/glad Conundrum's turning about to be a somewhat difficult level. I came upon it's design by accident. What I was originally trying to do wasn't working out at all and I found I could implement this without changing the layout barley at all. It apparently worked to hide it's solution.
I don't really care for those poles though. It just doesn't seem to go with the terrain but that's just me. I don't see why the cut outs don't look right. it Also, If I wanna be nit picky, you can take away the decoration I put at the top, I like it bare.

The crack in Babylon Fading was to prevent you from digging down all the way on that column, and then build up from the bottom. Though, I'm pretty sure now, that's not possible I'll get rid of it.
Both your solutions were good, try it now, minus two skills. I intended on having to using the blocker. Unless you think this solution is easier.

Proxima your solution on Too far to walk, is really nice! That actually gives me an idea for another level. I'm kinda thinking this level should be kept open for multiple solutions but see what you think. I found the video of Pieuw's here. Looking at it now, I see his is probably tougher. tell me what you think/which version/solution is best. Also, I should put his name on it.
Ever here of Mazulems?
Lemmings - Custom Level

Since Clam has a level titled "Bridge Burnout" I should change my level; 'Bridges Burning' to... "Catch Me When I Fall".

here's three more, one's from yesterday I forgot. I just realized they all kind of have a similar idea behind them unfortunately. I'll have to focus now on making a level without bashers, or just a different set of skills in general.
I got the idea behind 1 silvere etc, after Insane Steve's Razor's Edge. I expect backroutes. I always try to test out backroutes myself but I'm too impatient.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 11, 2012, 09:22:45 PM
I don't really care for those poles though. It just doesn't seem to go with the terrain but that's just me. I don't see why the cut outs don't look right.
I think it looks fine with the cut-out bricks.

Both your solutions were good, try it now, minus two skills. I intended on having to using the blocker. Unless you think this solution is easier.
I haven't played it through, but it looks to me like it will just be geoo's solution, but using the blocker instead of other skills for crowd control? If so, then that's definitely easier. Consider putting it back as it was but removing the blocker.

I'm kinda thinking this level should be kept open for multiple solutions but see what you think. I found the video of Pieuw's here. Looking at it now, I see his is probably tougher. tell me what you think/which version/solution is best.
I've found two more solutions. The first is a simple variant of my "two bombers for crowd control" method that, unfortunately, does rather take the "niceness" out of it. The second is a very simple solution, inspired by the video but doing without crowd control altogether. With a few more seconds, this would be 100% saved. Since this is the simplest method and I don't see how you can remove it without spoiling the others as well, I suppose it may be best to leave the level as it is. Which is too bad for me, since it means I won't be able to include my level "Just a Minute (part four)" as it's too similar to this -- the only real innovation is that it includes a different and rather neat means of crowd control.

Definitely don't imitate the level in the video by adding blockers, though. That would make it much too simple, and take away the real charm of the level -- the fact that you're not given an easy way to control the crowd, and you either have to find a cunning way to do so, or break through fast enough that you don't need crowd control, and it's not obvious at the start which of those methods is better.

I got the idea behind 1 silvere etc, after Insane Steve's Razor's Edge. I expect backroutes. I always try to test out backroutes myself but I'm too impatient.
A very easy backroute, I'm afraid.

Also attached, solution to Insane Steve's I'm slowly, when I can grab a few moments in between all the new levels that are coming out, trying to solve all the old ones, of difficulty less than 4. With this solved, I'm down to just two at last -- "Buy one get one free (part 2)" and the fifth version of "Get Hype" (...and "Well OK Then" I suppose, but really I gave up on that a long time ago).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on February 11, 2012, 10:39:46 PM
Here are revised versions of A Matter of Perspective and a very slight change to No More Heroes.

And one new one, a bit of a spiritual successor to Well OK Then.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 12, 2012, 12:59:54 AM
Sweet, a third climber, time for new (or revived old) backroutes!
Wow, once again an awesome solution that pretty much upstaged mine. :thumbsup:  Once again, no complains from me if you decide to feature that version with that solution.

It almost seems a little pointless now, but being the glutton for punishment that I am, I nevertheless made a change to the level anyway.  If this still doesn't work out, the next version will have a pretty dramatic change.

[edit: guess what? ;P]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 12, 2012, 03:12:36 AM
Clam: I'd be interested to see your solution to Waltz in C Sharp Miner, particularly if it uses fewer skills and is different from geoo's third solution (his other three should be blocked by the extra steel).

Sure (attached). I haven't seen geoo's solution(s), but I did have a miner and a couple of climbers spare.

Since Clam has a level titled "Bridge Burnout" I should change my level; 'Bridges Burning' to... "Catch Me When I Fall".

There's no need to change it, those titles are different enough I think. Nice level btw, I like the trick, and the lack of crowd control makes it exciting to play. Love the Conundrum level too, it took me a few tries ending up a builder short before I found the trick, and I think it looks fine as it is.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 12, 2012, 08:53:12 AM
Ok, I should probably keep distance from this thread for the next two days (I'll probably fail at that though) as I got an exam coming up...
So I'll respond to everything later, sorry.

Anyway, one thing I couldn't resist trying though is brickout-B, solution attached.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 12, 2012, 08:55:55 AM
I just got a friendly nudge from geoo to post my solution to Proxima's 'Behind Bars', so here it is (attached). This method needed some extreme timing, so I'm wondering if it differs from the intended solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 12, 2012, 11:54:26 AM
Anyway, one thing I couldn't resist trying though is brickout-B, solution attached.

Hmm, should've seen this old one coming back.  Well, at least this one is easy to address.  No dramatic changes needed, yet.

[edit: upgraded to "B5", see here]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 12, 2012, 12:19:49 PM
Tried "Conundrum" since it got kinda popular.  Did I backroute this? ??? [attached replay is with geoo's version of the level; same solution works in original version as well]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 12, 2012, 01:43:58 PM
Sorry to disappoint you, that's the intended solution, you just found it more easily than geoo and I did  ;P

Clam: Ingenious solution to "Behind Bars" ;) Same general route as the intended solution, but I do something different instead of tightly grouping the climbers from the right half.

For "Waltz", you have geoo's third solution, except that he starts the landing platform from the steel block just right of the third trapdoor, and so needs the last miner to cut the bridge. At the moment I'm inclining towards leaving these in, since (1) having already cut off one possible escape route for the top group, cutting off a second would make the intended route easier to see; (2) your solution is probably harder to see anyway because it's not obvious that you can use miners like that to get through the top-left block; (3) I want to leave that route open to add to the variety of solutions of the easier version. But let me know if either of you disagree -- I can easily close it.

Here's my third solution to "Too Far to Walk" adapted to save 99. It's nice that what could be considered a "challenge" solution (since it avoids the bombers) does indeed save more than any other. (It isn't the solution that uses fewest skills -- that's still my first solution, with 6.) However, I'm annoyed that I haven't been able to save 100 -- I'm sure ccexplore will be able to do so with some of his trademark release-rate jiggery-pokery.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 12, 2012, 01:50:04 PM
Hmm, should've seen this old one coming back.  Well, at least this one is easy to address.  No dramatic changes needed, yet.
Can't resist, this is just too entertaining. Something relatively new this time.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 12, 2012, 08:46:38 PM
One for the easy set, plus an edit to the decorative terrain of Compression Method 2.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 12, 2012, 11:56:38 PM
Hmm, should've seen this old one coming back.  Well, at least this one is easy to address.  No dramatic changes needed, yet.
Can't resist, this is just too entertaining. Something relatively new this time.

Hmm, getting warmer at least.  8) Hope this isn't too distracting for you--should I wait after Tues to post B5?

In some ways, that solution could work well as a part1/part2 thing like L1 did with "Just a Minute".
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 13, 2012, 03:52:18 AM
Proxima, your latest solution to Too far to walk was good. I'm sure your right, there's probably a way for 100%. I'm gonna try later but someone will probably beat me to it. Anyway, I agree & think this level should be left pretty much they way it is (apart from some finishing touches), the fact that it has so many solutions is pretty interesting in itself.
For Babylon Fading, I will adjust it to make your/and or geo's solution the intended. and remove the blocker

also, nobody found a back route for conundrum? I thought that level would turn out to be a dud so  :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 13, 2012, 07:02:48 AM
Proxima, your latest solution to Too far to walk was good. I'm sure your right, there's probably a way for 100%. I'm gonna try later but someone will probably beat me to it.

All right, I just had to go and try this...

... and I did it. 8) It didn't even take too much spawn-interval jiggery-pokery (gotta get the terminology right here folks :P), just a couple of changes to min SI and back.

edit: Tried some more to optimise the timing, it seems Proxima's method is better for this. I've refined it to work with a 2-minute timer (note that it actually takes slightly more than 2 minutes, but due to the nature of the nuke you can sneak in a few after time-up :))
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 13, 2012, 10:47:21 AM
Okay, two more levels for you.  "Won't Get Fooled Again" is actually something I started before "Brickout", but abandoned for a time because of backroute issues (haha, yes, go ahead and laugh at the irony).  But I think I have fixed them now (at least until geoo gets his hand on the level ;P).  Note that for no particular reason I made the save requirement match the spawn rate, so as long as you used up all skills, saving more than required is not a backroute per se.  And if anyone has a better idea for a title I'm all ears.

"100% built by Lixes" is a somewhat easier level featuring techniques that are familiar to at least a few people here, and in fact you may even easily recognize the origins of this level.  Still, to a wider audience I think it will make a pretty good puzzle, a good education on some well-known advanced builder techniques.  The decorations are obviously unfinished, I wanted to do some stuff with them fire-related objects, but can't find any good pieces of decorative terrain to stick them into!  Suggestions are certainly welcome (I'm open to remaking it in different styles too).

[edit: fixed a backroute in "fooled" by changing to save 92 out of 100, everything else unchanged.  Updated level here.]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 13, 2012, 11:39:07 AM
Two solutions for Riddle Me This. One is glitch-free, saves the required 49/50 and is probably intended; the other exploits a new Lix glitch to save 50/50. This is my first glitch discovery -- I feel like a member of an exclusive club!  :thumbsup:

And solution for ccexplore's "100% built by Lixes". Yes, I recognise the level and I already knew the 100% solution to it; but it's good to see a level that requires this trick to complete. Still took me a while to work out how to do without the basher. I'm undecided as to whether I think it's a good or bad thing that the level gives you only (what I think is) the minimum number of builders....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 13, 2012, 12:56:19 PM
"Won't Get Fooled Again" <snip> backroute <snip> But I think I have fixed them now

Nope.  I found one, but that's pretty easily addressable by a minimum spawn rate, or (for now since there's no min s.r.) increase the number of Lixes.  92/100 seems to be good enough to eliminate this particular backroute, and I can go n/(n+8) for as high as I need to fix this.

[edit: fixed the backroute Clam found.  Presenting v3 here.]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 13, 2012, 03:05:27 PM
Two more Cheapo remakes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 13, 2012, 08:45:39 PM
EDIT: What? Those steam vent things fling the Lix around, they don't kill them? That really sucks; none of the existing deadly objects will fit well with this level at all. Can we have a flamethrower or something? (And yeah, for now, anyone trying to solve this level, just pretend the steam vents are deadly....)

Yeah, the steam vents are modeled after the analogous object in Lemmings 2.  They fling, not kill.  It's basically not a deadly object at all.  I can see how it can be confusing though to people who haven't played Lemmings 2.  We need to make sure we have a tutorial level featuring that object so that the behavior is learned very early on.

I think we can all agree that the styles right now are a little sparse in the variety of non-triggered deadly objects offered.  Any chance you can just replace the steam vents with lasers or buzzsaws for now, until a real flamethrower object is made?

It's actaully interesting that you thought the steam would act like the flamethrower.  Perhaps that means we can quickly create an okay-looking flamethrower using some sort of palette swap with the steam object?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 13, 2012, 08:58:52 PM
For the level, I've used the torches (the new version is now in the above post). That's the best object to use anyway, since it makes it look even more like "Prince of Persia" (which is the theme for this level, in case anyone couldn't tell). I just wasn't expecting the torches to work as they're so narrow, but heh, it turns out that they snap to the edge of a grid cell, conveniently placing them directly under the wall above.

Yes, I assumed the steam vent was a deadly object -- after all, the ONML Snow style features a very similar-looking steam vent that is deadly. I do still want to have a flamethrower available, not for this level but in general. Palette-swapping the steam vent might be a start, but really, the flamethrower should be much bigger.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 13, 2012, 09:09:29 PM
here's the fixed, and good version of Babylon Fading.

Two solutions for Riddle Me This. One is glitch-free, saves the required 49/50 and is probably intended; the other exploits a new Lix glitch to save 50/50. This is my first glitch discovery -- I feel like a member of an exclusive club!  :thumbsup:
that's an odd glitch. Can't see why that happens. I'll have to look into it. It looks like the miner dug out under the dig or visa-versa but that doesn't seem to make sense. Those levels I posted were made in haste and I doubt their very worthwhile. Their too similar anyway.

Here's one I think you'll enjoy. This is sort of a remake of one of Pieuw's. But it's modified slightly for Lix. His uses a 'glitch' which I don't believe is present in Lix. I tested, but not extensively. (Of course I couldn't get the glitch to work in Lemmix either but I'm waiting to see if he'll answer a question about it). Anyway, I fear this version will be easier than his but we'll see.

I think Won't get fooled again is a great title. (one of my favorite songs)

I thought the steam vent was deadly too at first until I messed around with it. (It doesn't help  that it's in 'traps' folder, Although I guess there is no where else to put it.

oh and earlier when I said I liked a level 'recycling plant' or something I meant Steve's 'Rhapsody' actually. I wasn't mocking anybody or anything. Also, on the current downloadable level pack (at least the one I downloaded) you have the wrong version of Slippery Pete. It should be the last one I uploaded, it should have water (not lava) and be 100% required and 4 floaters.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 13, 2012, 09:42:14 PM
Replays for Last Laugh and Last Mile.

This solution to Last Laugh required some thought to work out how to deal with the time limit (even though it turns out there is a simpler way to do it than the one shown...) so I believe this is certainly a case where the time limit benefits the level.

Those levels I posted were made in haste and I doubt their very worthwhile
You're being much too hard on yourself. They're both very nice puzzles and they have that lovely feeling of looking impossible at first glance.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 14, 2012, 12:32:23 AM
I found a 100% solution to Last Laugh (attached), and it turns out to be completely different to Proxima's :D. Can't agree with the time limit though, unless there is a specific unwanted 'solution' that takes a long time.

I found a backroute to Won't Get Fooled Again, it only barely works though so should be easily fixed by increasing the height of the wall (so long as that doesn't wreck the intended solution).

Replay attached also for Labyrinth of Persia, 100% again.

Edit: Solved Toccata, after much time limit rage and having to redo half the level. :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 14, 2012, 01:23:24 AM
haha, that's what I get for not testing my own level out enough. (and for trying to once again make it exactly like the original). Actually neither of you are even close to the intended solution.  :o (those were good though) Fortunately; this means the solution is harder to see? Of course now that I changed it it may become more obvious, perhaps only to those who played it hopefully.
Truthfully idk if I'll be able to do this level justice as this 'trick' really isn't a whole lot like Pieuw's level.
As for the time limit, idk if it's necessary or not, actually probably not, I just have this habit of filling in every box on a form. It's why I filled in the German titles even though I don't speak German.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 14, 2012, 01:35:42 AM
I found a backroute to Won't Get Fooled Again, it only barely works though so should be easily fixed by increasing the height of the wall (so long as that doesn't wreck the intended solution).

Thanks.  That was a head-slapping moment. :-[ Fortunately, it is fixable by increasing the height of the wall, as you suggested.

[sidenote: in case people are wondering about the title--no it wasn't about backroutes, though I'm sure it'll be funny to think of it like that. ;P I was thinking about the terrain formations that mimic the entrance and exit for pseudo-symmetry, and kinda come upon the title from the thought that "no one would be fooled by those obviously fake objects" (and yes, the song)]

[edit: fixed another backroute, but looks like no one downloaded v3 yet, so I've attached v4 here]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 14, 2012, 01:41:06 AM
And solution for ccexplore's "100% built by Lixes". Yes, I recognise the level and I already knew the 100% solution to it; but it's good to see a level that requires this trick to complete. Still took me a while to work out how to do without the basher. I'm undecided as to whether I think it's a good or bad thing that the level gives you only (what I think is) the minimum number of builders....

I guess there's no harm in adding a few extra builders, as I don't think they would change the overall solution much.  I do think I should avoid the number 15 though, just to make it slightly more dissimilar to the origin level. ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 14, 2012, 11:52:51 AM
so as long as you used up all skills, saving more than required is not a backroute per se.

Turns out with good timing, you can in fact get away with using one less skill than I planned, but I think it's good to leave the skillset the way it is anyway.  Although I think it does increase the likelihood of stumbling upon the solution, oh well.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 14, 2012, 10:01:04 PM
Hmm, should've seen this old one coming back.  Well, at least this one is easy to address.  No dramatic changes needed, yet.
Can't resist, this is just too entertaining. Something relatively new this time.

Hmm, getting warmer at least.  8) Hope this isn't too distracting for you--should I wait after Tues to post B5?

Here's Brickout B5.

[edit: ...and so goes the running gag, but hey, this time it was TM!  Get B6 here]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 14, 2012, 10:17:20 PM
[edit: fixed another backroute, but looks like no one downloaded v3 yet, so I've attached v4 here]

geoo just found a solution to "Won't Get Fooled Again" v4 that I thought was not quite possible, but actually just manages to be sufficient.  It's not that bad a solution though (it did use all skills at least), so I'm undecided at this point whether to allow the level to have two solutions or just mine. :-\

If you want a go at my solution, try to solve the level saving more than required.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 15, 2012, 12:50:01 AM
Here's another level -- the gameplay area is finished, but as it's getting late, I decided to upload now and save decorative terrain work for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 15, 2012, 03:30:08 AM
hey, I did! I solved Brickout, (the one from the above post) I feel like Brody from Jaws tying knots.
is that the intended? and i save more than required  :)

here's another easy one from Pieuw. The original level "Underground water storage" has hidden water underground. I thought you wouldn't like that so I made mine a little different. I'm also working on two of my own. One will feature lengthening a basher's tunnel mask, if you don't have any levels featuring that particular trick yet.

anybody try my update to Last laugh? I'd like to know if it's easier or harder than Clam and Proxima's previous solutions. I attached the intended solution to save time.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 15, 2012, 03:50:30 AM
anybody try my update to Last laugh? I'd like to know if it's easier or harder than Clam and Proxima's previous solutions. I attached the intended solution to save time.

I solved it again, I doubt this is the intended solution still - it's quite similar to Proxima's solution to the earlier version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 15, 2012, 04:06:47 AM
hey, I did! I solved Brickout, (the one from the above post) I feel like Brody from Jaws tying knots.
is that the intended? and i save more than required  :)

Haha, well, good job, even though yes, it's a backroute. :XD: I can't believe I didn't see this one, seems like it would've worked in earlier versions of the level too.

Hmm, I need to see what I can do now.  It does sound like I finally need to do some drastic changes to make the level work the way I wanted.  Stay tuned......
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 15, 2012, 04:08:00 AM
I solved it again, I doubt this is the intended solution still - it's quite similar to Proxima's solution to the earlier version.

nope that's it. The only thing I did different was set the bomber as he was falling. It stinks because it's really not like the original. The original has you bomb, then the two waiting for the builder climb up and bash, and because of a glitch or something, they fall back down facing the same direction and climb up again. It was done in Lemmini. Even Pieuw himself said he doesn't know why this happens. I couldn't find anything in the glitches thread that accounts for this.
I couldn't yet think of a better way to implement this in here.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 15, 2012, 04:54:08 AM
The original has you bomb, then the two waiting for the builder climb up and bash, and because of a glitch or something, they fall back down facing the same direction and climb up again. It was done in Lemmini.

Lemmini has different mechanics to PC (DOS) Lemmings, which Lemmix copies. That means you get glitches that happen in Lemmini and not Lemmix, and vice versa. Also, the glitch thread focuses on the official Lemmings ports, of which Lemmini isn't one, so there's nothing on that there.

What might be happening is that Lemmini miscalculates the lemming's position immediately after it finishes climbing, so it's positioned outside the wall, on air, at the moment you assign the basher. The basher then falls because there's no ground under it. This is just a guess, I'm not familiar with Lemmini's mechanics and I haven't seen the original level either.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 15, 2012, 09:40:47 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure whether glitches are eligible in the community set.  You are probably better off not trying to copy the original on this one.  (That said, I haven't seen neither the original nor the remake yet at this point.)


On another note, the Brickout saga continues with B6 now.  I manage to stave off ultra-dramatic changes, although already you can see some signs of desperate measures. :P :-\

[edit: okay, presenting Deathly Hallows Part 1, I mean B7 *sigh*]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on February 15, 2012, 10:17:15 AM
The problem with glitches is that they'll be fixed if they're too abstruse.

Similarly, there may be slight physics changes, so pixel-perfect flinging is usually discouraged in level design; the level author should look if it still works in future versions with physics fixes.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 15, 2012, 01:01:14 PM
Replay for It's All Uphill.

I did solve the revised Last Laugh (same solution as Clam, slightly different implementation -- I used the basher and only 3 jumpers). I'm not sure which version I think is harder. This new one does have that awesome feeling of looking impossible at first; but once you see that there's only one approach to the exit (the other exit being obviously impossible) and that all your builders are required to reach it, it's not too hard to spot.

I agree with the others, let's keep glitches out of this. You guys think solving a level and finding that a hidden trap at the end prevents your solution is annoying? That's nothing compared to staring a puzzle that looks impossible and feeling "this must have some really awesome solution" and then finding out it required you to know a glitch all along. That would turn me off from playing an entire game, not just disliking one level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 15, 2012, 01:52:39 PM
Had a quick go at Brickout B6, new backroute this time.

I'll check through the new levels thoroughly and update the list sometime this weekend.
Just had a short go at a few, solutions to Toccata and Chasm are attached.

Yeah, as I already wrote on the very first page, I don't think there should be levels using obscure glitches. If a level uses some behaviour that isn't very obvious/intuitive (even if it might be to seasoned lemmings players, or something like cubers pushing lix upwards when inside), then I also think it's good to have it shown off somewhere previously (for instance as something that happens as a side-effect you'll notice, or in a level specifically designed to show it off. I'll cover a bit in the tutorials though).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 15, 2012, 05:19:49 PM
Update to the Waltz levels, and decorative terrain added to Down Among the Dead Lix. The two solutions to Toccata so far posted are not intended, but I'm undecided what to do about them. (My solution is attached.) I'm very impressed with Clam's 100% on Labyrinth of Persia; I had wondered whether that was achievable.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 15, 2012, 09:07:05 PM
I didn't mean I wanted to make this level with a glitch. I was trying to adapt it in some non-glitch way but it looks like it's not working out so... just forget it I guess.

For the Uphill level, for some reason the entrances are closer together than I wanted, I must've forgot to save after some small changes or something. Idk if it even matters though, but it could make it so you can't solve it the way you did. (I had it so that the lix were more evenly spaced).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 15, 2012, 09:22:13 PM
I didn't mean I wanted to make this level with a glitch. I was trying to adapt it in some non-glitch way but it looks like it's not working out so... just forget it I guess.
What do you mean by "forget it"? I hope you're not considering leaving the level out altogether? :( Either of the non-glitch versions is a very nice level, I'm just not entirely sure which of the two I prefer. (I think maybe the first one... as there's more variety in terms of what you might attempt to see if it leads anywhere. Also, having exploders and the level requiring 3/4 when the solution saves 100% anyway is a neat red herring.)

For the Uphill level, for some reason the entrances are closer together than I wanted, I must've forgot to save after some small changes or something. Idk if it even matters though, but it could make it so you can't solve it the way you did. (I had it so that the lix were more evenly spaced).
I think my solution will always work, since even if the entrances are placed so the first two lix come out right on top of each other, you can simply select one of the first two as the pass-through blocker, leaving the other free to be the digger.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 15, 2012, 11:49:52 PM
This level pair has a rather interesting history.

The easier version (We'll Meet Again) can be solved using either exit alone, or using both. My intention was for the harder version (originally called Lemming Dilemma) to have only one solution, using the left exit. ccexplore found a backroute using the right exit, which I removed by expanding the gap to make it require 2 builders. ccexplore then found a very ingenious route to reach the right exit on this revised version, which I was happy to leave in as a challenge solution.

However... there are times, few and far between, when even ccexplore nods. When I came to remake this level, I noticed that the backroute was still possible. Also, I could improve ccexplore's clever solution to make it use only 3 diggers. Since the backroute required 4 to be possible within the time limit (yes, I'm afraid on this one the time limit is absolutely essential) I could eliminate it by giving only 3. This would also eliminate my original intended solution (which used all 5) but that was okay -- there was nothing especially elegant or even difficult about it. So I prepared to release a version of the level in which ccexplore's method was the only solution.

But wait... might there be a way to reach the left exit with only 3 diggers after all? Incredibly, I managed to get it to work; this is easily hard enough to belong in the Challenges topic, if this was an official level. So now, in the final version of the level, either exit can be reached but both are much harder than I originally intended. Unless, of course, there's a backroute that neither of us detected....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 15, 2012, 11:53:08 PM
I didn't mean I wanted to make this level with a glitch. I was trying to adapt it in some non-glitch way but it looks like it's not working out so... just forget it I guess.
What do you mean by "forget it"? I hope you're not considering leaving the level out altogether? :( Either of the non-glitch versions is a very nice level, I'm just not entirely sure which of the two I prefer. (I think maybe the first one... as there's more variety in terms of what you might attempt to see if it leads anywhere. Also, having exploders and the level requiring 3/4 when the solution saves 100% anyway is a neat red herring.)

For the Uphill level, for some reason the entrances are closer together than I wanted, I must've forgot to save after some small changes or something. Idk if it even matters though, but it could make it so you can't solve it the way you did. (I had it so that the lix were more evenly spaced).
I think my solution will always work, since even if the entrances are placed so the first two lix come out right on top of each other, you can simply select one of the first two as the pass-through blocker, leaving the other free to be the digger.

Well I'll let everyone decide which level they like then, if you think it's good whatever. Just out of curiosity while we're on the subject. Is somebody going to be voting on the final number of levels later or something like that? Or is this the final list they're making?
For Uphill, I meant I wanted so the lix were spaced not two on top of each other but separately. As if it was just one entrance set at 5 (99 on old L) The reason for two, I think was to separate the very first lemming (& maybe just for decoration) But this level should be an easy one anyway. I like your second solution a lot though.  8)

Then, I have a replay of Brickout and I thought I'd bring this to your attention; it seems to me that the saw doesn't serve it's intended purpose. You'll see the lix gets very close, well touches it and doesn't die. Was this intended? Or did I stumble on a glitch? I guess it really depends on the hit test area, maybe all u need to do is move the saw a little for it work right. (if anything is actually wrong at all)

Finally, I have another level of my own. This one didn't turn out exactly like I wanted but I'm still kinda happy with it. There's a backroute that would be fixed easily with a one way wall. [so just imagine the big block near the beginning at the bottom is a one way wall to the right]

edit: forgot to attach the files :-[
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 16, 2012, 12:42:36 AM
Re: Buridan, I'm afraid the digger shovelling behaviour (I'm still not too fond of it because it allows for so many microscopic tricks) allows for some pretty bad backroute to get down along the left (moving up the pipe would fix it, not sure whether it has effect on the intended route). Same can be applied to the other version of the level, using the blocker instead.

Well I'll let everyone decide which level they like then, if you think it's good whatever. Just out of curiosity while we're on the subject. Is somebody going to be voting on the final number of levels later or something like that? Or is this the final list they're making?
For Uphill, I meant I wanted so the lix were spaced not two on top of each other but separately. As if it was just one entrance set at 5 (99 on old L) The reason for two, I think was to separate the very first lemming (& maybe just for decoration) But this level should be an easy one anyway. I like your second solution a lot though.  8)
Spawn interval 5 in Lix is actually equivalent to RR 97 in the original, and spawn interval 4 is RR 99.

As for the levels, the ones that end up on the list are intended to be used in the end. At least my plan was to get about deciding on the amount of difficulty ratings, and then ordering the levels that are on the list. I don't think there's the need to kick out any of them (unless we end up with like 300, or if there's general consensus that some level sucks). That said, I think currently there's some shortage of Fun-difficulty levels.

As for the buzzsaw, that behaviour is perfectly normal and intended. The trigger area of the buzzsaw isn't that wide, and is checked against the eye and the central position of the feet.

Eye of the Needle is an interesting level, even without the OWW (though it might be that in the future, the physics will allow to make a bomber hole and bash under the steel towards the right without the basher hitting the steel). Attached my solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 16, 2012, 01:00:05 AM
I found a really obvious backroute on Buridan's Lix, which can be fixed by adding some steel. Embarrassingly, that steel is actually there on the Cheapo version of the level, I just forgot to include it in the remake!  ;P Replay and fixed versions attached.

Your backroute was interesting. I'd label it a borderline glitch considering the way the lix is able to build in mid-air, so perhaps this will be fixed in a future version. If not, I can't see a way to fix the level to prevent it, so I'll just have to leave it. Should still be an interesting puzzle for solvers who don't know about or don't happen to find that glitch.

You don't need the glitch for the easy version -- L1 blocks, L2 digs one stroke, builds one brick, digs. This is intended to be one of the solutions. I said it was easy ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 16, 2012, 01:04:35 AM
hey, I said pretend it's a one way wall  :P

seriously though, Idk how to get around it right now without the oow. (any suggestions are welcome) but can you solve it otherwise? My intended solution is very different. [more interesting I think]

That technique on Burdian is similar to Tseug's 'slipping'. I was thinking about making a level like that but I thought it would be too similar to Slipping. & everyone here would know the solution right away.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 16, 2012, 01:07:49 AM
Had a quick go at Brickout B6, new backroute this time.

Yikes!  That one was a big problem. :XD: When I originally designed the level I think I had been assuming that the cube will completely seal up a basher tunnel, but I forgot that the basher tunnel is actually slightly taller than the cube.  And actually I guess that is a somewhat moot point anyway, as there are other places that cube could go that would serve the same effect.

After some consideration, I currently settled on this change seen in B7 to fix the backroute.  It's once again not very brick-ish, but the few other alternatives I came up with so far feel too drastic to me at this point (at least until some other backroute forces my hand yet again; we'll see).

[edit: sorry, that didn't quite work as intended, due to an asymmetry in the behavior between left- and right- facing Lixes in the setup.  Will post an update within 20 minutes]

[edit: B7.1 posted here.  Darn it, now it looks uglier than ever :XD:]

[edit: too easy? ;P Check out B8 then]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 16, 2012, 01:16:53 AM
Here are some more orthodox (I think!) solutions to Buridan's Lix (right exit) and Eye of the Needle. The digger-ledge backroute for Buridan's Lix might be fixable yet, I have an idea or two, though I'd need to find the 'intended' left route first. For Eye of the Needle, I really liked the concept, but I found it rather difficult to get the right spacing between the lix to make the solution work out, which was somewhat frustrating. One way to fix this might be to add another runner, so you can widen or narrow the gap as needed.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 16, 2012, 01:22:36 AM
Sorry for extra posting, but within a minute of posting Brickout B7, I had to change it to B7.1 due to a sort of unwanted asymmetric behavior I found as I tested setup more carefully.  There was only one download of the level, if yours read "(B7)" instead of "(B7.1)" please re-download from same post.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 16, 2012, 01:29:31 AM
Clam: Excellent solution. That one's staying in. To be honest, even though I love ccexplore's solution, it does require precision (and reducing it to 3 diggers requires some spawn rate adjustment, adding further to the trial-and-error) and if this were the only solution, the team might not like the level very much. Here's the replay.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 16, 2012, 01:57:38 AM
Here are some more orthodox (I think!) solutions to Buridan's Lix (right exit) and Eye of the Needle. The digger-ledge backroute for Buridan's Lix might be fixable yet, I have an idea or two, though I'd need to find the 'intended' left route first. For Eye of the Needle, I really liked the concept, but I found it rather difficult to get the right spacing between the lix to make the solution work out, which was somewhat frustrating. One way to fix this might be to add another runner, so you can widen or narrow the gap as needed.

I agree it's a little frustrating. I'm still tinkering with the level. I'm not totally happy with it yet.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 16, 2012, 02:55:08 AM
I found another left-route for Buridan's Lix. It uses all skills, but also involves deliberately digging into the steel, so it's probably unintended ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on February 16, 2012, 02:08:46 PM
Hey, I haven't really been keeping up with this, because I've been busy, but I might like to play these levels at some point and there's about 20 pages here now. Would anyone be able to zip their levels folder and send it to me so that I can play them when I get the chance?

Oh and is the Mac version up-to-date? And would it be possible to have a Mac version that doesn't put the levels folder in the application bundle? (Because that means that I might update it one day and find that doing so deletes all the levels I collected – so it'd be better to either have the levels folder be somewhere else or let the player choose a folder to be the levels folder...)

Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on February 16, 2012, 02:35:41 PM
geoo collects and publishes the levels from time to time. See the initial post for a link to the archive. It's usually fairly recent, even if it doesn't contain the bleeding edge versions of some levels.

Allowing to put levels and config into user directories is a long-term goal. I have this noted already, it's equally important for Linux package managers.

The Mac version is up to date if its version is at least 2012-01-01.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on February 16, 2012, 03:12:53 PM
Can't find a version number but the last-modified date is in October, so probably not then.  ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 16, 2012, 03:22:49 PM
I found another left-route for Buridan's Lix. It uses all skills, but also involves deliberately digging into the steel, so it's probably unintended ;)

Heh. Well, it seems that's easily fixed by moving the trapdoor a little to the right.

I know that basing levels around the intended solution to Taxing 1 has been done to death, but this one does include a little extra puzzle -- without requiring any additional skills.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 16, 2012, 11:05:50 PM
Here's an revision for 'eye of the needle' unfortunately this actually turned out easier than the first. I'm going to have to keep working on it. This one has tons of solutions, hopefully though, someone will find a solution that will inspire/help me to design it better. Instead of just tinkering for hours on my own.

I can't help but to remake some of the "Mazulems" levels. Those are all very well made, not insanely difficult, just very original and interesting. here's an example.
MazuLems - Level 08

^Fortunately this one I think could be done without the need for 1 way walls. That's the set that "Too far to walk" comes from. (sort of)
According to Pieuw, this person made these levels in 1999, making him one of the first to make user created levels? Idk when Lem Edit was created.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 17, 2012, 03:24:11 AM
beep boop
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 18, 2012, 12:31:38 AM
these are two that a made a while ago and thought I should upload them already. Ones's a "fun" level, you said you needed those. The other is simple but requires some release rate jiggering and quick movements but no glitches or anything. (at least the intended solution does) Idk if I'm happy with it yet. or the title...
After this I'm going to focus on remaking the rest of pieuws and Mazulems that I think are pretty good. There's one on Mazulems that you just have to add to the set. It's basically a square maze which one lemming has to navigate. Possibly the most original level I've ever seen.

edit:  The Tower's level isn't finished yet, & it's not going to be a fun level. (well I hope it turns out to be a fun level... u know what I mean)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 18, 2012, 12:56:52 AM
Then I guess my solution wasn't intended. (I like the title, btw.)

TM's Towers, I don't like much, even for a "Fun" level. Too easy with platformers; a bit laborious if you remove them. (However, the straight right edge of the right tower is giving me ideas for a hard version....)

Not trying to steal your thunder or anything, but I have a whole batch of thirty Fun-type levels I made for my Cheapo sets. Twenty if you exclude the training levels, Drop the Dead Lemming (already remade as Come on down to my place, and too hard for Fun) and We'll meet again (already remade). Yes, these levels veer towards the unimaginative and builder-heavy, but they could be improved rather than remade identically. I'm sure you don't want all twenty, but I'll definitely try to pick out the better ones and remake them.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 18, 2012, 01:42:39 AM
Brickout has finally reached a point where geoo's solution is sort of acceptable. ;) That said, it's only fair to the poor level that after all these trials and tribulations, the original solution be continually defended until found. :P

Thus presenting B8 here, while I have kept old B7 around as well for comparison purposes in the future.  It is also possible to come up with a "B7.5" (not posted for now) that is a slightly more interesting version of geoo's B7 solution, if that ends up being used for the set.

[edit: nope, there's something not so good in B7 and B8.  Next version is B8-b.  Don't ask. :P]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 18, 2012, 02:23:58 AM
Then I guess my solution wasn't intended. (I like the title, btw.)

TM's Towers, I don't like much, even for a "Fun" level. Too easy with platformers; a bit laborious if you remove them. (However, the straight right edge of the right tower is giving me ideas for a hard version....)

Actually I was working on that level as a hard one, I hit a wall with it so I took a break then thought it might make a good duplicate fun level.  But in that case, just disregard that one and I'll be uploading it later as a hard level.

you could release an entire game of Brickout levels, ccexplore. jk. ;P
btw, I don't mean to get off topic or personal or anything, but are you the same ccexplore from the chips challenge area of the internet? Who is also responsible for creating some of the most insane levels in that game as well.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 18, 2012, 06:07:26 AM
you could release an entire game of Brickout levels, ccexplore. jk. ;P

You may not be that far off.  :XD: geoo just found a simpler solution that still works with B8, so here comes the next version.  Unfortunately, I foolishly forked the filename to B8 in order to keep B7, so now it's weird if I use 9 in the title but keep 8 in the filename.  So you get B8-b now (filename still "B8"). ;P  Oh, and looks like this level got more buzzsaws now than Top Gear. :-\

It's not entirely all bad though, some of the "rejected" solutions in earlier versions are actually not all that bad and has arguable merit in a repeat or a slightly different level.


btw, I don't mean to get off topic or personal or anything, but are you the same ccexplore from the chips challenge area of the internet? Who is also responsible for creating some of the most insane levels in that game as well.

Yes I am, I think that has been brought up in this forum before by someone else actually.  Of course, those insane Chip's Challenge levels you referred to are more like the equivalent of tseug's glitch levels here. :P  Brickout is not anything like that.

[edit: here's B-8C which eliminates geoo's latest solution.  Keeping in mind how long it took for geoo to get to B-8B, I've kept B-8B in here anyway as a (probably not too helpful other than pity ;P) stepping stone to the real thing]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 18, 2012, 11:10:04 AM
I've confirmed that 100% is possible on both We'll meet again and Dividing Three by Two.

TM, on second thoughts I was a bit too harsh on your Towers level. I think it could be a good Fun level if you removed the platformers and required only 20 saved. Good luck with the hard version; if you do continue to "hit a wall" then I'd be happy to try to help.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 19, 2012, 02:33:13 AM
[unrelated] actually, now that I think about it, I dont think that I played your chips set, it was "pieguy" who created an incredibly hard set but I remembered in some notes file or something, "thanks to ccexplore for telling me about such and such... and then years later on a forum far far away...  :P small world.

anyway... here's a good update to 'eye of the needle'. Idk if anyone played my other update but it was stupid. & I thought  my first version was too similar to my level conundrum so I changed it a bit but the idea is basically the same. I know in the beginning you (geoo) said no precision or tight timing, but I don't think this one is incredibly difficult in that area plus, it's short enough and the options are small enough that I think you can't figure out the timing quickly enough. I'm really curious if the need for runners could be totally removed in place of the right RR jiggering. I kinda doubt it (and I like having the runners)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 19, 2012, 03:35:46 PM
Funny how these things happen, isn't it? Finlay and I also knew each other on another forum (the ZBB) before happening to run into each other here. And I first met my close friend Jonathan when he wrote to me about my walkthrough for a different puzzle game, and after we started corresponding, we found out that we live less than an hour away from each other.

Anyway, here's a solution (backroute?) to Needle 3.

EDIT: Finally solved the first Eye of the Needle! That was an awesome puzzle, and (apart from one-way walls not being available yet, but they are promised) I don't understand why you wanted to change it?  ???

Yes, it uses the "Conundrum" trick, but the player doesn't know that to begin with, and it's much better-concealed here, and there are many more approaches you can try that turn out not to lead anywhere. Not to mention the very tempting false assumption that the blocker is used on the initial platform.

EDIT: Decided to see if I could use that solution to work out the intended solution to Needle 3... but I found another backroute instead. Oh, and I'm pretty sure this can be modified to save 100% if you use a miner in the place I used the exploder. (EDIT: 100% was much harder than I expected, but yes, it's possible.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 19, 2012, 07:13:28 PM
Some more Cheapo remakes. "Changing of the Guards" is the other one, along with Behind Bars, that I think worth keeping from my Notebook set. (For those who weren't on the forums at the time -- this is a set based on levels I drew in a literal notebook, when I first got Lemmings as a child, and never thought I would one day actually be able to play my designed levels! Of course, the reason these two are better is that it's only the layouts that have remained the same, not the solutions. I certainly couldn't invent the climb-bomb trick, or make real puzzle levels, at that age.)

"Walk them golden stairs" is Level 17 of my Cheapo Fun set I mentioned a few posts up, attached together with its harder version. I've chosen this one to remake first because it's not as builder-heavy as some others, and interacting with the mesh is indeed fun :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on February 20, 2012, 05:34:17 AM
Funny how these things happen, isn't it? Finlay and I also knew each other on another forum (the ZBB) before happening to run into each other here.
You won't know him, but you may have seen Nortaneous posting on here; he's a regular on the ZBB these days too... 8) :o
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 20, 2012, 03:24:01 PM
I've finally completed A Matter of Perspective and Buy one get one free (part 2)  8) I'm interested to know whether these are backroutes, particularly Perspective, since my hunt for a solution to that one led me to discover a neat trick I've not seen used before. I didn't manage to solve the level using this trick, but there may be a solution using it -- maybe even the intended solution. So I'd like to know whether this is the case, as if not, then I want to claim the trick and be the first to make a level using it :)

Just No More Heroes and Get Hype 5 left to solve now, ignoring those levels I've given up on ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 20, 2012, 04:07:40 PM
what is the trick you're referring to? I didn't notice anything odd. Actually I think I might have the wrong version of the level or something because in your replay u don't solve the level.

Your other three levels above are all good; very creative and more challenging then they seem at first. I particularly like Changing of the guards. I still haven't solved No more Hero's either. And the only version of Brickout I've been able to solve is 4 I think, the one I posted earlier. (and it was a backroute :XD:)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 20, 2012, 07:43:17 PM
Phew, finally got around to updating the list, I'm not completely done yet though. (And I feel the difficulty rating is all over the place now  :XD:)
Anyway, as the directory it getting pretty full and navigation slow as molasses (haha), one important note:
From now on, put all levels that get posted in this topic in the directory levels/single/lixlfpack/wip/ !
Once a level is one the list however, it is in levels/single/lixlfpack/. If you want to update a level after it has been put on the list, please use the filename as on the list and put it in levels/single/lixlfpack/ (not wip). Thanks.

Updated levels:
Alien Invasion (backroute), Matter of Perspective (backroute, though there's a new one already), Bibbidi, Compression Method 2, Mice in the Pipe (backroute), No more Heroes (backroute), Slippery Pete, Tapestry (backroute), Italian Job.

New Levels:
Conundrum: Removed the decoration and went back to the old design (without the pipes) as you wanted.
100% built by Lixes, Dances with Lixes, Downpour, Escape the Pit, It's all uphill, Little Viennese, Snow Lix, Too Far to Walk, Waltz in C Sharp Miner, Labyrinth of Persia, Prelude, Toccata, Once You Pop, Walk Them, Lix Lata, Dividing Three, The Last Mile, Won't get fooled again, Fnargl.

Not included yet:
House of flying Lixes B/C: @ccx: Don't remember whether you wanted to adapt it still, I'd adapt version C then accordingly that the looks match as closely as possible.
Chasm: backroutes to be fixed
Brickout B8-b: haven't solved it yet
2 Wheat: Proxima's (probably) backroute was never commented on
Lixology: @Nortaneous: You said you might want to do a redesign, you're free to use the current design as well though. Just tell me whether you gonna do it or not.
Down Among, Changing of the Guards, Quick Turn Around: I still need to play these.
Buridan/We'll meet again: @Proxima: Haven't played the latest version yet to find the intended solution, but am I correct that you kept in my backroute using the digger shoveling behaviour in the hope a physics change will take care of it?
Eye of the Needle (version 1): @thick molasses: Oh, so when you write "one way wall to the right" you actually mean one with arrows facing left. OK... (I find your posts a bit hard to read in general at times when your writing is sloppy. Perhaps you could skim through them a second time before posting.) Though I can't find other solutions bashing the block towards the right, so you could probably eliminate my backroute by placing a buzzsaw at the top above the center of the pit where I platformed, even without an OWW. Solved it now as well only bashing facing left. I found this one really tricky, it's an excellent level. Not sure what you're trying with version 2 and 3 though, they're both riddled with backroutes. Note though that even with an OWW there will be a backroute in version 1 due to an upcoming physics change (not hard to fix though): as I wrote in the post where I posted the solution to version 1, in the next version of Lix it will be possible to make a bomber hole at the bottom and then bash under the steel without the basher stopping. (Which also addresses your second point from your latest post in the topic "Lix glitches and tricks", if I understand correctly what you're trying to convey there.)

Proxima: Buy one get one free (Part 2) is a backroute, interesting nonetheless. Didn't consider bypassing the exit like that.
From what I know, A Matter of Perspective is a backroute as well. The intended solution does use some trick, but I think when you find it it's clear how to apply it to the level, so you probably have found something different. For the record, it's possible without climbers.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 20, 2012, 08:48:49 PM
Thanks for all your hard work!  :thumbsup:

If you've got the updated version of Compression Method 2, you can remove the "?" tag.

