Lemmings Forums

Off-Topic Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Simon on May 28, 2011, 03:58:45 AM

Title: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: Simon on May 28, 2011, 03:58:45 AM
This one is from way earlier
Steve: Circus [the L2 graphics set] is just like "whee blocks lol"
geoo: The set isn't only [rectangular] blocks. It has diagonal blocks as well.
Steve: I don't need those screw that blocks

geoo made a <a href="http://www.puzzgrid.com/grid/1399" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">puzzgrid puzzle with 8 out of 16 entries had "clam"</a>, and the Grooved Carpet Shell is a 9th clam.
Steve: How many clams can the Clam Spammer spam if a Clam Spammer could spam clams?

Simon: My mouse moves randomly left and right.
geoo: Fix it in the code.
Simon: It's outside the game, too.
Simon: WTF my laptop keyboard and touchpad are full of water

This one was from October 2010:
Simon: me too. the builder is already female
Simon: You must iron your clothes and do stuff in presence of a female
geoo: Now I'm confused?
geoo: Is the Ironer a new lemmings skill?
Simon: You must not be lazy or the builder will stop building, and instead argue with you about meaningless stuff.
geoo: Does doing building myself count as not being lazy?
Simon: Then she will complain about not being of any value to you.
geoo: oh well...
Simon: The lix is probably more man-minded than the average female.

Go join at once! irc.quakenet.org #lix

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: RubiX on June 04, 2011, 02:42:49 AM
Rubix likes this.
^ fail lol

Forums could now do with a 'likes this' button to be special like facebook!

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on June 12, 2011, 11:19:35 AM
brb making a multiplayer level in honor of Col. Many-Bears Grinder
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on July 14, 2011, 07:10:54 PM
November 23, 2010
<Simon>   I am unsure whether to play or do work that is immediately due tomorrow
<geoo>   Wurst is a cool level
<geoo>   I got work due soon as well; there's always time to afford for playing L++
<RubiX>   hehe
<Simon>   let me pile up the work I have to do here
<Simon>   so the stack of sheets looks too large to begin
<geoo>   exactly, so there's no point starting

June 10, 2011
<Clam_Spammer>   we went to a mall and observed people to collect data
<Clam_Spammer>   so pretty specific
<SimonN>   What kind of random secrets did they reveal?
<Clam_Spammer>   oh, the usual. credit card details, pin numbers, all that good stuff

This one was from an IM conversation with rt, who was translating Clones.
<rt> What do you call the molder in German?
<Simon> Builder.

(When geoo and me have a written conversation, we always write English. In voicechat we use German with consequent usage of English Lemmings terms. There are no universally accepted German translations of the Lemmings terms. Clones uses different words for absolutely everything.)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on July 14, 2011, 09:54:00 PM
This one was from an IM conversation with rt, who was translating Clones.
<rt> What do you call the molder in German?
<Simon> Builder.

Ah, so you became the unpaid German translator for Clones eh? ;P

Yeah, it's a pretty weird question to ask.  I'm not even 100% convinced whether "molder" really makes sense in English, it sounds nice but is not really the most obvious term that would come to mind when you see the clone doing it.  It vaguely make sense with a particular definition of the word (see etymology #1 on http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mold), but even then it's a bit of a stretch from the true definition to what the clone is actually doing.  Of all the clone morph terminologies, I think "mold" is the least fitting one.

Ultimately if they have the money and/or really care about it, they'd want to think about hiring a professional translator to deal with these issues.  As further examples, the English takes advantage of multiple definitions of the word "mold", coming up with puns in titles like "a bit of mold" and "mold control" (both of which are word-playing on the etymology #2 definnition on the wiktionary page).  A naive thoughtless translation of "mold" will likely result in nonsensical translations for those kinds of titles.  A really good translator may be able to come up with something that works well for both the term itself and for those kinds of titles.  A passable translator would at least be able to come up with alternative titles for the levels that aren't too boring but doesn't involve doing a pun on the word.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on July 14, 2011, 10:30:15 PM
They actually have a professional team that does it. :-) The text he was translating at that time was something else from a recently changed level, which the team might not yet have had seen. The builder question came up while talking about it some more.

Yeah, molder is somewhat strange. It's not that much of a welder or caster.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on August 13, 2011, 04:45:57 AM
This was on Mumble:
geoo: If I commit with `git -a -m SomeMessage', then git doesn't like it.
Simon: What is the exact error?
geoo: Hmmm, now it works for some reason. Maybe I had more than 1 word in the commit message earlier.
Simon: Yeah, if you have more than one word, you need... shell things around it or how they're called.
geoo: Shell things? You mean clams!

The discussion was in German, and I failed to recall both the German and English term. The German term for "shell things" was "shell-Dinger", and the German term for "clams" is "clams".

geoo: I'm extremely confused. I went to a friend's house to get back my lecture notes, but apparently, I put them into someone else's backpack instead of mine.
Simon: Can you call the people, or do they sleep like normal people?
geoo: I don't know. I think the group wanted to go dancing, but that's been three hours ago.
Simon: Why do you want to do that?
geoo: Me? I don't want to go dancing. Why should I want to go dancing? I don't know why they want to go dancing!
Simon: Maybe you want to go chat up yourself some girlfriends.
geoo: [tells a long story about how the girl wanted to meet him in the student's cantine first, then she wanted to put the notes in his mailbox but failed, etc.] Ah, I found them, I found them, the notes hid in some side pocket of the backpack.

geoo: What kind of nonsense are you talking about?
Simon: I want to put the quote on the site about you going dancing.
geoo: The quote is so horrendously complex, nobody will understand that anyway.

geoo: On the birthday party of the girl who borrowed my notes, there were actually women who flirted with me, but I defended myself successfully!
Simon: What would be the worst thing that could have happened?
geoo: They wanted my contact details. Who knows where they're selling that to! Also, they were cheap simple peasantblood, no mathematicians.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 02, 2011, 10:31:43 AM
When geoo just made his construction graphics style.
geoo: The buzzsaw size isn't divisible by 16? What was I smoking?!

