See attached. Looks more like a private chat to me, is this intended?
Oh goody, another thing for the spambots to take over.

In all seriousness though, I do wonder if this and the IRC are taking much of the activity away from the forum itself, which leaves this place looking a little dead to the casual observer. That's not to say I don't like it though; quite the opposite in fact

Btw, if you're unfamiliar with this, it's a
shoutbox. (And for now at least, I guess it qualifies as news too

EDIT: Also, "admin forum" needs to come and see this (attached) that flashed up when I logged out.
Oh ok, I see now. It was confusing because it looks like it falls under the "News" section, when in fact it is a totally new section of the page that just happens to be below the now-not-expanded-by-default "News" section.
So, a free-running chatroom open and visible to everyone logged in. Not sure is my cup of tea, but okay. I really do hope it doesn't turn into another spambot target.
Geez, give me some credit at least.
The new questions - which everyone will know the answers to - have so far prevented any spambots registering. So, I doubt this'll be something the spambots will take over.
If it doesn't work, we'll bin it, but there's no harm in giving it a try.
The rabble box is down. This is, after closer scrutiny, not my preferred status of the rabble box.
-- Simon
I'll try and fix it.. no idea what went wrong.. I didn't touch anything!
Your rabbling can continue once more!
I'll try and fix it.. no idea what went wrong.. I didn't touch anything! 
Haha, the box finally can't take our collective inane rabbles and decides to off itself.

Anyway, I see it back up now, but in my browser it still seems to be missing the edit box that actually lets me type in a rabble?

[edit: never mind, I see it now, it's right below the bold/italics/smilies row of buttons. It kinda blend in too well and didn't look like an edit box.

The box has been down again for several days. Jumping up and down didn't help.
Also, geoo beat me way too often at his Lix maps, Supaplex didn't save after finishing a level, the admins didn't comment on the smiley replacements, geoo wakes me up with chainsaws at night, RAGE RAGE RAGE. RRRRRRRRRAAAAAGE!
<SimonN> dang
<SimonN> "If you want to officially finish a level, you have to play it from scratch, without using this snapshot Ctrl-L option!"

-- Rrrrrrrimon
You're not the only one feeling the rage, Simon. Especially that Lix part.

The Supaplex thing reminds me of Lemmings 3 and its "learner mode" rubbish. You know how to solve the level, why the heck should you have to do the whole thing in one go? Rrrrr.
I'm back from my trip away, but I'm about to head to bed - had about 4 hours sleep since Thursday. The Rabble Box will be fixed in the morning.
Rabble box seems fixed -- thanks very much.

-- Simon
Where's the rabble box??
Nothing I touched. Looked in the admin panel and it appears to be uninstalled. There's no admin log so I don't know if perhaps Adam did this intentionally (for some unforeseen reason?)
EDIT: On the other hand, he hasn't been online in a few days, but I didn't notice the box being gone until today. Something might be afoot.
Actually the box has been gone for a few days, not just today. I don't know why nobody said anything until now. Maybe because those who really use the box are already all on IRC anyway.
The box went down again before it disappeared completely, maybe Adam got fed up with it crashing all the time and just decided to pull it? And yeah, there's the IRC of course, which tends to be better for organising games and discussing things anyway.
Apologies for the huge absence.. apparently, the shoutbox is against the hosts' terms. Big bunch of Mr Moo Poo, as far as I'm concerned, but they removed it.
Without going into great detail, my mother's ex is a complete psychopath, went round the twist and tried to attack me, so I had to go into hiding. I'm now back in action. My mother's ex is now in prison. Lovely.
HOLY FUDGE. Glad you made it out of that situation okay.

Wow, I would never imagine reading something this scary on a Lemmings forum (just in time for Halloween I guess

)! Glad to hear you're okay now!

. You do have a talent for finding trouble - and, thankfully, surviving it too. It's great to have you back
The box went down again before it disappeared completely, maybe Adam got fed up with it crashing all the time and just decided to pull it? And yeah, there's the IRC of course, which tends to be better for organising games and discussing things anyway.
so is this "IRC" that everyone talks about just a big chat box site, especially for Lemmingsforum?
I know of other sites with a shoutbox and they tend to cause trouble it seems. Either they cost too much or have annoying adds.
Not a website, but a chat service.
You can use
this in-browser client, pick a nickname and hit "join".
-- Simon