I don't see Fnargl on the list. I'm particularly curious as to how you would rate this, as it's one of the ones I gave up on :)

The Last Laugh is on the list but not mentioned in your post. Which version of it did you choose?

Buridan: That's correct. Even if that doesn't happen, I feel that a glitch backroute is a much less serious defect than a conventional backroute, as many players won't have your knowledge of glitches and facility for finding new ones 8) Just to be clear, it's specifically the ability of the digger to build in mid-air by interrupting his last stroke that I'm labelling a glitch; Lix's side-to-side terrain removal is exploited in the intended left-exit solution.

Here's a solution to A Matter of Perspective that uses the trick I mentioned, and works in the latest version uploaded. Now you can tell me whether we're talking about the same trick or not :) I didn't find it that clear how to apply it; I kept being one floater short before I found the correct way to use the given runner.

And since no-one else has posted one yet, here's a solution to Snowlix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 20, 2012, 10:33:29 PM
I had the wrong version of perspective, my bad.
did you mean building at just the correct moment so one lix is able to turn around with the builder but the rest will walk up and to the exit? But good job anyway, even if it's not intended.
Or were you referring to your lightening fast switch from a builder to floater (I just assumed you paused, but then in the walkthroughs for Tseug's levels people posted, they do similar fast movments & in OL you can't assign when paused)

I didn't know about adding /wip/ to the file name, so none of mine are like that sorry. I don't remember anyone telling me to have /wip/ in the filename before.

-to answer questions: I gave up on "2 wheat etc.." I did however make the level "quick turn around" which was more of what I was trying for. Tell me what you think of that, if it's no good then I'll forget the whole idea.
(I'm trying to go in more creative directions anyway, that is, avoiding levels that are just "distract all the lemmings while one builds over a gap")
-on Eye of the needle, I meant a one way wall pointing right>>>>. The idea is a lix has to go over and around then bash from the other side. The build, block and bomber trick is what I wanted to highlight about this level. Clam's solution is the correct one. But there was your backroute and Clam mentioned it was too precision demanding so I was trying to change it but with little luck. I have to work on it still. But if everybody like's the first version best then I'll try to keep that idea as best i can. That is what I was talking about in the glitches thread btw, but that solution would be solved by a oow. I tried a few times and can't do much to get rid of backroutes without a oow, (& without changing the level drastically)
[[in your solution I didn't see the point in platforming across the top? Other than making it easier to time/bomb?]] And if your ever confused about something I said just ask, I know I write sloppy sometimes, that's because I have a bad memory & if I dont write things down quickly they're lost forever. I don't always use perfect grammar because frankly, I don't like English much. And to think I wanna become a writer  :(

There are some levels on the list I haven't heard of, I gots to play those.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 20, 2012, 11:36:21 PM
did you mean building at just the correct moment so one lix is able to turn around with the builder but the rest will walk up and to the exit?

That's right.

Or were you referring to your lightening fast switch from a builder to floater (I just assumed you paused, but then in the walkthroughs for Tseug's levels people posted, they do similar fast movments & in OL you can't assign when paused)

I wouldn't call that a trick, just knowing how to use the controls :P Besides, all versions of Lemmings I've played allow you to change which skill is selected while paused, and then position the cursor in readiness to assign the skill immediately.

I didn't know about adding /wip/ to the file name, so none of mine are like that sorry. I don't remember anyone telling me to have /wip/ in the filename before.

It hasn't been mentioned before, that's why :P

-on Eye of the needle, I meant a one way wall pointing right>>>>. The idea is a lix has to go over and around then bash from the other side. The build, block and bomber trick is what I wanted to highlight about this level. Clam's solution is the correct one. But there was your backroute and Clam mentioned it was too precision demanding so I was trying to change it but with little luck. I have to work on it still. But if everybody likes the first version best then I'll try to keep that idea as best i can. That is what I was talking about in the glitches thread btw, but that solution would be solved by a oow. I tried a few times and can't do much to get rid of backroutes without a oow, (& without changing the level drastically)

Clam Spammer only said "a little frustrating", not "this must be changed". The solution concept is one that requires a little precision; any element of frustration is more than compensated for by the excellence of the puzzle. Clam did suggest adding one more runner -- did you miss that, or do you not like the idea? But the first version (when the OOW is added) is definitely much better than the others.

[[in your solution I didn't see the point in platforming across the top? Other than making it easier to time/bomb?]]

To allow the first faller to bomb in the correct place. Remember, you only get one floater.

Meanwhile, this one's adapted from Level 5 of my Fun-difficulty set. The same layout could be used for a level introducing the concept of timed bombers, if we want to include one.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 21, 2012, 11:50:54 AM
Haha, my luck that the one day I have no time for the forums, the set gets updated. :P

When I have free time, I shall start finalizing the various levels of mine that have been accepted and/or under consideration, like sorting out the decoration in "100% built...".  I'll also PM geoo on "House of..." and "Won't Get..." as there are still discussions to be had over solutions to feature/eliminate.

There is one little thing I could use everyone's input though.  For "Won't Get Fooled Again", I'm not really sure about the current color of blocks I'm using in that level, and is opened to a color change.  The 5 colors I can go with are:  cyan/light-blue (current color), pink, light green, yellow, light purple.  Just review Matt's "marble" set to see the colors.  If anyone has any strong dislikes of any particular colors in that set, let me know.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 21, 2012, 05:49:01 PM
Ok, here's another quick, somewhat rushed update, so I finally catch up with things again.
Added: buridan, changing, chargeofthelix, chasm, downamong, eyeoftheneedle, lixology, quickTurnAround, wellmeetagain.
And Fnargl, well spotted. I was actually going to rate it "one point something low", though I set it to 1.7 now seeing you're apparently having troubles with it.

I just wanted to get everything on the list so it's clear whether to use the subfolder "wip" for these or not (the answer is "no wip folder" for the levels I just added, but "wip" for everything that gets posted from now on).
I think right now there's only 2 wip levels left not on the list, brickout-B8b (which I still have to solve) and house of flying lixes B/C.

Comments on the levels:
Buridan: I'm not sure whether I'd call the builder behavior a glitch, because it's the most logical thing to happen. In some earlier version the digger would stop once he had not enough terrain under him without completing the stroke, always leaving a small ledge, which is horrible from the viewpoint of puzzles. So now the digger stroke gets completed, and the digger floats partially in midair for a short while, but you can always assign a skill to a worker lix, so it's just consistent that you can do also in this case. I mean it works in basically all versions, that when the digger digs down terrain while under its center there's no terrain, you can assign any skill (the one strange exception is that you cannot assign a blocker in Cheapo in this case). Builders also continue building if you bomb away the bridge they are standing on at the moment. I've suggested having the digger remove the whole layer of pixels in one go which would eliminate all these issues (like being able to cancel a digger using a miner or a blocker), not sure whether Simon will change this though. In any case, I attached a left and a right solution. The left one is very similar to my previous solution, not making use of that behavior though.
Changing of the Guards: This one's pretty tricky, I found a pretty efficient solution, but no really clean one. Not sure what you intended for this level. Solution attached.
Down among the dead Lix: basically the same comment as above.
Lixology: Included it now, but feel free to redesign if you want.
Quick Turn Around: Found a different solution than Proxima, haven't found a truly elegant one though. Solution attached.
Eye of the Needle: Ah, reading Proxima's post I see that the confusion is not about the direction of the OWW, but the blocks they are supposed to be applied to. I guess I found the 64x64 block you climb up at the beginning big and low enough to be considered "big" and "at the bottom". x_x My fault, sorry for the confusion. Anyway, the solution I found that ignores the potential OWW seems to be the only other solution to me, and it can easily be eliminated by a buzzsaw above the gap. As Proxima said, I need to build over the gap in order to turn the floater around while making a gap that allows me to bash along under the steel to the right. The next version of Lix will allow to bash under the steel using a single bomber hole, but this can be fixed by putting a 2px layer of terrain at the bottom pf the gap. Execution was surprisingly easy the first time I did it, as I placed the climber bomb very high and then the timing worked out magically. But a second runner could probably make things more flexible in terms of execution. The version on the list only differs in the buzzsaw I added for backroute elimination (so I think even without an OWW there shouldn't be backroutes now), but feel free to change it somehow else. Again, really excellent level.  :thumbsup: Your levels keep getting better and better, keep at it!
Just wondering, you said you don't like English very much, are you a native speaker? You grammar seems fine, it's just that your posts read a bit like a stream of consciousness at times. I know about forgetting things I want to post, especially with larger posts, so whenever I have an idea I just take down a note. I just suggest reading over the post and editing a bit if necessary. I guess as a writer you'll have to that as well :). (Or perhaps not, Proxima would probably be able to tell you more. ;))

For The Last Laugh, I chose the revised version which doesn't feature the alternative solutions.
Matter of Perspective: Yeah, the latest solution you attached is intended.
EDIT: Forgot to note, I updated "Buy one get one free (Part 2)", so you can give it a try again. I think you haven't had a go at the latest version of "Alien Invasion" yet either.

ccx: For "Won't get fooled again", I'll still try to find the intended solution myself first. There's also the mixed color blocks in the marble set (only the smaller ones though). I'm about to rework the smaller blocks and the tessellation pattern so that the shading for all blocks looks consistent, this shouldn't have effect on the color choice though. Though you could also mix them, I find the combination of cyan/pink and mixed color blocks pretty nice which I used in Stepping Stones (2P). In the end, the possibilities are endless, unless you insist on keeping the level monochromatic. ;)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 21, 2012, 06:27:14 PM
Changing of the Guards: Oops. Should have checked the height of that ball above the exit. Moving it 16px higher (attached) should solve the problem.

Buridan's Lix: Left route could be fixed by moving steel and trap lower so you can't build to turn round there. However, that right route is really bad and I don't see a possible fix, so it looks like the level has to be scrapped anyway.

EDIT: Or maybe not. Try removing one builder and requiring only 9/10. Both intended solutions still work, but the right-exit solution can't save 10/10 without the fifth builder, whereas the left-exit solution can (it didn't use all the builders anyway). That's appropriate, since it's nice to reward the player for finding and carrying out the harder solution. But of course it's possible that the lowered save requirement introduces new backroutes. Unfortunately I won't be able to do any more testing today, but I'll get onto it as soon as I can.

Down among the dead lix: Your solution is different from mine (attached) but you used all skills and yours seems suitably difficult to work out, so I wouldn't call it a backroute. I think with better timing, my solution might also save 51/60, but I haven't tried yet.

ccexplore: Just avoid yellow, the yellow blocks look fine in combination with others but not when they're used to build the entire level. By the way, when I was looking back through the old forums recently, I found a topic where you recreated some original levels to enforce challenge solutions and asked the rest of us to contribute titles. My suggestion for Taxing 18 was "Ascending and Descending", which met with approval, so I just thought I'd suggest that title again, as I find "100% built by Lixes" to be a bit bland.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 21, 2012, 07:30:14 PM
Yeah, I think there might be multiple solutions to "Down among the dead Lix", but none of them is very easy to find.

Changing of the Guards: I'm afraid that doesn't fix it, same backroute.

I'll wait for the backroute-fix update for Buridan then.

Found another solution to "Won't Get Fooled Again", saving 94/100, not exactly elegant though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 21, 2012, 07:39:39 PM
Okay, on Changing, I've moved the lower platform with the exit 16px down. And checked that the intended solution still works.

Buridan, I've removed one builder and required only 9/10, as well as moving that steel and trap 8px down. As I said, I know without testing that both intended solutions still work, but this may introduce new backroutes -- I've had no time even to think about this change, let alone test. I do know that if this doesn't work, nothing will, so I figure I may as well upload and see if you can come up with anything.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 21, 2012, 09:09:31 PM
Solved the new version of Buridan. For the right side I got a somewhat more complicated route working now, needs digger cancelling. I also got a route for the left side which I quite like (makes use of the shoveling behavior though), and notably, it also works if you move the red bar up by 4px. This would eliminate the 'glitch' route, which I think at this point might be the first solution a player would stumble across, considering the difficulty of the other routes.

A different solution to Changing of the Guards this time, might be intended.
While looking for solutions to Changing of the Guards, I came across an interesting solution idea, and made a slightly modified version of it. (I hope you don't mind; I just named it Part 2 for now). With the minimal change, it currently might still have backroutes (in particular I'm not sure whether the intended solution to the original level can be optimized to save 8, I seem to run out of time for that), but it should be easy to eliminate backroutes because:
The solution only needs 3 skills (using more can aid with execution though, so you don't need to pick a good RR), and the exit platform can be moved down 16 pixels if needed.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 21, 2012, 09:20:04 PM
Fascinating. Both solutions to Buridan's Lix are new to me, but I don't consider them backroutes, and it's nice to have a wider variety of solutions, considering the difficulty of execution of my originally intended ones. I also like the fact that there's an easier-to-execute left route that saves 9, leaving saving 10 as a challenge. So, this might indeed be a good version of the level, unless new backroutes are discovered  :thumbsup:

Changing: Same solution concept, different execution; I put SI to 1 at the start and use one of the right lixes as the athlete. I'll have a look at your Part 2 now....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on February 21, 2012, 10:54:54 PM
Backroute fixes to current levels.

A Matter of Perspective has no climbers now, from what I can tell that removes the known backroute.
Chasm has a bit of map redesign and a trimmed skillset.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 22, 2012, 01:35:48 AM
I just realized 'quick turn around' looks similar to a level by insane Steve. No copying of ideas was intended there. (I haven't solved that level in his set, so Idk if the solutions is at all similar or not). Your (geoo) solution was not the intended but it's not that much different than mine. Mine was: Dig twice with two lixes next to each other so your create a step to the right just right for one lix to turn around and climb up to go and build but trap the rest, then have one digger mine to stop and the other start bashing and he never stops (he's one lost) then use a bomb to free the rest when the builder is finished.

here's something I noticed a while ago but forgot; In a 'long long way to fall' there's a tiny gap in the terrain near the exit but the lixes walk right over it. Why is this?

Now here are two levels, one is a remake of Mazulems "Four Lemmings and a Funeral" My title is four Lix not Lixes because Lixes didn't sound right to me in this case but '100% build by lixes' sounds good idk why, you can change it if you want.
Also, I like the German word for funeral; Beerdigung, sounds like a alchohol drink. On that note, English is my native language, I just... that's a whole other topic. I didn't realize until after joining this site that apparently Lemmings is more popular in Europe than in America? I didn't even know Lemmings was made in England until I was reading the instruction manual for Revolution a few years ago and it said some word for umbrella like "brolly" or something like that and then "that's umbrella for you non British types" So that's why nobody where I live has barley even heard of Lemmings? :(

Second is another level by me. I'm afraid this one is a little frustrating to execute as well (sorry) but I had a hard time trying to implement this trick in the first place and had to give up and change everything twice. If this one doesn't go well, I'll scrap the idea. Also I'm open to a better title suggestion. (I've been stealing titles from chips challenge). I promise to try and create levels that are not this frustrating in the future. (I know you said Eye of the needle wasn't so bad but I frustrate easily) Sorry for another long post.

(note: for Four Lix and a Funeral, you need the thin terrain I posted on the feedback thread)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 22, 2012, 02:17:29 AM
Solved both levels, though my solutions look like backroutes to me.
Interestingly, I associate "Four Lemmings and a Funeral" with a level by SgB/Fleech, which happens to have the same name, but is a completely different level.

I think I'll place the thin terrain pieces somewhere else in the end (the underworld ones fit perfectly with the Underworld style, and the others could fit in Marble), but it's fine if you put them into geoo/abstract for now.

here's something I noticed a while ago but forgot; In a 'long long way to fall' there's a tiny gap in the terrain near the exit but the lixes walk right over it. Why is this?
Horizontally, physics are low-res for most part. So to determine whether one low-res pixel is solid, two adjacent graphical pixels are checked, and if one of them is non-transparent, the pixel is considered solid. This should be the cause here. It's a bit misleading in this level, but I think in the listed version it's fixed.

Also, I like the German word for funeral; Beerdigung, sounds like a alchohol drink.
Hahaha, I find it funny you keep filling in the German fields. I mean, I speak German and yet I don't fill them in. Though I think if someone chooses German in the language menu, he'll be greeted by a lot of blank-named levels, except for yours. :)

Oh, and if my memory serves me right Lemmings wasn't made in England, but Scotland. :P

But yeah, I think the userbase here isn't as USA-heavy as in some other communities.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 22, 2012, 04:09:15 AM
yes, torture chamber is a backroute, but is fortunately easily taken care of by getting rid of one platformer. don't know why I didn't see that one.

as for 'four lix... I'll have to check if that's possible in the original, I think it may have been but I'm sure the creator intended on a more interesting solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 22, 2012, 06:19:51 AM
I keep trying to make hard levels, and I keep failing.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 22, 2012, 12:16:34 PM
Torture Chamber: didn't download the new version, but completed the old without the extra platformer. I was going to use a similar title for a level, but it's okay -- I doubt I'll have time to design many new levels anyway, especially considering how many of mine still remain to be remade (and several of those will require considerable de-backrouting work). Incidentally, was the layout of this level inspired by the classic "Fall and no life"?

Stick-up: managed to save enough without any clever tricks, just optimising a straightforward method.

Four Lix: Found a backroute. After looking at geoo's, it's the same idea, just carried out slightly differently.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 22, 2012, 02:19:37 PM
Found another solution to "Won't Get Fooled Again", saving 94/100, not exactly elegant though.

Hmm, I did overlook that one somehow.  A little annoying to execute I guess, but kinda a nice solution if you ask me, not sure it's a solution I'd personally feel the need to remove.  But it can be killed if you don't like it much. :P

That said, looks like I'll be sadly busy for rest of the work week, so expect level updates to be slow. :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: finlay on February 22, 2012, 03:00:53 PM
I didn't even know Lemmings was made in England
It wasn't made in England, it was made in Sco— oh never mind, I don't even care anymore.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 22, 2012, 03:36:09 PM
Well, that backroute was a bit painful. Here's stickup v2.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 22, 2012, 04:35:56 PM
On the first page of this thread, there was some inconclusive discussion of whether we should remake levels of authors who are no longer on the forums. This discussion seemed to run dry after the decision was made to invite me back -- well, I'm very glad you did :) and there's no doubt we'll have plenty of levels for the project now; but I'm sure we each have a few favourites of other authors we'd like to see included. I don't know what will be decided about such levels, but just for fun I've remade Isu's "Cry for me" anyway, since the layout is nice and simple. Assigning so many climbers can be a little tiresome, so I've cut down the number of lemmings to 55 (from 80) and climbers to 45 (from 62).

EDIT: Solution to the revised Stick-up.

EDIT: Solution to Changing of the Guards 2. Inelegant, but it uses the central ball.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 22, 2012, 08:33:58 PM
I have to work on Torture Chamber, found another back-route myself. Proxima's was also a backroute.

As For Four lemmings and a funeral I'm thinking about instead redoing Pieuw's remake of that level which is a little different, a little harder.

I also feel I should change the name of 'The Last Laugh' to Pieuw's real name for it; "There's Rashness in the method". See what you think.

EDIT: here's version 3. Unfortunately the things I had to do made it a little more annoying to execute. Even if nobody likes this level, I want to know how easy or difficult it is to spot the trick.
I also added another Pieuw remake, I held back from uploading this one because we already had some like it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 22, 2012, 09:26:35 PM
Should've seen that one coming. Stickup v3.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 23, 2012, 12:56:04 AM
Solved Torture Chamber, replay was recorded with version 2, but still works with version 3.

Erbalunga: two different solutions here; if the time limit is supposed to eliminate either of these, it failed, it just required for some annoying retries.

Stickup: Solution to version 3, saves 28, so probably a backroute.

Changing of the Guards 2: I went with making the distance between the ball and the floor higher instead of reducing the skillset just yet. Deviates from the design of the original some more now, but oh well. New version attached.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on February 23, 2012, 01:53:21 AM
Chasm had a couple more things with it, and the new solution is a tad different and I think a fair bit more difficult.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 23, 2012, 04:02:22 AM
The time limit for Erbalunga is definitely annoying. My solution varies seemingly at random between making it with a few seconds to spare and leaving lemmings behind.

The trick for Changing of the Guards 2 is pretty clever.

edit: Stickup v4. I'm going to make diagonal lasers once it's not past when I should be asleep, so just imagine they're along the diagonal planks (which I'm also going to make tomorrow) for now, connecting the lasers that are there.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 23, 2012, 12:24:37 PM
It dawned on me that my intended solution for Brickout utilizes a move that might possibly be argued as borderline glitchy.  However, it is possible to achieve the same outcome with (I think) less controversy, by just the addition of one skill.  Of course, past track record would indicate that even adding one skill will prove problematic backroute-wise, and this is a pretty problematic skill.  [edit: well what do you know?  see C2 please] Anyhow, presenting Brickout C1. :-\

The old, possibly controversial moves still work in C just as in B.  I simply open up a hopefully less controversial arrangement of moves in C to achieve exact same outcome.  The old moves in fact are probably easier to execute than the new.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 23, 2012, 12:59:38 PM
so, no one has found your intended solution to Brickout after all this time?  :o

Incidentally, it's looking like I may to be doing the same thing with my level. Geoo's and Proxima's were all good solutions but still not the intended one. I'm also not totally happy with the look of the level, something just isn't quite right but idk yet. And I'm not happy with what you need to do near the beginning. But I'll wait to make more adjustments until I see more backroutes.  :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 23, 2012, 03:19:28 PM
I knew the digger-turning-on-steel behaviour would be backroute hell. Here you go.

The Last Laugh is a much better title, you should keep it.

Also attached, solution to the Ring of Fnargl. I think one reason it took me so long is that I'm so opposed to the aforementioned behaviour, I actually forget to take advantage of it when I should (except when it's really blatant that that's what you have to do, as on Clam Spammer's Turnaround Compendium). The other is that the level has a very frustrating red herring that took many attempts before I decided Lix mechanics simply don't permit it, namely timing a fling-exploder so as to make the climber "bounce" from the left wall to the right wall.

Haven't had time to solve Stick-up 4 yet (there are just too many levels coming out, and and I don't know how I'm supposed to have time to build my own....) but the visual effect of the lasers under the platforms is awesome!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 23, 2012, 04:02:58 PM
Backrouted. I'm not sure if that's still possible in this version; all I know is that I can't pull it off.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 23, 2012, 10:03:43 PM
I knew the digger-turning-on-steel behaviour would be backroute hell. Here you go.

Also attached, solution to the Ring of Fnargl. I think one reason it took me so long is that I'm so opposed to the aforementioned behaviour, I actually forget to take advantage of it when I should (except when it's really blatant that that's what you have to do, as on Clam Spammer's Turnaround Compendium).

 :XD: (slaps forehead) on both what I did on my level and Fing of Fnargl.

I even added those steel peices just for decoration while I was doing the other stuff. Well, here it is, I'm going to start using sub-section names like ccexplore. I actually solved it again just now and It's not really as annoying as I thought, maybe it's because I'm getting some practice. This involves no glitch, just reassuring you all. Of course, I don't expect the back-routes to be over.

Also, how many level of each types of terrain are there right now? In other words, what kind of level is lacking? I might make a level with dirt, ice or goldmine. I wouldn't want it to be like OL and have very few crystal terrain levels so if anybody cares about that, tell me which to choose.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 23, 2012, 10:38:23 PM
Brickout C1: You wisely put C1 instead of just C, and I keep reading Brickroute...yeah.

Torture Chamber: somewhat different solution, attached.

Fnargl: I'm surprised you fixed it only now, as my solution pretty much resembled Proxima's iirc. Anyway, new solution.

Stickup: Completely different solution this time.

I actually quite like the way you solved Changing of the Guards 2. I might keep it in, but here's a new version anyway so you can try to find what I intended (and then perhaps tell your opinion which version you like better).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 23, 2012, 10:44:04 PM
Also, how many level of each types of terrain are there right now? In other words, what kind of level is lacking? I might make a level with dirt, ice or goldmine. I wouldn't want it to be like OL and have very few crystal terrain levels so if anybody cares about that, tell me which to choose.

Thing is, the terrain sets are not "equal" in the first place. Sets with many straight-edge pieces are much easier to work with than irregular sets like Earth, Winter etc. And the sets are not equally aesthetically pleasing, though I'm sure we will all have different preferences there. The real reason the lack of crystal levels in Lemmings stands out is that it's a gorgeous set and should have been used more.

I'd say the sets that need more love are Oriental and Tapir. RubiX has used Oriental, but so far there isn't a single level in this topic using it. The only Tapir levels are Get Hype and its easier version.

Other sets that haven't been used very much yet are Sand, Carnival, Shadow, and all of Simon's sets; but to be honest, I can see why. Shadow is nice, but has very few pieces. Simon's sets (except Tapir) pretty much duplicate the styles of Matt's sets, but Matt's sets are quite a bit better. Carnival is redundant with Brick and Marble, which look much nicer.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 23, 2012, 11:03:30 PM
Construction: 22
* Construction (brick): 13
* Construction (concrete): 6
Sandstone: 18
Earth: 12
Marble: 12
Bricks: 11
Abstract: 10
Goldmine: 9
Underworld: 6
Shadow: 5
Tapir: 5
Winter: 5
Carnival: 3
Sand: 1
Other themes haven't been used. Some levels are counted twice, since they use more than one theme substantially.

100% Built by Lixes: construction (brick)
100 Ways to Die: construction (concrete) sandstone
Alien Invasion: carnival, earth
A long, long way to fall: goldmine
A Matter of Perspective: bricks
Another Lix in the Wall: construction (brick)
A Towering Proposition: construction (brick)
Babylon Fading: tapir
Behind Bars: marble, goldmine
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo: goldmine
Bridges Burning: underworld
Bulldozer: construction (brick)
Buridan's Lix: marble, earth
Buy one get one free: carnival
Changing of the Guards: marble, winter
Charge of the Lix Brigade: sandstone
Chasm: abstract (mostly steel)
Close to the Edge: goldmine
Come on down to my place: underworld, brick
Compression Method 2: marble
Conundrum: underworld
Dances With Lixes: marble, sand
Decompression Method: construction (concrete)
Diggin' The Air: marble, earth
Dividing Three By Two: construction, sandstone
Down Among The Dead Lix: sandstone
Downpour: abstract
Elixir: marble
Escape the Pit: construction (brick)
Eye of the Needle: construction (brick)
Get Hype: tapir
Halfway Down the Stairs: bricks
It's All Uphill From Here: earth
It's a long way up: marble
It's time to climb: marble, goldmine
Labyrinth of Persia: construction (concrete), bricks
Land of Rainbows and Unicorns: abstract
Leap of the Locust: sandstone
Let's all go down the Strand: tapir
Little Miner Puzzle: shadow
Little Viennese Waltz: sandstone, construction (concrete)
LIX: construction (brick)
Lix Lata: goldmine
Lixology: earth
Mice in the Pipeline: sandstone
Minimalism: abstract
No More Heroes: tapir
Oh No, Not Again!: earth
Once you pop, you can't stop!: sandstone
One Step Off: shadow
One Way Segment: goldmine
Prelude: construction (concrete), sandstone, construction (brick)
Quick Turn Around: bricks
Rhapsody--: marble
Riddle Me This: sandstone
Roundabout: goldmine (this is also the only level to make use of changing the background color)
Rumble To The Bottom: underworld, bricks
Segmentation Fault: construction (brick)
Slippery Pete: goldmine, bricks
Subversive Activities: marble
Suicide Attack: abstract
Tapestry: construction (brick), shadow
The Abominable Snowlix: winter
The Adventure Playground: construction (concrete), construction (brick), sandstone, earth, underworld
The Italian Job: sandstone
The Last Laugh: bricks
The Last Mile: sandstone
The Mon0lith: sandstone
The Pit: winter
The Razor's Edge: abstract
The Ring of Fnargl: abstract, underworld (mostly steel)
The Transmigration of Lix: earth
Three Days of the Condor: earth, construction (brick)
Toccata: construction, abstract
Too Close for Comfort: winter, earth
Too Far to Walk: bricks
Top Gear: sandstone
Tribute to Benny Hill: tapir
Vignette: winter, earth
Walk them golden stairs: construction, sandstone
Waltz in C Sharp Miner: sandstone (mostly steel)
We'll Meet Again: bricks, earth, marble
Well OK Then: construction (brick)
Won't Get Fooled Again: bricks

Proxima: Tapir is somewhat redundant due to cvblocks, which IMO looks much better. I could see Simon's desert set working, but Oriental seems like it'd be hard to use outside very specific contexts.

geoo: Stickup is a backroute, but it's a clever (and difficult timingwise) enough one that I'll leave it in. (Also I don't see any way to get it out.) The Fnargl backroute also seems tricky to get out, but this might do it. (I'm not sure if it's that it's not there or that I can't pull it off.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 24, 2012, 12:01:25 AM
Haha, you had the same ideas as I had, just ran a quick scan over the levels (I really should learn python for things like that I think, iterating over a directory is a chore in C++, in fact I used a workaround here).
Criterion was: If a level uses more than 16 terrain (or any object but .F/.T traps) pieces, then it's considered using that style, so some might use multiple styles while others like Minimalism use none.

Gold Mine7
Sandy Beach0

Our results seem at least somewhat consistent. :)
You confused the Bricks style with Marble in a few instances though (the tessellating brick pattern is actually from the marble set).

I actually got a level idea where I wanted to use the oriental style, let's see what'll come out of it.
For shadow, yeah, I was definitely still going to extend on this style, not sure when I'll get around to that.
Simon's styles, apart from tapir, were actually the very first styles in the game; in fact I think Simon was contemplating to take them out, even.

And another route of the same style for fnargl.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 24, 2012, 04:47:07 AM
nice, so it looks like we need oriental, sandy beach, carnival. I guess, not surprisingly, those are the ones I like the least.
On that note: Is tapir a German word? Because as far as I can tell, "Tapir" means a pig like animal. ???
Also, noted 105 levels already. wow. 8)

I adressed a problem in torture chamber that was present for a while now. Here's 4.
I'm still open to a more original level title if anyone thinks of any.

Quote from: Hint

I'm trying to devise a better way of turning around the lone lix at the top. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the platformer altogether

^I had to search the forum to find a post using "color deef7ef" to spoiler tag this. what's up with that?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on February 24, 2012, 09:14:45 AM
On that note: Is tapir a German word? Because as far as I can tell, "Tapir" means a pig like animal. ???

(October 3, 2011)
<Clam_Spammer>   oh btw SimonN, did you consider making a tapir hatch?
<SimonN>   A giant snout?
<SimonN>   I should make one...
<Clam_Spammer>   *looks up tapir*
<Clam_Spammer>   ohh... maybe not the best material for making pyramids D:

^I had to search the forum to find a post using "color deef7ef" to spoiler tag this. what's up with that?

dee7ef is the RGB (hex) value for the quote box's background colour, setting the text to this same colour makes it invisible unless you highlight.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 24, 2012, 10:52:37 AM
Brickout C1: You wisely put C1 instead of just C, and I keep reading Brickroute...yeah.

Whoops.  I did of course tested something like that, but didn't try doing it at that location. :XD:

Fortunately not hard to fix, and for once it's not an addition of yet another buzzsaw. :P  Presenting C2.

[edit: C versions withdrawn pending a redesign]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 24, 2012, 12:19:46 PM
New solutions for Torture Chamber and Brickout:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 24, 2012, 05:17:08 PM
you're coming up with ingenious ways of turning them around there. So blockers turn around diggers, I forgot about that.
Anyway, now I had to  change around the right side of the level quite a bit. I'm not sure if I really like it, however if the solution is still well hidden I suppose it doesn't matter. I didn't like adding a climber but I couldn't see any easy way around it (without chaning the level considerably more and running into the problems before). This level designing isn't as easy as it at first seems.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on February 25, 2012, 01:11:35 AM
New solutions for Torture Chamber and Brickout:

Crap.  Forgot about those sort of solutions and how they were (barely) held back in B. :XD:

Well that kinda sucks.  :(  Sure, the level can be updated, but it's getting to the point where the addition of the batter is just too problematic.  I think I'll have to withdraw current "C" versions for now, and come up with something else entirely.  Maybe something based on one of geoo's solutions, adapted to my intended solution but without the possibly controversial moves in B.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 25, 2012, 05:57:33 AM
Re: Oriental set -- The problem I have with it is that there's no way to build a level out of it without being severely constrained in ways that aren't a problem in other sets. There are no tileable platforms, and most of the set is decorative pieces. It's like if the crystal set had nothing but crystals, except even worse; crystals, unlike giant dragons, can be used to make platforms and walls.

That said, here's a completely ridiculous level I made in it to see what can be done graphics-wise.

And another route of the same style for fnargl.
That's impressive, and odd enough that I don't have a problem with it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 25, 2012, 05:59:28 PM
^another thing: there are no straight walls (except for the diagonal small pieces) in the oriental set, meaning its hard for climbers. And why is the dragon so huge?  ??? Was it kinda like a joke? (like I'm assuming  the "giant girls" in sand are?  :D)

here's a level I made inspired from trying the no turn challenge on "Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming". It's not very hard but I thought it was fun.
As a side note, miners are turning out to be good substitutions for 1way walls. (That's not saying I don't want 1 way walls)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 25, 2012, 06:15:46 PM
Completed (with 3 climbers and 8 floaters spare). I assume you don't need to see a replay  ;P but I'm glad my challenge helped inspire you! And yes, this was a fun level to play.

I'm getting more ambivalent about one-way walls. Looking back at the list of my levels, there are still huge numbers left to convert -- being unable to use one-way walls would reduce that to a much more manageable number :) Still, I'll try to press on. If I make myself do one level per day (except Thursdays and Fridays due to work), eventually they'll get done!

You and Nortaneous are right about the Oriental set, it's not very easy to use. I might end up using it once or twice, but no more than that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 25, 2012, 09:30:43 PM
I just found a possible back-route to Torture chamber 5  :( so I fixed it. Maybe nobody played it yet so it doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 25, 2012, 09:42:08 PM
Funny coincidence, I was just playing this level.

If all you're doing is making a fix, and there's no possibility of wanting or needing to return to the previous version, I think you should keep the same filename so it saves over the old one. I've already accumulated several versions of this and Stick-up, and decided to declutter my wip folder by keeping only the "main" ones. If you should happen to change your mind, you can always re-download old versions from this thread.

Time to reveal your solution, perhaps? I feel I've already spent enough time on these two levels, and I want to get back on with my own now. Talking of which, here are some more. "Untitled Columns Level" (yeah, I know...) dates back to my ResEdit levels (before I even knew about Cheapo and other level-designing tools, I built levels by editing the standard ones). This one, originally called "On the Lemdon Underground", had the layout of Fun 26, with 1 floater, 6 builders, 2 bashers, 2 miners -- and the uninteresting solution of making the first lemming mine immediately on landing, which at least on the Mac version allows him to get deep enough to build to turn him and the others round -- yes, this was when I still thought pinpoint precision was Teh Awesome, though as I've said, I still like it if not overused -- while one floats, bashes, builds up to the level of the exit and bashes to reach it; then mine to release the crowd. (Spot the backroute!) For my Cheapo sets, I rebuilt this level, with a different title, with a slightly more complex layout (though the similarity to Fun 26 is still fairly apparent) and a more interesting solution -- in fact, when I looked back at this level after not having seen it for years, it did take me a while to spot the solution, so I suppose it's an okay puzzle. As for the title, I can't use a Lemmings-based pun in Lix, and I don't like its second title as it's been used before and gives too much away; so it's untitled for now.

The harder version is mostly bomber timing (and also dates back to my ResEdit levels). Sorry, but I do like playing these. No-one answered my question about whether making a bomber timing sequel to "Charge of the Lix Brigade" would be okay, so I made one anyway; I'm not going to force it down your throats, but if you want to include it, here it is. :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 26, 2012, 02:47:22 AM
Semi-remake of The Great Outdoors from my levelpack, fixing the ridiculous backroute in the original. Couldn't use the original title for obvious reasons, so I named it after another Depeche Mode B-side instead. :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 26, 2012, 05:31:00 AM
Got a solution to Torture Chamber, (already got it for version 5, but didn't get around to posting it, but it also works for 5a).

The solution I got for "Cry for me" doesn't seem to work well in the original Cheapo version, so I feel I found a backroute there.

Will check out the new levels later.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 26, 2012, 01:20:46 PM
Replay for "Now this is fun".

Indeed, that solution for "Cry for me" won't work on the Cheapo version -- I guess it's because the builder is slower in Cheapo relative to the walker? This may take quite a bit of tinkering to come up with a satisfactory version of the level  :'(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 26, 2012, 03:22:36 PM
Cry for me v.2, and another one that I thought up in my sleep last night 8)

EDIT: Also, backroute fix on Toccata. By combining Clam Spammer's and geoo's ideas, a western route is still possible, but I'm okay with that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 26, 2012, 03:36:41 PM
Remake of The Pit.

Replay for "Now this is fun".
Finally, someone gets an intended solution...
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 26, 2012, 10:40:18 PM
Got a solution to Torture Chamber, (already got it for version 5, but didn't get around to posting it, but it also works for 5a).

That's it. Only I messed up-I forgot about digging the blocker out, I wanted to use a basher, that's the reason for one umbrella. Maybe because when I try to do that on regular ground with lix walking toward the blocker it doesn't work. Anyway, I'm not sure there's a good way around this, I guess I'll leave it like that and get rid of the umbrella.

And I'll keep that in mind about renaming the levels 1,2,3 etc. I'll just write in the post if that's necessary. My folder's already a mess.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 26, 2012, 11:13:39 PM
Anyway, I'm not sure there's a good way around this
Change the diggers into miners?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on February 27, 2012, 06:34:24 AM
Finally got around to remaking Recycling Plant, using the Oriental set. It's probably a bit easier than the original L2 version, but I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out.

Solved the following levels, solutions attached:
Untitled Columns: Pretty bad backroute I guess, just brute force.
Ascending and Descending: That one was tricky, having only the basher to use. I wonder whether it's possible to solve the level having the top group just go straightforward.
It's all about survival: I can't seem to get around using some pixel-precise bomber timing here. I don't really like that, unless there's a way avoiding it. "Yellow Brick Road" is perfectly fine with me on the other hand, I got the first 3 bombers right at the first try.
Completely Ridiculous level: My solution to it is unexpectedly clean, actually. Saves some skills. Is the title final? :P
Now this is Fun: Basically the same as Proxima's solution, just slight differences.
Under the Rainbow: I really love the design of this one, using the colors and water/lava like this. Avoiding to drown when bashing under the water is a bit of an issue, but I guess it can't be helped, unless the check for the water trigger area gets changed, or I make some blue water pieces with no effect for instances like this. The 2 junction pieces at the bottom in the purple/magenta part should be moved 8 px down I think for a consistent look.
Hard to Port: Having the fall just 1 (low-res) pixel above the max fall distance makes things a little bit nicer. :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 27, 2012, 07:12:09 AM
Avoiding to drown when bashing under the water is a bit of an issue, but I guess it can't be helped, unless the check for the water trigger area gets changed, or I make some blue water pieces with no effect for instances like this.
That's why I included the miner. My solution bashes where you mine and mines and bashes where you bash.
The 2 junction pieces at the bottom in the purple/magenta part should be moved 8 px down I think for a consistent look.
I'm not too happy with the purple bit anyway, so I'll hold off on fixing that until I have time to mess with it a bit more.

Completely Ridiculous is a backroute. I'll have to find a way to work in some steel without it being too ugly. The title doesn't have to be final, but I didn't even think that level would be taken seriously.

Here's my solution for Ascending and Descending. It's a bit different, and probably a bit more elegant except for the part where I got the placement of the stairs wrong.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 27, 2012, 01:26:49 PM
Wow, I wouldn't have thought that Ascending & Descending would have so many solutions!  :thumbsup: Here's mine.

Untitled Columns Level: Not entirely sure whether to class that as a backroute as this is meant to be only Tricky difficulty. I've attached my solution. I'll come back to this one and consider modifying it, which might also help with the precision in the sequel. Yes, at the moment it's rather worse than the Cheapo version -- that's because of the lack of the curved pillar pieces, and the pillars being exactly twice the width of a bomb hole. (Though if you make the builder a climber at once, you can do the bottom-left with three bombs, and the last pillar with one precision bomb, using the jumper to stop the bomber in the right place.) I'm not satisfied with how it's turned out, so I'll definitely do more work on it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 27, 2012, 07:28:31 PM
Here's two more. The first another remake of Pieuw's, a simple one. The next is one I worked on, it didn't turn out exactly like I wanted, but I think I just wanted too many things in one level. I'm happy with it. (once again, any suggestions to make it better are welcome)

oh, and I keep forgetting, you should change the original author of 'Too far to walk' to Martin Zurlinden. Interestingly, I looked at his level and noticed that he had steel peices that woul've prevented some of the solutions found here. I still want to keep mine the way it is though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 27, 2012, 07:52:03 PM
Solutions to both. "Show of Hands" looks suspiciously backroute-ish.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on February 27, 2012, 09:40:26 PM
Another probable backroute for Show of Hands, and fixes for Completely Ridiculous and Under the Rainbow.

edit: And here's a ripoff of a certain level from the original games.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on February 29, 2012, 12:42:04 AM
I can fix your two backroutes for Show of Hands... unfortunately there is another inherent problem with this level, I'm doubting whether it can be salvaged at all. I don't mind if it can't--there are plenty of other good levels to remake anyway, too many actually.
The challenges thread is giving me more ideas. :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on March 01, 2012, 01:03:49 AM
Awesome to get the community involved more in lix, good call with this.  Lix rocks, its like special edition lemmings  :thumbsup:
With spare time here and there today at work i've been building a map, i'll finish it off tonight!

<------------- Took me this long to add an avatar, decided to do that just now lol.   That's the cartoon classics bundle for the Amiga A500+ which me and my brother got for christmas in 1993? i think.  It was such a huge success with lemmings in the bundle :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on March 01, 2012, 02:19:02 AM
Ok level finished.   Sending to geoo on IRC.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 01, 2012, 03:55:33 AM
Here's a sand tileset level, since we don't have any of those yet.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 01, 2012, 04:52:11 AM
Three more of mine. These are intended to be in the tricky or so tier of levels.

I'm going to start working on Fun levels and tutorials soon. As funny as a difficulty cliff would be, it's also probably a bad idea.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 01, 2012, 12:16:02 PM

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 01, 2012, 01:56:08 PM
There'll probably be a new lix update within the next few days, which will feature, among other things, setting a minimum spawn interval (maximum RR), and lix only check against water with their feet, not eyes (this will solve the issue in Under the Rainbow).
Furthermore, it'll include some additions to the terrain: the abstract set, and the additional pieces by thick molasses and Nortaneous. (I renamed/moved them around a bit though. Only three levels are affected by it, I'll add Torture Chamber and Under the Rainbow to the list then with the new terrain location, and post the adapted version of Four Lix and a Funeral in this topic.) There'll be some smaller terrain additions in some sets, and whatever else I'll manage to get done in the meantime.

Once the update is out, I'll update the list.

I got a bunch of new solutions. Some notes:

Alternative solution to Ascending and Descending that doesn't use the builder barrier at the top (very technical solution though).
Five for Fighting was pretty difficult, not sure whether my solution is a backroute as it leaves a climber and a floater.
Cry for me version 2: similar solution still works.
My solution to Excavation uses a digger to get through the blue shovel, feels a bit technical to use a digger for this purpose.
Snowjump: another pretty technical solution.
Ridiculous: I think my solution can be optimized to a lose 1 solution.
Proc Man: My solution only works if the minimum RR is 1.
Stairs Bro: Went along right under the buzzsaws. Apt title.  :D
Infrastructure: Love this level, only have to take care not to bash from too high.

And I updated Recycling plant to have a miner instead of a basher, I like it better that way.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 01, 2012, 02:42:42 PM
Yep, the upcoming update isn't a comprehensive bug extermination, but some things will be in:

- Disabling/changing the time of fast-forward cancelling before end of replay
- Scrolling and priority invert per held keyboard key (for single-button Mac mousers)
- minor stuff, and also what geoo said above.

Clam mentioned an update is necessary despite not all current physics bugs having been fixed, because the terrain/image directory is a worthwhile thing to synchronize between all users. Each update which touches the physics may merely disrupt older replays.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 01, 2012, 10:03:59 PM
Ha, kind of botched the stairs, here's a re-do of it.

Also changed Snowjump since neither of those is quite what I had in mind (Proxima's solution was actually what I was trying to avoid).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 02, 2012, 12:07:30 AM
Process Management looks like an unfixable backroute, but that level sucks anyway. Pretty much the intended solution for the others.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 02, 2012, 01:01:33 AM
I got the same solution as Nortaneous to the revised Snowjump, so I won't bother posting it. Here's my replay for the revised Stairs. Tricky difficulty? Hell no, this was very hard to spot -- an excellent puzzle.

And another level. Will the next update include ccexplore's suggestion of allowing objects to be drawn in front of terrain? This level really needs it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 03, 2012, 02:10:35 AM
In 'Five for fighting' there was supposed to be steel that I left out accidentally. It gets rid of Proxima's solution (which I liked though, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't what I had in mind for this level. It actually is what I had in mind for another) I like Geoo's solution so I think I'll leave it that way. Unless more backroutes are found.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: CynicalOkie on March 03, 2012, 08:43:25 PM
Been quite a long time since I last showed up around here. So looks like I've now got a nice reason to remake and release "The Journey through the Solar System" level pack. For those who haven't seen it, it's basically a group of levels named after the major planetary bodies in the Solar System. Mercury through Neptune, plus the Moon, Pluto, and a Pluto Extended, of sorts.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 04, 2012, 07:07:53 PM
Finally, here is another good level from Mazulems. (it took me awhile and I had to use some eraser pieces anyway which I kinda figured) I like this one for it sheer originality. Adding jumpers makes it not take quite as long to execute.

in making this level I discovered some oddities/ possible glitches involing jumping with thin walls around.
-one is that the lix can sometimes jump through a horizontal thin wall if there is a vertical wall that it is attaching to (climbing) nearby. you may want to test this out.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 04, 2012, 09:58:18 PM
Solution to the revised Five for Fighting.