This was in IRC after making this post in "geoo visiting Simon".
Clam: also LOL at the diagram with the clam
Simon: yeah, it's standard github history with a clam as dead end.
Clam: everything gets eaten by the clam
Clam: the end of the universe will not be heat death, it will be eaten by a giant clam
Simon: geoo would be proud

Eidblot is a simple script-controlled image filter applier I wrote.
Simon: I haven't licensed eidblot. I should put a waiver in it right away.
geoo: You should add a no reverse-engineering clause, and licensing fees
geoo: How about people in posession of Apple products have to pay a fee so they aren't confused by it being free, while other users get it for free
Simon: To ensure a quality usage feeling, Apple users must pay me a monthly fee and may not obtain the source.

geoo: Simon, are you gonna add the jumping climber sticking to the wall with a schmatz sound with one of your changes?
Simon: Haven't touched the climber yet in the current uploaded version.
Simon: I'll look into it in the incoming physics changes.
Simon: If you already have a sound, we can think of a name for the soundfile, so it'll get used later automatically.
geoo: Nah, I don't have a sound
Simon: Steve should make out with his girlfriend and record that.

Rabble box, about geoo's translation of IS.COM:
Insane Steve: Also, I love how every tactic ever is "prohibited" -- this guy'd probably scream at how dishonorable we are if we ever played him haha
Guest: I kinda see his point, but yeah, I think it says something when his most recommended level (#12) is the one where there are no intersections to each t...
Guest: (ccexplore posting as guest for convenience) frankly I don't think that guy's much of a MP-Lemming player
Guest: (ccexplore) ie. yes he plays them, but I dare say he's clearly no rt or Simon or anyone of that calibre, even when factoring in the gameplay issues wi...
Guest: (ccx) huh, the rabble box is WAY too truncate-happy, what a piece of shit

On the 2-player map Stepping Stones, geoo and me in voicechat are playing against Rubix and Clam:
Simon: I'll let the first one pass, build the second, and make the digger pit with the third.
geoo: The digger pit should be directly under the hatch. WTF why are you making it so close to the ledge?
Simon: Hmmm... the game will probably be way more interesting now >_>;

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on September 24, 2011, 12:48:22 AM
Excitement in IRC over ccexplore's return.
<SimonN> The beaver has posted
<geoo_> the beaver is back the beaver is back!
<SimonN> Saw down the oldest oak in the forest and sacrifice it to him.
<SimonN> He posted in the custom levels thread instead of in the multiplayer thread, he'll probably try the singleplayer first.
* Clam_Spammer (~Clam@124-197-26-196.callplus.net.nz) has joined #lix
<geoo_> but he's reading the multiplayer thread right now
<geoo_> and posting
<Clam_Spammer> *gasp*
<geoo_> F5 F5 F5 watch in awe
<geoo_> And the worst thing is, with the current version, your levels are broken, Clam_Spammer!
<Clam_Spammer> yaaaaay
<Clam_Spammer> well most are still ok, I think
<Clam_Spammer> aren't they? D:
<Clam_Spammer> anyway, never mind my SP levels, all we need right now are 5P+ maps :D

Simon in response to ccexplore's post in the multiplayer rabble topic.
<Simon> He can't just play Clones first! It's obvious he'll lose interest in multiplayer then!

Simon and me on mumble, with me watching the Who's Online:
<geoo> He's already posting again in the multiplayer player rabble topic.
<Simon> Doubleposting. He's the only one who has the privilege to do that.
A couple of minutes later in IRC, after the second post:
<Clam_Spammer> hah, the beaver's back to his doubleposting ways already
<Clam_Spammer> how long before he tripleposts with quotes from himself?

In response to ccexplore's comment in the rabble box (Guest: I'm still at work, but I'll start installing IRC and join some time tonight since it looks like all the Lix stuff is happening with IRC).
<geoo> We gotta stay up long, you gotta stay up long!
<Simon> Staying up long, staying up long. I need to setup your chainsaw alarm with the rattling bell sound! Ding! Ding! Ding!
<geoo> He must feel so made fun of.

<Simon> The quote topic is so good, we should take quotes from it and post it in the quotes topic!
<geoo> Meta quotes!
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 24, 2011, 01:42:36 AM
Yesterday in IRC:
Clam: any sign of the busy beaver, or should we send a search party?
Simon: The busy beaver is making a dam
geoo: and clearing the entire forest in the process
Simon: even more of a holy grail would be to get the beaver into mumble.
Simon: He's the branch-eating monster
Simon: http://git-scm.com/images/header.gif
Clam: never mind coding the IRS, your mission in life is to get ccx on here
(IRS = interactive rodent simulation, a genre name for games similar to Lemmings)
Simon: the IRS is hard too
(I was on mumble with geoo in parallel)
Simon: geoo thinks we have to troll cc as long until he comes here
Simon: geoo: "where's my comb where's my comb where's my comb where's my comb, I have to comb my beard. aahhh, what a nice feeling"

Edit: When geoo read this quote here again:
geoo: He should use the branch-eating monster as an avatar here.

By popular demand, all quotes about porcupine heaven:

Simon: fuck, they're climbers, they climb into the buzzsaw
Clam: Rubix, nope, that's a backroute, it misses the key idea
Rubix: oh
Simon: This is one of the best levels ever made
Clam: :D
Simon: The holy porcupine in the sky bless the auto replay function, otherwise I'd have no replay because I wanted to tell you that

Clam: is that replay for v2? we're up to v3 now
Simon: I need fricken SHA-1 for level verification, the current system is way too error prone :D
Simon: Sacrifice more lettuce for the great holy porcupine in the sky

Simon: Putting the level into separate file makes the replay work, putting it in the replay haves it fail.
Simon: That is very, very bad unless I find it.
Clam: it's a sign from the Holy Porcupine D:
Simon: That can go have wild orgies in rodent heaven if anything

I was playing Clam's Lemmix level The square route of Lemmings:
Simon: You and your white blocks
Clam: they're more like light grey
Simon: Even a chameleon on the block
Clam: ok now I don't know what you're talking about
Clam: oh wait yeah
Clam: those blocks are more like light brown
Simon: Chameleon sure likes it on its own private block
Clam: hah I could still do that in Lix, there's no 400-terrain limit :D
Simon: Naaaaaaaah
Simon: NNNNNnnnnnn
Simon: You can hide a ton of trigger-happy chameleons under the blocks.
Clam: I'll use the 1-pixel laser trap from the gold set, and make the entire level in the same colour as that pixel
Simon: You will die a horrible death and not go to porcupine heaven
Clam: hmm, is it worth it?
Simon: Yes
Clam: porcupine heaven sounds nasty, I'll just get spiked constantly by all the porcupines
Simon: Porcupine heaven is the best place
Simon: Get the point?
Simon: You can find out the best distance from everyone else, so you can bear the situation best. Too close is horrible.

In mumble right now:
Simon: Bah. When I search the logfile for "holy", I am already finding myself quoting the porcupine quotes in IRC.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 28, 2011, 09:57:36 AM
We played a quiz in IRC. You have one minute to name the level given by the quizmaster's rating/number, or determine rating/number based on the given name.

geoo: Tie breaker: A question about Steve's levels
SimonN: ~x( your hair out Mr. Lemming?
SimonN: tie breaker will be determined by fair dice roll
geoo: nah
geoo: Tiebreaker: a game of Stepping Stones (2P)

Quizmaster must write DING when the one minute of is over. The contestant may always answer with Screw instead of a normal guess. In that case, the quizmaster must answer and you'll get points if he misses.

SimonN: Clam: Polar 9, geoo: Fun 27
Clam: It's all up hill
geoo: Curse of the Pharaohs
geoo: wait no
geoo: I screw Simon
SimonN: okay, will answer after time runs out
geoo: nah, I stick to the curse
geoo: nah, I screw
SimonN: DING
SimonN: okay
SimonN: it's the cheap version of Come on over to my place
SimonN: hmmmm
geoo: :D :D :D
SimonN: verdammte Axt
Clam: my turn?
SimonN: no
geoo: doch
Clam: or do you answer the screw first
SimonN: yes, one sec
Clam: ok
SimonN: take care or something
geoo: DING
SimonN: I will so lose this game, cc would facepalm if he read this
(Correct would have been Let's be careful out there.)

During the one minute of answering time, you may amend your answer as often as you want. Only the last one counts.

geoo: last round
SimonN: geoo: Rocky VI, Clam: Medieval 5
geoo: Crazy 11
geoo: Crazy 9
(correct was Crazy 10...)
Clam: lemming in distress
Clam: (sounds vaguely medieval, yes?)
SimonN: damsel in distress is where you can bypass the dragon

geoo and me actually wagered one noodle dish on who'd answer most questions correctly. We agreed that if Clam won, nobody would win the dish (it's also hard to ship it from Germany to New Zealand). However, geoo anticipated that he didn't know a lot of the easier levels by name...

geoo: Clam: "Just Dig!", Simon: "Secret of LEMH"
SimonN: Classic 8
SimonN: earlier than Clam :D
Clam: Fun 1

geoo: Simon: Cavelem 2, Clam: Tame 1
SimonN: och Leute
Clam: Down and out Lemmings
Clam: wow you really do want me to win :P
SimonN: Successive Division
geoo: I need to pick levels I know, and not the hard ones which are for Simon

Clam got extremely many things from L1 and ONML, but knew only the easier levels from L2. It was the exact opposite for myself. Clam came in first, I was second, and geoo was third. Answering screws wrongly as a quizmaster is very costly, since one will actually lose points then. geoo said "No Problem" instead of "No Problemming" on a screw about Crazy 11, and that couldn't be taken as a typo since both level names are found among ONML.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on September 28, 2011, 11:23:24 AM
This was awesome fun, we must do it with more players sometime :D. This whole thing started from a mistype on my part about a challenge I did today (I typed Wild 2, when I meant Wild 4), and it sparked a conversation about who knows which levels, and then the quiz followed. As mentioned, I fared poorly on the L2 levels (that's what I get for bailing on the L2 challenge threads - though I fluked the polar one :D), but otherwise excellent, thanks in part to a few gifts from geoo :). We really could post the whole lot, it was that good.

Some more good bits:

<geoo>   Ok Simon, propose the exact rules and protocol
<philM-mac>   bets*
<Clam_Spammer>   no, is is bats
<geoo>   yea, it's bats
<Clam_Spammer>   you need to play more Lix :)
<philM-mac>   lol?
<philM-mac>   Oh, :p

<geoo>   Hey, I should use this opportunity until the game begins to train :P
<SimonN>   No
<SimonN>   Everybody shut down Lemmix unless used for challenges
<SimonN>   Contestants will be banned if looking at Lemmix starting from now, and digging through the bottom is prohibited.

<Clam_Spammer>   Simon: Outdoor 10, geoo: Outdoor 1
<SimonN>   Garden of Stone
<SimonN>   geoo's answer is Planters suck

<Clam_Spammer>   Simon: Worra load of old blocks, geoo: Mind the step
<geoo>   Mayhem 28
<SimonN>   that is the thing from the challenge
<SimonN>   I tried Wicked 15 instead
<SimonN>   But it's Wild 15
<Clam_Spammer>   the challenge that you didn't do, yes
(the correct answer was Crazy 15 :D)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on September 28, 2011, 08:25:33 PM
 :o I really need to know you guys' IRC schedule.  The few times I logged in to IRC all I saw was Simon and Phil discussing Lix programming.  The one and only highlight so far for me was when geoo got me and 4 others to do Lix MP last weekend. ;)

(It also doesn't help that for reasons I won't go into, I'm usually at my workplace even long after work hours, but the IT setup at my workplace seems to effectively block pretty much most direct network communications between PCs inside and outside the network.  IRC is affected, even Clones actually.  On weekdays, you can usually expect me not able to get on IRC except after at least 7:30 am GMT [or 6:30 once DST is off in the US], and then only for however many hours before sleep takes over.