In 'Five for fighting' there was supposed to be steel that I left out accidentally. It gets rid of Proxima's solution (which I liked though, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't what I had in mind for this level. It actually is what I had in mind for another)

Heh. I've liked that method ever since it was the first solution I found for Taxing 22. I look forward to seeing your level using it.

Path to Mahimah was a nice concept, pretty easy but quite fertile for challenges. Attached is a glitch-free solution without jumpers and only 14 builders, and, using the jumping "glitch" TM mentioned, a solution using only one builder. I don't know whether this should be classed as a glitch or just a fact about jumper mechanics, similarly to how builders can ascend through thin platforms. If we decide it's okay to make levels requiring this, you could make a harder version simply by removing all but one builder, or even make it builderless by changing the one builder to a walker.

EDIT: Actually, it might be possible to make the harder version into a decent puzzle and not just spot-the-glitch. Reduce the jumpers to nine or eight and modify the maze layout slightly. Currently, it's possible with nine in several different ways, but not with eight at all. Ideally you want there to be only one route that works with the number of jumpers given.

Regardless of whether a harder version is made, I suggest moving the entire terrain 24px down and 24px right, so the maze isn't right up against the corner of the level area.

EDIT: The layout can also be solved builders-only (no climber), though this requires more than the 25 you're given in the current level. Done with 44.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 05, 2012, 01:12:58 AM
Updated Maze, I got rid of a few builders. I figured it would be best to give some leniency since like you said, it can be easily adapted for challenges this way.

And here's a few levels, not for entry but for consideration/and or help. I can't get them the way I want. I like bouncing ideas off other people. If you don't like me doing this; let me know.  You (Proxima) can have the Tower's level if you want it, I'm not going to do anything with it. I don't care about author credit. The other two are ideas that I'm just having trouble sorting out if they're worth anything or not.

As for Five for fighting, what I originally intended was for some lix to get trapped in the space at the bottom between the danger block and the large area to the right, and then while one is bashing toward the exit, one mines down to free them. But I'm thinking the found route is good enough.

has anyone solved brickout yet? I'm curious what that almost glitch trick is...
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 05, 2012, 05:30:16 AM
Here's an edit of Slipping Again that gives a much harder puzzle, although it does make use of a holding pit trick.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 05, 2012, 12:32:22 PM
You're right, that's a very nice puzzle level now. Though I think, as it almost fits on one screen, it would be better to squeeze it in so it does.

This replay uses the build-on-air glitch but has one spare builder; I haven't solved it without using the glitch yet.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 05, 2012, 04:16:50 PM
I had another go at Brickout B8-b today, and finally managed to solve it.

I also solved Nortaneous' version of Slipping again, and didn't have to use any special tricks or glitches.

I really like TM's towers, the design is interesting, and it gives you a lot of leeway with the skillset, yet if you don't see the idea you can't solve it.

Note that my replays already use the upcoming version of Lix, I'm not sure whether I use anything not working in the old version, but if you see some unsuccessful replay, you'll have to wait for a day or two for the new version of Lix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 05, 2012, 04:31:01 PM
Your replay is for untitled-12 but your post talks about TM's Towers. Deliberate?  ???

Here's my replay for TM's Towers. Nice concept but very easy (the number of climbers is a big hint) but if TM doesn't want to, then I'll have a go at seeing if I can make anything out of this level.

I haven't saved a replay for untitled-12 as I thought it was too obvious to warrant one... yet geoo found a different solution  :P

TM: Of course it's okay to share ideas; this is a community project after all. We've all been freely making suggestions when we see something we think can be improved, and generally the levels end up being much better for it.

I'd love to see the intended solution to "Five for Fighting" -- even with your description I can't get it at all. I can't see how you can make the drop to the danger block survivable without losing at least one or else running out of skills; but if you don't reduce that drop, no-one can get stuck there except the two floaters, and you can make both of them climbers....  ???
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on March 05, 2012, 10:48:38 PM
I had another go at Brickout B8-b today, and finally managed to solve it.

Believe it or not, that's still a backroute, although I really should've caught this one, as I've considered this solution multiple times during the various level designing and backroute fixing.

That said, given how long it seemed to have taken geoo to solve it even this way, maybe this solution is "good enough" for the community set, even if it wasn't the one I had in mind.  As a bonus, there is nothing controversial about geoo's solution.

I'll post an updated version of Brickout B later today with geoo's latest solution eliminated.  The saga shall continue! ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 06, 2012, 01:25:49 AM
-slipping again,
thanks for the help! Idk what happened but neither of Geoo's replays worked for either my version or Nortaneous's. Proxima's worked and I like it. I don't consider having a walker build in a dig hole  a glitch, personally (in mid dig to block them).

Well... I thought you'd find that level too easy but you actually found a completely different solution! I attached my intended solution. And I'd say they are both equally difficult too. I could easily take away your method by making the tiny steel peice larger but Idk if I wanna do that. I'll give it a proper name eventually too.

As to the towers level, I don't even remember what the skills are. I just had some arbitrary skills in there while I was messing around with the terrain. I couldn't come up with a good plan, so I uploaded because Proxima mentioned earlier that he liked the layout and had ideas. I don't, so you (or anyone) can have it.
-One idea I did have was to have a space of uneven terrain and have a lix dig to provide a flat surface for others to climb up it. (I actually made a simple level like this in Lemmix and will upload it sometime. I'm curious how difficult/easy this is to see). But this idea kind of clashed with the Two tower layout for some reason.

-as for five for fighting, my intended solution had an extra basher but it was back routed. I'll check again because I don't exactly remember what the version you two solved looked like.  :(

I'll post an updated version of Brickout B later today with geoo's latest solution eliminated.  The saga shall continue! ;P

good, I wanna see this borderline glitch   8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 06, 2012, 01:35:00 AM
Okay, looks like I have to post my solution to untitled12 now. This one's definitely easier than you intended the level to be.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 06, 2012, 05:09:40 AM
This is probably a terrible level, but whatever.

-One idea I did have was to have a space of uneven terrain and have a lix dig to provide a flat surface for others to climb up it. (I actually made a simple level like this in Lemmix and will upload it sometime. I'm curious how difficult/easy this is to see). But this idea kind of clashed with the Two tower layout for some reason.
That's how I did it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 06, 2012, 05:48:10 AM
I've uploaded the new version. Here's the changelist, many of it is minor stuff:

Code: [Select]
57aac1b Lemmini level format support for L1/ONML styles
6af2caa tutorial in-level hints, read doc/files.txt, bug: hint vanishes on Esc dialog

0bd5249 intermediate update to Clam's levels
cf6371b Clam's multiplayer levels
a33b2a3 new levels: Tower Defense (Part 22934) and Scorched Earth
d708e0b levels: tunesia 3p, schnuckeluguck

22b1e8f some additions to Matt's styles (thin pieces by thick molasses, diagonal planks by Nortaneous, nicer trunk)
1e0a279 added central water piece to Simon's water
1a3adf5 construction style: 12/24 blocks and platforms added
62ee182 abstract style: junction pieces (most by Nortaneous)
c45c504 first bit of the abstract style
5de4625 new tiles for sandstone styles, lighter ebony
465a95f ccx's guideline pieces

982dab3 better explosion flinging, strongest near center, to be field-tested
1cced2a fixed ccx's bug: sticky climber ascended inside wall
b89cf3c basher doesn't leave relics on last swing
9e622e9 basher ignores steel in top 2 pixels
cd8559e walker bug in narrow gaps fixed (didn't ascend/fall)
8e99566 water only deadly on foot, not on body
a1f01b9 spawnint minimum, default 4, never delay first spawn

15b7fef replay save browser default filename: level-player
bd194f6 saner hotkeys on level end dialog
a68b6cc auto-save singleplayer replays: only successful ones
25d0915 replay cancelling option, scroll/priority via key

The IRCies have the current version already, we had a multiplayer night. Everyone else should consider updating (link: see homepage icon under avatar), so future replays can be viewed properly. Old replays may cease to play back accurately.

There are more physics changes that are due (the tumbler stuck endlessly inside a narrow gap terrain is still in), so there may be future versions that disrupt replays once more.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on March 06, 2012, 11:45:55 AM
I'll post an updated version of Brickout B later today with geoo's latest solution eliminated.  The saga shall continue! ;P

Here it is.  I'm really tempted to fork it over to D10 instead of continuing it as B8-C, but keeping the current filename does allow one to work from an existing replay for the B-lineage if they want to, I guess.  So B8-C it is.

And given that it seems only geoo is still working on this level for real, and I know he won't peek at solutions (not that I care one way or another), I've posted replay of my intended solution for those who are curious.  Maybe people can tell me if they find anything controversial with it.  (But in case anyone wants to avoid spoiler, please try not to be too specific, or use the spoiler-quoting method on anything spoilery.)

[edit: forgot to mention this, but you may find some parts of the replay easier to understand by watching in zzz-mode.  I could've re-recorded the replay to minimize that sort of thing somewhat, but I'm lazy/busy.]

Oh, and I know many of you would say there are so many easy ways I could've gotten rid of all the past backroutes, and you'd be right, but remember that I want to avoid making changes that lead too directly into the intended solution, plus I can't shake this weird fetish with keeping this level symmetrical. :P  (Besides, geoo's backroutes are often awesome in their own ways, so the multitude of backroutes is really somewhat of a blessing.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 06, 2012, 05:25:12 PM
Yes, I haven't been attempting to solve Brickout as I know that your levels are always insanely hard, and there are still some some of the moderate-difficulty ones I haven't solved yet, as well as trying to find time to build my own. Still, here are my thoughts after watching the replay. (Since I don't want to give even the slightest hint about which skills are used where, I'll just put the whole lot in spoiler text.)

I see what you mean. That trick where the cuber-in-progress turns round the second climber doesn't look like it should work, even after viewing it in "zzz" mode, yet it does. I guess this is what they say about all puzzles -- people who succeed in finding the solution think it's ingenious, while those who don't think it's unfair. And obviously it's possible for someone to work out that this trick works, since you did. Still, to me it just doesn't feel like it's in keeping with the spirit of the game, since the normal behaviour of the skills doesn't suggest that this might be worth trying out to see if it works -- and it's not something you're at all likely to have observed on other levels, unlike the familiar "walker ascends through in-progress cube" behaviour. I think I also feel particularly negative about it because the other two main tricks on the level (the basher/platformer trick at the start, and placing a cuber in the path of the miner so the crowd can ascend) are beautiful ones that I now feel jealous I didn't think of, and this could end up becoming one of my favourite levels. Though I don't like the way so many routes have been blocked off by scattering sawblades around. I think what I'd do if it were my level (unless you've already rejected this possibility because of other backroutes) is get rid of the controversial move by taking out one climber, jumper, cuber and the digger, and just turn the climber there with a walker.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 06, 2012, 06:47:29 PM
Ok, the new version of Lix is out, and you'll see the terrain you (Nortaneous/TM) submitted in there, but in slightly different places or with slightly different names. I adapted all levels using the terrain to work with the new version now, and they'll be on the list with the next update (except for the backroute-riddled Four Lix and a Funeral, which I attach here in case you want to edit it further).
Hopefully my solution to Nortaneous' Slipping Again works now for you with the latest version.

Your replay is for untitled-12 but your post talks about TM's Towers. Deliberate?   ???
Well kind of, I thought the solution to Towers was too obvious to attached, but didn't think of anything to write about untitled-12.
I feel as well that the intended solution is a bit harder to spot than our solutions though.

Towers as it is now is actually a nice easier level right now, but if course feel free to change or make a second version anyone.

Castle in the Sky: yeah, it does indeed feel a bit tedious, doing the same thing a couple of times. I like the design for some reason though.

Here it is.  I'm really tempted to fork it over to D10 instead of continuing it as B8-C, but keeping the current filename does allow one to work from an existing replay for the B-lineage if they want to, I guess.  So B8-C it is.
That was really useful, as my new solution is just a slight variation you should have noticed. :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on March 06, 2012, 08:24:21 PM
That was really useful, as my new solution is just a slight variation you should have noticed. :P

Oh, whoops. Thanks for pointing it out, earlier I missed how you used one of the jumpers to prevent losing one more lix.  I thought it was odd that your B8-b solution worked even though I thought I ruled it out way back in early versions, now I understand.

Okay, I'm stumped once again, I don't think I'm going to see any quick way to fix this without major changes.  I'll have to take some time to evaluate my next move.

Still, here are my thoughts after watching the replay.

Fair points.  I do think I need to clarify that part of the solution (or just redo the replay a little to make things more clear) that I'm sure has gotten you and others a little confused:

What is happening is this:
1) the 2nd lix is hoisting himself up the wall before the exit after climbing up on the left side, per the usual transition to walker after end of climbing.
2) while (really just before) 2nd lix is hoisting, 1st lix is transforming into cuber
3) by the time the 2nd lix finishes hoisting, the cube is completed, and so the 2nd lix is stuck in the cube.  The cube is too tall to walk out, and the lix cannot climb out because being stuck right in the middle of it, the game considers there is overhang at the place where the lix tries to climb.
4) because he is stuck, you are able to catch him facing left
5) you assign digger, then immediately assign platformer, to clear out the lower parts of the cube without actually moving downwards from the digging, as well as finishing the rest of the solution.  [It was not really my intention to require such precision with the digger, it's just a side effect of the brick terrain setup with the middle entrance, inadvertently requiring too much precision regarding where you start mining.  In a final version I'll probably try to redo the terrain to be more forgiving, although I might have to give up on bricks and remake the entire level accordingly.]

I think the current replay obscures #3 and #4 making it seem like complete magic that the 2nd lix turns around.  I should've wait before assigning the digger to make it more clear that the lix got stuck inside the cube.

What's controversial to me is whether the 2nd lix should successfully hoist while the cuber is going through his transformations.  One can argue that maybe the hoisting should be interrupted and the lix reverts to falling, or that maybe he goes back to climbing to account for the additional terrain.  It doesn't help that the current cuber animation is not accurately reflecting what is actually happening in terms of terrain.

In lineage-C of the level, I tried to make it less controversial by adding a batter.  The 1st lix doesn't cube until the 2nd lix is walker, and the 2nd lix uses the batter to delay himself while the 1st lix encases the 2nd lix in its cube.  This is much less controversial to me (since the game already considers the lix gone at the moment you assign cuber, I don't think one can argue that the batter should interrupt the cubing).  Of course, the batter as expected introduces too many issues, and there seem to be no other suitable skills for substitute.

Anyway, it is indeed possible to get rid of the controversial parts altogether, but I was also thinking that the reduction in skills would be too much of a giveaway at this point.  But it certainly seems acceptable in terms of the community set.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 06, 2012, 09:19:55 PM
Finally, solution to Get Hype 5 :)

Still haven't solved No More Heroes, but frustratingly, I can now save 11/30, I just don't know whether my method is on the right lines :( (That is, I can save 11/30 with a method that could potentially save the required 27/30, given more time. If I ignore the save requirement and just try to save as many as possible, it's easy to save more than 11.)

And here's what I've made of TM's Towers. Backroute away!

EDIT: Have an easier version, too :)

EDIT: New solution to Slipping Again. In reply to TM, of course building in a dig pit is not a glitch. The borderline glitch I was referring to in my previous solution is that if you assign builder to a digger halfway through his last stroke before he breaks through, you can make him build on air. There was some discussion of this on page 17 of this topic, since geoo used it to solve my level Buridan's Lix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 07, 2012, 03:59:54 AM
-for Untitled12:
I knew what you were going to do before I finished watching. Why did I not see that? (or maybe more importantly; I'm surprised geoo didn't) Now I'm not sure what to do. I'll have to give this level more time.

-I plan on doing a level that's based on Four Lix and a Funural, so unless you really wanted that level (as it is now), you can forget about it.

and the updates are great!  :thumbsup: I love the guidelines

-for brick-out; either way, if this 'glitch' is removed or changed or not, I don't think it will detract from the level much. If you can figure out another way to have a lix turn around on top of the block building  and mining down is still challenge as far as I'm concerned.

-about the digging glitch;
Personally I don't see this really as a glitch either. One argument for it is that it's practically impossible do get rid of (that glitch). Unless you have diggers remove sections of terrain in a instantaneous manner. Or have diggers unable to build on their last dig above air, if that is possible.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 07, 2012, 02:05:46 PM
I found a backroute in Circular Ruins. Here's a fixed version, and as usual, I've updated the easier version so both have the same terrain, even though the change doesn't affect the easier version's solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 08, 2012, 02:20:59 AM
I like what you did with the towers level Proxima, very nice  :)

here is untitled12, changed slightly and touched up. no climber this time.

next is a level sort of inspired from Bridges' from Revolution. you need the 'acid' bmp I made to go with it. [this is different; it's still crappy but better than what I uploaded in the feedback topic] I just got tired of water, you can of course change it if you want.
I wanted to make a really detailed acid but I don't have the time right now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 08, 2012, 12:27:56 PM
Yet again, digger-turning-on-steel backroute. [EDIT: Or you can just save that lix with a jumper.] [EDIT: Bouncing on that idea, if you'll pardon the pun, here's 100% saved. Considering this uses most of the skills and the level is very easy otherwise, did you intend to require this?]

The acid looks awesome!  :thumbsup:  And the new decorative terrain on Still Life looks gorgeous too.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on March 08, 2012, 11:04:58 PM
Here are some various replays for recent levels, I forget where I was up to with these but this should cover the past week or so. The new replay auto-naming feature makes this much easier, by the way :)

Five for Fighting: Tough puzzle thanks to the limited builder count, the time limit frustrated me for a while, but eventually I found a solution that leaves a minute spare.
Slipping again: The replay is for Nortaneous's version, the same idea applies for the easier one. Curiously, I had to use both bashers getting out of the pit, if you stop the replay after the first basher then some lix spill out somehow.
Castles in the sky: This one is a little tiresome with so many obstacles to bomb through, I think it would be fine with half the number of walls. The hole under the exit looks strange, and really isn't necessary IMHO.
Circular Ruins: Again, lack of builders makes for a solid puzzle. This solution only barely works (though it was fun to find :)), if it is the intended route then it would be nice to have a bit more leeway. Attached a replay for the easier version too, this one was surprisingly fun since the builders alone don't quite get you far enough.
Still Life: Good way to isolate a worker lemming. There's a lot of walking to do though - this level could be compressed a lot, and really there's no reason why it should take up more than one screen.
A Soulful Bounding Leap: I found a different 100% solution to Proxima. I wonder if it might even be a good idea to force 100% here. This was a really fun one to solve, and also a neat use of the horizontal wrap which (IIRC) none of my own levels use.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 09, 2012, 10:16:55 PM
-Still Life. Proxima's solution isn't different enough imo from the intended to be a problem. Althought Clam's is different, idk if I don't like it. I think, it's still along the same general idea.
However, (also in regards to your comments), I changed it a little again, to remove that method.
as to the decoration; (thanks btw) it's to attempt to hide the solution somewhat. Idk if it helps.

-Five for fighting. I think I like Clam solution the best, I might adjust it a little to make something more like this intended. Unless there are objections. I forgot to answer proxima's question from earlier, there was no route that involved getting stuck in the hole, I couldn't do it. So I went with what turned out to be geoo's (I think) at the time.

-..Leap. this is why I was reluctant to make levels with the new skills. I'm not experienced in them enough. I'll have to attend to it later.

For now; here is a remake of 'Stuff in the way'; one of Tseug's levels that don't involve glitches of any kind. I like the two builders method. I saw you remade 'Oh no, not again' so I felt like remaking one. First I tried remaking 'Rush Hour' but I found that near impossible to execute properly.  Plus I might make a level using an idea such as that but not as precise.

once again I really love the guidlines, I already mentioned that, but it's really handy. simple things can go a long way.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 11, 2012, 01:41:59 AM
"Stuff in the Way" is an excellent puzzle level, had me stumped for a long while. Here's my solution.

Slight change to Circular Ruins / You Have to Build a Bridge. Clam's solution is still in, but I took out a different backroute. (And, as usual, I updated the easier version so both still have identical terrain, even though the change doesn't affect the easier version's solution.) The fix has made it possible to require 100% saved as I originally wanted. This now has the benefit that, since Clam's solution saves 100% anyway, they can be seen as alternative solutions without one being superior to the other.

Also re-posted my solution to Circular Ruins; the method is almost exactly the same but the previous replay won't work on the new version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 11, 2012, 06:04:10 PM
Here's a new level. I have a feeling this one will be riddled with backroutes, so... let's see what you discover.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 11, 2012, 10:28:19 PM
Updated versions of my two most recent levels and a solution to Thomas the Climber. (As for backroutes, I can't find a way out of the holding cell that uses fewer than three skills besides the one in the intended solution, so...)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 11, 2012, 10:48:19 PM
That replay isn't working for me :( The comment about backroutes made more sense at the time; the original version had more skills and less steel (and didn't have the sawblade, though the backroute I added the blade to prevent disappeared anyway with the reduction in skills....) If by chance you got one of the previous versions, I've double-checked and the version attached to the above post definitely is the correct current version.

But this is a level where I want to force one particular solution, so don't assume your solution is intended until I've confirmed it  :D

Oh, and here's an easy version of Thomas, for the Fun set.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 11, 2012, 11:11:42 PM
If you haven't upgraded to the newest version of Lix, that's the problem; if not, I had to delete and re-add the exit in order to get Lix to realize the level has an exit, so maybe it has something to do with that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 11, 2012, 11:34:48 PM
Replays for Castles (61 saved) and Slipping Again (same solution as before). I have no idea why the exit on Thomas the Climber stopped working; I downloaded the new version of Lix as soon as it was available. Can anyone else shed any light on this?  ???
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 11, 2012, 11:52:22 PM
Fascinating! A different solution to Stuff in the way. The Only solution I knew of was ccexplore's. Although yours actually looks easier to see. It also looks like this solution would work on the original as well. Although the time limit might have ruled it out but it would've been close. (in case your curious, ccexplore's utilizes the beam at the top and has you have a lemming build on the left while one comes up and around from the right to build. The replays are in that thread)

There's 2 others (3 possibly if I can adapt a substitute for a glitchy behavior and wait till oows come out) in that set that I could remake.

All the new levels are awesome and well designed.  :)

I like the use of walkers and the batter on circular ruins. I liked the layout of Castle in the sky. I would make the required amount more though, unless you want it as a fairly easy level. Thomas the climber looks really good too. I didn't get to play it yet.
The exit on Slipping Again works fine for me  ???
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 12, 2012, 12:04:09 AM
Raised requirement for Castles in the Sky (I like Proxima's solution, and I also managed to save 61, so I figure 55 is fair), and added steel to Slipping Again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 12, 2012, 12:29:54 AM
Both mine and geoo's solutions to Slipping Away still work with small modifications. (Mine now requires all the builders.) No variant of Clam's solution is possible any more, thanks to the sawblade on the right.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 12, 2012, 01:27:49 AM
...Actually, I think I like geoo's solution more than mine. I'll go with that and kill my original solution.

Here's another level, but I don't like it very much.

By the way, now that the release rate can't be lowered past 4, Process Management is probably impossible to solve.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on March 12, 2012, 05:17:38 AM
I have no idea why the exit on Thomas the Climber stopped working; I downloaded the new version of Lix as soon as it was available. Can anyone else shed any light on this?  ???

My guess is that Nortaneous is missing the acid object, attached to this post by thick molasses, according to the level file they go in /bitmap/simon (though they really ought to go somewhere else). The replay works if you remove the acid from the level before replaying.

By the way, now that the release rate can't be lowered past 4, Process Management is probably impossible to solve.

You can change the minimum spawn rate in the editor, down to 1 if you like.


I've attached replays for the latest bunch of levels. I don't recall my solution here for Stuff in the Way working for the original version, IIRC the time limit restricted the available solutions somewhat. I'd have to check the original level again to be sure though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 12, 2012, 12:41:36 PM
My guess is that Nortaneous is missing the acid object

Ah, that would account for it :) So, I viewed Nortaneous's solution with no problems, but of course it doesn't actually solve the level because the acid is there on the real thing ;) Clam's solution is the intended one.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
according to the level file they go in /bitmap/simon (though they really ought to go somewhere else)

I have to disagree -- it's most convenient for the user to have the acid and water in the same place. Certainly if geoo or anyone else remakes the deadly objects I posted earlier in this thread, I'd want them each put with the style they belong to, not in a "Proxima" folder.

Quote from: Nortaneous
...Actually, I think I like geoo's solution more than mine. I'll go with that and kill my original solution.

Not entirely sure why you wanted to prevent mine, as it's quite a bit harder both to see and to implement (at least since you have to figure out the fiddly RR changes) but okay, your decision. I'm still curious to know what your original solution was.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 12, 2012, 06:47:29 PM
Mostly because I couldn't quite replicate the RR changes.  :-[ I might make another with that solution, though.

Here's Lix Ferenda and an edit of Lix Lata to bring it in line, and what I think was the original solution to Slipping Again, along with a copy of the original level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 12, 2012, 07:24:27 PM
You could just have asked :P RR 68 at the start, and 40 when the second lix enters. I think it's usually a good feature when there are multiple interesting solutions to a level, unless the level is based on a particular trick you want the player to have to spot (and sometimes even then).

Solutions to Wreck of the Hesperus, new Lix Lata and Lix Ferenda attached. I had been meaning to have a go at making a hard version of this myself, but you got there first 8) Yours is definitely different from what I would have done, but it was quite interesting to solve -- just not very hard, and not very different from how I did the easier version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 13, 2012, 12:24:28 AM
After being thwarted by weird trap mechanics a lot, I think I have a new modern hero time level for you all to backroutesolve.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 13, 2012, 12:44:54 AM
Probably a backroute, since I expect an Insane Steve level to be harder than this 8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 13, 2012, 12:53:53 AM
I found a slightly different solution for Destroy.

Anyway, here's a version of Slipping Again that forces Proxima's solution. (There's another solution that requires only six builders, but that's quite easy to fix. Maybe for another level...)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 13, 2012, 01:02:08 AM
Ha, I didn't even see that, at all. :P Ah well, here's a slight revision. And one more level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 13, 2012, 01:40:03 AM
This time I have a solution that requires all the skills. Is it the intended one?

I like Slipping Again 2  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 13, 2012, 01:57:53 AM
That's intended, with one or two interchangeable skills swapped.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 13, 2012, 06:37:30 AM
100% saved.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 13, 2012, 06:50:21 AM
100% saved.

I quite like this solution; it's not what I intended but it's pretty clever. I'll post a revision tomorrow.
EDIT: actually here's a fixed version now. Also, I decided to change Stairs Bro a bit also, solution is mostly the same but there's one or two small new things added to it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 13, 2012, 07:25:46 AM
Not quite. And another solution; this one loses one.

(If it's not obvious, I like this level.)

edit: A third, that also loses one.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on March 13, 2012, 08:37:00 AM
I found a fling route for Destroy, which saves a couple of skills. :) Easy enough to fix of course, just swap for a regular bomber.

Quote from: Clam Spammer
according to the level file they go in /bitmap/simon (though they really ought to go somewhere else)
I have to disagree -- it's most convenient for the user to have the acid and water in the same place.

I think it was mentioned somewhere that Simon's terrain might be removed at some stage. In that case it doesn't make sense to have the /simon folder at all. If it does stay in, then I guess there isn't a better place to put the acid tile (even though Simon didn't make it).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 13, 2012, 08:46:10 AM
It's better in simon/ IMO. The acid's drawing style is similar to my other stuff in there.

If we scrap or remake things from that directory, it's because of too simplistic drawing styles (geoo's and Matt's terrain looks better) and bad measures (multiples of 25 instead of 16).

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 13, 2012, 12:37:00 PM
Yes, but tapir has to stay, so the directory should too :)

Here's my solution to Laser Deathroom, and 100% saved on Wreck of the Hesperus.

EDIT: Two more solutions to Lix Ferenda: 72/80 saved with a conventional route, and 73/80 by platform spamming. I'd still like to have a go at making a hard version of this level, if it's okay with you. If you want to stick with the current terrain, but want to force the player to use the bottom-right as you said you originally intended, it looks like you'll have to require 72 and reduce the number of platformers.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 13, 2012, 06:29:25 PM

Yeah, go ahead. This one probably sucks anyway.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 13, 2012, 06:45:29 PM
You seem to have the filenames the wrong way round. That one's Lix Lata.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 13, 2012, 08:59:51 PM
One more upload of Laser Deathroom. The middle bits are re-arranged slightly and the save requirement is now 49/50.

Nortaneous's 2nd and 3rd solutions are how the intended solution works. Though part of me wants to leave that middle laser rectangle out and allow Nortaneous's very first solution if there's not been a level made with the build/dig/build/dig etc. trick to make a horizontal platform.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 13, 2012, 10:02:03 PM
You seem to have the filenames the wrong way round. That one's Lix Lata.
:-[ Here's the right one.

And a completely ridiculous edit of Laser Deathroom.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 13, 2012, 10:22:04 PM
Solutions to both.

EDIT: This solution to Laser Deathroom 2 is way overcomplicated. It can be done with just 2 miners and 2 builders (and nothing else) or, using extra skills, it can be done in 13 seconds. No replays for these, they're both very simple.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 14, 2012, 01:55:34 AM
...Bah. I can't see any way of preventing that sort of solution, so here's the one I had in mind.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 14, 2012, 02:52:42 AM
Ok, I haven't checked the forum because I moved out last weekend, so I'm slowly catching up with things in here again. Not sure when I'll get around to updating the list, but I'll be probably away from Thursday to Saturday again.

There's so many versions of Slipping Again, which ones of these are supposed to make it into the set?
Had a go at the latest Slipping Again2, saving 3 builders.

Wreck is an amazing level, I really love the design of it. My solution involved digging down the mast of the ship and cubing to bridge both gaps at once.

I solved Thomas the Climber exactly the same way as Clam did, I wonder whether that's the intended solution? (Turning the climber is a bit of a trick move here.)

Destroy, a slight variation on the other solutions, it feels slightly more elegant to me though.

Laser Deathroom, I really love this one as well. The solutions posted here felt a bit messy, so I attached another version of the level that pulls off the trick in a somewhat cleaner and more efficient way (laser4). If we're already on about making a bunch of versions of this level, I also made one version (laser3) which features the first solution I found, which uses a somewhat different setup (and takes over 12 minutes :XD:). See if you can find it; I'm not sure which version I prefer.
Either way, this level offers itself for a 2 or 3 parter, one part featuring the horizontal bridge from Nortaneous' first solution, and the other featuring the sophisticated solution. (I don't think there's a level featuring the horizontal bridge yet.)
Nortaneous' laser2 is certainly interesting, but extremely technical (and I think removing the backroute would involve some more precise laser placement at the bottom).

Oh, and I think the bitmap/wurst directory (from which one tile is featured in the latest Lix Ferenda) isn't supposed to be in Lix, I suspect it got into the binary bundle by accident when Simon packed it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 14, 2012, 03:20:06 AM
the bitmap/wurst directory (from which one tile is featured in the latest Lix Ferenda) isn't supposed to be in Lix, I suspect it got into the binary bundle by accident when Simon packed it.

Confirmed, it should have been excluded, and will so in the next version. It's just old and temporary testing things that will get moved or scrapped. Please avoid stuff from bitmap/wurst/ inside published levels. ;)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 14, 2012, 04:35:18 AM
Slipping Again got a bit messy. There are two, which I suppose could be color-coded. (This leaves open the possibility of a third, but I've got nothing, unless there's a way to force my original solution.)

And a fixed version of Lix Ferenda. Is it possible to save 60 without the runner?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 14, 2012, 07:10:17 PM
And a fixed version of Lix Ferenda. Is it possible to save 60 without the runner?

Yes, 64 in fact. I have to say -- although I will still have a try at making a hard version of the first Lix Lata, just because I set myself this as a challenge and it should be fun to attempt -- the latest revisions have made it a very good and difficult puzzle level, and I'm sure I can't make one that's nearly as good. The only thing I'm not so keen on is that the route is signposted by the heavy use of lasers; but it's still a tremendous challenge to work out how to get sufficient lix home with the given skills.

Quote from: geoo
I solved Thomas the Climber exactly the same way as Clam did, I wonder whether that's the intended solution? (Turning the climber is a bit of a trick move here.)

I said already that Clam's solution is intended. I discovered the trick of turning one of two climbers by bashing a thin pillar a step back when solving Wild 13 for max% -- it's an interesting trick but extremely specialised, because it requires very particular circumstances to be useful. So I wanted to see if I could make a level where the trick is required, without it being really obvious, and without simply remaking Wild 13 with 77/80 required. Looks like I succeeded :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 16, 2012, 01:32:10 AM
Here's a variant of Laser Deathroom where Nortaneous's original build/dig/build/dig solution is intended. 50/50 is possible but 49/50 is intentionally left for consistency between it and the other version. I'm not sure if either of geoo's versions' solutions work on this one.

EDIT: And a LemEdit Remake, ISteve10 Level 4. There's no OWW in Lix but the terrain shape and a slight bit of skill retooling and it's all good.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 16, 2012, 05:21:08 AM
Saved 17. The builder timing is tricky, but not strictly necessary, since there's a digger left over.

(Also, I went back to play through the non-wip pack, and managed to save six in Another Lix in the Wall. I'm considering raising the requirement to that, instead of five, but on the other hand, there's a bit where the timing has to be just right to pull that off.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 16, 2012, 05:52:23 AM
Shoot. Forgot that Lix turn when they dig into steel, whereas Lemmings don't. That's going to create a host of problems trying to remake this.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 16, 2012, 06:11:59 AM
The digger behavior on hitting steel can actually be debated. I never found one way much more appealing than the other. Turning is merely d'accord with all other ground removers.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 16, 2012, 01:35:41 PM
As I've said a few times, I'm firmly in favour of changing the digger-on-steel behaviour, for the following reasons:

* Conceptually, it makes little sense that a digger should change his horizontal direction because of finding an obstacle below him. The "consistency" argument therefore holds no water.
* Retaining Lemmings behaviour makes it simpler to remake old levels without having to worry about how the change will affect them.
* Many levels use the fact that climbers will always climb a wall as a puzzle element -- i.e. you know you have to turn the climber to make him do some work, but it's not obvious how. Making the turning automatic if diggers are used severely cuts down the range of possibilities open to the designer. (One way round this is to replace the steel with very thin normal terrain with something deadly beneath, and provide a batter to stop the digger, but this can easily lead to unwanted additional solutions, or just lead to previously neat levels looking weird.)
* Conversely, I can't think of any situation in which the current Lix behaviour helps the level designer. If you want to make it possible to turn around against steel, you can either replace the digger with a miner, or add a walker, or alter the terrain in order to turn the lix.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on March 16, 2012, 11:47:59 PM
Just for the fun of throwing more confusion to the matter, if I recall correctly in Lemmings 2 they no longer turn even miners and bashers on steel, even in Classic tribe.  They simply stop but continue in the same direction.

I do think that pragmatically, keeping the Lemmings 1 behavior (bashers and miners turn, but diggers don't) would probably be the best option, for all the reasons already mentioned.  Even my "Brickout" level could probably use some steel in place of some gears, if I wasn't so worried about the potential unwanted behavior associated with diggers turning on steel.

The digger behavior in Lemmings is really not so inconsistent, if you consider the fact that diggers can also dig down one-way-walls facing either direction, strongly implying that the designers never considered diggers to have explicit horizontal interactions.  Granted, they don't do the sweeping thing like they do in Lix, but if I recall, the sweeping movement is also a point of contention due to the various effects you get when interrupted mid-sweep.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 17, 2012, 12:37:58 AM
Replays for Steve's tree level and Another Lix in the Wall, 6/10 saved. I don't think it's a good idea to require this, since the climb/bomb is a bit less interesting and is used on lots of other levels. It's interesting that the min spawn interval being 4 makes the right-side solution a little trickier; perhaps you should enforce this by removing the walker?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 17, 2012, 02:33:11 AM
That replay doesn't work for me; can you post the version of the level you have? (Here's mine, and my solution.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 17, 2012, 04:21:47 AM
Yea, Proxima's solution is the intended solution to the original version of the tree, I think what I'm going to do is remove the steel, since that forces both diggers to be used. The other part of the trick isn't used, but I just made a level that does that so it's no big loss.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 17, 2012, 12:23:58 PM
That replay doesn't work for me; can you post the version of the level you have? (Here's mine, and my solution.)

Better, I just saved a new replay using that version. In your solution, you could have used fewer skills by making the walker dig the left pillar.

Yea, Proxima's solution is the intended solution to the original version of the tree, I think what I'm going to do is remove the steel, since that forces both diggers to be used. The other part of the trick isn't used, but I just made a level that does that so it's no big loss.

Hmm, without the steel, one digger can still release the other, but how will you stop the second one? Anyway, Simon confirmed on IRC last night that the digger turning behaviour is being taken out. Incidentally, I really like the appearance of this level and the way the tree fits with the brick terrain!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 17, 2012, 04:20:05 PM
Hmm, without the steel, one digger can still release the other, but how will you stop the second one?

There's a way to beat it, but it does need another climber. I reattached the level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 17, 2012, 05:42:04 PM
Ah yes :) I think I prefer this version, it's a little trickier to spot all the ideas you need, and the extra climber makes the red herring of a climb-bomb at the top-left corner of the wall more plausible (as well as making a neat pattern with the skill numbers).

Also, finally beat Well OK Then. In a way, less hard than I thought, because the number of jumpers available really limits the possibilities for where you construct the route down. However, the precision needed seems pretty nasty -- I'd definitely raise the difficulty rating to somewhere in the 2.3 to 2.5 range for that alone.

(Talking of difficulty ratings, one problem with the list is that I think some levels' ratings haven't been increased, or if so then not enough, to take account of subsequent de-backrouted versions obviously being harder. Fnargl, Toccata, Buridan and Waltz in C# Miner jump out as being examples.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 17, 2012, 08:07:21 PM
Fixing Another Lix by taking out the bomber, since it's not used in the intended solution.

If diggers turning on steel is being removed, we'll need to fix the levels that currently rely on it: swap out a digger for a miner in Fnargl, etc. (I'd playtest it again, but in the backroute-killing, I removed the solution that I used, and I can't remember the new one.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 17, 2012, 10:16:37 PM
Well, after a comment like that, how could I not go back and solve it for myself?  ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 18, 2012, 07:17:52 PM
I hope this level isn't too much like somebody else's because I haven't had the time to even look at any of the new ones. I finally succeeding in making a level with no builders (& almost 1 of each skill).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 18, 2012, 07:30:06 PM
One of each skill and no builders has been done (Halfway Down the Stairs) but in terms of solution concept, this level isn't like any of the others, and contains a couple of new tricks that I rather like. Here's how I did it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 19, 2012, 12:19:17 AM
damn backroutes... the route of all evil.  :P

a good solution indeed, however I want the cube to be used much differently. It'll take some time to work out.

in my post; I was referring to myself and my levels not in general. But what is more important is I finally made a level with a cuber. I also realize I neglected some of my older levels, specifically Soulful Leap. I didn't have the time.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 19, 2012, 12:53:38 AM
Did you intend something more like this, then? 8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 19, 2012, 10:11:42 PM
wow... these backroutes are tough to get rid of. And I'm not entirely sure I want to either. You said you liked the level and you don't think it's too easy as is? The thing is, the required saved # is a factor here... If your interested, I attached my solution for feedback.

In any case; I have a possible fix for one; and that is a oow which I think would look interesting as well (make it look a little more challenging) although digger behavior on oow would be a factor in this.
for the second; adding 1 or multiple large steel blocks to the top left corner of the lower terrain would fix that up but I really don't like the way that looks for some reason.

on another note: did a working version of Brickout ever get made? Because if you ever decide to do away with it (i hope not); I really like the idea behind it (not the borderline glitchy part but the other part). I think it's hidden well and I'd like to make a level similar to this if you change brickout greatly.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 19, 2012, 10:25:23 PM
wow... these backroutes are tough to get rid of. And I'm not entirely sure I want to either. You said you liked the level and you don't think it's too easy as is? The thing is, the required saved # is a factor here... If your interested, I attached my solution for feedback.

Very nice. Well, if you do decide to eliminate my solutions, since you use the miner merely as a turn-round, while both my solutions need it for digging, you could kill both at once by replacing the miner with a second walker or jumper. Unfortunately, that would make the use of the cuber much more obvious, and eliminate some red-herrings that I spent a while on before finding the solution(s).

Conversely, this may not be the direction you want to go in, but I just noticed that the level could be tightened while still allowing both my solutions by requiring 59/60 saved. My second replay already saves 59, and in my first solution, using your idea of jumping from the very edge of the wall gets rid of the need for the cuber.

EDIT: Another possibility is to make it a true one-of-each: remove one climber and floater. That kills my first solution but allows my second (I used a second floater to save an extra lix, but without it, I still save 58.) Your solution can quite easily still be done.

EDIT: In fact... well, just look at the filename  8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 20, 2012, 02:38:48 AM
Let me have a look at the level, one second.

And one more for the mix. Not the hardest but I kind of like it.

EDIT: My solution, saves 59 and leaves a few tasks. I like this trick, though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 20, 2012, 09:27:44 PM
I think I'm going to make 59/60 required and leave a few different solutions available. I almost have to, I don't wanna make any real drastic changes to the layout. I want it to look fairly neat and simple at first. the feedback was very helpful.  :)
After that I think I'm going to leave it as is for now at least. Proxima's second solution is good enough. (it would do away with my own solution but I used a similar miner trick on my last level anyway). Steve's solution is still possible but I don't think many people will see that (at least not before the other solutions)
However, Steve's solution is savagely genius enough that I may  make two version of this level.  :thumbsup: Either that or I'll make another level using that trick. (Unless you plan to)

I didn't bother to upload it since all that needs changing is the required #. Just change the # to 59/60 (if you add this one to the list).

I like Endeavor. I haven't solved it after a few minutes yet so it's not extremely easy.

EDIT: ignore the edit

I've noticed that in many of the cases, having more skills or a variety and simpler landscape makes a more difficult level. The key is to have many options available while most are red herrings. (making a person go down the wrong line of thinking which can be hard to get out of). But that's just what I've observed.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 20, 2012, 09:35:40 PM
Part of me wants to remove the laser in Endeavor, just because it looks a bit weird with the rest of the terrain and I also don't think that it actually opens up any new solutions. Now that I think about it Endeavor is a bit harder than I first thought.

As for my solution to your latest level, I'd say go for it, you have a good terrain for a part 2 version of the level using that trick.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 20, 2012, 09:43:35 PM
hmm, I kinda like the lasers.
Anyway I solved the level now, Idk if it's the intended; I didn't use all the skills. I did it kinda sloppy. It looks like there could be other solutions so I'll look for more.

good use of a steam vent. is that what they're called?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 20, 2012, 09:47:48 PM
I didn't bother to upload it since all that needs changing is the required #. Just change the # to 59/60 (if you add this one to the list).

Oh, it should be added, it's a good level, especially with that change.

I thought Endeavor was too easy to warrant posting a replay (but still, a good fun level) but after the above posts, I may as well post mine. (Perhaps I was misled by Steve's comment, it was meant to be harder than this, and this is a backroute?)

I've noticed that in many of the cases, having more skills or a variety and simpler landscape makes a more difficult level. The key is to have many options available while most are red herrings. (making a person go down the wrong line of thinking which can be hard to get out of). But that's just what I've observed.

That's true. One example that I'm quite proud of is "Close to the Edge", which has the simplest landscape of any of my levels, but so far geoo's rated it the hardest. I just got lucky -- the Cheapo incarnation, because of the higher safe fall distance, only needs one climb-bomb in the wall, but once I realised there was room to require two, the level became substantially harder.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 20, 2012, 10:19:56 PM
Those are both a fair bit different from the solution I was thinking of, but I like them both. I like the idea of an easier version with a skillset sort of like this one and a harder version -- which I can make with no climbers, since they aren't needed.

EDIT: Ok, two versions now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 20, 2012, 11:53:35 PM
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 20, 2012, 11:59:50 PM
That's about 2/3rds of it, the far right isn't supposed to be possible like that. I can fix that by raising the middle arch a fex pixels but I can't do that without making the level look bad. Let me see here.

Left part of the solution is intended.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 21, 2012, 12:11:21 AM
alright, here is the hard version of 'critical procedures'. This level (levels) turned out really nice. I gave Steve part of the credit on this one since you came up with that solution. I figure it's no big deal that the harder solution is also possible in the easier version since that was the case with many of the repeats in Original Lemmings. Oh, & tell me if the steel is looks good/bad or hinders in any way. It's kind of a mix between an artistic difference between the easier and to throw the player off a little.
I'm curious to see how hard others think this one is.

since you can't cut/paste into Lix I have no way of getting an "o" with the two dots above it in the German title. I guess it's no big deal 'cause in this instance "manover" doesn't have any meaning. (at least Google translate tells me so. I Wouldn't want to inadvertently change the meaning into something else of course that could be funny.)

also, I'm starting to love the new skills. Particularly "paragliding floaters"

note: I normally don't post a lot of my own replays because I like to take my time with levels and I don't solve them quickly.

EDIT: I finally finalized 'Five for Fighting'. The time limit now limits you to Clam Spammer's solution (which I liked the best).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 21, 2012, 12:41:47 AM
Ok, new versions. Minor terrain change, minor skill change for Endeavor. Building over the pit to the pyramid from the left should come up one pixel short from connecting now, tell me if it doesn't.

edit: nope this doesn't work either nvm
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 21, 2012, 02:33:17 AM
Ok, list updated with new levels: http://geoo89.github.com/lixlfpack/
It's a bit rushed, I forgot the backroute data, and I think I'll have to go over the difficulty ratings again.