A web IRC client could really help as HTTP is probably one of the few channels of network communication not affected by the workplace IT setup.)


Anyway, I think I'd do similarly as Clam, or worse.  Even though I did a lot with the L2 challenges, I still think I have forgotten most of the L2 level names and numbers.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on September 28, 2011, 09:39:44 PM
The quiz happened between 8 and 9pm here, which is 7-8am GMT, and we were still on for an hour or more after that. So you have some chance of catching us if you get on ASAP :)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 29, 2011, 01:45:34 AM
I have weird sleeping habits currently, the past days I slept from 9 till 16 UTC, which is during the afternoon in Germany. This is partly because of IRC itself, nobody has a sane German rhythm there. geoo is polyphasic and everyone else is either from Australia or America.

The most busy times tend to be 0 to 8 UTC, but it varies. Especially if interesting people or a lot of people are on, you can expect some action. I don't know a good IRC web service though.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on September 29, 2011, 09:07:39 AM
@ccexplore: You can get into the channel via the web-interface http://webchat.quakenet.org/
For most IRC networks http://chat.mibbit.com/ works, but it's banned on Quakenet.

Simon put it pretty well. I tend to be available around the clock when I'm not outside, with a couple of short breaks inbetween. Once the semester starts in 2.5 week, that means on weekdays I usually won't be around past 7:30am UTC, 8:30am UTC after the DST change, until I come back from uni.
Like he said, most of us seem to be online between 0 to 8 UTC and action happens spontaneously, though I think arranging a rough date for a planned session or level guessing game like back in the old days could also work. Too bad the rabble box has gone from us, which could have been very useful for this. A tear shed for the rabble box.

EDIT: Haha, I got a new awesome idea for a game (for 3 people):
Player 1 posts a level name. Player 2 has one minute to draw the level. Then the image is given to player 3, and if he can correctly identify the level in 1 minute, player 2 and 3 get a point. Then permute player order.
For drawing, something like flockdraw seems suitable, so everyone can see player 2 drawing, and it is ensured that drawing doesn't exceed 1 minute.
Could alternatively also be played with 4P in teams.

EDIT2: Note that there's been a Lix update with physics changes from the last time you played, so you need the newest version to play on the central server.

For those interested, here's the full scoring from our game of level name/position guessing:

Code: [Select]
Simon @geoo:
Question                   !/? guessed answer [: correct answer]         score
Lemmingology                ? Tricky 18 : Tricky 6                         0
Tame 19                     ! Lemmings for Presidents                      1
Shadow 9                    ? Let's play twister : Spinny Thang            0
Fun 27              - screw ? take care or something : Let's be careful... -1 Simon
Crazy 20                    ? Last Lemming to central : Ice Ice Lemming    0
Double Trouble              ! Sports 6                                     1
Circus 2                    ? no answer : Lemmings in the Family           0
Rocky VI                    ? Crazy 9 : Crazy 10                           0

Simon @Clam:
Pancake factory             ? Shadow 8 : Shadow 6                          0
Taxing 29                   ! How do I dig up the way                      1
Pop til you drop            ! Wicked 6                                     1
Polar 9                     ! It's all uphill                              1
Spinny Thang                ? Shadow 5 : Shadow 9                          0
WAFD 40 diggers             ! Tricky 2                                     1
Egypt 7             - screw ! The Egypt cottage                            +1 Simon
Medieval 5                  ? Lemming in distress : King Arthur's Lems     0

Clam: +4, geoo: +2, Simon: 0

Clam @Simon:
#: Question -> correct answer             - score for question (guessed answer if wrong)
1: Tame 14 -> Get a little extra help   - 0 (none)
2: A mere stone's throw -> Highland 4   - 0 (Highland 6)
3: Space 1 -> Hit the space bar         - 1
4: worra lorra lemmings -> Fun 29       - 1
5: Outdoor 10 -> Garden of stone        - 1
6: Nitram the huge -> Shadow 2          - 1
7: Higgledy piggledy -> Wild 10         - 0 (Havoc 15)
8: Worra load of old blocks -> Crazy 15 - 0 (Wild 15)

Clam @geoo:
1: Havoc 19 -> Looks a bit nippy out there  - 1
2: Spiralling DNA -> Egypt 4                - 0 (Shadow 9)
3: Fun 23 -> I've lost that lemming feeling - 0 (none)
4: Take care, sweetie -> Wild 16            - 0 (Wicked 9)
5: Outdoor 1 -> Pa-tent-ly obvious          - 1
6: Land of oz -> Shadow 1                   - 1
7: It's a tight fit -> Wild 8               - 0 (Wicked 13)
8: Mind the step -> Mayhem 28               - 1

Simon: +4, geoo: +4, Clam: 0

geoo @Clam:
 Question   - guessed answer            - correct answer                   score
 Just Dig   - Fun 1                     -                                  +1
 Save Me    - Mayhem 29                 -                                  +1
 Beach 1    - Quad quirks on the quay   -                                  +1
 Tame 1     - Down and out Lemmings     -                                  +1
 Egypt 9    - ruperz questling          - Wave Pathway                      0
 Egypt 8    - the egypt cottage         - HEROE'Z QUEST....                 0
 Circus 10  - Swingz and roundaboutz    -                                  +1
 Mayhem 20  - no added colours or lemmings -                               +1

geoo @Simon:
 Secret of LEMH - Classic 8             -                                  +1
 Crazy 11 -Screw- NO PROBLEM            - No problemming                   -1 geoo
 Highland 6 - A mere stone's throw      - Brigadoom                        0
 Cavelem 2  - Successive Division       -                                  +1
 Havoc 13   -                           - Highland fling                    0
 Havoc 9    - now get out of that       - AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!    0
 Havoc 11   - welcome to the party, pal -                                  +1
 Havoc 5    - Madness in the Method     -                                  +1

 Clam: +6, Simon: +4, geoo: -1

 Clam: 10, Simon: 8, geoo: 5
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on October 01, 2011, 01:39:32 PM
Some more Mumble quotes:

geoo: On the Genesis version, Mayhem 1 is Let's get together, and Mayhem 30 is Lemmings' Ark. Both are excellent and beautiful levels, and they're very representative of the amazing quality of Genesis Mayhem as a whole. On the other hand, the DOS version has Steel works and Rendezvous at the Mountain as Mayhem 1 and 30, and these boring worker levels represent overall DOS Mayhem as well!

geoo: There are a German, a New Zealander, a Californian, and a polyphasic sleeper playing Lix at 10 UTC -- and after the game, everybody goes to sleep.