There's a new lix version out since yesterday, get it here: http://asdfasdf.ethz.ch/~simon/download.php
It fixes some bugs, and most notably makes diggers not turn on steel anymore, and a slight change of the basher mask so lix won't walk out of a bomber hole if you bash anymore.
I'll have to scrap my level Bulldozing as it doesn't work anymore.

Modified levels (just the new versions that have been posted unless otherwise stated):
Code: [Select]
changing - added "Part 1" to the level name; if someone has a good name for the sequel instead of just "Part 2", I'll remove it again
eyeoftheneedle - adapted to new physics

New levels:
Code: [Select]

Levels I'm not sure about their status:
Soulful Leap: Like this level even in its current state, do you intend to update it still?
Lix Lata: was there a new version of it now, or just the new Lix Ferenda?
Completely Ridiculous Level: Didn't receive a comment on my solution back then, and I'm not too sure about the name either.
Cry for me: Still has a pretty straighforward route I forgot to post for some reason. Attached.
Erbalunga: various solutions possible which weren't commented on I think, as it is now it could still serve as a nice easier level without the timelimit.
Show of Handsm Process Management: These are scrapped?
Four Lix and a Funeral, Stuff in the Way: Need backroute fixes.
It's all about survival/Untitled Columns level: Don't remember, were you still going to change this one due to the insane bomber precision required?

Proxima: You solution to "Well OK Then" is quite a bit more complicated than the intended one, but pretty neat. And the intended one uses a trick I know from previous replays that you're aware of it.

My solution to the initial version of Critical Procedures was different from the ones posted and saved 58 only, for the record. The level allowed for a great variety of solution neither of which was easy to see.
So the version requiring 59 and the Picard Maneuvre are the resulting version to be added to the list with the next update, or are there any more?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nortaneous on March 21, 2012, 04:44:09 AM
Lix Lata I'll need to update to bring in line with Lix Ferenda.

I'm not sure about Process Management. The solution requires setting the release rate to 1; what's the view of that?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 21, 2012, 05:03:16 AM
since you can't cut/paste into Lix I have no way of getting an "o" with the two dots above it in the German title. I guess it's no big deal 'cause in this instance "manover" doesn't have any meaning.

I don't know whether it's good style to put German names, or to leave them out, even if the level author knows German. The latter convention allows levels to be equally named across games set to different languages. Putting a German level title may still be good in tutorial levels.

Actually, Lix only uses ASCII anyway. The following two-letter transliterations are standard when the native symbols aren't available: ae, oe, ue for ä, ö, ü, and ss for ß. This is also a convention in German crossword puzzles.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 21, 2012, 08:11:49 AM
Alright, try these versions of the last level I've made.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 21, 2012, 12:42:49 PM
Soulful Bounding Leap- now that diggers don't turn on steel one major backroute is eliminated. You can add it.

Erbalunga- you can do whatever you want with it.

Show of hands- was scrapped but now that the minimum drop rate can be fixed, it might work. I'll work on it.

Four lix and a Funeral; I'll work on this one next.

Stuff in the way- Do you want me to add the time limit Tseug had? I'll check but I think that will probably clear up the backroutes.
I'd personally say yes- it would preserve his level's epic difficulty.

Critical Procedures- Now I'm thinking, since there are two versions; I should just keep the required to 58/60 for CP. What do you think?

About the difficulty ratings; I noticed you gave 'Diggin' the air' only a 1.5. It's easy to us because we've been playing Lemmings for years. But Unless you have a tutorial level explaining that kind of technique (which I never saw it if there is one); I don't think some one new to the game would figure this one out very quickly. Even when you understand it executing it can be tricky/annoying.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 21, 2012, 05:01:05 PM
Wow, we've exceeded the original game's 120 levels!  :thumbsup:

Critical Procedures- Now I'm thinking, since there are two versions; I should just keep the required to 58/60 for CP. What do you think?

I think you should still make it 59/60, as it's a neater puzzle that way, and therefore more satisfying to solve, while still not too tough as all four solutions so far allow 59 to be saved. (Your solution can easily be modified for save-59, without requiring the blocker trick I used in my save-59 one-athlete replay.) Don't make it easier just because there's a second version. Lemmings had all its easy versions together, followed by all its hard versions; there's no reason we should have to follow the same model. (It's pretty clear already that we won't, considering Laser Deathroom, Changing of the Guards, etc.)

Similarly, I like "Soulful Bounding Leap" (don't forget to correct the misspelling in the title) but I'd like it more if you required 100%, no other changes and leave both solutions in.

About the difficulty ratings; I noticed you gave 'Diggin' the air' only a 1.5. It's easy to us because we've been playing Lemmings for years. But Unless you have a tutorial level explaining that kind of technique (which I never saw it if there is one); I don't think some one new to the game would figure this one out very quickly. Even when you understand it executing it can be tricky/annoying.

Don't forget that, given the designers' propensity for making incredibly hard levels, the difficulty scale is heavily skewed towards the harder end, so the difference between Fun and Taxing ends up being a couple of tenths. It's a little unfortunate, but if it still allows to arrange the levels in the correct order, that's much more important than the numerical ratings (which are only for list purposes) keeping a smooth curve. That 1.5 seems okay to me; you have only one digger, so what else can you do?

(Incidentally, I think Prelude and Hard to Port are both overrated in the current list.)

Also, Come on down / Rumble should be noted as incomplete in terms of decorative terrain; I'm waiting on more tiles being designed for the Underworld set, or if necessary I'll have a go at making some, because as it is, that set is so naff I can't bear to use it.

Path to Mahimah, You Have to Build, Wreck (I'm fairly sure) and Make You Mine can be rated "X" for backroutes. Yellow Brick Road can be rated 9 (you only get four exploders, how could there be any other solution?) Circular Ruins and Thomas the Climber can be rated some high number, they've both been through a fair few rounds of backroute removal.

Finally... you'd seriously rate Changing of the Guards 2 easier than 1? I still haven't solved it, not counting the backroute you already eliminated.  :'(

* * *

Yes, I am still working on Cry for me, Untitled Columns Level (it has a title now -- Seven Pillars of Lixdom) and It's all about survival, so don't add these to the list yet. Sorry I haven't gotten round to them yet; I got a request to make a video walkthrough for Repton 2's Caverns scenario, and that may take some time....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 21, 2012, 09:05:31 PM
I'm currently working on making levels that will be playable by novices -- actual Fun and Tricky type levels (X of all skills with terrain of various difficulty to traverse, but not tutorials). It shouldn't be too bad to make them, and you can always make them out of pre-existing levels, too.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 22, 2012, 12:25:02 AM
Endeavor seems to be working now -- here's my full solution.

I assume your removal of the climbers on Paragliding was accidental? It makes the two versions too close together.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 22, 2012, 12:51:39 AM
(Incidentally, I think Prelude and Hard to Port are both overrated in the current list.)

I make a motion to agree with that statement

-I'd like to add Soulful Bounding Leap now; it's my only level that wraps around and I fixed the old backroutes simply. The update took care of one :)

-Show of Hands is scrapped. Ignore my earlier comments. I don't ever wanna see it again. After frustratingly working on it I realized even with the RR update it's pointless.

and then...

!!!!! you've put in the original graphic sets!!

but... are we allowed to use these? Should we? Are some of them supposed to replace the ones which weren't finished like the underground set?
I'm apprehensive because they have a different resolution than the new stuff. (and I've grown to like the new sets :)) However, I did put marble's acid into Soulful Bounding Leap to kind of test it out.  I was tired of water and wanted something different in that level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 22, 2012, 12:55:34 AM
The solution to Endeavor you posted is exactly as intended.

The removal of the climbers in Paragliding is not. Reattached, and good catch.

Also, as for these levels: The lasers in the middle. I kind of want to remove them, as I think they ugly up the level a bit and I actually think there's no solution in Endeavor that would be possible without the lasers and not possible with them. They also do provide a bit of a hint of how to work the left side.

That said, Paragliding becomes a bit easier without the laser, though I'm not sure I mind that given that it's intended to be an easier version. Maybe keep the laser in Paragliding and remove it in Endeavor as a red herring (if it's not needed to enforce the solution in the latter)?


EDIT: Also, while I'm at it, thoughts on the ratings for my levels:

I think Snowjump is slightly too high. There's really not all that much to try out.
Paragliding also seems a bit high rated.
Stairs is fine.
Infrastructure, I don't know why I think this, has a much higher rating than I expected (I was expecting a 1.5ish). I don't think there's enough to try here to warrant this rating (a lot like Snowjump).
Chasm, if it's the finalised version with one climber, is a lot higher than 2.7 I think, if only for the execution of the entire thing. There's a lot of leaps (pun intended) needed to get everything to work.
The 3 Laser Deathrooms and Tree all look fine.
No More Heroes I think might be a bit harder than 3.
I am lost as to where to rate Endeavor. 3 seems ok for now.
I still don't get why is the highest rated level of mine outside Mon0lith. I don't think it's that bad personally, but maybe I'm wrong.

Funny how when I sit down to make a level for the sake of making it, they come out in that upper 2-low 3 range a lot  :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 22, 2012, 01:25:39 AM
The in-game title of Soulful Leap is still misspelled (the first L is missing). Here's my 100% solution modified to work with the extra steel.

I'd suggest keeping the lasers on Endeavor and Paragliding; they look fine to me, and I think I can see a backroute if you remove them, haven't tested it yet.

I agree with most of Steve's comments regarding difficulty. did take me a long time but in the end it's a sequence of individually fairly simple insights. I'd rate this 2.something high. Endeavor I'd rate at 2.5-ish, and No More Heroes definitely closer to 3.5.

EDIT: Test version of Endeavor with lasers removed, plus backroute.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 22, 2012, 08:09:09 PM
alright... I finally decided to get rid of these annoying backroutes I would just break-down and make 100% required and I removed the blocker. There's not as many options available now, but I hope it still somewhat challenging. However, without Proxima's solution I might not of come up with this idea.

And I fixed the title  :(

alright that's another one off the checklist now only one more to patch up. Four Lix and a Funeral.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 23, 2012, 12:06:02 AM

To be honest, I thought this was easier than the version with the extra blocker, because not having the blocker made you look around for what you could do with the given skills, and as they're very limited....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 23, 2012, 09:12:16 PM
well I might have to work on it a lot more then. I don't like having a blocker down on the lower level.

anywho here's two others. (both remakes) Four Lix and a Funeral finally (this is actually an adaptation by Pieuw).  I had a little trouble with this level, It may require more work, I found it frustrating to complete. But somebody will probably find an easy back route :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 24, 2012, 12:10:50 AM
Not too tough. 8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 24, 2012, 04:36:31 AM
Thank you for your suggestions for the level ratings.
I usually have my rating depend on the time it takes me to solve the level, which is a pretty subjective criterion, and for some reason I had quite a bit of trouble seeing, while I got No More Heroes pretty quickly.
I feel like the levels should in the high 2 range should be up-ranked, as the 3-4 range is pretty empty, as I initially wanted 3 to mean pretty damn hard already. I felt I did this for the latest batch I entered, but that doesn't explain my ratings actually being off in both directions.
I'll see whether I can come up with something to conveniently have multiple votes go into the rating.

Endeavor: Actually has a backroute inherent to the skillset: instead of using the last jumper to send one to the very right, you can use it to have the miner jump there. Can be eliminated by replacing 3 of the jumpers with climbers. (Then you can also go back to the original design where the structure on the right still looked like a big pyramid.) EDIT: No, I wasn't thinking straight when I wrote this. Climbers would just climb up at the right, so that'd need some supplementary walkers; and using the old design would also introduce the old backroutes.
Four Lix and a Funeral: indeed, it has a ridiulously easy backroute.

I'll reply later to everything else, though I probably won't be able to check the forum for the next 5 days again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 24, 2012, 12:23:10 PM
Endeavor: Actually has a backroute inherent to the skillset: instead of using the last jumper to send one to the very right, you can use it to have the miner jump there. Can be eliminated by replacing 3 of the jumpers with climbers. (Then you can also go back to the original design where the structure on the right still looked like a big pyramid.) EDIT: No, I wasn't thinking straight when I wrote this. Climbers would just climb up at the right, so that'd need some supplementary walkers

Or you could replace 3 jumpers with 1 builder. Yes, I've checked that it's still possible to get the timing right so the two builders under the lasers both survive.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 25, 2012, 12:47:00 AM
I wasn't in the best mood when working on those latest two so that's why there's a ridiculous backroute. I wanted to play Endeavor but didn't get the time.
(Division of Labor was not a ridiculous back route, but it was very different from the intended sol.) try it now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 25, 2012, 01:16:26 AM
Similar solution for Four Lix, but it's definitely a lot harder to pull off now.

EDIT: Finally solved Division. I love this level so much; there are so many wrong turnings and red herrings -- many of which would be possible with only one more builder -- and of course, I love the way it reminds me of The Great Lemming Caper, my favourite level from the original game.

I also love the decorative terrain work on this level -- though I can't help pointing out that the brick in the extreme top-right is upside-down. Also, talking of decorative terrain, I noticed that the pillars in Endeavor are built out of the "pillar top" piece....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 26, 2012, 01:14:28 AM
 :) glad you like it. (oh I forgot the beginning (left side) wasn't even by me (pieuw)  :D The rest I did however, I basically made his level a little more longer/more complicated) thanx for pointing out about that block. I wondered why it looked wrong then I realized I had it flipped AND turned around. I kept turning it and it wouldn't look right. Anyway, for Division of Labor, I intended for their to be two solutions. But I only allowed for the one. But rather than wasting more time and fiddling around and causing more back routes, I'm going to leave it like this.
-And for future reference I'll say "ready" when a level is ready for entry. Ready

And on Four Lix, I finally looked at the original level instead of stubbornly trying to create it from memory, and finally got it more the way it's supposed to be. If this one is easier it's because of miss calculations; there is still part of the intended sol. which no one has done yet to solve it (that was sort of alluded to in geoo's solution) that makes it much more interesting imo.
this level is not ready. :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 26, 2012, 01:21:29 AM
Hmm, okay. I think the previous Four Lix makes a fairly good level as it is, but we shall have to see whether the intended solution is an improvement, if we can reach a version that forces it. For the current version, I'm still doing much the same, but the smaller gaps and the step where the climber can go on ahead make it a lot easier.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 26, 2012, 10:52:20 PM
Two more levels. Also plan to post a pack of Fun-Tricky type levels soon, so yea.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 27, 2012, 01:43:51 AM
alright, I renamed this version because, it's getting extremely difficult to force the intended solution & I suspect this still has back routes. it if it keeps failing I'll just go with the earlier version. (the one that doesn't scroll) I don't know about everyone else but I'm getting tired of this level (but I frustrate easily)

Then I have a new level I made. I made more of an effort this time to rule out backroutes on my own.

The other new levels look good.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 27, 2012, 11:26:16 PM
Ok, here's a dozen X of each skill type levels, of varying difficulties. Some are quite easy, some are actually a bit tricky-ish. Some are decorative, some are very simplistic. Trying to round out the easy difficulties. Also if anyone has ideas for hard versions, awesome.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 28, 2012, 01:34:16 AM
Very nice. "Any Way You Want" has an easy 1-skill solution, as well as many other ways to solve it, and would be an excellent first level of the pack. All the others were great fun to solve, and no doubt open to a good variety of challenges; and except for Flagpole Sitting they all look really good  :thumbsup: Flagpole Sitting is the only one I didn't save 100% on; I wonder if it can be done?

I think I will at least have a go at making harder versions of some of these... might be quicker than building my own levels, even remakes, and sadly I have an awful lot of demands on my time at the moment. Heck, I sketched out "The Sign of Four" weeks ago and I still haven't built it  :'(

I've had a brief look at the latest hard levels from IS and TM; no progress yet, they all look incredibly difficult!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 28, 2012, 01:49:28 AM
Any Way You Want is designed to be the very first level after the tutorials, hence why there's several one skill solutions as well as others (make everyone a floater, for instance). 100% on Flagpole is probably possible (thinking builder walls or something), I'll have to give it a shot.

As for the hard levels, I might make a couple small changes to Off the Rails, but the solution will likely be very similar. Trapeze Cheese .... well,  ;P

EDIT: Here's Tinker Tailor Soldier Lix, very nice level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 28, 2012, 02:14:22 AM
This wouldn't win many marks for elegance, but yes, 100% on Flagpole is possible.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 28, 2012, 03:01:59 AM
I liked all your fun levels. I might try to make a hard version of "any way" but I might rearange the terrain just a tad. I don't have much time to make levels right now either.
also, I  like seeing the remakes of your Lemmix levels.

for tinker, you got it, first try, no backroute (yipiee). After it was finished I was trying to figure out a way of hiding the solution more by maybe adding stuff but I couldn't think of anything good. (boy, if this level has no back-routes do I get a prize? ;P)

Only, in this replay you didn't actually solve it. ( the miner keeps going into oblivion) though this could be due to me; I might have changed something slitgtly to my version after I uploaded. In any case, I think it's a little too tight with the miner and I can rectify it by taking a little of the right side of that block. (as I mentioned I don't like when you need to get frustratingly close to something etc.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 28, 2012, 09:40:38 PM
No, but I might.

I found Steve's solution to Tinker pretty quickly, and realised that it can't work on the level as it is, because you cannot start the rightwards miner high enough to make him stop when he breaches the wall. Assuming this was deliberate, I kept trying, and eventually found a beautiful and much harder-to-spot solution. I think it might even be the only way to solve the level as it currently stands. If so, can I humbly beg of you to leave it unchanged so that this becomes the real solution? I loved this puzzle and was so proud of myself when I solved it!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 29, 2012, 12:19:34 AM
Doh... I had removed this method earlier then changed it and forgot. You really think that way's easier? I'd like to see what more people think. To me their kind of equal. (It's just I thought the builder trick I made up was tough)
Personally though, looking at it now, (depending on what anyone else says) I think I'd like to leave both in.

I would kind of like to preserve my solution as I was rather proud when I made it. However, I'm still brainstorming of ways to hide it better.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 29, 2012, 12:41:34 AM
Oh, I see what you mean now :) I was trying simply queuing 3 builders on the first lix.... when I realised that the method didn't work, I didn't follow it through any further and notice that that trick would be required.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 30, 2012, 12:19:16 AM
Solutions to IS's pair.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 30, 2012, 12:30:17 AM
Trapeze is intended. Off the Rails's replay isn't working right at all for me, but you have quite a few tasks left over, which isn't intended.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 30, 2012, 01:01:43 AM
I did wonder if that was intended, despite its "backroute-ish" feel. I love the way the distribution of skills is just about right to make it look as if an orthodox route may be possible. In fact, I still wonder whether it is....

You must have changed Off the Rails since the version I played, then. I only have a jumper left over.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 30, 2012, 11:40:17 AM
"Low road" solution to Trapeze. I had to work bloody hard for this, so I hope you'll leave it in!  :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 31, 2012, 12:40:52 AM
I'm not sure about Process Management. The solution requires setting the release rate to 1; what's the view of that?
I think having the minimum spawn interval be 1 is ok, hopefully players won't miss that it's 4 and not 1. Just noticed that the save requirement is 3, so it's intended that you just build, set the RR to 1 and assign 3 athletes? (First time I did it I went to set up the path along the bottom.)

!!!!! you've put in the original graphic sets!!

but... are we allowed to use these? Should we? Are some of them supposed to replace the ones which weren't finished like the underground set?
No, I think Simon put them in by accident, just like the wurst folder.  :XD: No level that uses the original styles can be included in a Lix release (and therefore this level pack), as all content has to be free (i.e. not copyrighted). Support for the old styles has been in for a very long time, but to use them you'll have to copy the files from the original games into the right places.

Erbalunga: I think the way it stands, with the time limit removed, it makes for a nice easier level with multiple solutions.
Stuff in the way: Not sure about this one, I'll have a look how much it takes exactly to execute the different routes; if a time limit eliminates them clearly, then that might indeed be a good way to do it.
Critical Procedures: I agree that it's better with the requirement to save 59. My initial solution I found is another different one and can also be adapted to save 59.
Endeavor: Proxima's suggestion should work, so are you fine with swapping 3 jumpers for a builder?

I found Steve's latest levels a bit easier than TM's three.
Proxima's replay for Off the Rails works for me (and uses the same main idea as mine), so I guess you have edited the level afterwards so that the replays desynch. I made a pretty silly edit to this level called 'Derailed Level' because I felt like it, but I don't think it's worth including.
After being stumped at "Over the Top" from Steve's Cheapo pack for pretty long, I don't think I'm ever gonna fall for this again (feel free to try to prove me wrong though), so I saw the idea to Trapeze immediately, though I did it in a somewhat overly complicated way. Went on to find the bottom route, didn't manage to pull off a route through the center though.
Division of Labor: Found a solution after a while, but I feel there's nothing really noteworthy about it. Wonder whether it's a backroute.
Four Lix and a Funeral 10: Same as above, probably a backroute. Haven't tried the other version yet.
Tinker: Really stumped on this one, only solution I found so far uses the miner assignment to cancel a digger glitch, a behavior which I think will be eliminated in some future version of Lix. Haven't read the comments on this level yet.

Finally, I made three new levels.
'Have it Off' and 'Don't Catch Me if You Can' should be pretty hard, while 'Time to Change the Road You're on' is an easy one with two possible solutions.
Has anyone solved Recycling Plant btw?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 31, 2012, 01:26:00 AM
Solutions to the first three.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 31, 2012, 02:59:25 AM
I really like Proxima's lower route solution for Trapeze :thumbsup:

I think I'm actually going to remove the ceiling from Trapeze, leave it a bit open ended as to solutions (though change the name because you no longer are supposed to "Cheese" the solution), and make a new over the top type level.

Yea, change the skillset for Endeavor.

I re-downloaded Off the Rails from my attachment and even the original version I uploaded to the site doesn't work with your replays. It says my version of the game is old so that might have something to do with it, but the replays for Trapeze work. Hmmmmm.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on March 31, 2012, 04:12:14 AM
!!!!! you've put in the original graphic sets!!
but... are we allowed to use these?
No, I think Simon put them in by accident, just like the wurst folder.

Yep, it was a typo in the release shell script. I've re-uploaded the current version without bitmap/orig. Nobody has to download anything afresh; simply don't use L1/L2 graphic sets for lixlfpack levels.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 31, 2012, 12:03:37 PM
Solutions to the first three.
Don't Catch me if you can: That's actually a really nice solution, should have seen that. My solution uses a somewhat different trick though, so I attached another version.
Derailed level: Now that's really embarassing, though admittedly I didn't really check for backroutes, I just assumed there'd be none after increasing the save requirement (which was 29 at some point, before I made some more changes).
Time to change the road you're on: Yep, that's the initially intended solution. The other solution for the level is one I found later when testing.

I re-downloaded Off the Rails from my attachment and even the original version I uploaded to the site doesn't work with your replays. It says my version of the game is old so that might have something to do with it, but the replays for Trapeze work. Hmmmmm.
Do you have the latest version of Lix? If not there might be a physics change that affect the replays to Off the Rails, but not those for Trapeze.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 31, 2012, 08:50:54 PM
I finally solved No More Heroes! Hurray for me. (taking a break and coming back to it later really does work). Extra skills can really throw you off. That's what I tried to do on some of my recent levels and it didn't work out so well for me. :XD: Anyway I attached a folder of my levels; some new, some fixes.

I adjusted Tinker Tailor Soldier Lix slightly to make it work better. I was able to solve it my way as it was so Idk why no one else could. But in any case both solutions (mine and Proxima's) work well now & I guess it's an argument of which is better or harder. As for your backroute, we'll just have to wait for an update to fix that digger/miner trick. I could put steel in the beginning, but I'm not sure I want to take Proxima's solution away as it was good.

Now I guess I have to put in a time limit to take away all the backroutes to Division of labor, as there's quite a bit now. I Also took away the climber which I don't even understand why I put it in to begin with, I shouln't have.

Then I have a hard version (not too hard) of one of IS easy levels.

The third is a simple misdirection level of ~tricky/fun difficulty. I'm not sure about this one I just threw it in case.

Lixes in Arms is a remake a from MazuLems.

As for Four Lix and a Funeral, at this point I think I will simply go back to one of my earlier designs. Which ever one you think is the best.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 01, 2012, 01:12:52 AM
Solutions to the three new ones -- I'll have a look at the revised Division of Labor soon, but I really must try to get on with building my own levels now (why do you guys have to keep distracting me with so many levels?)

Four Lix: the version with geoo's first backroute and the version with the climber step are out of the question, so the only earlier version worth considering is the one I've attached. I like this one, even if it's presumably simpler than it was meant to be (since I haven't come close to finding the intended solution yet). I'll keep looking, when I have time.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 01, 2012, 06:02:27 PM
yeah, I didn't spend enough time on that, obviously. If you think it's good, you can keep but I... idk, I think I'll give up on doing remakes. I seem to have a much better time making my own levels than doing remakes...  So far not a single level I remade of some one else has turned out very well (initially at least) And I'm much more proud of my own levels than the remakes.


about Four Lix; in pieuw's solution, he has two lemmings go below while one stays on top and bashes across the entire top platform, until the builder below is done. In Zurlinden's version you have to mine down the steps you build to waste time. If you played both of their levels now however, apparently you and geoo would find other solutions.  And nothing I try to do seems to work. so... I'll go along with what you said.

-and for your recent solutions; IS's level is easier than intended.
-Lix in the house is harder than expected, there's a actually a quicker way to go about it. I'm not sure about this level, if it's any good or not. Idk why I uploaded it actually.
-finally, for Lixes in Arms, it's kinda of a backroute, basically it should be that it doesn't work when all the lemmings are roaming about like normal in the bottom area.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 01, 2012, 06:10:02 PM
...why didn't I think of that?  ???

You could prevent geoo's latest backroute by increasing the vertical distance between the halves of the level, so that in his solution the non-floater in the upper half doesn't survive.

Here's a replay showing the intended solution to the "10" version, based on the above description. Also, second solution to geoo's Time to Change the Road.

TM, you should have more confidence in yourself. I know that's hard when we're in the company of geniuses like geoo, ccexplore, Insane Steve and Clam Spammer, but your levels are always fun to solve (and you can make some that are right up there with the hardest of anyone else's, like Eye of the Needle). I enjoyed Lix in the House -- fairly simple when you spot the trick, but pleasantly baffling until you get it. I have the same feeling about my own levels most of the time, but I figure the set needs some medium-difficulty ones for people who aren't insane geniuses....

(Wow, this post brings me to SuperLemming rank at last!)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 01, 2012, 06:41:35 PM
Second solutions to Lix in the House and Lixes in Arms.

I'd hardly call my first solution to Lixes in Arms a backroute -- choosing the right lixes to make into the climbers to get the timing right when everyone is roaming freely is considerably harder than the main solution, which I pulled off first try after reading your above comment. In addition, my first solution needs pixel precision with the first digger (otherwise you will cut the bridge).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 01, 2012, 08:57:45 PM
Third solution to Lix in the House. This one uses the fewest skills so far, and no-one goes further right than the first diggable wall.

I discovered that most old replays don't work on the current version of Lix -- for whatever reason, the timing of when skills are assigned is often slightly out, and sometimes this can have large effects on the solution. I've been going through my replays, discarding any I don't need any more (as it is a bit tedious to search through the folder) and fixing the rest. In fixing Clam's solution to Stuff in the Way, I found a variant that is undoubtedly a backroute -- unfortunately, I don't think this one's likely to be fixable as simply as by adding a time limit, unless the intended solution is very quick.

...and then I found a solution to Stuff that looks much more likely to be intended. If so, then perhaps the best way to eradicate the backroutes is to lower the steel block on the other side of the gap just a fraction, so you can't get under it by building from the left any more?

Also, I noticed that the solution (not just my saved replay) to Behind Bars doesn't work in the current Lix. Please change the initial RR to 52 (and, for consistency, make this change on It's time to climb as well). I'd also like to change the save requirement on Charge of the Lix Brigade to 300.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on April 01, 2012, 09:58:04 PM
Reason for failing replays: The ascender doesn't skip ahead by 1 lo-res pixel any more, and the animation was changed slightly to account for that. Skipping the pixel annoyed most people, it made the ascender end up in mid-air sometimes, and it didn't even look better when they did it.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 03, 2012, 12:28:58 AM
Ah, ok. I'll get the newest version soon.

Yea, add the modern skills to Any Way You Want. Speaking of which, I had my own hand at making a harder version of it (with TM's modification to the left side and a couple others), and it turned into a Hero Time level. Naturally.  :P

Also here's Trapeze without the ceiling. I'll get around to making a new ceiling level soon.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 03, 2012, 12:48:12 AM
After this, I promise that for the next seven days, I will not solve anyone else's levels, all my Lix time will be devoted to building  ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 03, 2012, 01:08:15 AM
Heh, didn't see that.  :P

Here's a new version. There's not supposed to be exactly one route but there's also not supposed to be a route that requires so few tasks.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 03, 2012, 01:49:07 AM
After this, I promise that for the next seven days, I will not solve anyone else's levels, all my Lix time will be devoted to building  ;P

then I promise to not build and solve your levels (and other people's) (watch that fail miserably)

FourLixAndAFuneral10- (sigh, I'm just getting tired of hearing that). Good job Proxima, that's pretty much the intended solution. However I have a feeling geoo or some one will still find a backroute.

Stuff In the way- Proxima's thrid solution is pretty close to the correct one. (Remember this was a level by Tseug, no breaks here.) In the original you have 2 minutes. The only thing to do differently, is you start the digging/building/bashing in the beginning area sooner and the two builders that build toward each other go back to the exit from there. The left has to build higher so the right one hits him and turns around, just enough to bash through the final obsticale and nobody turns around.
Clam's solution deserves an honorable mention however, it came within seconds. And I like that trick you used. I attached the version with 2 minutes in case you decide to use it.

Lixes in Arms- Proxima's second solution is good enough. Geoo got the exact route. and for the record, I guess I won't consider your first a backroute since it doesn't save the same amount. And maybe somebody playing would go back and try to save more and realize the other solutions. I don't know how to get rid of it anyway.

Is there a Lix in the house- those are all fine. This was supposed to be an early "trick" level for beginners, that seems more complicated than it really is. I don't know how well I did.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 04, 2012, 07:00:37 PM
FourLixAndAFuneral10- (sigh, I'm just getting tired of hearing that). Good job Proxima, that's pretty much the intended solution. However I have a feeling geoo or some one will still find a backroute.

He already did :P I suggested removing it by lowering the last platform and exit (attached). Now that I know the intended solution, I agree that it would be better to enforce it if possible.

Solution to 2-minute version of Stuff in the Way attached. Here, too, I really like the extra ingenuity needed to get everything to work within the time limit.

Lixes in Arms -- Proxima's second solution is good enough. Geoo got the exact route. and for the record, I guess I won't consider your first a backroute since it doesn't save the same amount. And maybe somebody playing would go back and try to save more and realize the other solutions. I don't know how to get rid of it anyway.

You don't understand. A backroute is an unintended solution that spoils a level by being much easier to find than the correct solution. My first solution to Lixes in Arms certainly is not -- the only reason I found it first is that I like challenges and can be a bit stubborn about them (I have to be, to compete with this group!) so, when I saw a solution concept that could use only four diggers, instead of thinking "where is the fifth digger meant to be used?" I thought "okay, this may be impossible but I'm damn well going to find out!" So it's as it should be -- the challenge solution is statistically superior but you have to put in more work for it. (Yes, I lost one lix due to not-fully-perfect timing but this can certainly be avoided; replay attached.)

Of course, you could take out this route by increasing the number of lix. But please don't. Two words: replay value.

Is there a Lix in the house- those are all fine. This was supposed to be an early "trick" level for beginners, that seems more complicated than it really is. I don't know how well I did.

You did fine -- I had an unsuccessful play session and had to go away, think about it and come back before I solved it :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 04, 2012, 09:45:43 PM
Here's two replays and a close fail for geoo's set of three. I imagine Have if Off is reasonably close to right, but I'm not up to trying to get the timings exactly right to pull this off.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 04, 2012, 10:26:40 PM
Now, as I promised, I've gone back to building levels  8)

Cry for me: reducing the climbers to 40 should be enough to remove the backroute.
Circular Ruins: removed a backroute. Clam's solution still works, but the steel will no longer stop the last digger in the right place, so the batter must be used. This means both solutions use the same skills (everything but the runner).
You have to build: modified terrain to match Circular Ruins.
Leap of Faith: This is Level 9 of Ben Bryant's Cheapo set "sg1". The whole set is excellent and I could happily remake them all, but there are still too many of my own levels I want to do :P So, I may occasionally take a break from my levels and do another from this set.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 05, 2012, 01:07:59 AM
Harder versions of Insane Steve's Fun levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 06, 2012, 12:11:25 AM
Right now I'm working on improving my earlier levels (graphic and neatness wise) Before I understood the program as well. They could use some finishing touches. (only two levels so far idk If I'll revise any others. I'm notorious for making something worse if I fiddle with it too much)

Also division of labor fixed so yet another backroute by geoo is gotten rid of (however they are steadily getting closer to the intended solution)

I appreciate the help for Four Lixes and a Funeral, your doing a better job of getting rid of the backroutes than I did. :P

I solved Impossible dream. I'm gonna guess it's a backroute unfortunately (mostly because of the way I used the miner). I like this level even so. I didn't get a chance to play any other new levels yet.

oh something geoo told me; from now on if I upload some levels into a folder like this it's just to make it easier to move them around. When you put them into your folder put them into where ever you normally do (u don't have to keep them in the folder I did) In this case, the revised levels should just replace the old ones (individually)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 06, 2012, 12:30:55 AM
No, it's not a backroute. Actually, I really like your solution!  :thumbsup: Here's mine.

And here's a revised version of the level -- I had to seal off the exit just below the entrance a bit more thoroughly, because it is possible to get into!!!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 06, 2012, 12:43:54 AM
So I realised that I really wasn't that far off on Have it Off at all, and just had to add something to the end of my replay to make it work. Here's a successful clear. No climbers used -- this intentional?

Also had no idea the close exit was reachable for the Impossible Dream, hahaha. That should probably be changed in the Fun (well, that one is probably more early Tricky) level, too.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 06, 2012, 12:55:17 AM
Here's a replay for the easier version, The Road Not Taken, showing how to access the nearer exit (with only the skills available on the harder version). It can also be done from the bottom-left.

Yes, if you want to close these routes off on the easier version, you can just add steel in the same places I did on the harder version, which has the advantage that both versions will have exactly matching terrain again. As far as I can see, there's no gameplay-related need to add matching steel to the upper corners of the box, but you might prefer that aesthetically.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 06, 2012, 06:06:08 PM
whoops I made a mistake on Division of Labor (which I fixed here) the one I posted yesterday may be impossible. If this one still yields back routes I'll just go with it or the older version I said was final.

the only one left of mine is soulful bounding leap. If you like one of the version I posted a while back, you can use that one for now. If I improve it I'll just post about it later. For now I can't improve on it.

Then, I have another Tseug adaptation.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 08, 2012, 05:32:00 PM
I know I said I wasn't going to make more levels to distract you with for a while but these 2 I started working on a while ago, (a month or two ago actually, hopefully that means something (doubtful)).
I used the circus set for some variety.

EDIT: I beat Leap of faith, I like it a lot :) good level. I still haven't beat Path of Wickedness
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 08, 2012, 05:54:32 PM
I know I said I wasn't going to make more levels to distract you with for a while but these 2 I started working on a while ago, (a month or two ago actually, hopefully that means something (doubtful)).

Don't worry about it -- I really don't want you to stop building levels just because of me, yours are really good. Here are my replays (I know, I said I wouldn't solve any this week, but these didn't take long  8) )
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 08, 2012, 10:47:46 PM
Plan B is the intended route exactly

I fixed Jacob's ladder so hopefully that route is gone. Not Quite, I'm not sure on. I'll probably end up scrapping this level, it just isn't very good for this set in the first place. There is one more Tseug level that could be remade with no glitches however that one utilizes a piece of terrain unique to the crystal set... If I remake it I'll have to search for a good replacement.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 09, 2012, 03:41:28 PM
New solution to Jacob's Ladder.

You mentioned in IRC that tseug's original version of Not Quite requires a glitch, but I'm still curious as to the intended solution to your Lix version....

EDIT: New solution to Just Stop the Bleeding.

EDIT: Update to "Path of Wickedness", tightened by removing some skills. This now requires a couple of neat tricks on top of what you had to do in the previous solution -- indeed, unless there are backroutes, I think this may well be my hardest level so far.

EDIT: I've finished looking through Insane Steve's levels -- "Lixster Quadrille" will be the last of my hard versions.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 09, 2012, 09:18:12 PM
That replay for Just Stop the Bleeding is one of the two basic solutions I found.

I had a replay for Path of Wickedness but the new version make it not work. I'll see what I can do with it. I'm actually probably going to throw out a few more Fun/Tricky levels in a few days, just because the pack does need some more of them I think.

EDIT: Revised replay. Required a bit more fiddling to get it to work.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 09, 2012, 09:35:29 PM
That replay fails to solve the level when I view it -- I assume it's because you still have the older version of Lix and so some of the skills are getting assigned in slightly the wrong place, and these errors add up. I've attached my solution, though you may have equal difficulty viewing it  8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 09, 2012, 10:32:23 PM
Jacob's Ladder replay was great. there's a little leeway with the execution. You don't need all the climbers or floaters. (as you demonstrated). this level was inspired by AAAARRRG (obviously). It's one of my favorite levels of ONML.

just stop the bleeding is a tough one. Now I regret changing the left side and giving you that idea. :P

Here is the last Tseug remake (I planned on a doing a special bahser level but I'll probably make it more decorative than his). This is (imo) the easiest level in that pack but it could still elude a good player. Idk if the circus set was a good replacement but it was difficult to find good terrain to use and I wanted some variety.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 09, 2012, 10:43:15 PM
Gr8 Escape is giving me a missing terrain error. EDIT: I tracked this down. You used a piece filenamed "05 - Copy" from the Carnival set, which I don't have. I would guess that at some point, in downloading a new version of Lix, you have installed a new copy of the bitmap folder and accidentally told your computer to keep both copies of the graphic "05". I've replaced "05 - Copy" with "05" on my copy of the level file, and it works fine now.

Jacob's Ladder was great fun and pretty tough to solve -- though I wish you could have kept those columns descending from the ceiling a little closer, and kept it possible to close the top-right gap with one builder, as there were some red herring ideas there I spent quite a bit of time on.

EDIT: Solution to Gr8 Escape.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 09, 2012, 10:59:19 PM
That replay fails to solve the level when I view it -- I assume it's because you still have the older version of Lix and so some of the skills are getting assigned in slightly the wrong place, and these errors add up. I've attached my solution, though you may have equal difficulty viewing it  8)

It worked ok on my computer, but not anymore since I updated. My solution is completely different than the one you uploaded, but it also uses more diggers, so if you want to backroute remove you can just take out the 2 diggers (though that'd remove the 232323 thing you have going).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 09, 2012, 11:26:08 PM
It's okay -- geoo found yet another completely different solution, so it looks like this one's just going to remain with multiple solutions possible -- which to be honest I like as a feature, though it does make it easier than I originally expected to find at least one (but that's okay; none of them are trivial). Geoo's replay uses two diggers, but by switching some skills around I can get his solution to work using only one (and 17 skills total).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 10, 2012, 12:20:02 AM
I also put gr8 escape in the wrong folder (somehow it got into Clamspack) If fixed that and the other issue. Once when I was moving files around that happened somehow. Glad you were able to fix it yourself :thumbsup:. I also rearranged Jacob's ladder to your specifications. If this yields more red-herrings the better :evil:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: GuyPerfect on April 10, 2012, 12:22:35 AM
Nobody posts any pictures. )-:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 10, 2012, 12:39:44 AM
(Somewhere along the line, Jacob's Ladder seems to have become Jacbo's....)

Thanks for the reminder! Lix actually has this awesome feature that lets you easily export an image of a level in one step, without having to cut and paste each screen area, but I hadn't gotten round to trying it out yet. So, here's an example of a Lix level image  8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 11, 2012, 06:56:57 PM
For image exporting, .png will look a lot nicer, and it takes very little time to convert the bmp Lix produces to .png: Get optipng (http://optipng.sourceforge.net/), and then in the folder with the .bmp files run "optipng *.bmp". For all bitmaps in the folder it will produce a .png image.

Steve: I saw your replays to my levels. They failed due to version differences, but I think I saw what you did.
"Don't catch me if you can" is intended, while "Have if off" is not ("Have if off" is a name of a barbershop btw). I updated "Have it off".

Solutions to Leap of Faith (looks lovely), Cry for me 3 (still backroute) and Lixter Quadrille attached.

Also finally solved Tinker a while ago. I had actually tried this solution previously, but I ruled it out as impossible, while it actually works. Solution to the new version of Division of Labor attached as well. And Plan B, it's harder than it looks.

Yes, we're definitely still in need of easier levels. I think especially for the very first few levels, some nice designs with eye-candy would be nice, as this kind of levels also allows for it, they don't really have to be functional. Perhaps a few starter levels that are not X of everything would be nice as well, like X of a restricted skillset, or some very easy puzzles.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 11, 2012, 07:52:11 PM
Cry for me -- your second solution is close enough to the way I solved the Cheapo original. So, just take one more climber off and you can add it to the list. At some point I'll have another look to see whether I'd prefer to fix it some other way, but since that seems to be good enough, I have to prioritise building new levels (and fixing All about survival) over fixing this further.

Your solution to Leap of Faith matches the way I solved the Cheapo version. I can't promise it's intended, but it seems almost certain.

Beautiful solution to Lixster Quadrille; I particularly liked what you did in the top-left. I've attached mine. (Notice, in my solution, the careful selection of the correct lix for the last basher, so that the climber turns round in his tunnel.)

I'll be contributing some more easy levels as well -- mostly easier versions of my hard levels, so they'll have to wait until I've had time to build more of those. As for eye candy... okay, I'll have a go at remaking Goblin City for you :D
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 13, 2012, 06:42:52 PM
here is a folder of 4 levels (these aren't the ones I mentioned I was working on in IRC but anyway..) When you unzip the folder take the levels out into your wip folder.

you asked for it so, I made three easy levels that are good beginner puzzles. the first is an easy version of division of labor, since I thought we could use an easy level with only a few lemmings.
After debating whether to leave Division of Labor alone I decided to try and force my original solution. It just looks cooler imo.

I also updated Bippidi Boppidi boo for the basher update

-fixed the typo in Jacbo's Ladder  :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 14, 2012, 09:02:59 PM
Here's one map with two levels. One easy, one... well, yea.

A bit afraid of possible backroutes in the hard version, though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 15, 2012, 05:10:29 PM
^ I solved the easy version but not the hard version yet. It does look like a good candidate for backroutes.

here is another whopping folder of levels (only two are new though) Idk how easy they are. Probably easy enough. The other three are updates for Jacob's Ladder to remove backroutes, Tinker Tailor soldier lix, to make Proxima's solution the correct one, five for fighting just to add the decorative TNT to the exit.
(again, put the levels directly into your wip folder or whatever)

Also at some point in time I'd like to upload a folder of all my reject levels, maybe Proxima or someone can use them and make something out of them. :-\
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 15, 2012, 05:53:30 PM
Giant Leap was very easy  8) Play Ball was a little harder, but I had the feeling this idea would work....

EDIT: Updated with save-19 solution
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 15, 2012, 07:31:00 PM
Solved Play Ball saving 100% (I recorded this solution with a new version of lix, EDIT: which is available now), and the other new level using basically the same as Proxima's solution.
I love the new design of Jacob's ladder, nice use of the wraparound there.

Insane Steve's Love is Over really looked impossible at first, I didn't even see a general route. Having another look at it later made me realize some path I had missed (for both entrances), and I finally got a solution working, saving two more than required.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 15, 2012, 08:58:22 PM
Yea, that's a backroute (you aren't supposed to be able to save 78), but there's a lot of possible ways to fix it without changing a lot about the level. I'll post a v2 once I get back home later today.

There's probably a way to nuke all backroutes from orbit with only a minimal change to the level but I'd rather avoid that if at all possible. I'll consider it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 16, 2012, 01:47:59 AM
Ok, revision to Love is Over. For what it's worth, I consider the intended route to be a 4.x level, so this is about as hard as things from me are likely to get. Going to hold off on uploading the easier version until the hard version's design is final.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 16, 2012, 02:26:48 AM
Stil works -- barely.

(You'll need the new version for this replay. Some dlls are currently missing -- get them here and extract them into the bin/ folder.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 16, 2012, 05:15:00 AM
Ha, nice one. Not so bad to fix, too.  :P

Let's try this again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 16, 2012, 12:03:48 PM
You'll have to try harder to get rid of this one :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 16, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
Cuber physics  >:(

Ok let's try something else... sorry for this taking so many revisions but I'm really trying to change as little about the level as possible to require the intended route.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on April 16, 2012, 09:12:20 PM
sorry for this taking so many revisions but I'm really trying to change as little about the level as possible to require the intended route.

Haha, welcome to "Brickout" hell.  That one gone through I think close to if not over a dozen revisions, see if your level may beat that record. ;P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 18, 2012, 03:53:18 AM
sorry for this taking so many revisions but I'm really trying to change as little about the level as possible to require the intended route.

Haha, welcome to "Brickout" hell.  That one gone through I think close to if not over a dozen revisions, see if your level may beat that record. ;P

since you mentioned it; you haven't given up on that level have you? It was really good. :thumbsup:
(I should say, your intended solution which I watched, I thought deserves a place in the set)

any-who, here's two separate versions of the same level, some of you have already played the first one in IRC. that was a backroute but it was so good I decided to see which one is better.

EDIT: here's an update to play ball. Nothing major just making it neater.
EDIT: here's another new easy puzzle level I just worked on

EDIT: I put all those levels in a folder: the folder contains: lixes in motion (1 and 2), play ball, and wrong way (a new one)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 21, 2012, 05:19:46 PM
here's another new level, hopefully not too easy. It's uses an old trick in supposedly somewhat hidden way.
I got the idea from that replay of that Christmas lemmings level.

would it be possible for anyone to upload an older version of lix for me? (the last one) I deleted mine and I'd like one for back-up purposes and also there's a few replays I want to see that don't work anymore. thanx in advance.

EDIT: I fixed a backroute and as a consequence also made it a little harder.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 21, 2012, 05:50:24 PM
Here's a zip of the Lix application. Sorry, I'm not savvy enough about these things to know if there's anything else you will need.

EDIT: My solutions to Lixes in Motion (lovely puzzle, very hard) and Wrong Way (pretty simple, but took me a short while to spot the trick).

EDIT: Solution to Broadway.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on April 21, 2012, 05:51:32 PM
It's particularly intricate to move back and forth between 2012-03-20 and 2012-04-15, because the terrain was converted between image formats, and a few dirs/files have changed names. Most levels won't work in the old version.

Proxima has already uploaded the .exe. Edit: See my attachment for the remaining game data.

Keep this in an entirely separate dir from the up-to-date version.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 23, 2012, 12:00:26 AM
I made two new "lose a lot of lix" levels. they were both inspired by other people's.

Also, if you didn't notice, in my last post I updated 'the lix lies down on Broadway' to remove a major back-route.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 23, 2012, 01:51:37 AM
Short or long to Goblin City?
The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty!

EDIT: Added some steam vents.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 23, 2012, 02:46:36 AM
Here, have some solutions :D (Incidentally, the phrase is actually "all over bar the [whatever]".)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 26, 2012, 09:56:00 PM
sorry, I forgot to post and answer (Also sorry to hear your leaving but hope you get things under control.  ( I'm not good at comforting people  :())

anyway, both of Proxima's solutions to those two levels are good. They both have a lot of leeway in the solutions available.  Also, goblin city is really neat!

Here are two rejected levels I have to empty my folder. (they are incomplete) so take them if your looking for ideas or just want to look. I'll have to take a break from building levels for a while. If the community set finishes by then it's okay. I've made quite a number of levels here, more than I expected to make.

EDIT: I forgot one
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 27, 2012, 12:23:57 AM
Yea, seems that level design interest has waned a bit. I'm working on a few different "easy puzzle" levels right now, I'll post them when they're finished.

Also, here's a replay of the intended route for Love is Over, if you want to see it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 28, 2012, 04:11:46 AM
Finally found a different solution to Love is Over; haven't watched Steve's replay yet, but according to Simon the main idea is the same. My current solution uses quite a bunch of precision moves, I wonder whether it's the same with the intended route.

And some solutions to TM's level. A lot of excellent levels among the recent ones; when comparing your latest levels to your first ones it's really evident how fast your level design has improved.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on April 28, 2012, 04:24:26 AM
Conceptually that's essentially the same route as the intended route, you do, however, have a lot of unneeded precision in your version (but it does save a digger, which is neat). That's close enough to where I'd just call that another way to execute the one main solution trick.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 28, 2012, 01:13:40 PM
your solution to Broadway is good but it's a BR. I may just make your solution a different/easier level, or may even modify it a little because I like that a lot. but the intended for that one is very different. :)

this may be my hardest level yet. And one part of the solution you may not care for though, I'll keep trying to find a better way of dealing with it. I didn't like it at first but then found it surprisingly more easy to deal with than I thought. One way of making it easier would be to put the RR up but not too much to prevent Proxima's BR.

below is the fix to it for now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 02, 2012, 03:43:34 AM
update to 'Broadway. This fixes a bunch of backroutes and also reverts it back to the slightly easier (And less annoying) original solution

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 03, 2012, 10:27:51 PM
My old solution still works with this version of Broadway, see the attached replay with the wall setup (rest works like in my old solution). To prevent this, from left to right, the terrain has to be rising or of constant height, but never lowering.

I've found a different solution though, and if that's intended, then hats off, this is amazing! (With one more climber or walker it could even be turned into a 100% solution, though 49/50 leaves more possibilities thus making the level harder, probably, if there aren't any other backroutes.) I'll have another look for alternative solutions.
EDIT: I'm dumb, 100% works perfectly fine just the way it is, without additional skills.

Had another look at Love is Over, and yeah, there's nicer ways to do this. Can't get around the precision of the keys moves though, obviously.

I also made a new level, the design is preliminary, because I don't have a nice trap which is a little slower than the squisher, but not as slow as the factory, but solution-wise it's final.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 08, 2012, 08:12:59 PM
Yeah, I'm still officially on hiatus, but there's no way I'm going to depart into the ether without giving you my evil masterpiece of bomber timing  :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 08, 2012, 09:50:47 PM
hey  :) this thread got really lonely while you were gone. Of course I was doing other things as well.

I still need to fix "broadway" so... I'll do that. when I have time  :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chroda on May 09, 2012, 01:08:40 PM
I also made a new level, the design is preliminary, because I don't have a nice trap which is a little slower than the squisher, but not as slow as the factory, but solution-wise it's final.
The wise solution, I hope?
For sure, I completed the design in a frightful manner, but the goal is reached, no?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 09, 2012, 05:33:22 PM
Oh, and one more  8) Yes, it's a hidden-trap level, but at least the title tells you what to expect. Interesting thing is, in order to hide the trap, the ceiling has to be much lower than in the Cheapo original, making it impossible to build over the trap. The level is still solvable, but you have to take a completely different route from the originally intended one.

EDIT: Removed an easy backroute.

EDIT: Aaaaaaaand one more level. (Plus its easier version.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 10, 2012, 12:25:35 AM
The wise solution, I hope?
For sure, I completed the design in a frightful manner, but the goal is reached, no?
Very nice, yes, this is the intended solution. It also works for the original version of the level without your addition, barely, due to the latency of the traps.
Not sure which version of the level to take, additions like that look a bit messy and the thing isn't a triangle anymore. I do like the design idea of putting these small blocks on though, it looks interesting. One other thing I could try, perhaps, is having a steep downward slope instead of the direct fall at the right, then I'm not limited by the max safe fall distance.
EDIT: Ok, attached a new version, I quite like this one.

Finally solved the 20/20 version of Lixes in motion. Got to say I prefer the solution of the other version, but this one would still be worth turning this level into a two parter, imo.

Solved corridor, cheap backroute I guess.

From the other side was very tricky, having no floaters.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 10, 2012, 12:53:20 AM
Wow, that's a completely different solution to From the Other Side!  :thumbsup: (Intended solution attached.)

I think I already eliminated that backroute on Corridor  :P I've attached the fixed version to the above post.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 10, 2012, 01:04:12 AM
Backroute to Corridor still works though, basically.

Yuki solved, using some cheap delay techniques.

Watched your solution to From the other Side, yeah, that's a bit more elegant.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chroda on May 10, 2012, 01:35:47 PM
One other thing I could try, perhaps, is having a steep downward slope instead of the direct fall at the right, then I'm not limited by the max safe fall distance.
EDIT: Ok, attached a new version, I quite like this one.
I like the new version
The best time is when you climb the stairs ... ;)
Ho, hum in order to complete the level, of course! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 10, 2012, 02:22:10 PM
Okay, let's see how you get on with this version of Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite  8)

This time I'm really happy about how the level's turned out, so I hope that my intended solution is or can be enforced....

Oh, and I think I've saved the maximum possible on the easier version, and it's a pretty neat challenge! Let's see if anyone else can equal or beat my record (for now, I won't tell you how many it is). As a bonus challenge, you can also save the maximum number within one minute.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on May 11, 2012, 11:48:18 AM
Some neat levels there Proxima :), here are replays for the most recent. Some quick comments:

Dr Strangelix: Thankfully savestates make bomber timing easy, only 4 are actually needed so there's some decent leeway here.
From the other side: I had a couple skills spare, did you have something more complicated in mind?
Corridor: My solution feels backroutish and has spare skills again. I think you could just let the middle trap be visible, but I guess given the title it's not so bad.
Yuki: I saved 47 without much effort, and then found a crafty way to save one more :D. Again, no idea if this is intended or not.
Lion: Judging by your comment, I think I've beaten your record there ;) (And it's still possible in one minute :))
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 11, 2012, 01:12:35 PM
Heh, trust the Master Batter to come up with solutions like those  :P That solution to Yuki is so funny that I'm inclined to leave it in. And yes, I only got 59 on Lion because I hadn't seen that trick with the bat (though my route does use batters elsewhere).

From the Other Side: [EDIT: Removed replay, to avoid giving hints for new version.]

Corridor: I'm so used to traps in Lix being oversensitive, it never occurred to me to check whether you could go under it so easily! [EDIT: I've decided to remove the climber, and this version is included in the zip in the post below this one. A variant of Clam's solution is still possible, using the digger and basher to bypass the trap and the miner to delay one lix at the start.]

My solutions attached.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 14, 2012, 08:01:53 PM
Things got a little out of hand, so I've deleted my run of consecutive posts and put everything into one post.


* "proxima" contains my new Tile graphics set, now with an updated fire object and additional spheres (including a steel sphere).
* "levels" contains Rhapsody in Blue (at last!); updates to four levels; save-49 version of Yuki. [These haven't been changed since yesterday, so you don't need to download them again if you have the new versions.]
* Backroute replay for "Don't catch me if you can" v.2
* 100% solution to "Play ball!". Sorry this took me so long  :P By the way, I'm still trying to find the 100% solution to "Lixes in Motion"; no luck yet.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 14, 2012, 10:39:26 PM
Further update to From the Other Side / Dr Strangelix: lowered starting platform and cut a hole in the wall, to remove backroutes found by Clam.

Also, added sparkles to the crystal water. Again, for Rhapsody in Blue, place this in the "simon" folder.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 15, 2012, 01:37:34 AM
the crystal water looks really nice Proxima  :thumbsup:

with the help of geoo and Clamspammer, we've made a fix for the backroutes to a lix lies down on broadway. I'll upload it later (I still need to work it out yet)

EDIT: still working on it. This is truly a tough one to keep out backroutes. I may have to alter the design drastically. Which may be alright because;
One reason for it's difficulty may just be in the fact that it looks so similar to that Christmas level which I got the inspiration from. but idk.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 16, 2012, 10:38:19 PM
Solved Yuki, two different solutions to this one.
Also like Gomen a lot, not just the design, but also the shortage of builders that forces you to make use of good timing instead of entirely blocking off the crowd.

Attached is the latest version of Don't catch me.

I also had a go at fixing Broadway, it should eliminate the known backroutes, while my solution still works. You said your solution is slightly different, so I'm not sure whether that one works as well (I also cut down one walker, but that can be added again), and I don't know whether I've introduced some new backroutes somehow either.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 16, 2012, 11:58:40 PM
Finally managed to solve the latest version of Rhapsody in Blue. One thing I was overlooking is the way I got through the left pillar, but there's more to it. Needs some pretty precise timing.

And even though they are pretty old, also had a go at Snowball battle and Impossible dream now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 17, 2012, 08:56:38 PM
here's a simple one I thought of recently

edit--I had a look at your edit to broadway. I like it. That hump should rule out Clam's backroute.
The only other solution of mine I was referring to was;

with the added walker you could mine from early in the beginning (before the hump and trap two lix on the end with a blocker instead of using the large lump at the end to turn them around. I added that because I thought it might be too hard but I like it the way it is now- Clam and Proxima's backroutes are taken care of better.

I've also been thinking about making two levels- an easier one with Clam's route the intended.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 18, 2012, 12:20:57 AM
Gomen ne and Snowball Battle: fine solutions, no problems there.

Impossible Dream: backroute, easily prevented by changing the 32x32 steel block just under the triangle to a 16x32. I've made this change on the easier version as well to keep the two levels identical in terms of terrain. Insane Steve, is this okay?

Rhapsody in Blue: one aspect is unintended. I've added a time limit to prevent this. The rest is the intended solution.

Yuki: left-hand solution is very close to the intended solution, some moves in a different order allowing you to use one less skill (bomber). I don't see it as important to prevent this. Your right-hand solution is clever and requires nearly all the skills, so I may leave this as well. I'll come back to it when I have more time and decide. (The obvious way to prevent the solution would be to slightly move the terrain; but I don't want to disrupt the 100% solution to the easier version.)

Solution to TM's new easy level attached. Nice use of the crystal water!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 18, 2012, 04:16:04 PM
Here's one for the easy set.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 18, 2012, 09:53:52 PM
I fixed the silly (silly on my part :() backroute for Exit stage right and used a trick a saw Clam 'invent' in another thread somewhere, a substitute for 1-way wall.

It doesn't look particularly neat but somebody that's better at that than I am can change it if they want.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 19, 2012, 12:11:18 PM
Considering the lack of other digging skills, you can enforce bashing from the right without using steel at all, and this looks much better.

Oh, and this inspired me to make a new level  :D [EDIT: Removed; new version added to post below.]

And... we have fire!  :thumbsup: (Please place this in proxima, not proxima/tile.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 20, 2012, 06:23:12 PM
Buridan's Lix / We'll meet again updated to include the new fire object -- a purely aesthetic change.

Also, backroute fix for You only get one bash at it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 20, 2012, 11:13:51 PM
wow, really nice tiles you made Proxima  :thumbsup:.

I liked your input for exit, stage right and it  helped me modify it to my intended solution actually:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on May 21, 2012, 02:13:02 AM
Here's a half dozen easier puzzle levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 21, 2012, 11:21:14 AM
Solved 'You only get one bash', but my solution is pretty precision/timing-heavy, so I think I must be overlooking something.

Loving Steve's levels, I feel that this is the kind of levels that really got me into your Cheapo packs at the beginning.
My solution to 'Don't look back' uses some obscure behavior, but just realized that it works without it as well.
A bit of a shortcut to 'Waste not, Want not', might be intended though.
For Detour, I'm increasing the height of the wall from 6 to 7 with a builder, but again I see you can also use a miner there instead.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on May 21, 2012, 12:09:57 PM
Re-solved exit stage right, I rather liked the 100% 'challenge' on the earlier versions actually, but this version seems to work well in terms of enforcing the 'correct' solution.

I also solved You only get one, and I used a lot of timing-dependent moves too :-\. Quite a fun one to figure out nonetheless :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 21, 2012, 01:56:10 PM
After seeing Clam's solution, I found an easier one utilizing his main route, i.e. batting over the water (which I somehow didn't consider, I tried to brute-force the platform over the water route).
I haven't watched Proxima's solution yet, as I had some trouble with the level and therefore think the intended solution might not be that simple, so I want to find it myself, if you're going to fix the level.

I wouldn't really want my solution to be enforced in some level due to the massive precision (delaying the lix that gets batted by the digger needs multiple pixel precise moves and good timing). With an additional batter perhaps, but then it can be simplified, and I don't think it's that remarkable anyway.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 21, 2012, 04:41:23 PM
I can improve geoo's improvement of Clam's solution to lose-3 with two blockers spare  :P (Or one blocker and one batter, by using the digger/blocker glitch.) In view of this, I think the level definitely needs tightening at least a little; the question is just how much....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 21, 2012, 06:25:29 PM
I'm afraid you have to do something else to eliminate my solution. I just realized that the first blocker for delay isn't necessary, it is immediately dug under and therefore inefficient. Having the lix walk a short bit and then setting the blocker achieves the same as the previous 2 blocker setup.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 21, 2012, 06:55:45 PM
Bruteforcing my way through this level to get Clam's route work again in this ridiculous way (final action starts at 18:30).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 21, 2012, 07:05:59 PM
Seems like all I need do to prevent that is set the spawn interval lower than 48. I have no attachment to any particular value (the intended solution can easily be done with the S.I. at 4 throughout) so I've arbitarily chosen 30. This throws off the timing in my saved replay, so I've removed it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 23, 2012, 06:35:45 PM
I'm just sorting through my wip directory, and I've got a few questions for you:

Division of Labor: Which is the latest version with my backroutes removed, so I can give it another go?
Four lix and a funeral: Same as above
Critical Procedures: Save 58/60 or 59/60?
Is there a lix in the house: Is there another revision of it? It looked very interested, but backroute-riddled, though I don't know the intended solution.
Make a clean getaway: Not sure, did you scrap this one? The version I have has a simple 2 skill solution.
Scale that wall: Iirc you scrapped this one?
Soulful Bounding Leap: Which is the latest version? I got a 60/60 one right now where you don't actually jump from the starting platform anymore.

@Proxima: Got some more solutions:
Corridor: Slight alternative, makes use of the miner.
Impossible Dream: A different backroute.
This lix is your lix/Yuki/lion lix 100%: solutions.
Haven't solved You only get one Bash yet.

Derailed level: Was in part meant as a joke level, shall I use it or scrap it?
btw, Steve hasn't made a proper ceiling route level yet. :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 23, 2012, 08:48:39 PM
Thanks for the solutions. I hope this sorting means that we will see a list update soon 8) ... not least because I'd like to know how much room there is for additional levels. I know you're now planning on having six difficulties; how many levels in each?

Corridor: That's fine, I don't mind there being multiple solutions to this one.
This lix: Intended solution.
Impossible Dream: I'll look at that later and see if I can fix it, busy right now.
Lion 100%: Nice work, you made it a lot simpler than my version :P
Yuki: Damn, that's embarrassing. Fortunately, I just realised that with the new terrain, the intended solution can save 49 anyway without extra skills but with a bit of precision. So, remove the extra walker and bomber (the bomber, of course, is only there to keep the skillset symmetrical).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 23, 2012, 09:55:20 PM
...or maybe not. I thought I had it just now, but I can't seem to recreate my solution.

Okay, this is my very last attempt to produce a backroute-free version. Save 49, one extra platformer. (Though I'm still interested in whether it can be done without the extra platformer.) If by any chance this doesn't work, it's back to the save-48 version as the least bad option.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 23, 2012, 10:23:01 PM
Critical Procedures-
58/60 - It will have multiple solutions but I'm okay with that. It would've had IS's solution anyway. makes it more interesting to me anyway to have more than 1 solution.

Is there a lix in the house-
this is intended for fun or tricky. a misdirection level for beginners. It looks long and tedious but isnt' really. There are a number of ways to solve it and all quickly.

Make a clean getaway:
you have to show me this level because I either renamed it or lost it. But if it's the one I renamed from "Quick turn around" (because I thought that name was stupid) definitly keep that one, and the way it is.
EDIT; now I'm remembering that was one I made of IS's. It wasn't really finished but I gave up on it.

Scale that wall-
that's scrapped yes. that is the one with the builder/climber glitch you said you didn't want.

Soulful Bounding leap -
keep your latest version.

the other two I have attached. As for Four lix and a funeral, the latest backroutes were removed but I doubt as to whether they are all gone. That level was beginning to be a nightmare.

man, that's a lot of levels... As far as I know, the rest are all up to date and free of backroutes, including lix lies down on broadway.
Next, I have a level from Insane Steve.

hey Proxima, for 'you only get one bash'


Does it require the trick of lowering a basher with a digger. I've tried and failed but that doesn't mean that's not the solution. If it is, good job because I tried to create a level like this but was making a very large block where you'd have to repeatadly do it and made it a total pain and tedious. If this isn't the solution I might make one like it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 23, 2012, 10:31:08 PM
No. (In reply to the question in TM's spoiler text.)

Critical Procedures -- I thought we agreed on 59/60 as all (four?) solutions found could be tightened to achieve this, and requiring it makes the level more interesting.

Soulful Bounding Leap -- I think there's a better level in this one waiting to get out, and if it's okay with you, I may have a look at it myself when I have time.

Oops, almost overlooked geoo's question about Derailed Level. Definitely keep it (though I guess if we end up one or two levels over, this is one we could most easily consider dropping). It was fun to find the solution, and not trivial to work out the details even after getting the main idea.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 24, 2012, 06:30:43 PM
Thanks for the input.
For the record, with the next update there will be around 190 levels overall. I need to get an overview of what we currently have, but I think a few very easy levels should still be added to that. I think the amount of ratings/levels per rating can be adjusted to 6x40, 8x30 or something like that to accomodate all levels still.

Backroutes Yuki, Four Lix (same solution as to some previous version), and got a (partly) new solution to Division of Labor making use of the newly introduced basher.

Also, I think you'll have to set the SI right to 4 for You only get one Bash, because I found a new solution that works at SI 12 (and might still be possible if you're allowed to switch it between 5 and 7)

Is there a lix in the house: Ah, I thought it had some sort of ingenious solution to it that was just hard to enforce. But it's still nice as an easier one.

Just checked, and my solution to Critical Proc can also be adapted to save 59 (overall 4 or 5 solution saving 59 sounds about right). So I guess it makes sense to change is to 59, if TM is fine with that.
Same with Soulful Bounding Leap, will wait for your modification if TM is fine with that.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 24, 2012, 11:34:43 PM
Aargh, nice one. So, as I said, Yuki reverts to save-48, Clam's batter backroute works. (I'm keeping the revised terrain even though the main reason for the revision no longer exists, so you don't need to revert Lion to the old version.) Absolutely final version now.

You only get one bash with SI 4 attached.

The latest version of Four Lix was my attempt at a backroute fix, so I've taken responsibility for this and tried to fix it again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 26, 2012, 02:33:49 AM
Soulful Bounding Leap -- I think there's a better level in this one waiting to get out, and if it's okay with you, I may have a look at it myself when I have time.

You can by all means do something with it. Please do actually. I actually intended something much different for it but couldn't get it then my computer went offline and I sort of "forgot" what I wanted the level to be like. I try to think like Michelangelo; on a blank level, the level is really there I just have to get it out... wait that doesn't work, never mind.

Just for the record; what (I'd like) to be working on is: two of IS's levels: Watch Ye Step and 'Bectha can't save just one. The latter is also really good, design wise and the solution is cleverly hidden and deceptive. I say "I'd like" because I'm very busy right now and hadn't much time to work on levels :(
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 26, 2012, 05:33:04 PM
OK, here's what I've done with Soulful Bounding Leap. Mainly, it's a reversion to the earlier level (which I liked) but with 100% still required; a piece of steel prevents the bash-under-the-level-backroute, and the spawn interval is more demanding.

Another very easy level (Level 9 of my Simple set) since you want more of these.

And, for the record  8) if we have 190 levels and are aiming for 240, there shouldn't be any problem fitting in my remaining ones, but I'll just quickly list the ones I would definitely like to remake:

* The Sign of Four / The Meeting of the Minds
* Zorn's Lemming (already built, but I need to work out the correct height for the wall, which may take a while)
* Lemming Cannon (Ben Bryant, from the same set as "Leap of Faith")
* Round Trip (Insane Steve) -- unless of course I.S. prefers to remake this himself
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 26, 2012, 11:38:38 PM
Solutions to new versions again.
No news on Only one Bash yet.

Noticed that you can avoid using climber/miner and just build over the first obstacle in Put your Lix. Good, simple level nevertheless.

I'll be away for the next few days, so no updates until next weekend, probably.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 27, 2012, 12:15:51 AM
Yuki: Exactly the intended route  :thumbsup: (Though, come to think of it, one final possibility for save-49 might be to give either an extra miner or digger, to replace the bomber.... or did I already try that?)

Four Lix: Almost identical, though my solution needed all the skills. I'll leave it up to TM to decide whether to try to enforce a solution with the climber, or just leave it as it is.

Put your lix on ice: Yes, unlike the Cheapo version of the level (in which climbers and miners were the only skills given) I deliberately gave the player more options, such as going over the chain of islands, or building over the first obstacle using the rightmost island.

Soulful Bounding Leap: Hmm. I'd hoped to enforce using the blocker but at the moment I don't see how to prevent your solution. I still prefer this version of the level to either of the earlier versions.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 27, 2012, 04:11:48 PM
here is Watch Ye Step.
I couldn't decide which looked better the 10 ton weight trap or the factory trap. The factory trap looks nicer but it's almost too slow. You can change it if you want I guess it doesn't really matter.

note: there are at least 2 separate ways to solve this level. I was never able to pull off IS's intended route correctly though. In Lix, I'm not sure if it's possible but it should be.

also I remember reading somewhere about one of my levels that you want to change it. I'm fine with any changes you want to make.

EDIT: here's another quick and easy level.

No news on Only one Bash yet.

no wonder I'm having a hard time with this level if geoo is... :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 27, 2012, 04:51:46 PM
So maybe I've finally succeeded in making a difficult level  8) If so, then I have to thank you for the inspiration!  :thumbsup:

Here are my solutions to Watch Ye Step and Six Gaps. Don't change it to a slower trap, because that would allow a really obvious backroute.

(...factory trap? Where? I wanna see it!)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 27, 2012, 08:50:21 PM
I'm such an idiot.  >:( :XD: I put steel in the 6 gaps, 5 builders. It's supposed to be a simple, stretch your bridges level. the large pieces above are just to keep you from simply building across the whole thing.

your solution to watch ye step was almost like mine. Except I didn't use a bomber to make any kind of whole. I assume you used it to avoid getting close to the traps but I don't think you have to worry about that in Lix at least. What is this obvious backroute?

the factory trap is a new one geoo gave to me over at quake. ask him for it.  :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 27, 2012, 09:06:07 PM
What is this obvious backroute?
Spawn interval 4, sixth lix blocks (try saying that quickly!), one survives the traps, the rest is the same as my solution.

the factory trap is a new one geoo gave to me over at quake. ask him for it.  :)
His post above says he's away for a few days. Can't you post it here? I'm sure geoo wouldn't mind -- we're not keeping features secret from each other.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 27, 2012, 09:11:32 PM
EDIT: I forgot a big part of this level and I messed up the traps. e.i. Don't play this level until I upload the proper version. (well you can play it if you really want to)

What is this obvious backroute?
Spawn interval 4, sixth lix blocks (try saying that quickly!), one survives the traps, the rest is the same as my solution.
:( that was my solution. I didn't find it really obvious. Anyway IS's solution is different:
Code: [Select]
This level is annoying. VERY annoying. Make the first lemming a bomber immediately
when it leaves. When the crater forms, make the third lemming a basher (The 2nd lemming will be
pounded by the trap, not much you can do about it) at the bottom of it. The lemmings should
turn around when they reach the end of the bash tunnel. When the basher reaches a point, make
one lemming a climber (as it falls from the entrance; you must make sure it is walking right)
and when it reaches the basher, it will either:

1: Climb the wall the basher makes; or
2: Climb air, and constantly fall.

Either way, make the basher a blocker to stop it when it almost reaches the large wall. The
climber should climb the big mass. Make it a floater so it survives the first thin gap in the
structure. Now the hard part. You must dig/build the lemming at an EXACT point to turn it around,
and then mine down to make a staircase. Here's the kicker: This miner must also be in just the
right spot to mine under the blocker to relieve it of its blocking duties. If you manage this,
the lemmings will all scurry up the ramp to the exit. You can't stop the miner, but it won't
matter -- the other lemmings will not fall off the level. This level is admittedly hard and also
annoying to get the exact placement of the miner.

OH crap. I just realized a forgot a major part of the terrain----there ssome thin gaps in the large block. :XD: :XD: :XD:

attached is the factory trap (for all I know it is in beta stage but it doesn't matter)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 27, 2012, 09:49:26 PM
You sure? I can't get that to work with the 10-ton weight traps. If five lix go out together in an SI 4 group, the first trap kills the first and fifth so none get past. My solution is admittedly similar, but you have to think of putting the blocker in the bomb hole, making the process much less obvious.

I knew of IS's intended solution, since I solved the Cheapo version of this level some years back. (I also made a version called "Watch Ye Step Again", which was just a joke level -- the solution was to exploit a Cheapo glitch, namely bashing to bypass a trap trigger.) I'm pretty sure it doesn't work in Lix; it's fairly easy to test this, since with directional select and priority invert, you don't even need to set the climber in advance, you can set it when he reaches the basher and so try out every possible frame.

Thanks for the factory trap -- looks awesome!

EDIT: I couldn't resist. Here's a simple little level using the factory trap. (And another simple level.)
So simple, in fact, that you can save the required 40/80 with no skills at all! But it's also possible to save 100%....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 28, 2012, 09:03:45 PM
Here are the two levels by other authors I said I'd remake: Insane Steve's "Round Trip" (uses the factory trap) and Ben Bryant's "Lemming Cannon".

Depending on how things go, I may still do another level or two from Ben Bryant's "sg1" set, but this and "Leap of Faith" are the main ones I wanted.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 29, 2012, 01:47:05 AM
I forgot to mention something important about my/piewus level Division of Labor--
there are supposed to be two intentional routes. (

-Both start out the same.
1st (found by Clam*)
- when the basher bashing through the top of the long walkway gets halfway and the other passes him, builds and turns around then mines to stop them bashing/mining simultaneously. Then the basher (who goes up to the right where the other one was) builds to the exit and etc.
2nd (my original solution)
-when the basher bashing through the top of the long walkway gets halfway and the other passes him; the walker goes and builds, falls builds left then builds to the exit. the basher will bash all the way to the end and fall on the steps and to stall him while the other is building to the exit; have him mine on the steps and bash to stop.

I have two new level ideas, one utilizing cubers. And of course I have to fix the major botch I did to IS's Watch Ye Step  :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 29, 2012, 04:28:26 PM
From the Other Side: with the lava in the wall, I don't need the starting platform lowered any more. I've put it back to avoid unnecessary precision (and replaced the lava with fire, which looks better).

Come on down to my place: finished decorating, used fire to prevent backroute, removed some surplus skills.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 29, 2012, 08:35:52 PM
I've gone back to my very first two levels, "LIX" and The Adventure Playground, and finally rebuilt the concrete pillars with the correct top and bottom pieces. I've also rebuilt the top area of The Adventure Playground -- instead of a random jumble of blocks that no sensible route would interact with anyway, I've made it simpler but more interesting, with some options for trapping the crowd.

Also, new version of A Soulful Bounding Leap.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 31, 2012, 12:38:41 AM
Impossible Dream: I've lowered the middle one of the three platforms left of the starting area to prevent geoo's latest backroute. (Again -- IS, is this okay with you?)

EDIT: New backroute fix for Four Lix and a Funeral.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on May 31, 2012, 12:50:43 AM
Yea, whatever changes you want to make to both Impossible Dream and Road Less Taken are fine (actually, if you want to make a hard version to any of my "x of all skills" levels that requires a slight cosmetic change, then I'm ok with changing the earlier level, perhaps with the exception of Any Way You Want, which I want the easiest version to be as is.) Also any and all remakes you want to make of my earlier levels are awesome.

Currently remaking a few more of my Cheapo/LemEdit/Lemmix levels and making a few more easier puzzles in the same vein as the Tricky set. We'll see
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 31, 2012, 04:10:21 PM
Zorn's Lemming (since I couldn't use that title in Lix, I've gone with The Continuum Hypothesis to keep the set-theory reference... and that title is actually much better suited to the content of the level). I've done enough testing to be sure that the level is completable with the intended solution (though I had to add a walker and a bunch of runners) but not actually completed it. This one is very annoying.

The easy version is much simpler :P

EDIT: I'm wrong, the walker isn't necessary. I won't upload a new version -- just pretend it isn't there.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 03, 2012, 08:21:36 PM
6 Gaps actually had me stumped for a short while until I saw it.

Loving the Lix Potion level, perfect to be one of the first levels.

Attached solutions to Round Trip, Soulful Leap and Lix Cannon.

Not sure what backroute your fix to Four Lix and a Funeral is supposed to fix, in any case, my latest recorded solution (not using the climber) still works.
Same backroute to Impossible Dream as well.

Zorn's Lemming was indeed quite a bit annoying, lot of refining and a bit of luck involved (in part thanks to the, you say it, digger shovelling again). Saved 100% on the easier version.

Still nothing for You only get one Bash, my best is 47 so far, can't do anything to prevent the climber from going into the buzzsaw.

Another fix for Don't Catch me, interesting solution though, didn't think entirely blocking off would work.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 03, 2012, 09:01:30 PM
Glad you like Lix Potion, and I'm very happy to see You only get one Bash still giving you pause for thought :D

(No replay for Lix Potion 100%? I'm curious as to whether there are multiple ways to achieve this.)

Round Trip: Same as my solution.

Lix Cannon: Not quite the same, but I don't see any harm in leaving it. (Obviously, the level is substantially different from the Cheapo original anyway, because using the steel subtitute for one-way walls meant I had to avoid there being a digger.)

Soulful Leap: Added some steel.

Impossible Dream: I think lowering that platform 8px more should do it.

Four Lix: You're right. Still, the main thing is that the earlier backroute (in which only one goes down) is prevented, and this does seem to be the case. Let's just leave this as the final version now.

Well done on completing Zorn, that's almost the same as my solution but rearranged a little (I use the bomber on the left edge of the first wall). I also don't use the floater (which is there as a relic of a previous method). And that method of spacing the lix for the "A.T." bit is much less annoying than using the runners, so I shall probably remove all but one.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 03, 2012, 10:18:43 PM
New solution to Soulful Leap. My 100% solution to Lix Potion isn't really special.

Don't catch me is the intended solution, nice work.

I think your bomber placement for Zorn might get you a tiny bit more leeway.

Also, list finally updated, formatting not as nice as usual though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 04, 2012, 12:23:05 AM
Here's a fun little multi-tasking level. (You might notice that each section is based on an original Lemmings or ONML level, though some may be harder to recognise than others!) I'm going to come back to this one and make a harder version.

Thanks for the list update  :thumbsup: So... 183 levels? Not bad going!  :D

EDIT: Oops, I misplaced the hatch in the concrete section. And the hard version's ready!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 04, 2012, 02:17:29 AM
I finally solved Path of Wickedness!!  :)

from now on I'm probably going to just play levels more than create them. Sometime I'll upload Watch Ye Step and maybe a few others. I've been too busy to look at all the new levels but I'll try to soon.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 04, 2012, 12:55:11 PM
185 actually, though Decompression Method (without a number, will be 2) isn't working right now, due to some obscure physics change I haven't figured yet. Decompression Method 1 is a new one I added.
I attached Bulldozing, which didn't work due to a physics change as well, but I changed it completely, so it's probably a little harder now, and solvable again.
Can't Reach it - Don't Need it is a new easy one as well I added without notice.

Think inside the Box is really fun, reminds me a bit of Steve's Honey I shrunk the Levels.
There's a bit of a backroute in the Mary Poppins' Land section, going through the steel, you might want to remove this. My second solution is clean of this though.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 04, 2012, 01:55:39 PM
It might even be 190, since I think my most recent ones, such as Yuki and You only get one Bash, aren't on the list yet?

The shortcut on Think Inside the Box is deliberate (nice work avoiding it though!). Here's my solution.

Solved Can't Reach it; lovely simple and elegant puzzle.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 04, 2012, 05:36:29 PM
Hey. I've just got the most recent version of Lix and now I can play some of your levels! :)

I tend to struggle with most levels, partly because I'm not used to some of the new skills, but I did for some reason manage to solve "Eye of the needle" (Which on the level list, appears to be a very difficult level). It's probably an alternative or even a backroute, but it should be interesting to look at.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 04, 2012, 06:33:04 PM
Final version of The Continuum Hypothesis (1 runner) and my replay.

Also, I'm leaving Soulful Bounding Leap alone now; the last version, with the extra steel, can stand if TM's okay with it. Here's my replay.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 05, 2012, 09:08:07 PM
thanx for the replay minimac. That is a backroute to Eye of the Needle, frankly I'm surprised nobody (not including myself because I kinda gave up on it) else found that. This level suffers from a need of one way walls.

I never woop'd the first "Bulldozer" and this one looks even harder.

wow, some of your new levels look really nice Proxima. You outdid yourself with Boxset. :thumbsup:

I solved Soulful Bounding Leap, It's a little harder now, unless this wasn't the intended way. I just kinda of copied one of your solutions.
Btw, I got the idea for this level (originally) from "Bridges" from Revolution, the beginning part and what ccexplore described when saving 100% in that level.  I never really came close to what I had in my or what I thought it could be. The erased steel looks nice, for some reason I never thought of erasing steel.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 05, 2012, 11:44:20 PM
How about this for Eye of the Needle? No one-way walls (or buzzsaws) needed. Unfortunately, the timing for the trick in the main solution to the level seems to require much greater precision than before; I wonder if this is connected with the similar problem I've been having with climb/bombers?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 06, 2012, 12:01:24 AM
That doesn't quite cut it either.

I'd have suggested this simple fix:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 06, 2012, 12:14:20 AM
Hmm, that seems to work; on the other hand, I feel strongly that adding those tiny terrain pieces on a level that originally had none detracts from the elegance of the layout. I can easily change my version to prevent your new backroute.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 06, 2012, 01:06:50 AM
Well, at least my version has already been well tested against backroutes due to the minimal change. :P

And I dunno, I personally don't feel that your fix looks cleaner than mine visually, due to all the somewhat messy stuff added. I'm wondering why you think the timing is harder in your version though; at least if you add back the second runner, it should be basically the same. Only thing might be that you have to platform out of a the miner tunnel, thus needing some precision in order not to leave a small gap the climbers would pass through.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 06, 2012, 01:16:02 AM
I'm wondering why you think the timing is harder in your version though; at least if you add back the second runner, it should be basically the same.

I don't mean my version compared to yours; I mean compared to last time I played this level, which was of course on a much earlier version of Lix. (Either way, I never used the runners; I'm not sure what I'm meant to be doing with them.)

Anyway, we need TM to decide which type of fix he wants to go with  :P Mine can easily be fortified against the latest backroute, by changing the platform with the exit on it to non-steel. But I do think my fix looks "cleaner", as you put it, because I use only large pieces (and one 32x16, an unfortunate necessity, but at least it's better than having to use 2-pixel pieces!)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 06, 2012, 04:15:16 AM
I'm having some trouble doing anything 'cause I'm still getting used to the new version of Lix and stuff.
I'm not seeing any difference in geoo's version from the original version  ??? unless I've got something wrong.

I'm wondering why you think the timing is harder in your version though; at least if you add back the second runner, it should be basically the same.

I don't mean my version compared to yours; I mean compared to last time I played this level, which was of course on a much earlier version of Lix. (Either way, I never used the runners; I'm not sure what I'm meant to be doing with them.)

Anyway, we need TM to decide which type of fix he wants to go with  :P Mine can easily be fortified against the latest backroute, by changing the platform with the exit on it to non-steel. But I do think my fix looks "cleaner", as you put it, because I use only large pieces (and one 32x16, an unfortunate necessity, but at least it's better than having to use 2-pixel pieces!)


the runners are to make it easier to separate the builder from the two guys to come up and bomb/turn around.

Proxima maybe you could upload a replay of your solution of your adaptation. If you want to know this is my real intentions for the level:

This was my very first intention for the level:
Lix are trapped in an area with steel and no way to bash/mine dig out from there side.
One lix must climb up walk across the top part then build and block, then two lix come up (must be close
to each other) one bombs and leave a hole for the other so he can turn around up there and fall then go and release the others.
That's the part I care about because I thought of it and it seemed fairly hard and nobody got it for awhile. The other part only came about from trying to enforce that apart from putting the entrance in the pit but that makes the level a lot easier, which I'm not totally against but you probably want to preserve it's difficulty. And that part I ended up borrowing from my earlier level; 'conundrum'. So really, I don't care much about the beginning part or how you modify it.
I couldn't solve your version tonight Proxima, but I'll try it again, is there something different at the beginning you have to do or is it the same.... never mind. Tell my in chat sometime. I probably won't have to time to test any of it out for the next few days. :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 06, 2012, 09:30:35 AM
I don't mean my version compared to yours; I mean compared to last time I played this level, which was of course on a much earlier version of Lix. (Either way, I never used the runners; I'm not sure what I'm meant to be doing with them.)

Anyway, we need TM to decide which type of fix he wants to go with  :P Mine can easily be fortified against the latest backroute, by changing the platform with the exit on it to non-steel. But I do think my fix looks "cleaner", as you put it, because I use only large pieces (and one 32x16, an unfortunate necessity, but at least it's better than having to use 2-pixel pieces!)
Well nope, two more backroutes.
I also attached the intended solution to Proxima's version for TM, added a runner for convenience though (they really help a lot, I find the timing in the critical section pretty easy overall).

We probably have a different sense for aesthetics, I find my fix more clean looking as it preserves the long straight lines, and same width everywhere. I also find overlapping terrain pieces (in this case the steel over the big block) a big no-no. The little steel piece in my version isn't exactly nice, but the player doesn't have to spot it to find the solution.
Anyway, I tried to make a version that uses your adaptation of the solution, looks a lot cleaner though and eliminates the backroutes I found. Still has the downside that the first miner and platformer have to be pixel precise. And there might still be backroutes I missed, while the version with the bashers seems to be well tested.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 06, 2012, 01:01:42 PM
I also attached the intended solution to Proxima's version for TM, added a runner for convenience though (they really help a lot, I find the timing in the critical section pretty easy overall).
Yeah, memory fail on my part :P

I was trying to explode the blocker at the exact moment to turn one of the walkers round and still have him fall through the bomb hole. Of course, exploding one of the walkers to bring the other one down is much easier.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 06, 2012, 10:22:31 PM
I fixed Watch Ye Step. So currently it works pretty much like the original. Finding my solution was difficult for me so I'm not taking it out unless InsaneSteve wants to. However, I'm not sure of if his original solution is possible or not. I have to try it again.

And then I found this level I worked on a while ago. There are two intended ways to solve it. One is harder than the first but I'm not sure how much harder. If nobody finds that one & it proves to be a lot harder then maybe I'll change it to make the harder the only way. As I've already mentioned I like levels with multiple solutions, especially difficult ones. (this level isn't that difficult)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 06, 2012, 11:00:40 PM
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 06, 2012, 11:18:58 PM
I think Steve once told me that the save requirement for Watch Ye Step is too low in the LemEdit version, allowing for backroutes.
The Cheapo version has 3 traps, and allows to lose only 3.
Due to the exploder exploding rather fast in Lix, the intended solution allows to save 48 in Lix. There's also a solution saving 46 (losing 1 lix to each trap). Both are attached.

Also solved So Close.

TM: With regards to Eye of the Needle, which backroute fix shall I use?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 07, 2012, 11:18:53 AM
I've downloaded So close as well and solved it. Felt proud, as it took me about an hour to execute the solution. :)

OK, because I'm enjoying Lix I have created 10 levels. Any backroutes that you find on any of these levels are actually part of a solution, so don't worry about them.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 07, 2012, 02:38:20 PM
All solved :)

All over the place -- Beautiful puzzle, very satisfying to spot the solution to this one. Easily my favourite of the set.
Balancing together -- A little tedious but okay with savestates :P
Blocked by a snowball -- Very easy, but that's fine, we need some easy levels too.
Cross Hairs -- Looked impossible until I got the idea. Nice and simple solution, used only 5 skills.
A freakish shade of red -- Invisible terrain? Ah well, this one still didn't take too long. Saved 100%.
Going round in circles -- Nice idea, some parts were a little tiresome to execute but not too bad.
Ground Digging -- A good level introducing the interrupted basher / miner technique. Saved 100%.
Heavenly Skies -- My second favourite, took me a long time to find the right route so as not to run out of builders.
Lust for a bust -- Trial and error, no fun at all.
The Giant Mushroom -- Nice multi-tasking quickie.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 07, 2012, 06:40:11 PM
Attached my solutions (except for the obvious ones).

My first solution to Crosshairs is a bit messy, but the second is pretty elegant.
Heavenly skies was the last one I solved, but once I found the route, I managed to save 2 builders.
Going around in circles, brute-forced my way up instead of going in circles.
Lust for a Bust can actually be done pretty strategically, without trial and error. Not sure whether I want to include levels that take knowledge of how the nuke works though.
Giant Mushroom was more of trial and error, to get the final bomber right so it doesn't fling some lix into their death.
All over the place was nice and quick, I just tried something and it immediately worked. Time limit scared me at the end though, they barely made it in. Does it serve and purpose?
Balancing together took me a few seconds to spot, but execution was ok as there's a lot of leeway. Just a lot of pausing.
Blocked by a snowball is a nice looking and simple level.
Not too fond of Ground Digging, didn't manage to find a nice solution to it.
Not too fond of hidden terrain either, especially if you only discover it midway.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 07, 2012, 07:47:39 PM
I think Steve once told me that the save requirement for Watch Ye Step is too low in the LemEdit version, allowing for backroutes.
The Cheapo version has 3 traps, and allows to lose only 3.

Yea, this. The intended route uses 3 traps and is lose 3. I was a bit lax in the save requirement for the LemEdit version, hence other routes opening up there. That said, you should leave it as is, it's a new puzzle that way.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 07, 2012, 10:26:50 PM
I was a little assertive with my comment above. But if your sure, IS, then whatever. I actually thought of your intended solution first but decided not to bother with it because I thought  it was a little tedious and I'm impatient so I tried to find another way.

here's a slight revision to So Close Yet So Far Away. Tell me which version is harder if either is significantly harder is or not.

And for Eye of the needle; I like 'version 3' better simply because I'm nervous about back routes on the steel with miners.

WARNING: there may be a problem, as I just realized I've forgot and went and started putting my levels into folders other than lixlifpack/wip. Sorry. I'll try to correct this.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 08, 2012, 12:24:15 AM
As TM requested over IRC, replay for Eye of the Needle 3. (Regardless of which version is used, I feel the exit should be changed to the correct one for the concrete graphics -- I think I noticed this problem with some of your other levels as well.)