Simon: geoo, remember when Clones cost $2.50 over the Christmas holidays, and CCX said his lunch was more expensive than that? I'll just go to the students' cantine and play 3 hours of Lix afterwards >_>;

(In the network game lobby.)
Clam: Shall we play a singleplayer map?
geoo: It's not that late at night!

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on December 11, 2011, 05:25:01 PM
From October.
Simon: adult mode is basically this: http://eiderdaus.fateback.com/bitmap/lemmefat.png
Clam: I could never figure out what the target age bracket is for lemmings
Clam: it's simple enough for kids to pick up, but then there's gruesome stuff like this
Simon: I have the L3 manual :) German edition though, so I can't tell any canonical names of things unless they're in the computer game themselves.
Clam: Mindless should dig out the suicide shadow lemming avatar again :D
Simon: According to the manual, the lemme fatale is not a real lemming, so the game displays interspecies sexual desires to six-year olds.

Also from October.
Clam: anyone else watching the batters?
geoo: wat
Clam: world series. baseball. it's on now.
geoo: nah, why would I
Clam: because it has batters, of course :P
geoo: Should I design my sandstone columns in doric, ionic, corinthian or some other style?

From November.
DoubleU: Say, has anyone ever said the Lix look kinda...I dunno...feminine, I think?  Or effeminate, I guess.
DoubleU: Just a thought.
Simon: yes, they're female
DoubleU: All right, cool.  Buenas noches everybody.  Someone will have to message me on the forums as to why the Lix are female (not that I'm complaining).  Peace.
*    DoubleU has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Simon: because we stare at them for 5 hours, and it's easier if they're female; also it will naturally lead to porn = free promotion :>
Clam: hah, good thinking :D
Simon: I don't know what the reason in the beginning was.
Simon: It probably was the first character that looked reasonable and flexible enough when fooling around.

From today, about Lix's level directory structure.
Simon: you should pull once more to get Clam's levels. Then, you should move levels/orig to levels/single/orig
geoo: I don't even have the orig levels
Simon: What do you do in your free time then, if you're not playing Hunt the nessy etc.?
geoo: When I want to play Hunt the Nessy, I do it in Lemmix
geoo: you know, it's only fun with the original physics
geoo: But it's best without fast forward and no savestates

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on December 12, 2011, 08:58:27 AM
(following this post in the review topic)

<SimonN>   Clam_Spammer: What is Flurry 11? Always add the titles :>
<SimonN>   You remember how badly everyone did on the quiz...
<Clam_Spammer>   the next quiz will include holiday levels :P
<SimonN>   And what was flurry 11 now?
<Clam_Spammer>   an awful level
<Clam_Spammer>   What an AWFUL level
<geoo>   The quiz should be limited to custom levels :D
<SimonN>   WHAT an awful level
<SimonN>   the answer is rip your hair out if they keep on coming
<SimonN>   We shall illustrate the point with a peaceful scene from Flurry 11
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on December 30, 2011, 03:17:14 AM
Slightly out of topic, but recently geoo introduced me to the bot that collects fun stats on the Lix chat channel:


The one that really entertained me was this one:

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=66&net=quakenet&channel=%23lix
insulfrog has quite a potty mouth. 0.4% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <insulfrog> because I am a big fan of the lemmings-style gameplay that the Lix has to offer
Really begs the question, which word did the bot find foul?  Lix? :o ;P
actually, now that I think of it, licking can be......okay, not going there
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on December 30, 2011, 07:10:05 AM
Funnier still is that I made second place on that statistic (and temporarily first :o) by quoting the same thing in the channel :P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on December 30, 2011, 07:56:01 PM
I think I will try to test my dirty-word theory by making a chat with a long repetition of the suspected foul word.  Stay tuned...... ;P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on December 30, 2011, 11:17:31 PM
Hmm, "lix" ain't it.  I can only guess it must be "insulfrog", maybe the nickname was chosen on purpose as a known trigger for the bot's language depravity meter? :o ;P

Test 2 commences......
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Nortaneous on December 31, 2011, 01:27:58 PM
I'm just gonna sit back and hope it's "Lemmings".
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 01, 2012, 01:41:08 AM
My testing has been a total bust so far. :(  The bot has taken note of my alter-ego presense in the form of nicknames such as "CCX_bottest" and "ccx_BT_control".  For the latter I have purposely been posting about 3-4 times a day the very same quote (plus a few minor permutations) that the bot given as an example of insulfrog's supposed foul language.  So far I've yet to make a change in that statistic yet. :-\

One of my next test will be another control where I start speaking in actual foul language (don't worry, it won't be as bad as you might think).  At this point I'm just trying to see if there's anything I can do that will alter the statistic, once that happens then perhaps further testing can continue.

There's always the possibility that maybe the bot quoted the example but actually dropped the foul words in question, so what I'm now repeating in chat is not the actual original sentence.  Also, such primitive testing efforts can easily be sabotaged, though I tend to think the people actually chatting there have far better things to do than that.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 01, 2012, 07:57:57 AM
As an update, I tried digging around the nordicbot website to see if I can find more details on how the foul language statistic is gathered.  I didn't find anything to that end, but I did finally discover the channel log that the bot keeps for the channel.