It doesn't matter so much about where you put levels, now that Lix replays contain the level data; they will play back correctly anyway.

Solution to the revised So Close.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 08, 2012, 10:24:06 PM
9 more levels of varying difficulties. A few Cheapo/Lemedit remakes, a few new levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 08, 2012, 11:49:16 PM
Replays for the first few.

Incidentally, I hope we will get a list update this weekend. With all these new levels (though as we've said, some of minimac's may not make the cut) I would like to know just how close we are to the 240 target. I can already see that I'll have to be careful about selecting the best of my many remaining Cheapo levels (and, possibly, a couple of other ideas I have...).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 09, 2012, 12:11:55 AM
And the rest, except Mental Process which is a bit long for me to tackle at this hour (and I already know the solution from the Cheapo version).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 09, 2012, 12:38:37 AM
Backroute fixes. For Impetus, your route still works but needs the 2nd cuber, for the other two I think I removed those routes.

EDIT: The Runaround is also a backroute. Change the skillset to have 3 diggers instead of 4.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 09, 2012, 01:18:40 AM
a slight change to so close yet so far away.

EDIT: changed a 2nd time
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 09, 2012, 12:18:51 PM
Replays for IS's Mental Process and the modified levels (Runaround is still a backroute, I'm afraid).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 09, 2012, 07:34:21 PM
Impetus is also different, but that solution is harder than either of the other 2 I know of so I see no problems leaving it.

The Runaround's backroute I don't know how I'd fix. The intended solution uses a digger in the same spot and also requires the platform to be 2 "digs" thick. I think I might just leave that in too, since it's not intended to be a very hard level and that solution requires specific knowledge of the digger mask that I don't think a player at the ability I'm shooting for with that level will think about.

EDIT: I guess I could just mirror the level, come to think of it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 09, 2012, 08:00:56 PM
That wouldn't help, because my solution would still work if you wait for the lix to come back and dig facing towards the exit.

I'd love to know what the second "easy" solution to Impetus is, because I haven't been able to find it  :P

However, I found another probably unintended route, and a route for Runaround without using that digger trick.

Another solution (backroute?) for Bipolar Maniac.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 11, 2012, 12:41:19 AM
I've downloaded So close as well and solved it. Felt proud, as it took me about an hour to execute the solution. :)

would you mind uploading a replay of it? (if you saved one) I'd kinda like to see it since you said it took an hour. Anyway, in case anybody didn't notice, this level was updated/changed again in my last post.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 11, 2012, 02:31:08 AM
I noticed. Here's my replay for the latest version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 11, 2012, 08:49:20 AM
I had a go at the updated version and have solved that as well. I took a lot less time than before but still the updated level forced me to go down a different route. There was a fair bit of luck involved as well. Here's the solution of the new version of So close.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 11, 2012, 08:36:29 PM
Way to go Proxima, that's the intended solution. I'm going to leave Minimac's route in as well because it is hard to pull off (I tried it myself when making it but I couldn't do it)

I'm curious ISteve, did you make 'this is too much stepping stones' after you saw my '6 gaps 5 builders'? I'm asking because I got the idea for mine after your level 'The shaft'.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 11, 2012, 09:12:28 PM
That wouldn't help, because my solution would still work if you wait for the lix to come back and dig facing towards the exit.

I'd love to know what the second "easy" solution to Impetus is, because I haven't been able to find it  :P

However, I found another probably unintended route, and a route for Runaround without using that digger trick.

Another solution (backroute?) for Bipolar Maniac.

Yea, Bipolar Maniac is a backroute. Removing the decorative terrain should fix it. Good catch.

Impetus is rather close to the "other" solution, actually, but it skips a couple steps. I think I'm actually going to take that out of the level.

The Runaround is intended.

@TM: I actually missed 6 Gaps 5 Builders, so I hadn't yet seen it. I'll have a look at it now.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 12, 2012, 11:53:55 PM
Here's another easy one, Ferry Tale. No tricks involved. The solution isn't that interesting, so if we already have enough levels of this difficulty, we don't have to take this.

(Edit: Proxima found a backroute, see next post for updated version of the level.)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 13, 2012, 12:18:37 AM
This feels backroutish, but you said "easy" and I can't find any other solution, so....

(Awesome work on the visual design, in any case!  :thumbsup:)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 13, 2012, 12:28:47 AM
Yep, backroute. Splat distance is broken by the first steps. Version 2 of the level is attached, the crane is simply 16 pixels higher.

I'll retract calling the level easy. The solution isn't immediately obvious. I mainly thought it's easy because this level was designed pun first, then visuals, and the puzzle last.

Join IRC for a chat if you have nothing to do right now, nobody's there right now :)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 13, 2012, 12:43:07 AM
New solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 13, 2012, 03:26:40 AM
Update from IRC: This is also a backroute, but interesting enough that I might keep it in. Proxima has also found the intended route, which saves 100 %.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 13, 2012, 03:27:53 AM
I made a new level.
I'm not real happy tho.... i guess I lost my inspiration. I'm making levels that are too similar in style that I wanted.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 13, 2012, 03:54:41 AM
Solution for 3-1.

Like it, but I haven't played a lot of levels in the past, so I can't tell about similarity to previous levels. The visuals are good, this is how to use the carnival pieces harmoniously and consistently.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 13, 2012, 05:09:20 AM
Changes to Biploar Maniac and Impetus.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 13, 2012, 02:03:45 PM
A possible fix for the runaround, and solutions to three recent levels:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 13, 2012, 07:25:20 PM
Solution to Runaround is attached, looks like backroute.

ferrytale-geoo: Really close to the intended way, nice. I don't want to take out this route, and it'd be also very hard to do so. The level can apparently be completed without the batter (the hero is not a climber), which can count a challenge. I figure keeping the batter is better, to lower the difficulty.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 13, 2012, 07:38:08 PM
Another level. This one is closely based on three of the original levels, but combined in a different way from Box Set. It's also my first wraparound level (except for Box Set / Think Inside the Box, where the wraparound was purely aesthetic).

This level requires 48x32 and 48x48 steel pieces, which I've attached. (Put them in geoo/steel, obviously.) I made these very crudely by deleting 16 rows of the larger steel pieces; you can remake them properly if you like, of course. Sorry to be a bother -- I know I could just have plonked the 32x32 and 16x32 pieces next to each other, but I prefer the way the level looks with the 48 pieces.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 13, 2012, 08:51:35 PM
the solutions to 3-1 were good. Geoo went the creative way. :) I kind of wanted to make it harder by enforcing a more unusual route like that one but you said you still need easy levels anyway. I like it the way it is.

here is another easy one.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 13, 2012, 09:05:26 PM
I've downloaded that level, but for some reason I am unable to play it. :( I wonder what's wrong with it?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on June 13, 2012, 09:09:16 PM
minimac: What exactly is the problem? If there is a red tree icon in the preview, then you lack some terrain pieces. View data/log.txt and scroll all the way to the bottom, it lists the filenames of the missing terrain.

Most likely, it's Proxima's fire object. I forgot where it was uploaded, probably here in this thread or in another popular thread about Lix.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 13, 2012, 09:10:30 PM
The most likely thing you're missing is the flame object (attached below). Put both the image and the text file in images/proxima.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 14, 2012, 01:30:51 PM
Yep, you're both right. It was the fire pieces. TM could've probably used water as that wouldn't make a difference compared to fire.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 14, 2012, 04:39:11 PM
In gameplay terms, no. It would also make no difference if there was no object there and the lix merely fell out of the level. And it would make no difference to the gameplay if we used nothing but the carnival set to construct terrain (it would be time-consuming to recreate the bumpy snow pieces in a straight-edge set, but in principle it could be done). You see where I'm coming from with this?

You have to remember that Lix is pre-release, so all the new tiles and objects that are being added as we go along will be bundled with the game, and the eventual users won't have to root around among forum topics for them. The fact that during development, some of us might have to chase around to get hold of certain pieces is unfortunate, but in the end it's worth it because it allows us all to contribute to the game's graphics and makes this a real team project. And some of the new pieces have been very useful, such as the thin platforms and the factory trap. And the fire object can, of course, be placed on top of platforms or pillars, where water would just look silly :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 15, 2012, 03:15:12 PM
Now that I've got Lemmix and have been looking through the level database, I couldn't resist remaking "Betcha can't save just one".

A very small modification to the intended solution makes it require only 2 builders, but I've kept 3-of-each to make the red herrings more plausible. Let me know if you find any backroutes!

I've been working on an unintended solution that I wouldn't count as a backroute, because it also uses three of the lemmings, but I haven't been able to make it work, and if it's possible at all, it takes insane precision. Here's a hint for anyone who wants to have a look for this maybe-solution: far left exit.

EDIT: Just remembered, this level contains another 48-sized steel block.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 15, 2012, 04:12:13 PM
a good. I liked that level a lot. I'm glad somebody did it.
I was thinking Proxima, maybe you could make a smaller version of the fire for in case somebody wants to use the fire but it's that one is too big. (A shorter but same length since there already is a small square shaped fire thing)

here's another short snow level. This uses one of the steel pieces Proxima made.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 15, 2012, 04:54:30 PM
Heh, I solved that with the same miner trick I was using in my backroute attempt on Betcha. How funny that it should come up twice in one day 8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 15, 2012, 10:00:24 PM
Fixed that silly backroute to The Runaround.

Solved Betcha, using a bit of a ugly trick.

Been playing Metal City a bit, not having had much fun though yet, it's been a lot of trial and error so far. Perhaps I'll find something elegant in the end still, but the start doesn't look like it can be done in a way I'd consider elegant.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 16, 2012, 12:02:49 AM
This is the intended solution to Betcha, based on Insane Steve's walkthrough.

And the unintended solution I mentioned above does work. I think I'll leave this in as a challenge -- it's much harder than the intended route, and I don't think you can save 2/4 with it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 16, 2012, 12:53:04 PM
Here's an alternative version of Metal City Mayhem, which you may prefer. One more floater, three fewer miners, one more steel piece. Saving the crowd is definitely easier now, but the intended solution now requires a little more precision elsewhere.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 19, 2012, 03:28:48 AM
Here, have a level. Not entirely intended to have one strict solution, but you shouldn't be able to save too many more than the requirement. Name can be edited if any French speakers take offense  :P
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 19, 2012, 01:23:55 PM
Exasperating level -- in a good way, of course -- but I finally cracked it. (A couple of plausible routes that just fail, but you won't find out until the end; and the solution I found needs great accuracy twice to only just save a lix from the second and third entrances.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 20, 2012, 10:53:18 PM
Backroute to Cold Iron's Bound, solution to Merde (the order in which you take the entrances is definitely important, with the wrong order I clearly fell short of the number to save), and to the second version of Metal City Mayhem. Found it definitely more enjoyable than the first version, though ironically it was miners I usually ran out of in the first version.

EDIT: Now also solved the first version of Metal City Mayhem - very technical solution, and the time limit added at lot of unnecessary annoyance.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 20, 2012, 11:53:31 PM
Excellent solutions; I'm happy to go with the second version and leave that solution in. Here's mine.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 21, 2012, 12:16:15 AM
fix to cold irons bound. As a side note there is another backroute which Proxima found but I don't really know if it's easier or not.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 22, 2012, 01:46:27 PM
I remade these two levels by namida.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Minim on June 24, 2012, 08:34:59 PM
Those levels look quite good in my opinion.

Anyway, I have another downloadable file available below this post. It features 8 more single player levels and 3 multiplayer levels (But I also intend to make these levels work in singleplayer mode as well, so they are all solvable).

I had a lot of free time on my hands within the past week. During this week I have decided to make (and have successfully done) a new graphic set. I will upload these files (Along with two more levels exclusive to this new pack) on a new thread.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on June 24, 2012, 11:25:18 PM
Solved all the 1-player levels.

Almighty Sawblade: Definitely my favourite puzzle of the set, took me a long time to figure out though I had some skills left over. 2-player version looks interesting as well. Horrible background colour.
Descendants: Quite interesting, but, as geoo would say, brute-force solution.
Dude, where's my shovel?: Good easy level to introduce the trampoline object.
Grab your umbrellas: Visually awesome but really annoying to play.
Not too straightforward: It was. Solved with 7 skills.
Some like to run: Part 2 is excellent but not too hard, so having both parts seems pointless.
Take a dive: Backrouted using one of my favourite tricks, the interrupted basher step.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on July 19, 2012, 03:59:09 AM
I'm changing "Transmigration of Lix" because it's too easy and not what I originally wanted. Also changing the title cause now I think it's stupid.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on August 07, 2012, 12:06:09 PM
As mentioned in my separate topic, I'm working on remaking the original 2-player levels in Lix. Two of them -- Amiga Level 9, The Pipe Room, and its Genesis replacement, Now use miners and climbers -- stand out as visually pleasing or interesting, so I made them as 1-player levels as well. (They were also by far the most time-consuming to remake, so I wanted to get as much value for effort as I could!) The 1-player versions are extremely easy and could fill a couple of gaps towards the beginning of the lowest-difficulty set.

Solved Migration, with 100%. Do you need a replay?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on August 08, 2012, 07:47:22 PM
And here's a 1-player remix of "May the craftiest player win". This one is not quite so easy.

I think, like the others, the 1-player version should have a distinct title (but connected to the original) and I'm open to suggestions.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on August 09, 2012, 09:25:56 AM
How about replacing 'win' with 'survive', since you need 100% meaning all the lix have to survive. Survival of the Craftiest? You still need to be crafty because of the low skill counts :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on August 13, 2012, 12:17:10 AM
Survival of the Craftiest
:thumbsup: Proxima seal of approval!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on August 27, 2012, 10:28:05 PM
getting back on task...

here are two brand spanking new levels. Also included is Lixes and motion once again with some alterations.

below that is the folder of most of my revised levels from earlier. (The only thing that's revised is my name and and a few small odd things) Plus my fix to eye of the needle with the thin steel. I frankly don't care too much about it--it doesn't look bad to me and I don't remember why I disliked it before.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on August 28, 2012, 07:58:58 PM
Plus my fix to eye of the needle with the thin steel. I frankly don't care too much about it--it doesn't look bad to me and I don't remember why I disliked it before.

You didn't -- I was the one who objected to it  :P Nothing to do with the appearance -- it's just that from a puzzle-aesthetic point of view, I find it much "cleaner" if adding really small pieces to fix backroutes can be avoided.

Why a new version of Lixes in Motion? What was wrong with the old one? This version has a trivial solution.

Solved "Cluster One", easy once I got the idea, but then the title does rather give it away.

No ideas yet on the other level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on August 28, 2012, 09:29:02 PM
okay, I agree that title does give it away pretty much. (Kinda like flow control) so I changed the name. I added a laser to lixes in motion. Nobody has still found the correct solution to that level back then. (Granted there were a lot and some were nice) but not the intended one.

Plus also updated here is "so close yet so far away and exit stage right, just so geoo can easily get the correct version.

EDIT: I changed Dilemma slightly hopefully to make it a little less tight.

I'm hoping the only reason you didn't solve it was because it's too precision demanding.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on September 02, 2012, 07:53:27 PM
Here is a new level. Clam play tested this once and I updated it since then.

EDIT: second download is latest version
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 02, 2012, 09:12:14 PM
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on September 03, 2012, 10:08:08 AM
Solution to the latest Downfall (I think it's v3 now, including the one I tested on IRC?)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on September 09, 2012, 04:22:23 AM
I'm in the process of sorting through the levels right now, which might take a while due to the many duplicates.

In the meantime, I'll post two solutions and a new level. The new level is supposed to be very hard, however I'm afraid it will have tons of backroutes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on September 09, 2012, 06:00:31 PM
Three more solutions.
This version of Lixes in Motion is yet again different from Part 1 and Part 2, so is it supposed to become Part 3?
The new version of migration is really nice, you got 5 floater and 5 climbers, and yet things don't work out as easily due to the time limit. You might want to tighten it by 30 seconds or so, as I think building bridge and mining after each other might still be possible within 4 minutes.
Survival of the Craftiest presents a nice puzzle, though I suspect there's more solutions than just mine.

A Fearful Symmetry: In the new version, it's possible to cross the gap with 2 builders, so shouldn't the number of builders be adjusted accordingly? Might also be better to steepen the terrain that leads into the water to it's clearer that you can actually pass it with 2 bridges.
Eye of the Needle: that should work, do you mind if I replace the 3 16x32 blocks with a 32x32 one? Should still work and looks nice IMO.

Next I'll probably have a go at minimac's levels.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 10, 2012, 12:44:51 AM
This is close to my original solution to Survival of the Craftiest. I think I originally did something different at the very start, that didn't require the spawn interval fine-tuning used in this replay -- but now I can't work out what  ;P Anyway, it's not meant to be an "only one solution" level, so geoo's solution is valid.

And pretty much the same backroute to "Lixes in Motion 3".
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on September 10, 2012, 06:23:34 PM
Are maps still being accepted for the community pack?  Got one I've been working on this week.  Just doing some finishing touches to it.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 10, 2012, 07:47:55 PM
According to geoo here, yes.

As for me... I still have quite a few levels I would like to contribute, but Mother's accident, my writing, and my increased interest in multiplayer levels have all taken up large chunks of my time. But I don't want to make you wait for me, so as far as I'm concerned you can go ahead and close submissions whenever you're ready, and I'll just see how many I can get finished before that.

When you draw up the list, please include Seven Pillars of Lixdom / It's all about survival and The Sign of Four, because they really shouldn't take much more work at all. I haven't posted The Sign of Four yet, but only because I want to make a harder version if there's time, and that might require fiddling with the current terrain. If a deadline rush comes, I can just drop the idea of a harder version, but I don't want to drop the level altogether.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 10, 2012, 08:35:59 PM
Late Taxing is about a 3/10 to this group 8) Here's my solution. (And I'm in favour of timers, as I've said before :P )
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 10, 2012, 10:12:51 PM
Here's another solution, which I find more satisfying -- not to mention that it saves one more!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on September 10, 2012, 10:17:38 PM
Final Version of Tick Toxic  I'll guarantee this is unbackroutable!

Difficulty is still about a late taxing map (going from a lemmings1 level point of view)

Thanks for pre-testing the early version again Proxima.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on September 11, 2012, 03:59:17 AM
time-tightened version of migration and updates/fixes to Lixes in Motion

Okay. But earlier you all said I should not number my levels and just keep the same title.
I'll do the rest later
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on September 11, 2012, 04:48:59 AM
I'm not sure what you mean. I was just wondering whether this one is supposed to become a new addition to the level set (and thus Part 3, unless you have some other name for it), or whether it was supposed to replace one of the other two parts (which I assumed it didn't because the solution is yet again different). Anyway, same backroute still works.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on September 14, 2012, 05:02:30 PM
Final Version of Tick Toxic  I'll guarantee this is unbackroutable!
Difficulty is still about a late taxing map (going from a lemmings1 level point of view)
Thanks for pre-testing the early version again Proxima.

I played this level, here is a replay. I'm afraid it may be a backroute since I saved 29/30. However, the extra I saved was simply by exact-to-wall building. (I like that phrase, can I coin that?  :D) But I didn't look at anyone else solutions so Idk.

Still, I really liked this level, It was challenging.  :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on September 15, 2012, 04:53:00 AM
Geez, my guarantees are about as good as ones you get from walmart then.
That's a sick solution dood, but wayyyy harder than the intended one!

So Im not changing the map, if it were a maximum save competition , you have found a super good way of doing that.  AWSOME!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on September 15, 2012, 05:20:17 AM
And Geoo topped us both.  He just did 30/30 o_O
edit: Clam comes in with another great 30 solution.

Rubix 28
Mobius 29
Geoo 30
Clam 30
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on September 22, 2012, 03:28:12 PM
new level.

I wanted to make a much harder one but it ended up being rather easy. Nothin' new  :-[
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on September 22, 2012, 03:55:46 PM
Stop being so down on yourself. It's irritating enough when you just insult yourself; downright annoying when you insult other people who fail to solve your levels. It may seem easy to you because you know the solution, but it's very well hidden and that makes it difficult for new solvers to find. Also, this level is especially tricky because it's trivial to save 34/35, so the player doesn't know whether to keep looking for variants of that method or to try something completely different....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Clam on September 22, 2012, 10:00:02 PM
new level.

I wanted to make a much harder one but it ended up being rather easy. Nothin' new  :-[

Pretty much agree with what Proxima said. This is not an easy level. It's easy to fall into this thinking when you just built a level and thus know the solution - I used to think this about some of my levels, but then I went back to them some months later and struggled to solve them again! :P

Attached a replay.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on December 25, 2012, 11:15:04 AM
Merry Christmas, everyone!  8) As my present to the forum, I give you the intended solution to "You only get one bash at it". No point in continuing to hang onto it when no-one's working on the set any more. (Though I still hope I'll be able to find time to design a few more levels soon.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 21, 2013, 02:08:52 AM
Here's the Lix remix of Brute Fours.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 03, 2013, 11:35:39 PM
Another Cheapo remake. This was originally the third level in the Prelude / Toccata / Finale trilogy; I may have been misled by a comment in the Cheapo Level List game on the old forums. The person reviewing this level called it "definitely harder than Toccata", but after remaking it, I don't think it's as hard as Toccata, so keeping it as the third of the trilogy may be inappropriate. I'd appreciate a second opinion on this.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 06, 2013, 05:13:26 PM
The Hotel in Hell

[v.5: More fire!]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 10, 2013, 10:30:03 PM
I'm inclined to think that Finale is harder than Toccata, maybe just because there's more things that you can try. I don't know, it took me quite a bit to solve (though in my final solution I save 2 more than required).

EDIT: updated Hotel in Hell solution to v2 v3 v4.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 11, 2013, 04:34:43 AM
v5 solved. Time limit is very tight.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 12, 2013, 08:10:17 PM
That is just beautiful, no way would I consider taking it out -- even though you take advantage of the brick that wasn't there in the Cheapo version.

Here's my solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on June 22, 2013, 05:06:58 AM
Ok, I'm in the process of sorting through the levels again. A few questions about some (more to come):

@mobius: Cold Iron's Bound: What's your intended solution, if it isn't hacking a bit of the icicle away with a miner while the builder is building? In the latest version, just building precisely and then using the basher to stop the builder works, it doubt that's intended tough, right?

@ccexplore: Brickout: The latest version of it still hasn't been fixed. Just wondering what to do about this level, have someone fix it, fix it yourself, adapt the solution, allow backroutes, ...
Top Gear: I once slightly redesigned it to make the miner placement easier, are you fine with that version? I remember you didn't like the black borders around the sandstone blocks (the redesign doesn't have them), but for consistency with everything else I'd still like to change the level so everything aligns nicely and the black borders are visible, while using the fine block grid to aid the miner placement.

@Steve: Why is the title name for Rhapsody actually "Rhapsody--"? Intentional, or should I get rid of the minus signs?

@RubiX: The level 'Systematic Separation singlescreen', is singlescreen actually part of the title, or just because the level is singlescreen?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on June 23, 2013, 03:16:06 AM
@mobius: Cold Iron's Bound: What's your intended solution, if it isn't hacking a bit of the icicle away with a miner while the builder is building? In the latest version, just building precisely and then using the basher to stop the builder works, it doubt that's intended tough, right?

The first one there is the intended. However; as I have now changed my taste in level design and I'm pretty much against precision levels like this; I'd suggest removing this and all my other levels like it
(Torture Chamber, that one's really bad)
But this isn't my call so you can do whatever you want. I don't have any time to work on this at all, sorry.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 23, 2013, 07:30:23 AM
Rhapsody, the original, had a 54322345 skill pattern and was save 76 of 80
Rhapsody-- has a 43211234 skill pattern and is save 75 of 79

100% intentional.  8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on June 24, 2013, 12:58:03 AM
Nice, news of this thing moving again is a great thing  :thumbsup:

'singlescreen' can definitely be removed from the title on my level. 

Also, feel free to do any modifictaion to the puzzle itself if you feel it should be included.
I definitely wont mind atall.

Whatever makes the pack better is what really matters.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on June 29, 2013, 07:05:12 AM
Heres a new puzzle I made today, dont know if you are accepting anymore or not, but I was bored.   Lix is always fun to mess around in.
Difficulty ummm somewhere late taxing to early mayhem I would say.
Not too hard.  But fun when you know how.

Map:Low Profile
Style: Shadow
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on July 23, 2013, 07:22:35 AM
I attached an archive containing various levels that were considered for inclusion but haven't been included yet, mostly due to backroute issues that were never fixed or very technical solutions. However there's also minimac's levels in this archive which I haven't gone through yet, I think after fixing some of the atrocious background colours there's quite a bunch of decent levels amongst them too.
Any input with regards to changes or inclusion on whatever is in this archive is appreciated. I noticed in Proxima's level rating list there's already a preference for which of minimac's levels to include and which not.

There's also a folder called 'versions', containing multiple versions of certain levels from which I have to choose one. The most messy one is 'Lixes in Motion' which is supposed to be a two parter, but there's a load of different versions and I don't know which ones are the right ones.

Also attached is a solution for Low Profile.

I also found an alternative solution for So Close, making the first pile even higher should eliminate it. Shall I do that?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on July 23, 2013, 06:07:11 PM
you managed to save 1 more i see.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Akseli on August 01, 2013, 12:08:46 AM
My contribution for the Lix set. :) Here's "Feel the Pressure" if you still would like to add it, although there seems to be extra levels already (?).

Let me know if you find backroutes, just discovered eg. that Lix basher can actually create a ramp when hitting steel, which doesn't occur in Lemmix. I increased the save requirement by one and the time limit by some seconds to make this work better. I have a replay solution for my level.

Btw, Lix editor was pretty nice to use (I especially liked those buttons which adjust how visible a terrain piece is on another piece), good work guys! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on August 01, 2013, 02:10:39 AM
Yea LIX editor is very user friendly.   I only like creating lemmings-type stuff in Lix :)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on October 19, 2013, 03:16:12 AM
If there is still time, there are adjustments I'd like to make and I think I'm finally getting the time to make them.

I'd like to replace:
Pieuw's; Diggin' the Air with So Logical
Underground Water Storage (or whatever I called it... Proxima would know because he's watched RTW) with Lemesis
my levels:
Torcher Chamber with Mass Lemmecide by Yawg

I'll gladly use these to replace levels of mine that had major backroute problems or other issues.

others I'd like to remake that I could swap in:
Take it like a Lemming by weirdy beardy
Gotta Keep em seperated by Shvegait
...too many to list.

I've haven't looked at the level list in a while and I haven't included levels by those like minimac who I remember participated. But there are levels by those people I'd love to include if they are not already included.

I also should retract my earlier comment that Insane Steve's level: Watch Ye Step should be fine with that backroute. It's not fine and the intended solution is more interesting & difficult.
I don't recall seeing geoo's levels like One Step Off or Down the Cliff in here. If so, those are winners thought ought to be considered.

Right now I'm on Ubuntu (32 bit) and thought I could easily do this but the computer is old (and crashes often) and Lix crashes after I changed the screen dimensions in windowed mode. So I might not get to it for a few days.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on December 16, 2013, 08:03:38 PM
I'd like to replace:
Underground Water Storage (or whatever I called it... Proxima would know because he's watched RTW) with Lemesis
That would be "It's All Uphill From Here".

Here's a remake of Death or Glory by weirdybeardy, from Revenge of the Lemmings (Pain 07).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on December 17, 2013, 03:57:45 PM
I'd like to replace:
Underground Water Storage (or whatever I called it... Proxima would know because he's watched RTW) with Lemesis
That would be "It's All Uphill From Here".

Here's a remake of Death or Glory by weirdybeardy, from Revenge of the Lemmings (Pain 07).

For now, I would recommend using this level you just made to replace one of mine. Torture Chamber would probably be my first choice. It's very precise and annoying plus it had many backroutes and may still have some, not a level I'm particularly proud of. I doubt if I'll get around to remaking them myself, sorry. But anybody can do anything with my levels. I don't mind. I won't sue for copyright issues  :P

Mass Lemmecide by Yawg is my favorite candidate for remake here. (it is Armageddon 6 in the Revenge Pack) There are lots of others but many may be difficult or impossible to remake.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 03, 2014, 12:47:02 AM
I'm remaking "Panic Attack" from Lemmings Plus II. Here's a block needed for it -- add this to the carnival set.

EDIT: And here's the level.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 19, 2014, 05:58:54 PM
Regarding the level "Finale", I had another look at this just now, realised I couldn't remember my original solution, and found a different solution that saves 38/40 (the same as geoo's backroute) with the bomber and three blockers over.

I've decided to make this the intended solution, and remove the bomber. (The three blockers can remain, to keep the 1-5-5-1 pattern.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 19, 2014, 11:48:50 PM
Prelude: Decorative terrain edit only, solution is unchanged.

Put your lix on ice: Replaced builders with platformers to inhibit build-across solutions. No-climber is still possible as a challenge.

Seven Pillars of Lixdom (formerly "Untitled Columns Level"): Heavily revised, incorporating an idea from the solution to the harder version. The harder version, which was rejected for over-precise bomber timing, can now be scrapped.

Rhapsody in Blue: Is now untimed  :thumbsup:  and the extra builder is instead accounted for by the terrain on the far left being non-steel.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on January 29, 2014, 01:14:34 AM
Here's another remake from Namida's Lemmings Plus  8)  But with a catch... in the original, this is one of the early 30-of-everything levels. It's not so easy with only three of everything!

EDIT: I realised after I switched off last night that this can be done without the walkers, so naturally I removed them. Makes it a lot harder!

This level has no time limit, but if you want a challenge, it can be done within four minutes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: RubiX on January 30, 2014, 01:00:13 AM
I really want to try all this stuff you guys are creating, but I will wait for the actual release to do so.
I'm patient :)  something to always look forward to.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 13, 2014, 06:11:49 PM
Two versions of The Crimson Room, a level I was sharing on IRC last night. (Thanks to Clam and Rubix for testing!) I tried two different backroute fixes -- version A has lasers; version B removes the climber, but has one more builder and basher. Both versions still have at least one alternative solution anyway. I can't decide which version to use -- or perhaps I should just go back to the original, i.e. A without the lasers. None of the solutions are trivial, so perhaps it doesn't matter so much. Opinions would be welcome.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on February 23, 2014, 12:22:32 AM
Any input with regards to changes or inclusion on whatever is in this archive is appreciated. I noticed in Proxima's level rating list there's already a preference for which of minimac's levels to include and which not.
Here are my thoughts on each of minimac's levels.

Strong include
All over the place -- Excellent puzzle level, could do with improving appearance
Heavenly skies -- Another very good puzzle as it's not easy to find a route that doesn't run out of builders
The Almighty Sawblade -- Great puzzle, horrible background colour
Some like to run (Part 2) -- Another excellent puzzle
Welcome to Puzzle World -- Good level; requires minimac's puzzle terrain and I don't know whether that's included?

Weak include
Blocked by a snowball -- Easy, would be a good addition to the Simple set
Going round in circles -- Okay level, but rather easy to see what to do, can be brute-forced
Ground digging -- Fairly good level for allowing the player to discover interrupted basher and miner techniques, but a bit nasty with precision
The Giant Mushroom -- Decent puzzle, could do with improving appearance, change the fling-bomber for a normal one?
Dude, where's my shovel? -- Okay as a simple puzzle to introduce the trampoline object. I would change my vote to "exclude" if we already have something filling that niche.

Weak exclude
Balancing together -- Tedious to implement the solution
Cross hairs -- Interesting, but a bit too similar to the PimoLems level "Precision Bombing"
Descendants -- Overly large and not very interesting, brute-force solution
Not too straightforward -- Quite a fun jumping level but very easy, most skills are unused. Possibly the solution is a backroute.
Scalding hot water -- Rather tedious building level, requires minimac's terrain

Strong exclude
A freakish shade of red -- Invisible terrain
Lust for a bust -- Nuke level, tedious trial-and-error
Grab your umbrellas -- Very annoying use of fling objects
Some like to run -- Identical to Part 2 except it requires 9/10 (and Part 2 requires 10), but saving 10 is not very much harder
Take a dive -- Annoying trampoline level, fortunately backroutable
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 09, 2014, 06:15:26 PM
despite objections, I've made a major change to my level 'eye of the needle' because I felt it was way too hard and annoying. Precisely; I broke it into two separate levels. "Eye of the needle" should be the familiar one, which has the main trick I thought of first for this level. "Absolute Zero" is new but it uses a trick I've only seen once in a level by geoo. This one hasn't been backroute tested. Also I didn't test it thoroughly enough to see if it's really annoying precision wise. I basically tested it until I could solve it so hopefully nobody gets too frustrated with it. I could most likely be adjusted.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 20, 2014, 08:14:08 PM
I'm only part-way done this. There are more to fix. See attachment

EDIT: I just realized I shouldn't have posted that folder yet--I actually haven't tested all of them thoroughly. 90 mph is one I know I definitely haven't worked out completely. Also I messed up some of the names.  :XD:

lix levels to remove: these are levels I really don't want in the set

Torcher chamber -- solution involves dumb precision.
six gaps five builders
Diggin' the Air (pieuw)
critical procedures- (I plan on keeping the repeat level which is ISteve's Solution)
riddle me this --can be solved with a glitch (besides I just don't find it very interesting)

Levels I'm ok with letting go (but not asking they be removed):
Slippery Pete
bibblidi-bobblidi-boo (pieuw)
Escape the Pit -- almost a remake of a Revolution level I changed my mind about this level. Unless it really needs to be removed.
the last mile
Leap of the Locust

levels that have been altered:
these are all the levels I've made changes too. Some have major changes to the solution while some were just small aesthetic things. I noted if I changed the title.

exit stage right - 90 mph down a dead end street
roundabout (added skills)
cold irons bound - a short sharp shock
3-1 - Three's Company
Fearful Symmetry - Cold Irons Bound
A Giant Leap for Lixkind -- The Final Sacrifice
That Pesky Gap -- Born Under Punches
Too far to walk ---made changes but haven't tested thoroughly. I made the level smaller.
Trivial Matters - Fracture
Wrong Way - Big Block
It Takes Time to Build
Dilemma - Passing Engagement
Over my head - I don't remember what the old solutions was, I like my current one which Akseli found also. I think it used to have backroutes anyway.

new levels!
these are levels that I made, I'm not super-adamant on them being added.
big block (part 2)
Don't Leave me Hanging! (BulletRide)
I may make a few more.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 23, 2014, 12:34:25 AM
on the above post: just let me know of any real concerns with the levels. Otherwise if they're fine I'm fine with them.

below is a redo of my level "tower of babel". I couldn't find the old one in the pack maybe I or someone took it out. If there was already a level just like this then forget about this one. In any case, I made this one better. It's still an easy level however.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: NaOH on March 29, 2014, 09:32:20 AM
Hi everybody,

I just noticed this community level set and, while I'm not very good at making levels, I'd still love to be able to help. So, I'm playing through the level set (might take me a long time) and I'm hoping a fresh pair of eyes will be useful. For now, I'm going to compare this level set (which I presume we could consider the proposed "default" Lix campaign) to the original Lemmings one.

I've intentionally avoided reading most of this thread so as to keep my perspective unbiased and not to spoil anything. I'll go back and read it later after I've reviewed the first chunk of the levels. So, if I mention something that's already been discussed, I'm sorry.

Starting with the first few levels, here are notes I took about structure and how these serve to introduce the player to lix. I'm assuming the player has at most skimmed the tutorial, and is smart enough to figure out the basic controls.

Levels 1 - 30

I like that it starts off with the humble "Any Way You Want" level. If you look at the first ten or so Lemmings levels, each is extremely minimalist and straight-forward to solidify game concepts. I'm assuming here that the starting levels of this pack are meant to serve as an introduction, and the later levels are the puzzling ones. You might even want to follow that pattern -- have a hidden tutorial by making the first 15 levels map to each of the 15 skills. But I like the current setup.

Next up is "Confusing Fractals," which is aptly named. The level is cool and all, but it's very intimidating to a new player despite its simple solution. I feel like topography should be introduced slowly, one axis at a time, and especially not with a mesmerizingly complicated level design. I'd recommend moving this one later on.

Level 3 -- I'm going to bold these now -- "Alternative Methods Recommended" is a clever way of introducing a lot of skills at once. It forces the player not to re-use the same skill too many times -- you might even want to lower the skill numbers down from 10 to 5. One thing I found confusing was the dark/bright pattern of the platforms, which made it look to me like there was a grid of blue dots and not a series of thin platforms. You might want to space the platforms out more and change their texture so that the player can more easily understand what's going on. Certain skills are a little overwhelming, though -- I feel like jumpers, climbers, cubers, and blockers don't belong here.

Level 4, "Lix Potion Number Nine," is a good introduction to traps. I'd nix the red lasers though, as they are distracting and simplicity is important so as not to overwhelm the player.

Level 5, "Building Block Maze," is a perfect difficulty jump. It allows players to re-use the skills they've learned, but makes them think through the level. It also is forgiving with skill number -- players get plenty, so they don't have to worry about running out yet. I'd actually recommend keeping it to just construction and destruction skills and blockers, and cut out the extraneous jumping, running, climbing skills, and parachuting skills, and maybe even remove the cuber and fling-bombers; too many tools is overwhelming. The micromanagement movement skills should be introduced later, I think.

Level 6, "Get Down from There!," is similar to Building Block Maze insofar as it gives the players a large tool-set and lets them explore it. I'd recommend slightly restructuring it so that the lix won't spill over the edge and die until the player is ready, or they might panic. Even then, this level should be moved later on a little; it's about the same difficulty as level 13 (see below). Again remove some of the overwhelming, extraneous skills.

Level 7, "Goblin City," is good. Encourages players to learn how to scroll because of how interesting the rest of the level is. Consider changing the red bar to a different colour, because it looks scary, like a trap or something.

Level 8, "Leap of the Locust" is a bit weird as a tutorial. For one, it's too restrictive on the number of lixes to be saved -- beginning players should be allowed to make some mistakes. Also, there's no way to cover over the pit completely, which gave me the feeling that I hadn't truly "saved" my lixes, like there was still danger lurking there. I don't think it's good to force players to micromanage their lixes this early on to prevent them from dying. Furthermore, it took me a minute to realize what to do here, and since I'm a veteran player that might mean this level is too hard for its placement.

Level 9, "Pipe Dream," is a good level which allows creative solutions, just like 5 and 6. I'd actually recommend putting it right after or right before 5; 5 is a construction-focused level, and this can be a destruction-focused level. Again, maybe remove the extraneous movement skills.

Level 10, Diamond Dash, is a good follow-up to Pipe Dream and Building Block Maze. Focuses on both construction and destruction. Again, maybe remove the extraneous movement skills.

Level 11, "Little Miner Puzzle (part 1)" is an excellent tutorial to specifically teach mining. It's also a good introduction to vertical scrolling. I'd recommend putting it very early on, possibly even the first level (very first level probably shouldn't have scrolling, though). Definitely before the more open-ended levels like 5, 6, 9, and 10.

Level 12, "Minimalism," is a good way of introducing some of the movement skills; this one is walking and fling-bombing. However, I'd restructure it slightly so that the player can save all the lixes just by using walkers to save half and bombers to save the other half; don't force walking and bombing together, especially since this level requires dexterity and/or repeated pausing to assign the skills in time. The player doesn't even know the skills' hotkeys yet (!).

Level 13, "Snake," is another open-ended level like 5, 6, 9, 10. Note how the skillset is much simpler. It's also a good challenge step up from the others; actually about the same difficulty as 6, which should be moved later.

Level 14, "Fear of Heights", is interesting as it fails under "Just Dig" logic, making the player think more critically what looks like a straightforward level. but remove the floater skill as it's not necessary -- or else make the drop bigger. We still haven't gotten a good floater introduction yet. Also, allow the player to lose a few lixes. Things are starting to get a little tricky.

Level 15, "Snow Really," is another good open-ended level. Teaches about climbers and about sending one loner lix up ahead of the pack to carve the way. This is actually my favourite level so far, I think; feels a lot like Lemmings. I'd recommend removing the cuber and jumper; blocker and builder work as fine substitutes and I still feel like the skillset should be small. Title should end in a question mark.

Level 16, "The Road Not Taken", is kind of weird. Why is there a door encased in steel? Why does the level wrap horizontally? The random tiny platforms hovering around is also confusing. The level also makes it easy to build into the ceiling (a weird game mechanic that the player shouldn't have to worry about yet) and encourages use of floaters -- something we still haven't introduced properly. I do like that it's another open-ended level, but it has some problems. This should either be moved later on or stricken all together. Sorry.

Level 17, "Think Fast!," is a nice way of building up the player's dexterity and making them consider using hotkeys. Also introduces them to bridge physics - what happens when a lix walks into a bridge from the "wrong" side? Either put this level after the floater introduction (which still isn't a thing), or remove the floater skill altogether. Also, give some more wiggle room on the allowed lix deaths.

Level 18, "Climb to Freedom!," is a nice way of making players think of re-purposing digger-tunnels as up-tubes instead of down-tubes. Also good to show what climbers can deal with (straight walls) and what they can't (bumps). Remove the unnecessary basher, though, and give the player a few more bridgers to use. Death count is still too restrictive.

Level 19, "Cuber Replacement," is a little confusing. Cubers should have been introduced before this level. The spawn rate kind of fast. Also, remove the greyed-out cuber icon; it's also confusing. The builders could be swapped out for more platformers to keep the concept simple. This level is good for encouraging out-of-the-box thinking with skills, but maybe it should be moved later on after the skills' uses have been more firmly established and reinforced in the player's mind. Plus, it takes a little finesse to get it to work right; seems like medium-difficulty to me.

Level 20, "Escape the Pit," is another good open-ended one, same difficulty as 13 and 6. I especially like how it forces the player to scroll the screen. Maybe this could be the introduction to horizontal screen-scrolling? Maybe remove the explosions, as they haven't been clearly introduced yet. One thing I've noticed is that the levels have been oscillating between explosion and flingsplosions; it should stay consistent until the distinction has been clearly made. (A level with just explosions, but requiring both types, would be really great for this purpose.) The "the" in the title should be capitalized.

Level 21, "Let's block and blow?," good introduction to blockers and bombers. This could go very early on; definitely makes a good explosion introduction. Also, the title is lowercase; is this intentional?

Level 22, "Pitfall," is a good introduction to floaters. Depending on where this level is placed, (if climbers and bombers haven't been introduced yet) maybe instead of forcing the player to use a blocker, instead modify the terrain slightly to force the use of a climber to climb out of the starting plateau.

Level 23, "Put your lix on ice," is a good, simple level, not too challenging. Remove the extraneous skills (i.e. bomber, floater, jumper, batter), and put this level earlier in the list. It shows how climbers can be used to climb steep slopes, not just straight walls; this should go before 15 ("Snow Really"). There is a small, one-pixel lip on the left-hand hill which halts climbers, but it's hard to notice; either make the bump bigger (and perfectly flat on the bottom so that it's obvious the climber will be reflected), or flatten it out with dark antimatter terrain.  Um, this title also has strange capitalization. And uses the discouraged pluralization of "lix." Edit: nevermind, lix has many correct plurals; thanks, Proxima.

Level 24, "Downpour." This level is flingsane and belongs way farther down the list. I don't know what it's doing here. We haven't even been introduced to jumpers properly yet.

Level 25, "Go Ahead and Help Yourself," is another good open-ended one. Another small difficulty step up from 6, 13, and 20. Remove some of the unnecessary skills cluttering the skill list, though, especially the ones that haven't been introduced yet. Good introduction to multiple hatches.

Level 26, "Let's all go down the Strand"; Same difficulty class as 6, 13, 20, etc. Jumpers should be introduced before this level, though. Doesn't need modification.

Level 27, "Setting a Fundament"; The basic use of cubers needs to be solidified (no pun intended) before this more complicated use.

Level 28, "Suicide Attack" -- what is this flingsanity? There needs to be a simple flingtroduction level first.

Level 29, "You'll Get Over It," is a good difficulty; it's open ended, has a simple skillset. Belongs maybe just after 6, 13, 20, 26 in terms of difficulty. (i.e. it's well placed.)

Level 30, "Against the Wall." So many colours aah! Actually, I like this as an introduction to toroidal levels. It's simpler than level 2 ("Confusing Fractals") and the player already has a handle on basic use of skills (except flinging, jumping, cubing, and blocking, which haven't had a proper introduction yet) and is ready for a new concept.


Everything is really good so far and I look forward to playing the rest. Maybe I could contribute "Sanity Threshold" (pictured) from the occult tileset, if that makes it into the game?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on March 29, 2014, 04:28:07 PM
Coincidence that NaOh posted this before I did. I wanted to post something of this nature forever but never got around to playing the levels until recently.
Thanks for the comments on my levels.

some thoughts on the difficulty;

I rate Let's block and blow and suicide attack slightly higher
[excellent levels btw, I've never played these before. I liked Decompression method too.]

Other than that, the beginning is pretty solid.

I think Piewu's levels Erbalunga and Uphill are harder than their position.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on March 29, 2014, 05:29:50 PM
Thanks for the feedback -- let's hope this helps give us a bit of momentum to get this thing finally finished off!

I should say, I don't have any official status beyond being one of the main level contributors, and I've been away from IRC for a long time, so you may well have heard more recent news than me. But as far as I know, the list is still in order by geoo's opinion of difficulty -- the plan was to get together and hash out an ordering, but geoo has been busy with other things (as have we all) -- it isn't meant to be taken as a draft of the sequence they would appear in the game. That said, your feedback highlighting the problems with using their current arrangement as an ordering should be very helpful whenever we do manage to get round to working on one.

Some replies about my own levels:

4 (Lix Potion Number Nine) -- The lasers are necessary to encourage the player to take the route through the traps. A 100% solution is possible by another route, but I wanted this to be a level the player could pass easily, then come back and look for the 100% route later. I hadn't intended this to come as early as geoo has placed it.

7 (Goblin City) -- One of several conversions from my old Cheapo levels. I'm not displeased with it, but I think the original version, in the Lemmings marble style, looked much better  :)  Fair point about the red pipe.

9 (Pipe Dream) and 10 (Diamond Dash) have the full range of skills because they were converted from 2-player levels, and I didn't really think about that as a consideration. I agree that the movement skills could be cut out.

23 (Put your lix on ice) -- Those are good suggestions. Not sure where you got the idea that the plural "lix" is "discouraged"; Simon has said that lix, lixes, lixen are all acceptable, and across the set of level titles, "lix" is the most popular by a substantial margin.

Comments on some levels that aren't mine:

2 (Confusing Fractals) -- I agree. We need a level that bridges the gap between the extremely easy Any Way You Want and everything else, but this isn't it.

3 (Alternative Methods Recommended) -- I think this is harder than Steve's other Fun levels, because the thin platforms make you run out of miners and diggers and then you need to handle the drop, with a fairly high 40/50 requirement. I really don't think this should come this early.

16 (The Road Not Taken) -- The horizontal wrap and tiny platforms are essential to the later version of this level, "Dream the Impossible Dream". (The fully enclosed door isn't essential, but it did suggest the titles of both versions, so I suspect it's staying.) I agree this is one of the more complex N-of-all-skills levels and should come later.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on March 30, 2014, 10:11:29 PM
Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'll read through it thoroughly once I have time! I just caught some Wifi here, so a few notes:

First, the current level order that you see is basically just the complete level list, sorted by the current difficulty rating. I want to hand-arrange the levels into the ratings in the end, based on my opinions and your feedback. Especially for the first rating I intend to arrange the levels in a good difficulty curve, and also design some specific levels for the first rating that introduce some stuff that re-appear in later levels, or things like that. So especially for that the feedback you gave will be pretty useful.

Second, we plan to have a dedicated set of tutorial levels introducing the basic mechanics. Maybe 15 levels or so, maybe two tiers (Like in Rubix' current tutorials, one with advanced techniques), also trying to build on top of each other to some extent so the player will remember the skills/mechanics and not forget about them immediately again.

So it seems I'll be on the road again for the next month, but afterwards I'm trying to allocate time right now where I'll really just be at home, and having some time for this. Overall, I would still like to stick to 280 (7x40) levels in total which we're going to exceed with the current bunch of levels plus the levels I want to design for the first rating, plus whatever else is still rolling in from you, so I was thinking of compiling a list of the levels that have been strongly considered for inclusion, and maybe ask for feedback for 20 or 30 (or however many) levels that have to be put aside to get back to 280 levels. Also (cf rating name thread) we still need a seventh rating name (possibly with additional adjustments to other rating names, so I like the 6 we have quite a lot).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 04, 2014, 01:38:57 AM
Ok, here's an update. Links to the level archive and list in the first post of the thread, as usual.
The update news are below (I actually haven't been able to thoroughly test all the updated levels, so I put notes in the level list file).

But first, a few things (what to do next).

Not all (albeit most) of the levels are quite top-notch. Therefore I will look over the levels at some point, and compile a list of levels that I'd be fine being scrapped, or that I feel need some prettifying in order to stay. I encourage you to do the same. If you have complaints about any existing level, or downright dislike one, post it! Maybe (just maybe), we could scrap so many to go back to 240, making things a little shorter, ensuring quality, and solving the issue of the 7th rating?
At some point I'll try to arrange the levels into the ratings (though before that I should find out whether we'll have 6 or 7).

But with the discussion about the first rating that has been sparked, I think this is a good opportunity to get the first rating arranged, as that's the most important one in some sense too.
I'll assume that the player will have played tutorial levels, that introduced the functionality of each skill and object, but that he doesn't necessarily remember all of these perfectly well.
We already got quite a bit of material, but already noticed that some things are missing (like a level that fits into the slot following 'Any way you Want'). I feel that the levels should get the player more accustomed to the skills, so rather than having all the skills present in all the N-of-each levels, I agree with Amanda that's a good idea to limit the choice (i.e. strip the skill selection of some of the existing levels). Though in addition to these, to mix things up a little I think the first rating should also have a few puzzle levels (like 'Little Miner Puzzle' where the player is fully aware what the skill does, and now has to solve a puzzle with it), and maybe some techniques (sending climber and mining down, climber bomb, etc; these two already seem to be covered, though maybe not in the most basic setting).
I'd like this discussion to keep going on, with e.g. suggested level ordering or a few new levels to fill in the gaps. I'll chip in in a month or so when I'm back from one of my vacations.

Update news:


Code: [Select]

'Put your Lix on Ice': Added bump at the left as per Amanda's suggestion. No other changes yet.
'Any way you Want': New version with Proxima's extended terrain.
The others: New versions that Proxima/Mobius uploaded

Added (haven't added them to _order.X.txt, so they appear at the end of the folder in Lix):

Code: [Select]

I attached a solution to 'The Crimson Room (B)', which I included for now. This choice is somewhat arbitrary, based on the fact that I found the lasers in the other version a bit hard to see at the beginning. I'll have to solve the other version too.

I included a notable portion of minimac's levels, based on Proxima's feedback. This is tentative, I think some of them definitely need some prettifying. Might also taking some of them out in the end, but I want to include rather more than less at this moment.

I haven't included any of mobius' changes yet. Things in his archive seem pretty messy as it stands, for instance, 'Whispering Wind' is completely broken (linebreaks missing).

I haven't solved 'Absolute Zero', it looks like I'm missing something. I'm very fond of the original 'Eye of the Needle', though this one seems to employ an additional idea, so it's nice as a standalone level, or maybe for that idea to be incorporated into Eye of the Needle. Don't know yet.

Then I have a few more levels lying around that are not included yet, for I think backroute reasons, or multiple versions, or something like that.

brickout (Anyone who's seen the solution wants to try backroute fixing?)
house-of-flying-lixes (Don't know ccx' intended solution, and I think mine might be a bit too technical)
downfall (two versions I think)
four lix and a funeral (backroutes)
in my time of dyin (not sure why, looks very messy though)
is there alix in the house (backroutes)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 05, 2014, 06:14:59 PM
Go West, Backslash(s) was a really nice level. I also liked Can't reach it don't need but haven't solved it yet.
I really loved Lix Cannon too, By Ben Bryant, is that a remake or someone who used to be around here? I don't remember that name.

I found a possible backroute to Impetus by IS.

more levels I'm ok with letting go:
when the levee breaks, a lix on the edge!, play ball!, watch ye step (IS's but I remade it and he never made any comments about it), so close yet so far away, the last laugh, u can eliminate one of the "lixes in motion" I don't care which, Division of Labor

I was afraid of that about Whispering Wind [five for fighting] because it was like this before I did anything to it, unless it was an issue with my notepad ??? You can just forget about the changes I made to it and use the original.

Absolute Zero implies a trick used in one of geoo's Lemmix levelpack 2 (the small one). I should really try and embellish it a little, but I don't know if I'll get to do that soon. If you want to keep the old Eye of the needle that's fine. You can either scrap the 'easy version' or not.

in my time of dyin was my level I think?
downfall was also my level?
four lix and a funeral
I don't think "is there alix in the house" was mine, but if it was

You can scrap all of these.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on April 05, 2014, 09:38:23 PM
I consider Lix Potion Number Nine very tricky for newer players, closer to 0.8 through 1.0 than the current 0.1. The compression trick is not obvious. The first solution I found was block, dig down the leftmost pillar, and bash underneath the lowermost traps, cancelling the basher mid-stroke.

Decompression method (make 9 blockers, then mine underneath them) may or may not be harder than it -- it doesn't allow such a backroute and forces you to see the main trick, but the skillset guides one to the trick unlike Potion's 1-of-each skillset. On Decompression method, I'd give 9 blockers instead of 10 to make this guide even stronger.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 05, 2014, 09:39:46 PM
Ben Bryant's two levels are remakes (by me) from the Cheapo set "sg1". I don't think he's been seen since the days of the old forum. (The whole set is very good and I'd love to remake more levels from it, but... there's the matter of finding time, and we have enough levels now.)

I'm also strongly in favour of keeping the old Eye of the Needle; it's a much better puzzle because the solution is well hidden, and there is (at least) one nice red herring that it's easy to be fooled by.

"Is there a lix in the house" was yours, mobius. I'm not going to dig out the post now, but I recall you said it was meant to be an easy level with multiple solutions, so geoo's worry about backroutes is unfounded. However, I think it's not a particularly strong level and we could drop it.

As soon as I have time, I'll go through the whole collection and give my feedback on weaker levels. If we do stick with 7 ratings, perhaps the extra one could be "Nasty" (between Daunting and Vicious)?

geoo's solution to Crimson Room (B) is interesting, different from mine. I'd like to see your solution to (A) before making a decision about which to keep.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: NaOH on April 06, 2014, 02:13:51 AM
Renamed "Sanity Threshold" (a kind of boring name) to the more apt "Skulls, Sludge, and Steel." The level previously named "Sludge, Skulls, and Steel" (note the difference in the title) now has a different name or something. Or maybe it will be forgotten. Or maybe I'll call it "Steel, Skulls, and Sludge" to be difficult. Perhaps all six combinations will be realized over time.

Also, I've fixed an obvious backroute in the newly-dubbed "Skulls, Sludge, and Steel."
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 06, 2014, 02:58:34 AM
I consider Lix Potion Number Nine very tricky for newer players, closer to 0.8 through 1.0 than the current 0.1. The compression trick is not obvious. The first solution I found was block, dig down the leftmost pillar, and bash underneath the lowermost traps, cancelling the basher mid-stroke.

Lix Potion Number Nine-- [isn't this the level with a bunch of factories?] I didn't find any compression was necessary, since you can lose a lot  ??? unless I have an old version.
Although I agree that I don't think I give it 0.1 rating.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 07, 2014, 10:00:20 PM
Replays for Death or Glory, Feel the Pressure, Seven Pillars, Skulls and Crimson Room (A).

Note for myself from IRC:
<mobius_> figured how to save 100% on Goblin city, that's good
<mobius_> little miner puzzle is harder then level 11
<mobius_> I know they're not in order of difficulty but if that's the general idea, I think it's tougher than that
<NaOH> really? It didn't seem that hard to me
<mobius_> i haven't even solved it yet
<NaOH> oh =P sorry. Good luck!
<mobius_> idk I'm stupid sometimes, but usually I prefer the single skill levels like not near the very beginning
<mobius_> unless they're tutorials
<NaOH> I like so-called "hidden" tutorials
<NaOH> which are parts of the game that teach you how to play without telling you how to play.
<mobius__> ok either I did solve this level before and I just don't remember or I'm a total idiot
<mobius__> despite ordering, I think minimalism 1 is easier than 2
<mobius_> well maybe not, they're about the same
<mobius_> Land of Rainbows and Unicrorns was a fun level, despite being a tad annoying with the precision required
<mobius_> but I do'nt see a way around that
<mobius_> oh yeah it's way harder than it's position
<mobius_> unless im not finding the right solution
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 08, 2014, 05:41:52 PM
Seven Pillars is precisely as intended.

Death or Glory is an alternative solution that also works on the original level, so I'm not going to fix it.

Crimson Room (A) -- if the lasers don't prevent a left-climb solution, there's no point in having them, so let's stick with the (B) version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 08, 2014, 06:49:08 PM
Lix Potion Number Nine-- [isn't this the level with a bunch of factories?] I didn't find any compression was necessary, since you can lose a lot  ??? unless I have an old version.

Yes, the simplest solution is to set SI 4 at the start and just watch. That saves exactly the required 40/80, so it's not obvious it will work, you have to think of trying it out. Of course, you can save more by combining this idea with building or digging past some of the traps.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: NaOH on April 08, 2014, 07:23:24 PM
Interesting solution for Skulls! The second half was right, but it's not supposed to require a cuber in the middle or any building directly underneath the steel. I'll see what I can do about that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 09, 2014, 06:44:41 PM
names like Martin Zurlinden, I recommend shortening to Martin Z or something like that, so it looks nicer in the menu bar.

replace all instances of "TM" or "thick molasses" with random name of your choosing like "ElvisIsAlive"
Low clearence by I.S. is a little easier than it's position
100 ways to die, is harder imo, haven't solved this yet but I could just be silly.
Tribute to Flagpole Sitting, maybe a little harder

Merge Sort: I liked this one a lot. Definitely harder than its position. I think I solved it easier from playing a similar level to it before so to a newcomer it might be pretty difficult.

more levels ok with removing: Dances with Lixes

If there are still two version of "Tinker Tailer Soldier Lix, if needed keep only the harder one; one with Proxima's solution. (There should be 3 miners and there ought to be a brick on the right side near the exit that makes it harder to mine through there but I don't remember exactly).

I haven't mentioned any of the levels which I collab'd with other people like Proxima or Nortaneous. simply because since it wasn't all my own I won't make that decision on my own but as for my opinion; I'm ok with any of those being removed if they needed to be.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 16, 2014, 11:03:57 PM
"the lix who Japed" is a new Lix level (while it was an old Lemmix level but I never redid it for reasons) I recently removed at least a few backroutes. It can replace any of my other levels. [Unless it's not well received..]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 18, 2014, 05:52:17 PM
I love it -- it's like a fixed version of The Great Lemming Caper, one of my favourite levels from the original. Unfortunately, it's not entirely backroute-free; perhaps the gap at the bottom-left needs to be a little wider?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 18, 2014, 09:13:03 PM
I've gone through the community set in the current order as far as #183 "To Destroy is to Construct", and assigned every level a quality rating from A+ to C. (No point in using lower ratings; all the levels are good!) I stopped at that point because the next two levels are ones I haven't solved, and there are more I haven't solved later on, but all the levels from that point on are excellent.

I also noted a few changes to be made, and a few levels that were blatantly out of place. I don't think the ordering is perfect except for these, but reordering was not my primary goal for now  8)

A couple of general points stood out:

* Levels whose entire raison d'etre is subverting expectations set by a previous level (Derailed Level, Laser Deathroom 2, Changing of the Guards 2) really should come after that level even if they are a bit easier. None of these levels are drastically easier than their counterparts, so I don't think that should be a problem. (Though I don't really want CotG2 to be included anyway.)

* I'm not a fan of levels like Cuber Replacement 1 that teach a trick by offering you no alternative except to perform that trick. I enjoy Lemmings/Lix because I enjoy solving puzzles, and working out new tricks as and when you need them is part of that.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 26, 2014, 08:14:42 PM
Thanks a lot for that list, this should be a great help to sort (out) levels quite a bit. I'll compile a list of levels that I have gripes with too hopefully soon-ish and post it. And thanks everyone else for their feedback too.
For the two/multi-parters, I intended to have each of them either in direct sequence, or in different ratings if their difficulties differ notably.
What do you not like about Changing of the Guards 2? I find it to be quite an elegant solution, especially as it's possible with just three skills, so I was wondering what your gripe is with it. I mean if you insist I can take it out, though I quite like it so I'd like to know at least why in that case...

I finally solved Labyrinth of Despair! And my solution saves 100% too. It gave me a lot of trouble, even though there are probably multiple solution due to the sheer variety of the skill set, it's still not easy to find any. Great level!
I also solved Panic Attack, and The Lix who Japed. I think for the latter I have a backroute, as the timing at the beginning is really tight. There must be something better I think.

mobius: I don't like having random names pop up as level authors, can I just put 'mobius' as the author of all of your levels?

NaOH: Any updates to Skulls, Sludge, and Steel?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: NaOH on April 26, 2014, 11:27:04 PM
Yep! Updated the level.

Here it is.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on April 27, 2014, 09:49:04 PM
First of all: Congrats to all of you for this great level set :thumbsup:!

All comments below refer to the levels geoo linked to in his first post. The last time I updated my levels was late march. The numbering of the levels also refers to this list.

Levels that I found harder than the current rating:
Merge Sort (62), Derailed Level (64, far harder), Riddle me this (84, not yet solved), A fearful symmetry (94, my solution needs very precise execution), When the levee breaks (102, not yet solved), Circular Ruins (145, not yet solved though extensively tried), Get Hype (187, not yet solved though extensively tried)

Levels that I found easier than the current rating:
Adventure Playground (57), Detour (79), Flugtag (81), One way segment (83), Prelude (90, backrouted?), Abominable Snowlix (92), Switchback (101, backrouted?), Excavation (112), Hard to Port! (126, backrouted?), Three days of the Condor (132), A completely ridiculous level (133, 100% saved is easy), Logging you process (138, had this solution also for the prequel), Under the rainbow (146), Dilemma (157, backrouted?), Mice in the Pipeline (162), Watch Ye Step! (196), A Soulful bounding leap (200), Alien Invasion (207), Round Trip (218), Betcha can't save just one (223), Halfway down the stairs (230)

As already indicated, several of my solutions do not feel like intended ones. The most prominent examples are attached.

There are also some levels that deserve special comments. These comments contain mostly criticisms, because the list of levels that deserve "Great level" is just too long...
- Roundabout (39) @Möbius: Can you please check whether this level is actually solvable. There is a pesky gap at the top between the boxes and the steel to the right, which isn't there in the Lemmini level.
- Migration (67) and Last Mile (75): I don't understand the time limit. Every solution I can think of fits within the time limits (at least after two or three tries)
- Can't reach it - don't need it (70): Wrong title - the lower exit can be reached (which isn't even that hard btw).
- Cold irons bound (78): May I suggest a sequel without any floater (but everything else the same)?
- Too much stepping stones (105): This level gets much easier with basher- and miner-stairs (and even then it is non-trivial to pull off a solution). But as far as I know, there are no earlier levels showing off this trick. So for inexperienced players, this level is MUCH harder.
- Trivial Matters (107), Subversive Activities (152) and Elixir (197): Trivial matters and Elixir are (up to a slightly moved exit) the very same levels (unless I missed something). Subversive Activities uses the same general approach (but has some twists in its execution). Doesn't one of these levels (preferrable Subversive Activities) suffice?
- The same comment, but to a lesser degree, concerns: Derailed levels (64 + 189), Logging your Progress (54 + 138), Backslash (98 + 168)
- Impetus (113): It's fairly easy to save 100% using 2 climbers, 2 miners and 1 jumper. Intended?
- Corridor of Death (179): Is hiding the trap really necessary?

And finally one question: Is there a list with all intended/officially accepted solutions (except the 49 pages of this thread)? I would like to compare my solutions to the ones already known, before posting them here and stealing your time. 
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 27, 2014, 11:39:01 PM
No, we don't have a compilation of intended solutions. It's a nice idea, but it would have required us all to redo replays each time the game mechanics were changed.

For Prelude, that's one of the intended solutions. It's meant to be a fairly easy level, and I agree that geoo placed it too late. However, if you feel the level would be stronger if I cut this solution, please say so.

I like your solution to Corridor of Death better than mine, so yours is the intended solution now  :P

Lix Cannon will have to be fixed, which will be tricky as it's an adaptation of a level that used one-way walls. I'll do my best, as I hope the level can be saved.

For other levels, it's not up to me whether they'll be fixed or not, but I do know that most of the solutions you attached replays of were not intended.

Derailed Level and Off the Rails should have completely different solutions, so if you solved both the same way then you did something unintended.

I would love to see your solution to Halfway Down the Stairs, as the intended solution is actually impossible under current mechanics (I am hoping the mechanics will be fixed before release, otherwise the level will be scrapped).
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Simon on April 28, 2014, 02:44:47 AM
Proxima, let's talk in the channel at some time about the to-be-fixed bug that breaks Halfway Down the Stairs. It's not easy to find a simple algorithm to flinging (I assume that's the reason) that disallows two same-sided batters travelling together, but being fair across players. :-)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on April 28, 2014, 04:21:29 PM
I attached replays for both Derailed levels. As I will probably get the same request for Subversive/Elixir and Back(s)lash, these are attached as well.
Moreover the replay to Halfway, but I am not sure if I have the latest version of Lix (and I am too lazy to check right now). Nevertheless I hope that my solution allows for slight changes in the game mechanics, as I don't use the fling-bomber and do nothing special with the batter.

Prelude: I don't know the other solutions, so I cannot really decide whether removing this solution would be good. It just felt somewhat disappointing and cheating to have such a big level and using only a very small part of it.

Corridor: Ok... but I still don't like my own solution ;).

Lix Cannon: I don't know if that helps fixing the level, but I need to be pixel-precise when starting the first basher facing left.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 28, 2014, 05:06:23 PM
Ah, nice. That's mostly the intended solution to Halfway, but you didn't use the cuber on the second step and so saved one more than I did. Looks like the bug affecting this level has been fixed -- at one point, the climber/bomber would have fallen before exploding and so you couldn't get up the third step.

The rest of the level space in Prelude is "used" in the sense that you need it for the only solution that saves 100%, so I'm inclined towards leaving it at the moment.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on April 30, 2014, 06:27:09 PM
Thanks a lot of testing and commenting on all of these levels, Nepster!

I'll attach an archive of some intended solutions that I remember, mostly of levels of mine, but it's just 50 levels or so. I have a lot of replays lying around, but many of them don't work anymore and would have to be re-recorded. I think there won't be big changes to the physics in the near future, maybe the level authors could post solutions to all of their levels; I hope we can add a solution checker to lix that checks with each update whether a solution still works at some point...
Either way, I encourage you to just send me all of the solutions you have recorded to far, it doesn't actually take a lot of time to check them.

Comments on some individual levels:

Derailed level: Yes, the intended solution is completely different, I think I'll cut some of the skills. Nice solution though!
Trivial Matters/Subversive Activities/Elixir: Thanks for pointing that out, I think one got renamed and I forgot to remove the old version. mobius seems to quite like renaming his levels :P
Logging your Progress: True, they are kinda similar, and the first version allows the solution of the second. So maybe just keep one of them, need to decided which one (obviously the second one is a little harder, but I guess not by too much).
Back(s)lash: The first level was supposed to show the trick with the miner, and the second one steps it up a bit, but I think you're right, I could cut the first of the two, and the other one should still not be that bad as there are not many things you can try.
Roundabout: I remember the gap being there since the first version, though the skillset has changed so indeed I think it's impossible now. Either way, I think this level needs a makeover as it looks quite messy, and then the gap should be taken care of too.

I'll comment some more at some other point. Yes, some of the solutions you posted are (partly very embarrassing) backroutes. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on April 30, 2014, 08:29:53 PM
I will try in near future to upload some intended solutions. I don't promise I'll get to all of them. But I'll pick the best and the rest you can get rid of the levels if you'd like.
After making so many other levels, I don't care all that much about Roundabout now, even if it was 'the first level I ever thought of' so it can actually be done away with. It's similar to the Migration level anyway.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on April 30, 2014, 09:52:27 PM
@geoo: All my replays so far - but don't say I didn't warn you ;). For some levels (like Recycling Plant) I forgot to save the replay, though most of them are there.

@Proxima: I recorded a slight variant of my solution for Halfway, which doesn't use bombing while climbing. It's included in the attachement. And I am still searching the 100%-solution for Prelude...

@möbius: I really loved Roundabout in the Lemmini version and it should definitely stay (after fixing it). In what way is it similar to Migration (which is another great level btw)?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on April 30, 2014, 10:43:43 PM
Excellent solutions!  8)  For now I'll only comment on my own levels.

Ascending and Descending: Another new (but non-backroute) solution. It's surprising how many ways there are to do this one.
Behind Bars: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Brute Fours: Very nice, new record # saved. It probably works on the Lemmix version too.
Buridan's Lix: Awesome, you found both intended solutions.
Changing of the Guards: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Close to the Edge: Another one with two intended solutions, you found one of them  8)
Come on down to my place: You found both solutions again  :thumbsup:
Down Among the Dead Lix: Slight variation on the intended solution.
Dream the Impossible Dream: Unintended, though it looks difficult enough not to call a backroute. My intention was to enforce worker lemmings going one way round to help the crowd go the other way round, but I don't intend to do more work on this level now.
Finale: Exactly as intended.
Halfway Down the Stairs (second solution): Very nice find. The climber/bomber requires precision so I'm glad it can be avoided.
Path of Wickedness: Unintended. There are already a couple of unintended routes I didn't fix, but now I'm seriously wondering about cutting that small block just above the hatch (or putting fire on it).
Rhapsody in Blue: Exactly as intended. Well done  :thumbsup:#
Rumble to the Bottom: Exactly as intended.
Seven Pillars of Lixdom: Exactly as intended.
Survival of the Craftiest: This wasn't meant to enforce a specific way of doing it, so your solution is fine.
The Circular Ruins: Good solution, you used the last digger in a different but equally good way.
The Crimson Room: Excellent solution, and another level where I'm happy with there being multiple solutions.
This lix is your lix: Very clever unintended solution, I'm inclined to leave it as a challenge for players who like optimising # of skills.
Thomas the Climber: Exactly as intended.
Toccata: Known unintended solution, which I'm leaving as the intended solution requires a bit of precision.
Waltz in C Sharp Miner: Another new solution that I'm okay with. Nice find!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 09, 2014, 06:18:41 PM
Here are six more replays. I am fairly sure I backrouted "Hotel in Hell" (otherwise I would be severly disappointed in this level). All other solutions feel like intended ones.
I would like to add "From the Other Side" to the list which are harder than rated. So far I have only a solution that would work if the big block would be 2 pixels thinner. But I am rather certain, that it cannot be modified into a working solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 09, 2014, 08:59:52 PM
Hotel in Hell: Yes, this is a backroute. Seems like it's easily fixed by moving the hatch to the right so you don't have space to build that bridge wall.

Labyrinth of Despair: This is another one where any solution is okay. Yours is completely different from mine, but equally ingenious  8)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 16, 2014, 01:10:40 AM
Thanks again for your feedback, Nepster!

I fixed the most important backroutes that you discovered, at least for those levels where I know the intended solution. Below is a list of levels that I fixed (the updated version of the level set linked in the first post, as always), and now comments on levels that I didn't fix yet despite backroutes:

Buy on get one free (Part 1): I might remove the jumper in both parts of the level, which should eliminate your solution. I think the first part has multiple solutions anyway, but I don't like yours too much as it's technical.
Can't Reach it: That's a really big discovery there. I mean it's harder than the intended solution, I don't know how to fix it elegantly (though I haven't really tried hard, because I think I might just leave it in as an easter egg and hint at it as a challenge in the hints).
Cornerstone: I have a specific solution in mind, but yours is kinda nice too.
Switchback: Yeah, it seems to have these backroutes. There's a route going all the way to the left, but it's not that exciting; I'm contemplating just scrapping this level.
Hard to Port: I don't actually know the intended solution, but either way it might be hard to fix.
Last Laugh: Need to look at this level to see what's actually intended.

btw, do you want any of the levels from your pack included in the level set? Some might be tricky due to the one-way walls, but there are workarounds in many cases; e.g. level 10 is amazing, but might be tricky (but not impossible) to recreate. I deliberately haven't re-rated levels according to your input yet, I'll do that all at once at some point taking other people's views into account too.

- Roundabout (39): Still needs to be fixed
- Migration (67) and Last Mile (75): Just looking through the levels I saw a few more where the time limit didn't make sense. I'll look over these and contemplate removing them.
- Cold irons bound (78): I always thought hacking away the icicle was the intended solution until noticed the solution that is your second solution. I definitely find the second one more elegant. I don't actually know what the intended solution is. Might remove the floaters or make two versions, have to talk to mobius.
- Too much stepping stones (105): The basher/miner staircase tricks definitely help, but you can do the level without them, by iteratively bombing to get into the ceiling. Takes a bit of precision though.
- Trivial Matters (107), Subversive Activities (152) and Elixir (197): Had another look at them, and cut out the duplicate for now, though really I will probably remove another of the versions, or maybe even the level altogether.
- Logging your Progress (54 + 138): Cut the 'harder' version.
- Backslash (98 + 168): Cut the easier version.
- Impetus (113): I don't remember what the intended solution is, or whether it's intended to have multiple solution. Iirc it was part of Steve's batch of levels of 'Tricky' difficulty.
- Corridor of Death (179): I'll talk about this level next time.

I'm still not done commenting on everything, and I have a list with comments on levels that I'm not 100% satisfied with in the makings too.

Backroute fixes:
 thehotelinhell.txt - Proxima update

Other changes:
 confusingfractals.txt - monochromatic, no wrapping
 juststop.txt - decoration
 laser1.txt - cosmetic change to look more like laser3
 laser2.txt - cosmetic change to look more like laser3
 loggingyourprog.txt - removed "(Part 1)" from the title

Renamed files:
 againstthewall.txt -> alienabduction.txt - Overhauled design, same solution
 hackandslash2.txt  ->  backslash.txt
 sanitythreshold.txt  ->  skulls.txt - NaOH update
 someliketorunpart2.txt -> someliketorun.txt - removed "(Part 1)" from the title

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 16, 2014, 05:49:04 PM
I will definitely look at the new version soon (but not right now).

As for including some of my levels: You are free to use my levels in any way you like, but it's for you and Simon (or common vote, but not for me) to decide, which levels to take. If you want to have some levels recreated in Lix, tell me and I will have a try (or simply remake them yourself). The only level I have absolutely no idea how to convert for Lix is level 10.

Some comments on comments on my solutions:
Buy on get one free (Part 1): The solution I attached was not (by far) the first one I found. I recorded this solution (and mainly only for myself) as it is the only one I know which saves 39/40.
Can't Reach it: I don't think you need to change the level. I just have the very bad habit that when told "Don't do this" or "You can't reach it", I will try everything to do just that ;P.
Cornerstone: The solution might be somewhat nice to watch, but getting the timing right was quite annoying.
Hard to Port: If it's a remake of the similar Lemmini level in mobius1 (with the same title), then my solution is not intended. Changing the blocker into a walker would definitely fix it, but it would also make the intended solution obvious. I would suggest making the lowest row of blocks into steel all the way to the hatch and setting the requirement to 49/50.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 16, 2014, 10:34:38 PM
Nepster: Which are your favourite levels from your pack, or do you really have no preference? I'll try my hand at recreating 10 at least at some point I think, though that might be quite a challenge.

Ok, finally, here's my long list of comments and criticism of levels, in the aim to figure out which ones to scrap and which ones to keep. It's a bit rambly, and nothing is final yet, I just want some discussion.
Again, I'm not commenting on difficulty level yet. I'll think of that once I start arranging them in order. However, the comments you've made about overly hard/easy levels will help me later. There are also three levels by RubiX which are great, but if we really need to, I asked RubiX and he's fine with moving them to his level set 'Epic Adventure'.

Current amount of levels: 257 (254 if we exclude RubiX')
Number aimed at: 240
Levels maybe (unlikely) to be added: Rush Job (rather just hint at the 1 minute challenge in LIX), Pipey mess
Regarding Brickout: I haven't played your backroute-fix of it yet, Proxima. I just saw it uses a walker, so I suspect you replaced the complicated turning around maneuver from ccx' intended solution with the walker. Seeing what other skills you removed would reveal to me which skills are involved in the maneuver, probably giving a significant hint. I definitely want to include a version of this level, but I still need to ponder this. Again, it'd be nice to have ccx' input, or an attempt at a backroute fix that stays true to the original solution. ccx said about version B8-b[/b]: "That said, given how long it seemed to have taken geoo to solve it even this way, maybe this solution is "good enough" for the community set, even if it wasn't the one I had in mind." Also, once the next version of lix is released, can someone tell me if the intended solution still works?

Already scrapped:
Decompression Method: doesn't work with the current physics anyway. I found the trick quite neat, but it's also kinda obscure.
No more fun at the beach: Too annoying, and it's somewhat similar to 'Oh No, Not Again' and 'Stroke at Retirement Age' style-wise, and they'll all appear near the end. Even if I fix it to make it less annoying, I don't think I'll include it in the pack.
edit 2014-05-26:
Lixes in Motion (Part 1): Figure out which version(s) we want, there are tons. Only part 2 with mobius intended solution remains.
edit 2014-05-27:
Cuber Replacement (Part 1): Proxima rating C. I don't like it too much either, though I don't know why. Simon likes it. I think the trick should show up at some point in not too hard level or an (almost) builders only level, which I think it does in Too Close for Comfort (a bit trickier though with the slopey terrain), though I think that one also has a spam building solution.
Suicide Attack: Proxima rating C+. The Yellow Bars are placement hints, so you just assign at the position of each bar, making execution pretty easy, though sometimes you're just unlucky when they bump into the yellow bar next to the tractor beam. Still, not one of my best levels. Also, as with torus, I think we don't really need to introduce trampolines if they are pretty much never used.
Riddle me this: Somehow, this level got broken at some point, because Proxima's replays set the spawn interval to 1, but the minimum spawn interval is 4. I didn't actually change the level, and I figured out that back then you could set the SI to 1 by default, before the minimum was changed to 4. So I believe in its current state the level is impossible, or at least extremely hard if there is a solution. I'm sorry if I wasted anyone's time by not noticing that. The glitch allowing the cancel the digger with the miner will be eliminated soon, so if I set the SI to 1 the level will work as intended. But it's not really interesting, and mobius suggested to scrap it too.
Process Management: Proxima rating C+. A bit weird, and nothing special both solution-wise and design-wise.
Almost incommensurable: Don't think this design idea goes anywhere. And if we don't introduce torus anyway, then there's no point for it at all.
Going round in circles: nice idea, but too tedious, and as Proxima said, short-cut possible.
Ground digging: very technical and nothing special
Critical Procedures: I'm fine with the level, but I don't mind just keeping "The Picard Maneuvre".
Crosshairs: I kinda like the underlying idea here, but apart from that it's nothing special, and you also have a basher, not just the bomber. Proxima isn't too fond of it either, so...
The Corridor of Death: The hidden trap isn't too big an issue to me here, rather, I feel like none of the solution I know to this level is elegant. There's Nepster's with the basher staircase, and then the bottom routes which dig into the tiny hill (which is tiny for no particular reason) to turn around. And then there's the second trap at the bottom that is just a pain to find the right spot to build over, again for no good reason. I don't know, but I don't really like this level, and I wouldn't mind getting rid of it.
Switchback: (C&P) Yeah, it seems to have these backroutes. There's a route going all the way to the left, but it's not that exciting. Proxima rating A, not sure whether that takes the backroutes into account?
So Close yet so far away: Quite direct route with a nasty precision move. I think earlier versions had alternative solutions that were nicer. I'm not too fond of this final version.
Too close for comfort: Proxima rating C. Has a spam building solution as well I think. Either way, nothing too exciting, would be fine scrapping this as well.
We'll meet again: Proxima rating C+. Interesting simple riddle with mutliple solutions, but it doesn't stand out from other levels of its kind, would be fine scrapping this as well.
It's time to climb: Proxima rating C+. Has a somewhat interesting 100% challenge though. I don't know whether this one or "You'll get over it" (Steve's intro climber bomb level) is harder though, but it's a bit redundant with Steve's level there.
A long, long way to fall: I'm not too fond of the miner cancelling behaviour, and without it, the level is pretty hard if not impossible.
Cat out of the Bag: Nothing special, Proxima only rated it C+ as well.
edit 2014-05-29:
The Almighty Sawblade: It's not trivial, but I didn't like the solution too much really. The general route is kinda obvious, and you just have to fill in the skills with maybe a few hacks.
Slippery Pete: I don't mind the solution, but the design is just a sloppy mess.

Inclined to scrap:
Leap of the Locust: Yeah, very repetitive, and already uses the basher staircase trick. Proxima rating C. Nepster says it's not too repetitive, and actually you don't need the basher staircase trick.
Confusing Fractals: I like the design, but I can't make anything interesting out of it.
Diggin' the Air: I'm indifferent here. Mobius wants it scrapped, Proxima likes it, I don't know.
Wrong way: Proxima rating C. I don't think it's that similar to Minimalism (Part 1), still nothing really new here. But mobius changed it to "Big Block" it seems which has a completely different solution anyway. Nepster says it's better than Minimalism (Part 1).
Elixir/Subversive Activities: I'm really not very impressed with these, Elixir is kinda bland, and the other one a technical move or two. I'd like to scrap at least one of these. Posted an alternative version of the level that will probably replace these two. Done.
A lix on the Edge: I don't know what to think about it, it's tricky and interesting, so I guess it's a good thing. Again, I don't see much of a point in the time limit.
Walk them golden stairs: Solution is kinda spammy and annoying, and part 2 is similar except that now you have bombers to work with instead of the other terrain removers.
This is a Stickup: A bit technical, and the exit looks a bit weird as it is, but overall an ok level.
Rated A by Proxima:
Escape the Pit: Needs prettifying, as it looks like a sloppy mess right now, all the tiles just placed without any care. Hearing that it is sort of a Lemmings Revolution level remake doesn't sound that good either. It's a decent level for the first rating though.
Three days of the condor: The only thing really is turning the miner with a blocker here, and it's a huge and ugly level for just showing this trick. Proxima rating A, so I don't know though.
Lixology: The bumpy terrain makes the cuber placement more annoying than necessary, and it's based on my ugly design. I first thought the solution was making the basher continue with the cubers, but you don't need that. For a continued basher, I think my variation of ccx' Brickout is nicer anyway, which I could replace this with. Proxima rating A, which solution(s) is that based on?

Needs discussion or modification, for some possibly scrap:
Let's Block and Blow: Proxima rating C+. I quite like it as a very easy puzzle, overcoming the stereotype of bombing blockers, and teaching that blockers can be released in the process. Would rather keep it.
Roundabout: With the one-pixel gap fixed, it's a decent level, even if not that pretty.
6 Gaps, 5 Builders: Quite fond of it (now that I've prettyfied it), had me stumped for a few moments, I think it's an excellent level and I'd actually like to keep it if that's ok.
Ramen Masterchef: Not the prettiest design, but I kinda like its silliness and I guess it can't hurt to mix things up a bit by throwing this level in.
Castles in the Sky: I'm not a big fan of levels like this, but I think it's good to throw some like that in every now and then.
Snowjump: a bit technical, but a couple of things that work and not too many things to do so I think it's ok.
The last mile: I agree, the timelimit seems pointless here.
Cold Iron's bound: which of the two solutions? Or leave no floaters just as a challenge?
3 minus 1: Old version has the digger removing blocker behaviour (see minimalism 3), new version just a miner but low non-steel terrain making execution hard, I'd like a hybrid. Actually it's not required. mobius now made a new version with the title 'Another Funeral'.
A giant leap for lixkind: Not quite fond of the basher cancelling needed at the right. Also should be 99/100 rather than 100/101 as that's less confusing.
Babylon Fading: Move block at the top left up a little bit so there's more leeway with the final builders.
Well OK Then: Proxima rating C+. I don't know something different yet simple, and I quite like it for that. Design could maybe be improved though. Also a bit of a precursor to Chasm.
Tower of Babel: Proxima rating C+. Again, pretty unique so I personally find it to be a good one to throw in the mix. The main idea is obvious, but there are a few details to work out. Execution isn't bad actually, especially considering the kind of level this is.
Go West: Quite like it, though I need left-facing digger cancelling right-facing digger. I guess that's ok with the limited given skill set.
A completely ridiculous level: Like Ramen Masterchef, I think it's nice to have a level or two like this, even if it's kinda weird.
Segmentation Fault: Bit technical, but one of these every now and then is good for the mix.
Soaring: Proxima rating C+. I quite like the idea of it, but similar to Clam's 'Stall Tactics' there's the weird issue that sometimes they don't go straight up.
The Ring of Fnargl: It's pretty unique, but the part at the top is pretty precision heavy and tough to execute.
Thomas the Climber: trick somewhat filigrane, but ok
Play Ball: It's a good level, but the main part is realizing that you have to do synchronization compression. Then it's not so hard, but there are already a few levels that use this, so I wonder if this level is a bit redundant.
Triangle Inequality: I find it elegant, but maybe too obscure, and very detailled stuff at the left entrance?
Alien Invasion: should come up with a prettier backroute fix than lix stuck in the wall.
Metal City Mayhem: I found it kinda annoying back when I solved it, with a few ugly/brute-force moves, and shuffling skills back and forth until things worked. But it feels just as daunting as Mayhem 1, and was quite a good challenge.
Won't get fooled again: I found two solutions to this one, both different from the intended one, and ccx was undecided whether to remove them.
All over the place: Decent level, not too special, but either way it'd need prettifying
Heavenly skies: This one is pretty tricky, though I personally don't like exercises in estimating how far your builders go. The route I found uses a move that's pretty hard to execute.
The Giant Mushroom: Nice and easy, but again it needs a revamp to look better.
Cornerstone: With Nepster's route I realize the level is a bit open ended, and there are probably better open-ended levels around (And even the intended route is a little tricky to execute). What does everyone else think?
Chasm: Very technical, but I love how daunting it looks, and having one of these every now and then is nice.
Just Stop the Bleeding: Definitely staying, just should get Steve's "Hole in the head gang" treatment.
The Italian Job: Definitely staying, great level, just remove black bar of space at the bottom.
Top Gear: Definitely staying, but alternative design with miner placement hints?
Solar Eclipse: I think the idea is ok, but I should probably space out everything so it looks less crammed, and make it bigger and prettier in the process.
Comfort Levels to the Max: rename?
A Soulful Bounding Leap: I think there are various working solutions, not sure if that's intended.
Blocked by a Snowball: It's a decent easy level and you have to take care about a few things without risking killing lix. Depends on what else we'll have at the beginning.
Changing of the Guards (Part 2): Listed for completeness, I like it, but it's up to Proxima to decide I guess.
edit 2014-05-20:
Tribute to Benny Hill: Definitely staying, but should I increase the time limit to 60 minutes, as 30 minutes can be tight, depending on what strategy you use. Changed to 60 minutes now.
It takes time to build: It's kind like an easy version of Erbalunga in that you have diggers and bashers, but you can just kill the first few from the top, start digging, then bash and you're good. I don't know. The new version mobius posted gives even more leeway. Proxima rating A, so I wonder whether there's something I missed. After a bunch of backroute fixes I think this is actually a decent level.
Hard to Port: has the easy backroute with a climber bomb. Proxima's suggested fix with the walker makes use of the fact that the fall is 64x2 pixels high and thus can be made non-lethal with a single builder brick. Either way, I find the level not that interesting. EDIT: ok, now that I read Nepster's post with the suggested fix I don't know anymore, that fix definitely seems better and keep the level more interesting. Now with the fix it's a decent level, but still, I don't find it too special unless I missed something.
Have another try: With just the bricks it looks a bit plain, could do with some twists in the design done.
edit 2014-05-26:
Over the Hump: I found a pretty trivial route when I just replayed it, I don't remember the intended one but with this one it's a bit simple. New version out, still has a backroute.
Bibbidi Bobbidi  Boo: I'm actually not really convinced by this level, it's really just about the trick of a basher and a miner cancelling each other, which is a bit technical to execute and not used in any later level. So I'm in favour of scrapping. Nepster pointed out a better solution to this level.
edit 2014-05-29:
Dances with Lixes: Solution is nothing special and at times technical, has tedious parts, design looks a bit messy. Proxima rated it A, but I don't like it at all. It's basically brute-force. Has been modified and is now back in.

Maybe scrap because they are repeat levels, and thus not as much effort goes to waste.
Let's all go down the strand:
The Borderland:
Minimalism (Part 3): Relies on slightly off-set blocker placement. Not sure whether that's a good trick to teach like that, or a bit too subtle. Either way, I think I'll have to space part 1-3 a bit apart, as their difficulties very too much.
Dr Strangelix: a bit similar to "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
Will almost certainly stay:
The Road not Taken: Was designed to be one of the first levels.
Go Ahead and Help yourself: Two hatches
Lion, lix and the Wardrobe: First one (I think) to have the splat hatch.
Snowball Battle: Decent puzzle, not super special but decent.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 17, 2014, 12:41:49 AM
Thanks for the big list  8)

I may still have a couple of levels to add, but no more than a couple. It now looks like getting down to 240 should be entirely feasible. I suggest we use your list to decide on some levels for definite removal, and then see how many we have and then (if necessary) discuss removing some more.

Of my own levels, I am definitely okay with removing:

Corridor of Death -- This ended up not at all faithful to the Cheapo original, so I don't care about it.
Too close for comfort -- Just building, no interesting puzzle
We'll meet again -- geoo summed this up perfectly
It's time to climb -- Steve's level makes this redundant
A long, long way to fall -- Tutorial level for the miner release trick, no interesting puzzle
Cat out of the Bag -- I made this as an extra easier level when it looked like we were short on easy levels, before Steve released his Fun/Tricky sets

I'll reply to comments on some of the others when I've had time to look back through them and remind myself of the solutions....
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 17, 2014, 01:44:56 AM
I was not aware of backroutes to Hard to Port :o . I thought this level was pretty much an easy/tricky level with only 1 solution. This is the one that was inspired by that no turning around challenge. As for the splat height, it should be moved up so 1 builder brick does not satisfy. I guess I need to watch a replay or something, I don't get a climb bomber trick.  ???
This is one of my levels I really like and would rather keep, it's unique imo.

It takes time to build: intended is supposed to be that you can use builders ONLY on the bridge to the left group. Th left group should be doing a zig-zag dig/bash thing to waste time waiting for builder (hence the title) loosing only 1 lemming (basher) on each zig/zag. It has tons of backroute problems so I'm ok with scrapping it.

Roundabout I don't know how the gap got there, I don't recall it. This was the first lix level I made so I was still getting used to the program at the time. If there is a working version, stick with that one, no matter how easy. It was intended as an easy level.

Escape the Pit: probably should be scrapped unless an opening in fun/tricky whatever is there. It's sort of a copy of a Lemmings Revolution level.