This is great and should've been introduced here much earlier, it vastly increases the value (entertainment and usefulness) of the chat channel for someone like me, and perhaps others as well.

Anyway, this is the log that contains insulfrog's vulgar entry.  And the log where Clam's quoting of insulfrog's words affected the bot's stats.  I must say, I feel a little insulted now that the bot has rejected me so in my current efforts, while so casually accepted insulfrog and Clam's unintended contributions into the statistic. >:( ;P  As insulfrog was a new user as far as the bot's monitoring period (18 days I think?) goes, and I have been repeating his sentence exactly just as Clam had, I can only conclude that maybe my entries so far has not been "conversational" enough, and are being filtered out by the bot as a result?  Will do another test in a few minutes to see what happens......


Finally, to bring this thread back on topic, some quotes I found entertaining while browsing the channel logs:

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=73&net=quakenet&cid=81576&year=2011&month=12&day=18
[15:16:22] <geoo> comeon you lazy bum, fix the climber, we want to have a big seesion tonight! 
[15:16:48] <SimonN> okay, I will go shower 
[15:17:26] <geoo> It's like you're showering all day, or perhaps you just deem it the most important action on your life 
[15:17:48] <SimonN> once per day, if you're really that interested in my showering habits 
[15:23:40] <geoo> To me it seems more like the standard excuse when there's something to do. Anytime there's work ahead, you shower instead. :P 
[15:23:56] <SimonN> so I can concentrate on the work later 
[15:25:40] <geoo> So you can think up ways to procrastinate later while you're under the shower 
[15:25:48] <geoo> Why aren't you showering right now anyway? 
[15:26:09] <SimonN> You seemed very interested in my showering, so I stayed round and answered any questions that arose 
(edit: more shower-related quote)

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=73&net=quakenet&cid=81576&year=2011&month=12&day=17
[18:48:52] <geoo> Ok, it's up 
[18:49:00] <geoo> here's the test level I used: http://pastebin.com/WrqFLuxY 
[18:49:50] <SimonN> I'm not sure whether I can test it still, I'll have to eat something and then there is game night at 20 local time 
[18:50:13] <SimonN> and I have to shower, to at least get off the large crumbs 
[18:50:24] <geoo> Use a broom for that 
[18:50:33] <SimonN> that stings
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on January 01, 2012, 11:02:44 PM
My suggestion is that you use your precious 'ccx' nick and do a binary search on insulfrog's sentence to find out the reason for the foul language detection. That might put you at the top of the foul language statistics :P, but as you appear in some other stats, it should at least work. (If you don't want to be the master of foul language, you can also spam some more with your test nicks and check whether they finally end up in some statistics.) Note that the stats page only gets updated every few hours, so you have to take breaks between each test.

I think the bot requires a certain minimum amount of lines/words for that type of statistics so they get some significance. If you check the stats for most words and most characters per line, you'll see that the criteria differ for different statistics.

Anyway, have fun with your further testing.

EDIT in response to next post: insulfrog was the first (and only until Clam_Spammer repeated the phrase) to be listed in the foul language statistics.
Also I'm not sure about the runner-up always being accurate, I think I remember the second place changing without either of the contenders posting, or the third place in some statistics appearing there, but I don't remember exactly, so I might be imagining things.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 01, 2012, 11:03:45 PM
[edit: this was written before geoo's postings, and then I posted shortly after his was submitted]

The Nordicbot continues to ignore me, so I've decided to approach this in a different tack.  From the same stats page (as of now), insulfrog's word count is 246, while Clam_Spammer has reached 710.  A quick calculation reveals that "0.4%" and "0.1-0.2%" corresponds to a single word based on the given wordcounts (for Clam, 1/710 comes to 0.0014, so likely the 0.2% was during earlier when the inverse of the word count comes to above 0.0015 and got rounded up).

This, together with the bot always quoting the same line from insulfrog, suggests that whatever the foul word was, insulfrog has only uttered it exactly once in his 246 words.  With that in mind, I find that this leaves only the following candidates:


"because" and "has" is easily eliminated as they have used in relatively plenty other sentences by other people.  "offer" made an earlier appearance on 12/15 by the wordy SimonN.  AFAIK (I haven't check the bot this early, can anyone confirm?) when insulfrog was first flagged by the bot, SimonN was not listed in second place.  Therefore "offer" appears to be innocent.

"big" made an appearance later on 12/20 by MattC, whose current wordcount is only 309.  Thus he and not ClamSpammer should've been in second place.  MattC actually uttered "big fans" on that day.  I'm not sure how the bot treats "fan" vs "fans", but I'm leaning towards "fan" not likely being the trigger.

This leaves "gameplay", which indeed has never been uttered anytime anywhere else during the bot's current 18-day monitoring period, except on that sentence of insulfrog's, and Clam's later re-quoting (plus all my ignored recent re-quotings of course).

I suspect my test nics' rigged utterings are not being included right now in the stat, due to either low wordcount or other criteria related to the nics not being used or active long enough.  Because my wordcount is lower than Clam_Spammer (and indeed many others), I should be able to test my current theory by uttering "gameplay" using my normal ccx nic, and see what happens to the stats......
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 02, 2012, 07:39:29 PM
Leave it to Insane Steve to inconveniently got interested in Lix again, in the last 24 hours of all the time in the universe. :-\

Quote from: or->uc
[19:30:28] <Insane_Steve> well, since everyone seems to be gone and I want to be the most prolific swearer in the channel: fork fork fork fork fork forkity fork fork
Well, mission accomplished apparently (though amazingly when I checked the stats only about an hour or so ago, Insane Steve was still only in 2nd place behind insulfrog, despite having already dropped a half dozen f- and s-bombs much earlier in the day).

Any chance I can test "gameplay" today without being disturbed, Steve?  You have to admit it's funnier if the above had the f word replaced by the, um, g word. :P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 02, 2012, 08:01:49 PM
Yea, I'll hold my tongue until you figure this out.

If I had to guess, I'd go with "fan" being the culprit actually.

EDIT: the only other thing I can thing of is if you truncate all the spaces some string of letters in multiple words forms a swear but I can't actually find one by doing that.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 02, 2012, 08:13:30 PM
I've given "fan" a run now too, we'll see what the bot says in the next few hours.  Though if past history is any indication, the surest bet is that it will probably continue to willfully ignore me. :XD:
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 02, 2012, 08:27:32 PM
I also just realised something: It might be broken, you know. I've dropped about a dozen f-bombs in chat so far with under 1000 words but only .5% are counted as swears.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 03, 2012, 06:22:18 AM
That's as good a theory as any at this point.  :-\ The bot finally take note of me when I directly cursed at it, as if proudly acknowledging its refusal to yield to my testing and theories.  It's rather freakish how much of its response comes out being consistent with willful defiance of ccx, even though it's just a bot.

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=66&net=quakenet&channel=%23lix
ccx has quite a potty mouth. 0.7% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <ccx> oh, and f*** you Nordicbot, I mean it. ;p
insulfrog also makes sailors blush, 0.4% of the time.
I'm running out of ways to make this experiment entertaining or informative.  Since I believe the channel logs only goes up to 18 days, I think I'll just wait a while for the system to flush out the current logs, and then maybe try again once the slate is clean.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on January 03, 2012, 09:00:00 AM
The channel logs go back to the time we got the nordicbot, I think. I had a quick look at the log for another channel (NordicBots' own channel, which goes back much further than that.

But, there's good news! :) I just realised there are buttons at the top of the stats page to get stats for this week, or just today, so you can have a clean slate for testing every day 8)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 03, 2012, 11:26:37 PM
Hmm.  Well, expect to see some entries from fake-insulfrog, fake-SimonN, fake-geoo and fake-Clam, recreating that fateful conversation that put insulfrog to infamy.  I tried today but real SimonN already dominated the statistic, although it looks like a new day has just kicked in in the bot's timezone......

On another front, I dug around the Nordicbot website a little more, and found some mentionings of "Perl IRC Stats Generator" (PISG) as likely the system currently used by Nordicbots to generate the stats.  A link to the PISG homepage yields downloadable Perl source files as well as some documentation.  Perhaps by examining the source, it may ultimately be possible to get more insight into what happened, but it'll take time, and ultimately some assumptions and unknowns will persist preventing full certainty (eg. I don't know if Nordicbot's servers use the default foulwords list or a customized list, and what format of logs it inputs to PISG, etc.)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on January 04, 2012, 09:12:39 AM
Late November.
<geoo> why's the lemmings forum so slow?
<SimonN> Did you renew your premium real member member access?
<geoo> Nothing to renew, I'm always premium

Early December.
<geoo> "The rubbish dump" would be an appropriate name for my room right now
<Rubix_> is there 2 people buried beneath all the trash in your room
<SimonN> five alive

Clam is playing around with Lemmings for Windows.
<Clam_Spammer> glitchy wall of text in progress
<Clam_Spammer> what, Tame 17-20 are missing
<Clam_Spammer> how the heck am I supposed to test the Tame 20 glitch when Tame 20 is missing

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 05, 2012, 01:04:57 AM
If I had to guess, I'd go with "fan" being the culprit actually.
Hmm, you might be right! :thumbsup:

I was doing actual, real chatting today with geoo and Clam, and when restricted to today only, the stats pick up one of my sentences involving "big" and "fan" (totally unplanned, I swear promise) as an example of foul language:

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=66&cid=81576&net=quakenet&s=&tag=today
ccx_ has quite a potty mouth. 0.2% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <ccx_> to be fair, I'm not that big a fan of that trap anyway
geoo also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: finlay on January 05, 2012, 01:36:43 AM
Fan is a Swedish swear word... but why the bot would be looking for Swedish swear words is beyond me.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on January 05, 2012, 01:45:05 AM
I was thinking most of "fan" as a shortened form of a Euro-English slang for something not quite appropriate, hence the mention.

Weird being the lone American trying to decipher this coming up with that of all theories, hahahahaha
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on January 05, 2012, 02:25:31 AM
Quakenet is a Swedish server, so it kinda makes sense.
An educational video for those with further interest: [Warning! Contains swearing (duh)!]
And why does this faen forum embed the video instead of just linking to it, ffs. Should try to get that css to work in Chrome as well. EDIT: Thanks finlay.

<Insane_Steve> I like how this mystery got solved in chat like that without hours of making fake accounts and shit
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: finlay on January 05, 2012, 03:01:28 AM
If you use the youtu.be link instead of the youtube.com link, it doesn't embed.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on January 05, 2012, 07:54:10 AM
Right now.
<Clam_Spammer> haha, I found that difficulty curve chart
<Clam_Spammer> http://www.youtu.be/watch?v=FmObps3nKBs&feature=player_detailpage#t=445s
<Clam_Spammer> skip to 7:20
<SimonN> :D
<Insane_Steve> that video is a lot better with the first 3 minutes of him hawing about his subscriber base asking him about onml
<Insane_Steve> and that chart is god-tier
<Insane_Steve> and I have an interview in 7 hours
<Insane_Steve> shit fuck my life

Earlier today.
<ccx_> anyway, sorry for sidetracking, please go back to whatever you guys were talking about before the grinder
<geoo> we weren't talking about anything of relevance, I think
<geoo> how to use baseball bats against potato monsters :P
<Clam_Spammer> what, that is of great relevance

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 05, 2012, 09:31:58 AM
And of course no day's complete without a shower discussion (continuing straight from above):