Cold Irons Bound Hacking away the icicle was the intended solution. You can have it any way you want.

Lixes in Motion (Part 1/2) I can't be bothered to sort this one out, has tons of backroutes, I'd say just scrap it.

Tower of Babel: keep the old version I think.

Tribute to Benny Hill: 60 minutes?!?  :o I never solved this level wtf, 60 minutes?  :D

Five for Fighting: has multiple solutions but I'm ok with them.

the rest I didn't mention of my own I don't care about.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: chaos_defrost on May 17, 2014, 01:51:35 AM
Definitely alright with removing Switchback. It takes far too long and there's much better (and better looking) timing-type levels. Will also "fix" Just Stop the Bleeding once I can get Lix up and running again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: namida on May 17, 2014, 06:09:51 AM
I noticed a few of my levels have been remade for this. I'm fine with that as I've said before, though reckon anyone could send me some screenshots? I'd like to see how they turned out, since Lix doesn't work for me. =)

I notice Labyrinth Of Despair and Panic Attack are in there; I think someone mentioned they remade Variety Day at one point too.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 17, 2014, 11:52:20 AM
Sure thing. Note that Labyrinth of Despair is 3-of-each (including the new skills) rather than 30-of-each, which makes it a very hard puzzle. Panic Attack has slightly more skills as the layout ended up requiring when recreated with Lix's object sizes.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 17, 2014, 02:57:39 PM
@geoo: My favourite levels are Devil's Right Hand (obviously), Dunes (which is pretty redundant as we have this trick at least as a challange in Cold Iron's Bound), Time Gate (once your backroutes are removed) and Bashing&Building. If noone suggests anything different, I will start recreating Time Gate and Bashing&Building.

@mobius: Hard to Port: The backroute geoo is talking about is attached.

I played the updated levels (with the exception of Stuff in the Way, which seems to use terrain pieces, that are not yet included in Lix). Dilemma and Hotel in Hell have still the same backroutes and the one to Derailed Level got harder, but still exists.

Leap of the Locust: I don't think it is that repetitive and one doesn't have to stop the basher midstroke, so the basher-stair is OK imo.
Solar Eclipse: I like that it (essentially) fits on one screen, even if it is a little bit crammed. Spacing out many hatches over several screens is the main reason why I haven't even tried Think Inside the Box.
Suicide Attack: There are other solutions (cf. replay) which have no hint for bomber timing at all.
Ramen Masterchef: I like this level. Even though it is not that a brilliant puzzle, it gave me a good laugh when seeing it for the first time.
It takes time to build: I vote for keeping it (with modifications). geoo's solution can easily be removed by either requiring 77/80 or reducing the height of the block on the left. I attached another solution to this levels. But I guess if one really wants to enforce mobius' intended solution (as I understand it), one probably has to cut the skills down to the minimum.
3 minus 1: The version in the level pack doesn't require freeing a blocker with a digger (and before reading geoo's post I didn't even consider doing this here). If you want, you may even remove the blocker.
Wrong way: Imo this level is better than Minimalism(1).

There are a few levels not mentioned above, that I think aesthetically improvable: Babylon Fading, It's a long way up, Digging the Air (layout is good, but it doesn't fill one screen), To Destroy is to Construct, Division of Labor.
From the levels that are newly sorted in, I consider Death or Glory slightly harder, Cornerstone harder and Crimson Room much easier than rated now. While I agree that Erbalunga was harder than its previous position, place 120 might be too late imo.
Around place 135, there are now three levels (Ob3lisk, Tower of Babel, Well OK Then) that focus on cubers. Maybe spacing them out a little bit?

Lastly: What is the latest version of this infamous level Brickout?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 17, 2014, 04:23:59 PM
Okay, I'll move the Hotel in Hell hatch even further to the right.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: namida on May 17, 2014, 05:11:45 PM
Wow, they look great! =) Thanks!
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 17, 2014, 05:50:32 PM
@Proxima: There are still at least two solutions... (but no bridge walls any more)

@Simon and off-topic (sorry): Even if it spoils the level, you might want to have a look at my solution to We are in this one together (attached in my previous post), as there is something weird going on when I bomb one climber slightly below another: The remaining climber reverts to a walker, hits its head, turns around and falls down - without moving into the bomber hole. As a side remark: Even before that happens, the lixes seem to move over a 1-pixel gap at the end of one stair.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 17, 2014, 06:12:50 PM
Excellent solutions, I'm fine with leaving those.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 19, 2014, 06:06:19 PM
Here are the remakes of Heed the Traffic Light aka Time Gate and of Bashing & Building along with replays of the intended solutions. It seems likely that there are still backroutes in Traffic Light and if anyone has a better name for Bashing&Building, I am happy to change it.

As mentioned before, if you don't like the levels, just scrap them. And if you want other levels instead, tell me.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 19, 2014, 06:11:31 PM
I'm in a bit of a rush, might post more later tonight.

New update, here are the changes:

bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.txt - removed trap and changed requirement to 4/5 (as suggested by Proxima).
derailedlevel.txt - radical backroute fix: I took out two climbers and added a box, even though 1 of the measures might have been sufficient
dilemma.txt - backroute fix: straightened terrain
goblincity.txt & gomenne.txt: turned red pipe pink (Proxima suggested changing the colour from red [I assume due to confusion with laser], tell me if I should pick a different colour than pink)
hardtoport.txt - changed according to Nepster's suggestion
ittakestime.txt - based on mobius' new version, I made the timing a little tighter, increase the requirement and cut half of the diggers/bashers. I could cut two more of each while still allowing mobius' solution to work. Timing not tight at all still.
riddlemethis.txt - changed min RR to 1. Still inclined to scrap the level.
stuffintheway.txt - removed unofficial terrain pieces. I was dumb and used some terrain that was only in a folder I have that was used for testing.
thehotelinhell.txt - Proxima's latest version

No fix to No More Heroes yet, this one's tricky. The other ones I didn't post an update to are intended.

As a side remark: Even before that happens, the lixes seem to move over a 1-pixel gap at the end of one stair.
This is as horizontally Lix works sort of in low-res. A 2x1 cell is considered solid if one of the pixels in it are solid. That's also why sometimes a climber can climb a 1 pixel overhang, but sometimes not. I could move the ice piece one pixel to the right so this can't happen.

Yeah, Dunes is great, but a bit similar to some other levels in the pack. I like the choice of levels you're going to remake, I'll try my hand at #10 at some point.
Still haven't solved Time Gate, I'm kinda stumped, especially as I don't see how I can adapt my save 8 solution to work.

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 20, 2014, 06:23:53 PM
First the good news: Found solutions to Dilemma and Stuff in the Way that feel intended (though in Stuff there are some bricks missing at the very right end of the level).

Now for the bad news:
It takes time...: Including a walker was a bad idea and one can still solve the level saving 80/80 without using the walker (though given the digger trickery involved this might be less of a problem).
Derailed Level: First I found a solution that saves 27 and can be adapted to save 28 if one is given a second walker or if one little box is added on top of the newly included one. The next totally different solution (which was a bit of a let-down) saves the required 28, but depends much on the precise digger and basher mechanics and works as well for Off the Rails...

@geoo: Thanks for explaining the behaviour at 1 pixel gaps.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 20, 2014, 11:21:28 PM
I'll make some changes to the post linked here to keep it up with recent progress to some extent: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg20328#msg20328
New update to the levels, see below.

@Simon and off-topic (sorry): Even if it spoils the level, you might want to have a look at my solution to We are in this one together (attached in my previous post), as there is something weird going on when I bomb one climber slightly below another: The remaining climber reverts to a walker, hits its head, turns around and falls down - without moving into the bomber hole.
That's definitely unintended behaviour. You can file bug reports for Lix on the site http://asdfasdf.ethz.ch/~simon/bb/forum.php?board=1 once it's back online (server's been down since this morning).

Lastly: What is the latest version of this infamous level Brickout?
That's a somewhat difficult question, as there are different branches of backroute fixes.
The latest version of the B branch (and the latest overall version by ccx) is B8-c. At stage B7.1 ccx said my solution is kinda acceptable, but not exactly as intended, and then the aforementioned comment about B8-b. There was a C branch that I think ended in C2, but it had bigger issues, so ccx withdrew it. The A branch had interesting solutions that were not the intended one. Then there's E1, a modification by Proxima.

First the good news: Found solutions to Dilemma and Stuff in the Way that feel intended (though in Stuff there are some bricks missing at the very right end of the level).

Now for the bad news:
It takes time...: Including a walker was a bad idea and one can still solve the level saving 80/80 without using the walker (though given the digger trickery involved this might be less of a problem).
Derailed Level: First I found a solution that saves 27 and can be adapted to save 28 if one is given a second walker or if one little box is added on top of the newly included one. The next totally different solution (which was a bit of a let-down) saves the required 28, but depends much on the precise digger and basher mechanics and works as well for Off the Rails...
Dilemma and Stuff are intended. I cropped Stuff at the right to remove the black space. I think its difficulty is a bit overrated, it used to be amongst the hardest levels back in the day, but now it doesn't seem as hard anymore.

New version is up,
List of Changes:

It takes time: Reverted back to builder. Cutting the skill set to 3 builders/diggers each seems like a good idea now, as I know of at least one static solution building from the left that could be eliminated like that.
Derailed level: Wow, that's a pretty technical solution. I turned a crate into steel to eliminate that one. Considering how many pretty nifty solutions you've found so far, I think you'll be disappointed by the intended solution and its simplicity...
Off the rails: same modification as above
No more heroes: I decreased the width of the starting platform and checked that the level is still solvable with what I believe is the intended solution.
Stuff in the way: Cropped at the left
Tribute to Benny Hill: Time limit increased to 60 minutes
Have another Try: prettified.

List of levels that I or Nepster feel could be improved aesthetically (IMO especially the first four need it). Feel free to try your hand at these, anyone.

the giant mushroom
all over the place
heavenly skies
escape the pit: Though now that I know it's a remake from Lemmings Revolution of sorts, I wouldn't mind scrapping it either.
Babylon Fading
It's a long way up
Digging the Air (layout is good, but it doesn't fill one screen)
To Destroy is to Construct
Division of Labor
Solar Eclipse: I wonder, should I maybe turn all the terrain that you're not supposed to destroy into steel, basically making a steel pyramid? I somehow feel that it'd look less confusing then.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 22, 2014, 09:00:08 PM
Finally, solved Absolute Zero and Traffic Light/Time Gate.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 22, 2014, 09:31:33 PM
@geoo: The solution to Traffic Light/Time Gate is precisely as intended. I have a new solution to the Derailed Level and finally understand how it got its relatively early placement.

Edit: Just read your comment on Bibbidi again: I found it easier to stop the basher with a bomber hole, making the level pretty easy in its execution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 24, 2014, 04:07:25 AM
Okay, a quick IRC chat has finally spurred me to do something about my levels after a 2-year hiatus.

Presenting Brickout version B9, and Won't Get Fooled Again version 5.

Brickout B9:  A funny thing happened; now that I review the level almost afresh due to the 2-year gap, I no longer favor one of the tricks used, since it can potentially be rather fiddly to execute, in that with bad timing, I could see it easily mislead a player into thinking the trick simply doesn't work ever.  So for inclusion into community set, I'm likely going to have to come up with a slightly simpler version that does not use that bothersome trick (but will keep the rest).

But for now, this is (hopefully) the version that captures the solution I intended, for better or for worse.  And yes, the change is somewhat drastic and likely revealing (at least it very clearly eliminates some routes), but also keep in mind that this fix wouldn't even have worked out the way I wanted with the game mechanics from 2 years ago.  The multitude of backroutes before it is clear evidence that I cannot get away with less drastic fixes--like Simon said, there are just too many skills used, so some hard constraints must be introduced to enforce the intended solution. :-\

I haven't tried to figure out Proxima's solution but I suspect it's going in a different direction than mine, and if so probably won't work in this version.  That being said, just like some of geoo's solutions I may be opened to them.

[Disclaimer:  the current version of Lix completely broke my old replays early on (probably due to some timing differences), so technically I haven't confirmed my solution is fully working in current version of Lix, but I did verify that the individual elements are behaving as desired so my original solution should still work.  I'll work out a proper replay over the weekend.]
Won't Get Fooled Again v5:  I actually still like one of geoo's two solutions.  The other one, not so much. :P I sawbladed away that solution.

While I'm not too bothered by the other geoo solution, I still think it's good to gauge the opinion of the level by the solution I envisioned, and then if it's not all that great we can go back to the version that accepts the geoo solution.  Hence the other change I made.  Actually I have a funny feeling that I might have tried this change already so there's a possibility I may have simply revived some older alternate solution instead.  I guess I'll find out soon enough if that's the case. :-\

It should be noted that on this level, I purposely am a little more generous than strictly necessary with the given skills and save requirement--the level is definitely not meant to be at Brickout-level trickiness.

[edit: whoops, now I remember why I can't just make that change.  Since no one has downloaded it I'll just withdraw it and make the next one the real v5.]

[edit2: my intended Brickout B9 solution confirmed for real.  Damn, there is also a part that is fairly pixel-precise even though I'd rather it not be.  Although I think I was forced to set things up like that to prevent some backroute. :-\  Clearly some work is in order to make this level community-friendly.]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 24, 2014, 06:35:58 AM
And here's the proper version 5 of Won't Get Fooled Again.  Although I don't think anyone downloaded the earlier bad one, all the same I've made this one version 5b.  Comments copy-pasted below.

Won't Get Fooled Again v5b:  I actually still like one of geoo's two solutions.  The other one, not so much. :P I sawbladed away that solution.

While I'm not too bothered by the other geoo solution, I still think it's good to gauge the opinion of the level by the solution I envisioned, and then if it's not all that great we can go back to the version that accepts the geoo solution.  Hence the other change I made.  Actually I have a funny feeling that I might have tried this change already so there's a possibility I may have simply revived some older alternate solution instead.  I guess I'll find out soon enough if that's the case. :-\

It should be noted that on this level, I purposely am a little more generous than strictly necessary with the given skills and save requirement--the level is definitely not meant to be at Brickout-level trickiness.

[edit: v5 rescinded, there are backroutes that are a step backwards from where things are in v4.  v6 pending...]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 24, 2014, 10:56:30 AM
Actually I have a funny feeling that I might have tried this change already so there's a possibility I may have simply revived some older alternate solution instead.  I guess I'll find out soon enough if that's the case. :-\
Though I don't know yet the intended solution, I think this was somewhat prophetic...
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 24, 2014, 02:38:57 PM
Thanks, that definitely helped refresh my memory on backroutes.

I know one way to address this, but it may end up making the level no longer quite fit on one screen anymore.  While it's not the end of the world, I'm going to take my time and see if I can do the fix while still keeping everything on one screen.  Also like to avoid a situation where the backroute stops working by merely 1-2 pixels.

In the meantime, I've rescinded v5 as it's clearly a step backwards. :XD:
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 24, 2014, 06:56:24 PM
I solved Brickout B9, and it does have a move that your description sort of applies to. If that's the move, then I'm skeptical whether that's suitable for the community pack as well as it is.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 25, 2014, 12:51:05 AM
Darn, still a backroute, only the middle section matches (like your previous backroutes). :XD:

That move you used was unexpected, I wouldn't have imagined it to ever work and am actually still not quite sure why it works, is it possibly a glitch? ???

I have to think about how to fix this one or if it's even really possible to fix.  Has geoo finally defeated the quest to backroute-proof Brickout for good?!?  Stay tuned...... :-\
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 25, 2014, 02:23:34 AM
The move makes sense to me with what I know about the physics, and it needs a very precise setup.
So when a lix is stuck in terrain, i.e. all of the 13 pixels above foot position in front of her are solid, she won't climb out, no matter if climber or not, and turn around instead. Here, we set the cube so the lix is low enough that this applies when facing right. However the lix is stuck in the border of the cube due to its placement, so this doesn't apply when facing left, and thus the lix can walk out to the left.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 25, 2014, 04:38:18 AM
Oh okay.  I was confused because visually it looks rather like the case where a builder builds into a wall and turn around, but I thought platformers don't behave like that so I was wondering.

Actually for better or worse, your move (now that I understand what is happening) is not all that far off from the one I'm using in my solution, and honestly your method is more clever in some ways. :thumbsup:  So I'm less concerned about that part of the level now, but for B10 I still need to address another part of the level that you have handled too conventionally (I believe it was an unfortunate side effect of some terrain changes I made to deal with other backroutes, so it'll be tricky to deal with like all previous cases with this level apparently :XD:).  Once I address that part, I think (well, more like hope) the skill usage requirement will end up enforcing the use of my method on the right side of the level as well anyway.  And then at a later point I'm gonna have to scrap all that and have some hard thoughts as to what sorts of solutions the community-set version of the level should feature...... :XD:

Anyway, the more general behavior of stuck climbers not climbing out is not something I'd consider a glitch at all, if anything the current Lix behavior is probably more intuitive compare with how the original Lemmings game mechanics behave.  There is also precedent for this sort of behavior in Lemmings 2 with the rock climber.  (That said, I'm quite open to hear about your thoughts and opinion around this.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 25, 2014, 09:19:28 PM
Here's a remake of Devil's Right Hand. Akseli's solution doesn't work anymore, however the other two solutions still do. I made the one-way gadget 2 steps high instead of one, so it's more clear to the player what's going on there. It's also behaviour used in a later level, so it's good to have it put on display somewhere. It's possible to get the wrong way though a one-way gadget with two bashers, but I think this doesn't open up new backroutes.
Nepster: Tell me if you like this version of the level, or just go ahead and make changes if you don't.

ccexplore: The trick can't be used if you remove the slope that goes down to the exit, as you have to make sure that the following lix will be able to walk over the cube. It's actually possible to do a similar maneuver at the top before the exit, and use the resulting platformer brick to start on platforming to the left, but then the platform towards the left ends up too high, and the miner stops midway in the rectangular hole. The second issue here is that the lix die in the braziers when trying to walk over the cube.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 25, 2014, 10:58:30 PM
Good work with the remake of Devil's Right Hand! Unfortunately I already found a backroute (though it's not a trivial one, cf. attachment). This is fixed in V2 (along with minor stylistic changes).
I noticed that one can get through the one-way wall in the wrong direction using one basher and one builder. I will have to check during the next days, that this doesn't allow for new backroutes.
I didn't notice such a one-way gadget in any other level. To which one are you referring?
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 25, 2014, 11:06:17 PM
Oh, so the basher doesn't actually hit against the thin layer of steel at the sides of the walls (preventing that was why I put them there in the first place). Making the layer of steel thicker should solve this issue, making it impossible to pass through a wall just with a builder and a basher. I'd suggest just doing that.

I don't want to exhibit this particular one-way gadget for a later level, but rather the behaviour that bashers can actually move downwards. There are other levels using one-way gadgets (e.g. Exit Stage Right), but they don't use this basher behaviour.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 26, 2014, 03:51:33 PM
Hmm, actually that basher not hitting steel scenario exhibited in your level is kinda weird. It seems like the basher only checks for steel in the later frames, thus ignoring the steel even though if it was terrain it would remove it. I'm gonna talk to Simon to see whether this behaviour is really desirable, or should be changed (the physics change would basically fix the one-way gadget).

I talked to mobius for a bit, and here's a new update with a couple of changes to his levels. For Over my Head, I can't decide which version is best. I attached three versions, what do you people think? Also, I'm not sold on Elixir/Subversive activities, both levels have things that I like and things that I don't like. So I tried to make a new version that takes the good aspects from both, what do you think about this version?

Changed (and/or renamed):
divisionoflabor.txt (no time limit)
fiveforfighting.txt (backroute fix)
hardtoport.txt (mobius' version of the backroute fix)
agiantleapforlixkind.txt -> thefinalsacrifice.txt
dilemma.txt -> passingengagement.txt
lixesinmotion2.txt -> lixesinmotion.txt (backroute fix, now has mobius' intended route)
planb.txt -> overthehump.txt (new version with different solution)
stilllife.txt -> everywhichway.txt (backroute fix)


Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 26, 2014, 09:36:43 PM
No new version for Devil's Right Hand because one needs 6 pixels (low-res) of steel to remove the steel-basher behaviour. While this is easily done for the left and the middle "one-way wall", one doesn't have the space at the right one. So I will wait for now, until it is clear whether a change in the game mechanics will solve this problem.

Some solutions (and backroutes) for the updated levels:
Hard to port: A new backroute appeared, but is easily fixed by enlarging the steel at the exit platform.
Lixes in motion: At the moment there is a backroute saving 20/20. But the fix for "stopping diggers by assigning miners" should also remove this one.
No more heroes: A new try with this one: Saving 29/30 but I need all the time down to the last frame.
Elixir (from the last post): I like my solution for this new version, but it has only passing similarities with my previous solutions. Nevertheless I have two suggestions: To make the fall down from the red blocks survivable needs rather precise bomber timing. Perhaps one can add a little step on the blue blocks at the bottom? Secondly one could perhaps move the sawblade into the gap between the exit and the metal block? As it is right now, its trigger area reaches exactly one pixel over the left edge of the metal block, which is a priori not clear at all. And it still allows (non-successful) attempts like the one I attached.
Over my Head: I like the solution to OmH2 and OmH3 better than the one to OmH1. OmH3 is rather hard on timing, while in OmH2 one has a (mostly) unneccessary time limit and one needs to start the miner right after the lix falls out of the hatch. If it was my decision (which it isn't), I would take OmH2, remove the time limit and move the big step about three bricks to the right. (For all these remarks, I assume of course that my solution is the intended one)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 27, 2014, 02:13:21 AM
I updated three levels to fix your backroutes:
hardtoport.txt (Steel added)
lixesinmotion.txt (Your solution is actually kinda nifty. I set the climber count set to 10 nevertheless, as I just saw in the replay of mobius' intended solution the climber count in the level is actually 10.)
thelixwhojaped.txt (Thicker steel.)

No More Heroes: Now that's an interesting one, nice idea. I'll have to ask Steve if he wants this removed. Either way, there's also a solution that doesn't enter the exit from the right, if you want to try.
Elixir: Your second solution is intended, and the first one is just a variation of it. I put the saw blade there so you can't jump out from the bomber hole onto the steel piece (that'd allow for a backroute). Attached is a version that replaces them with a pair of saw blades left and right. Yeah I guess it doesn't resemble the two other versions of the levels too much, it uses the falling bomber from one and going over the exit from the other, but that's it. Either way, I prefer it over the two.
Over My Head: Actually the timing in OmH3 is just as easy as before (you have enough leeway that you don't even need the basher), you just have to place the digger right. I think I could change OmH3 in such a way that with the digger placement that you tried it fails. The intended solution doesn't actually starts mining on the starting level, and the way it's done it gives your even a little more leeway. The reason I prefer OmH3 over OmH2 is that with the intermediate ledge there are more things you can try now, namely mining from the lower level. So I think maybe I should use OmH3, but modified in such a way that you don't have enough leeway if you dig in the wrong spot, by e.g. making the right part of the platform also only 3 bricks high instead of 5. What do you think.

Before that, I had a bigger update, including the last remaining levels, and the first wave of scrapping levels. I updated this post with a status update about scrapping levels: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg20328#msg20328
16 more to go (or maybe a few more in case we need space for tailor-made levels at the beginning to smoothen the difficulty curve), any objections so far?


cuberreplacement2.txt -> cuberreplacement.txt

Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 27, 2014, 05:42:36 PM
Over my Head: Please ignore the comments in my previous post. When I wrote it, I was only aware of solutions that are more complicated than necessary.
Lix Who Japed: New solution, though it's likely another backroute.
Devil's Right Hand: Backroute with steel-bashing behaviour (at the right one-way gadget) confirmed.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Proxima on May 27, 2014, 07:28:57 PM
Before that, I had a bigger update, including the last remaining levels, and the first wave of scrapping levels. I updated this post with a status update about scrapping levels: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=593.msg20328#msg20328
16 more to go (or maybe a few more in case we need space for tailor-made levels at the beginning to smoothen the difficulty curve), any objections so far?

Well, naturally I'm sad about "Dances with Lixes", which I like a lot, but I already made that known to you, and in the end it's your decision.

I do still have three more levels I would like to contribute, if I have time to finish building them -- I won't burden the list with more than that when we're trying to cut down. Now it looks like it's going to be pretty tricky  :(  given that there aren't that many levels left that we all agree are okay to go. Of the ones on your "Inclined to scrap (11)" list, I'm okay with scrapping Leap of the Locust, Almighty Sawblade, Slippery Pete, Confusing Fractals, Wrong way, Escape the Pit -- and Diggin' the Air, which I do like, but it's available in Pieuw's level set anyway so it's not quite so much of a loss. (Perhaps, for that reason, we could take out all of Pieuw's and Martin Z's levels? But some of them are very good, so maybe that's a bit drastic.)

I'll have another look through all the levels mentioned in your long post and comment on them, if that would help. "A Soulful Bounding Leap" does indeed have multiple solutions. It was mobius' level, but with his permission I took it over and tried to fix it, with my own solution in mind (I don't know what his original intended solution was). I did at least manage to remove some trivial solutions. I think it's an okay puzzle now, and we don't have very many wraparound levels, but it's not entirely successful, so I don't mind if you want to remove it.

I would still prefer Changing of the Guards 2 to be removed.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 28, 2014, 01:15:20 AM
"another funeral" is an alternate version of 3-1 or Three's company. It may involve a little bit of tricky timing. It's titled so as an allusion to the multiple levels titled "Four lemmings and a funeral" [this now has 4 lemmings]. I don't want this as separate to Three's Company. Pick one or the other.

French Connection is an old level of mine that I never got around to redoing.
I recommend replacing this one for.........The Last Mile? Idk, personally I just don't find that level all that interesting now.

edit: I also have intended replays for both of these

I said this before but when I first began remaking Pieuw's levels I didn't know about all of them and NOW, looking back I think I made some poor choices as there are better levels of his to remake. However/also on the line of reasoning that Proxima said; that he's got his own big pack I also would not be opposed to removing all of those. I don't know about Martin Z's tho, his pack is only a mini pack of 30 levels and not as well known [ok maybe not] but not as recent.
What I mean is... [idk. I meant to write more but forget whatever it was]

I say this mainly because there are still some levels of other more obscure people I'd like to remake.. however, everytime I say this then look at the levels I see one-way walls. :(
I probably won't be making many more new levels, if any.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 28, 2014, 02:08:22 AM
Note: In order to play the update to Dances with Lixes and the (wip) version of Stroke at Retirement Age, you have to download the new cactus terrain, you can get it here: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=1002.msg20541#new

There's also a hint system in Lix so you can add hints to your levels. Most levels don't have hints yet, I only have a list of hints from Proxima so far. While not a must, please consider adding hints to your levels! Send them to me, preferred format: Take this spread sheet from https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/blob/gh-pages/lixlfpack.xls?raw=true and in the 4 tiny columns at the end there's space for 4 hints. At the end I will write a script to add the hints into the levels.

Solution to 'Another Funeral' attached.

Comments to Nepster:
Lix Who Japed: Different from the intended route, but similar and just as interesting.
Devil's Right Hand: The required physics change to eliminate the backroute is very likely to happen.

Notes after some talk over IRC:
Dances with Lixes: is coming back in a slightly adjusted version (attached).
Lixology: Has a backroute and cuber placement is annoying, and uses my old Holey Mountain design which I don't like (though Proxima does). Attached is my suggested replacement 'Breackout' (It's based on an old version of Brickout, which the hints would refer to and give some trivia. Also Breackout anagrams to Backroute). Comments welcome.
CotG1 will be renamed to CotG. As a compromise CotG2 will be renamed to something entirely different, and changed to resemble CotG exactly except for the central ball moved down by 8 pixels.

I do still have three more levels I would like to contribute, if I have time to finish building them -- I won't burden the list with more than that when we're trying to cut down. Now it looks like it's going to be pretty tricky  :(  given that there aren't that many levels left that we all agree are okay to go. Of the ones on your "Inclined to scrap (11)" list, I'm okay with scrapping Leap of the Locust, Almighty Sawblade, Slippery Pete, Confusing Fractals, Wrong way, Escape the Pit -- and Diggin' the Air, which I do like, but it's available in Pieuw's level set anyway so it's not quite so much of a loss. (Perhaps, for that reason, we could take out all of Pieuw's and Martin Z's levels? But some of them are very good, so maybe that's a bit drastic.)
Hmm, if they are in a complete level set, I supposed removing Pieuw's or Zurlinden's levels is not such a bad idea...or cut them down to one representative level. These are the levels for reference:

Path to Mahimah
Lixes in Arms
The Final Sacrifice (with mobius)

Diggin' The Air
It's All Uphill From Here (with mobius)
The Last Laugh (with mobius)
Division of Labor (with mobius)

What happens next is that I'll scrap a few more levels we have a consensus on and update a few levels with backroute fixes. Then I hope by Friday I'll compile an alpha version of the pack in which the last 4 ratings are ordered, so you can comment on the ordering. This version will still have levels in non-final state, but also will contain a few excess levels, i.e. more than 40 per rating. It will come with a list of levels that I personally would scrap right now such that after scrapping these there will be 40 levels in each rating. At this stage you can comment on my ordering and my suggested list of last levels to scrap. You can still update your levels at this point, write hints, etc. In order to add a level after this alpha has been released, please put with your levels a suggestion (or a few suggestions) of which level your new level should replace (not in the same position, they can end up in different ratings, it's just that one level goes and another level comes in). But yeah, I hope to get this done by Friday and then I'll make a topic explaining things again.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 28, 2014, 04:31:10 AM
Lixology: Has a backroute and cuber placement is annoying, and uses my old Holey Mountain design which I don't like (though Proxima does). Attached is my suggested replacement 'Breackout' (It's based on an old version of Brickout, which the hints would refer to and give some trivia. Also Breackout anagrams to Backroute). Comments welcome.

I guess I can't really comment on it without actually playing Lixology?  (Are they somewhat similar/related in concept?)

It's probably best for others to comment since I'm biased by already aware of geoo's solution beforehand.  Somehow I thought one of the other variations had a more interesting geoo solution, but I guess I'll have to dig up old files (if they still can be found) and see which one.  I guess if the general solution idea hasn't been featured in previous levels in the set, it's a decent introduction to it.

As it is right now, geoo' solution has a leftover skill.  Since we don't care about my original solution here perhaps there's an opportunity to add something to the level to usefully consume the leftover skill?  It'd also help reduce backroute possibilities (ie. outside of geoo's solution and my original solution) that haven't been uncovered yet.  Granted, it may be hard to do so in a way that looks nice.

If anyone want to prettify the level further, you have my blessing (though as-is the level's fine visually if a little Spartan).

Keep in mind that I still like to present in near future a community version of Brickout closer to my solution first, before we make decision to commit to this version.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 28, 2014, 01:22:47 PM
After some major struggles and what feels like going through the 5 stages of grief (ie. denial => acceptance) :XD:, here's Brickout B10 and Won't Get Fooled Again v6.  At this point I'd say both levels have taken on sacrifices that may enforce the intended solutions, but at undesirable cost to visual quality of the levels (plus other aspects) relative to the somewhat questionable quality of the intended solutions. :-\  So for the community set I'm probably more inclined to move on with adapting the levels for other interesting solutions instead.

ccexplore: The trick can't be used if you remove the slope that goes down to the exit, as you have to make sure that the following lix will be able to walk over the cube. It's actually possible to do a similar maneuver at the top before the exit, and use the resulting platformer brick to start on platforming to the left, but then the platform towards the left ends up too high, and the miner stops midway in the rectangular hole. The second issue here is that the lix die in the braziers when trying to walk over the cube.

Hmm, I guess this means it might be possible to achieve B10 without the ugly changes I made here.  Though I seem to recall at least during earlier versions, there was a need for the wall to be of at least a certain height in order to prevent certain backroutes (which may or may not have been killed now anyway with the numerous additions of steel and sawblades), yet my intended solution also require the walls to be not too tall either.  I think that was the only reason I introduced the slopes at some point during the B series, to satisfy both constraints.  I'll need to carefully review previous versions and associated backroutes to understand the consequences of slope removal.  Slope removal may be more viable if I break the symmetry (ie. terrain near entrance and near exit aren't exact mirror images), especially if the alternative is something hacky and also asymmetrical like my B10 here.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 28, 2014, 09:04:04 PM
Note: In order to play the update to Dances with Lixes and the (wip) version of Stroke at Retirement Age, you have to download the new cactus terrain, you can get it here: http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=1002.msg20541#new

There's also a hint system in Lix so you can add hints to your levels. Most levels don't have hints yet, I only have a list of hints from Proxima so far. While not a must, please consider adding hints to your levels! Send them to me, preferred format: Take this spread sheet from https://github.com/geoo89/lixlfpack/blob/gh-pages/lixlfpack.xls?raw=true and in the 4 tiny columns at the end there's space for 4 hints. At the end I will write a script to add the hints into the levels.

Solution to 'Another Funeral' attached.

Comments to Nepster:
Lix Who Japed: Different from the intended route, but similar and just as interesting.
Devil's Right Hand: The required physics change to eliminate the backroute is very likely to happen.

Notes after some talk over IRC:
Dances with Lixes: is coming back in a slightly adjusted version (attached).
Lixology: Has a backroute and cuber placement is annoying, and uses my old Holey Mountain design which I don't like (though Proxima does). Attached is my suggested replacement 'Breackout' (It's based on an old version of Brickout, which the hints would refer to and give some trivia. Also Breackout anagrams to Backroute). Comments welcome.
CotG1 will be renamed to CotG. As a compromise CotG2 will be renamed to something entirely different, and changed to resemble CotG exactly except for the central ball moved down by 8 pixels.

I do still have three more levels I would like to contribute, if I have time to finish building them -- I won't burden the list with more than that when we're trying to cut down. Now it looks like it's going to be pretty tricky  :(  given that there aren't that many levels left that we all agree are okay to go. Of the ones on your "Inclined to scrap (11)" list, I'm okay with scrapping Leap of the Locust, Almighty Sawblade, Slippery Pete, Confusing Fractals, Wrong way, Escape the Pit -- and Diggin' the Air, which I do like, but it's available in Pieuw's level set anyway so it's not quite so much of a loss. (Perhaps, for that reason, we could take out all of Pieuw's and Martin Z's levels? But some of them are very good, so maybe that's a bit drastic.)
Hmm, if they are in a complete level set, I supposed removing Pieuw's or Zurlinden's levels is not such a bad idea...or cut them down to one representative level. These are the levels for reference:

Path to Mahimah
Lixes in Arms
The Final Sacrifice (with mobius)

Diggin' The Air
It's All Uphill From Here (with mobius)
The Last Laugh (with mobius)
Division of Labor (with mobius)

What happens next is that I'll scrap a few more levels we have a consensus on and update a few levels with backroute fixes. Then I hope by Friday I'll compile an alpha version of the pack in which the last 4 ratings are ordered, so you can comment on the ordering. This version will still have levels in non-final state, but also will contain a few excess levels, i.e. more than 40 per rating. It will come with a list of levels that I personally would scrap right now such that after scrapping these there will be 40 levels in each rating. At this stage you can comment on my ordering and my suggested list of last levels to scrap. You can still update your levels at this point, write hints, etc. In order to add a level after this alpha has been released, please put with your levels a suggestion (or a few suggestions) of which level your new level should replace (not in the same position, they can end up in different ratings, it's just that one level goes and another level comes in). But yeah, I hope to get this done by Friday and then I'll make a topic explaining things again.

The final Sacrafice; I really rather would not remove that. It's one I'm actually proud of and it's not really much of a remake of MZ's level. I started out with that in mind but it ended up being very different from his (A Giant Leap for Lemmingkind)

I guess I'm ok with removing the other two. Even if Path to Mahimah was an annoying amount of work and took forever to make. And I added terrain to the game just to make that level.

Please, rename French Connection to "Narbacular Drop" I'm renaming the Lemmini version to that in any case.
<<most of the time when I make levels I think of a random title as a placeholder until I find a better title. Usually, I don't find a better title but in some cases I do years later...
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 28, 2014, 10:42:08 PM
Solution to Won't Get Fooled Again v6.

I also found two alternative solutions to Brickout B9, meaning that just removing the slopes won't work. Though maybe one of these could be adapted to be the intended one for the community set? At least they are less glitchy than my previous one. Neither of those works in B10 though, both are 1 jumper short of working.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 28, 2014, 11:37:50 PM
Okay good, so looks like the B10 effort is paying off. :evil: I guess I'm not opposed to adapting one of those solutions for the community version, will keep that in mind.

[sidenotes:  somewhat interesting jumper behavior.  I think if this were L2, some of the jumps you used near the entrance area might've failed due to the low ceiling, not 100% sure though.  The trick near the exit in geoo3 is also interesting, I would've expect that set up to block the climber from climbing back up that way, though I can accept the logic behind that not happening despite looking slightly unintuitive.]

Big whoops on Won't Get Fooled Again v6, I believe that backroute has probably existed on previous versions as well? :XD: I'm thinking I will try to eliminate that by simply making the save requirement 93/100 with no other changes, would that be sufficient?  [edit: I can also introduce a time limit of say 3 minutes if upping save requirement alone is insufficient, though I know you're not a fan of time limits]
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 29, 2014, 02:37:38 AM
ccexplore: Lixology is a level that makes use of cubers to make a basher continue bashing past a gap (albeit with backroutes that don't do that). Therefore I wanted Breackout to be a variation of Brickout that uses a continued basher as well. The current version of Breackout is not exactly like some of the early versions of Brickout, rather it's an early version of Brickout adapted to make this solution work nicely. The miner is just added in so make the solution less obvious, but could be taken out. Another reason why I prefer it over Lixology is that it teaches that bashers don't need to have terrain at the bottom in front of them, which is not immediately clear, but needs to be know for a later level. Of course, anyone is welcome to base it off a different version of Brickout or make it prettier somehow.

For Dances with Lixes, there are two quite different solution approaches. One of them is already used in 100% Built by Lixes and Ascending and Descending, while the other one is, I believe, novel. I attached a version with buzzsaws enforcing the second approach, I wonder whether I should include this version instead, as the ideas from the first approach are already featured in two other levels. (Spoiler: Approach one is building a bridge from the left, but not completely to the steel at the right, and have another lix build a bridge from the top of the steel to the left, thus falling onto the lower bridge. Approach 2 instead builds a bridge from left to right all the way to the steel, and then uses a bomber to simultaneously bomb through the bridge and make a dent in the block at the left that makes climbers turn around.)

The final Sacrafice; I really rather would not remove that. It's one I'm actually proud of and it's not really much of a remake of MZ's level. I started out with that in mind but it ended up being very different from his (A Giant Leap for Lemmingkind)

I guess I'm ok with removing the other two. Even if Path to Mahimah was an annoying amount of work and took forever to make. And I added terrain to the game just to make that level.
Well I assume that those levels that say '(with mobius)' vary notably from the original version by Pieuw/Martin Zurlinden, and thus I wouldn't want to take them out anyway just for the reason that they were based on a level that appears in a different pack.

If we follow through with removing the levels that are solely theirs, but leaving one representative level from each, I'd go for removing Lixes in Arms while keeping Path to Mahimah and The Final Sacrifice (with mobius).
Similarly, I'd remove Diggin' The Air and Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, while keeping Erbalunga and the ones that mobius contributed to, i.e. It's All Uphill From Here (with mobius), The Last Laugh (with mobius) and Division of Labor (with mobius).
Though what I wrote which one (that mobius hasn't changed from the original) to keep that's just my personal preference...

Anyway, new update.

3 minus 1 updated by mobius and renamed to Another Funeral
Dances With Lixes is back in with an updated version (still allowing both approaches, as described above)
New level Narbacular Drop replaces The Last Mile as suggested by mobius
Changing of the Guards (Part 2) resembles Part 1 almost exactly and now has temporary title Spin Geometry
Subversive Activities and Elixir condensed into a single level
Removed Slippery Pete and The Almighty Sawblade
Over My Head is now the version as described in an earlier post allowing the intended solution and a variation on it,
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 29, 2014, 03:10:10 AM
(warning: below contains spoilers to Breackout)

Okay, with Lixology explained I can see how Breackout would be a good fit replacement-wise.  I'm okay with the miner purely being a red herring given the Lixology-replacement purpose.  That said, maybe the middle section should be shortened further to reduce time wasted on platforming and bashing?  There is enough length there right now to shorten a little while still keep usage of miner there look plausible, if that's an intent.

By the way, maybe it was part of the original and not something you added, but the bottom row of yellow bricks look different from the rest.  It looks like you did a 180 rotation of the terrain pieces to make that row fit the pattern, but I can definitely see the rotation of the graphics compare to the rest of the bricks above (due to the shadows in the shading I believe).  I think you should use instead add two whole rows of yellow bricks, and then erase one row with eraser pieces instead, similar to the treatment I took with the tops of the red walls.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 29, 2014, 11:42:06 AM
I already made a suggestion for fixing Brickout: replace the skills used in the controversial turning manoeuvre with a single walker. (It would still be hard enough to be in the last 5 or 10 levels!) Possibly, doing so would mean some of the ad hoc backroute-fixes could be removed. I hope I'll have time to look further into this -- it's a really good level and we should made sure it goes in.

Sorry that I've missed that old post.  I assume Brickout E was the outcome of this suggestion.  Based on your comments and related posts, I agree and will most probably go with this for the community set, with one important change:  the number of jumpers should be 2 not 3 (I'm sure that was just an oversight).  Of course, I probably should put on a backroute hat myself and make sure I didn't overlook something.  Also look at whether I can now finally remove some of the ad-hoc sawblades with this skillset.

Anyhow, belated "thanks!". :thumbsup: I guess that's more or less the close of the Brickout saga, the only thing left is to see if anyone do manage to find the original intended solution as presented currently in B10.


7. Which year will ccexplore's level "Brickout" be backroute-free? (NEVER is a valid answer)
Background: "Brickout" is a very hard level for Lix by ccexplore, which had at least 10 iterations of backroutes and backroute-fixes. The first version was released in early February 2012, and the last (up to now) in March 2012, and it has been backrouted. So right now there is no backroute-fixed version.

Never: 6
2013: 1

Quote from: Steve

ccexplore's comment on answering 'never':
for feud purposes only, I hope  :-\

Simon answered NEVER!!!!
And that is not because the game is glitchy! It's because the skills are too versatile!

So one year late, but better than never! :P (Okay this may be premature, as it's not yet evident whether B10 is in fact backroute-free.)
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: geoo on May 29, 2014, 02:50:13 PM
I found a new solution to Won't get Fooled Again which saves 95. Quite nifty, except for the basher placement being tricky to get right.

For Breackout, I made the central yellow brick wall a bit smaller (Proxima also suggested that iirc), and attached another alternative version that brings back the water at the bottom that used to be there in very early versions of Brickout. I think that version looks a bit prettier, but I'm not sure. I'm also indifferent about keeping or removing the miner.

I had just a short glance at Brickout E sans one jumper now (without comparing the skill set to the skill set of the version it branched off of), and it seems that taking the left part of my solution 'geoo2' to Brickout B9 and using the walker at the right solves the level with an unused exploder.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 29, 2014, 08:31:23 PM
I found a new solution to Won't get Fooled Again which saves 95. Quite nifty, except for the basher placement being tricky to get right.

Not my intended solution but agree that it's pretty nifty. :thumbsup: Actually it vaguely reminds me of one of your solutions in an early version of the level?  The comment about basher placement in particular sounds rather deja vu, but unfortunately I apparently failed to keep old versions of this level around so I'm not sure if I can compare anymore.

Anyway, for the community version your solution is commendable and likely more satisfying to find than mine actually. :-\  But just like Brickout I'll take a look and see what can be changed to help enforce the intended solution, even if it might not end up being used for the community version.

attached another alternative version that brings back the water at the bottom that used to be there in very early versions of Brickout. I think that version looks a bit prettier, but I'm not sure.

I think my main objection is that the water graphics itself sucks, no offense to Matt.  But maybe others feel differently.  With better water graphics, I probably would prefer the water version as well.

I had just a short glance at Brickout E sans one jumper now (without comparing the skill set to the skill set of the version it branched off of), and it seems that taking the left part of my solution 'geoo2' to Brickout B9 and using the walker at the right solves the level with an unused exploder.

Hmm, yes indeed.  But perhaps "close enough" given the community version's intended solution.  In fact, I'm not sure if it's even possible to enforce my solution over yours. :XD: If I do find a way to that I'll get back to you, but otherwise proceed for now assuming the above as an acceptable alternative.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: Nepster on May 29, 2014, 09:24:19 PM
Here another solution to Won't get Fooled Again.

EDIT: Short comment on ccx's answer in the next post: The trick stopping the miner isn't essential to the solution as one can simply use the batter instead. The unused batter also makes it possible to save 94/100 using this approach, so you would have to set the requirement to 95 in order to remove this solution.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: ccexplore on May 29, 2014, 10:03:33 PM
Interesting use of an obscure (maybe?) Lix-only trick. 8) It's not my intended solution at all but I think your trick may be obscure enough that it doesn't matter too much to leave this solution in, after all my intended solution is also really just one silly trick with more boring bits thrown in.

Off top of my head, if I were to try to eliminate your solution, I can perhaps bump up the save requirement again (although at that point it's no longer so forgiving relative to my intended solution; geoo's solution is basically unaffected though).  Will think about it more later today.
Title: Re: Lix Community Level Set
Post by: mobius on May 31, 2014, 04:32:31 PM
should I have posted in the alpha topic?

This is a new level which I might have mentioned before.
It's titled "A Fearful Symmetery" and this level fits the title much better than my other one. I suggest renaming the other one, though geoo said he doesn't like that level anyway so maybe it'll get scrapped. If you want to replace that one with this I'm fine with that. But, personally I would much rather replace other levels of mine... like the ones you mentioned in other places.