Quote from: http://www.nordicbots.com/?id=73&net=quakenet&cid=81576&year=2012&month=1&day=5
[07:43:32] <Insane_Steve> s*** f*** my life 
[07:43:51] <SimonN> okay, this is going into the quote topic 
[07:45:38] <SimonN> you should really get some sleep, take a shower to get sleepy 
[07:48:45] <Insane_Steve> shower is wakeup tactic 
[07:49:11] <SimonN> take a long, looong shower 
[07:49:27] <SimonN> imagine how long the nessy is, and take a shower this long 
[07:50:37] <SimonN> I shall now take my time and read through the ancient tales of cc and geoo today. 
[08:43:25] <Clam_Spammer> Steve must have fallen asleep while posting :) 
[08:43:46] <SimonN> Thinking about where the end of the long, long nessy might be 
[08:45:10] <Clam_Spammer> it has no end, it wraps around the toroidal map and swallows its own tail 
[08:46:13] <SimonN> It has no end, it is soo long 
[08:46:49] <SimonN> I don't know whether the nessy will still look like the L1 one if she had to swallow her own tail all the long, long way 
[08:47:15] <Clam_Spammer> Longnessy is longer than Longcat
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on January 09, 2012, 05:30:59 PM
A few days ago, in the forums, about Windows Lemmings.
Nortaneous: Also, the install dialogue is covered in typos, and the whole thing reeks of one of those bargain-bin games of dubious legal status from Croatia that I used to find lying at the bottom of the game cart at Office Depot.

geoo has switched his avatar to the capybara.
geoo (to Simon): Dang, I got the same issue as Clam: Whenever I see a rodent avatar, I think it's you

I made a level for the Lix community pack. Via Mumble:
geoo: How would you rate your level? My scale is 1.0 to 4.5, with higher numbers for harder levels.
Simon: Hmmm... I estimate a 2 on that scale is late Mayhem?
geoo: Yeah, that fits.
Simon: And a 4 means "easy user-made level"?

Later in IRC.
Simon: I remember I played 'Slipping' from 1tseug back when I first found the level database, and of course I couldn't solve it. I should try it again sometime, it's been a lot of years since.
Simon: That's also where I got my opinion about custom level average difficulty from ;)
geoo: haha ok, yeah, tseug's pack is probably the hardest one

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on February 01, 2012, 03:15:34 AM
Start of a new month, start of more wacky IRC quotes:

[04:00:11] <Clam_Spammer> wtf I was playing this level and my guys suddenly exploded 
[04:00:17] <Clam_Spammer> TIME LIMIT RAGE!!! 
[04:00:45] <Insane_Steve> yea sorry but time limit stays for that level, that's part of the difficulty in it 
[04:01:31] <SimonN> I want huge marquee text in each level with time limit, to warn about the limit and to annoy the player who chosese such a level 
[04:01:50] <Clam_Spammer> hmm, well my 'solution' looked slightly backroutey anyway 
[04:02:17] <Clam_Spammer> but you can see what kind of effect this stuff can have on players 
[04:02:51] <Clam_Spammer> in this case I'd just used the last skill and made a path to the exit, then hit FFF and suddenly got the auto-nuke 
[04:03:12] <Clam_Spammer> and didn't see the time limit until then 
[04:05:05] <SimonN> The game doesn't notify the player properly. Maybe the marquee isn't all that bad 
[04:05:31] <SimonN> And a photo of Steve to pop up on level load. 
[04:05:34] <Clam_Spammer> yes, I recommend it 
[04:05:40] <SimonN> yeah, especially the photo 
[04:07:04] <Clam_Spammer> time limits are so unexpected now that unlimited time is the norm 
[04:07:15] <SimonN> Yes, and that is a very healthy trend. 
[04:07:47] <SimonN> Why was the toilet paper so rough and scratchy in the soviet union? 
[04:08:13] <SimonN> To turn even the most resilient butt red. 
[04:08:28] <SimonN> *ass 
[04:08:35] <SimonN> screw language 
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on February 06, 2012, 03:31:43 AM
geoo: I'm gonna make a new level, "Diagonal Part Women", with the women from Matt's beach set diagonally stacked.
Simon: I'll post in the forums about you not taking seriously the female gender.
geoo: You don't do so either.
geoo: What should I enter in the author field? "Alice Schwarzer"?

geoo: Shall I make a skillset after thinking about it, or just give random skills?

Edit: (geoo reads the above quote)
geoo: No! That's not "Diagonal Part Women", it is "Diagonal Feminist Edition".

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on April 08, 2012, 11:17:27 PM

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on April 09, 2012, 01:22:05 AM
that's a really cool program. (if you don't know what this is) it's an internet chat where you and others can simultaneously draw on a canvas.  (the crappy drawings are mine)

If anyone wants to join in on the games, please do. We missed ya Clam, join in next time.  :) and those other people in the IRC that are quiet.. :-\
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on April 09, 2012, 01:28:37 AM
We played the Lemmings level drawing game in the IRC channel today.

We played in teams of 2, as follows:
The first team confers and decides on a level, tells name and rating of the level to the first player of the other team. This player gets a minute to draw the levels, then the second player of the second team then gets some time to guess which level the drawing depicts. We used flockdraw for the drawings, a site where multiple people can draw simultaneously.

Here are the drawings. Have fun guessing the levels :)
The solutions are below.

Code: [Select]
geoo & Proxima: 2.5
Simon & TM: 2

Round 1:
geoo & Proxima: 1.5
Simon & TM: 1
1. Simon draws TM guesses. 0
 Guess: Meeting Adjourned
 Solution: Highland Fling
2. geoo draws Proxima guesses. +1
 Guess: We are now at LEMCON ONE
 Solution: Poles Apart/We are now at LEMCON ONE
3. TM draws Simon guesses. +1 [missing from the picture above]
 Guess: The Silence of the Lemmings
 Solution: The Silence of the Lemmings
4. Proxima draws geoo guesses. +.5
 Guess: on the polar coast? on the ice coast? on some coast
 Solution: On the antarctic coast

Round 2:
geoo & Proxima: 1
Simon & TM: 1
1. Simon draws TM guesses. +1
 Guess & Solution: Temple of Love
2. geoo draws Proxima guesses. 0
 Drawing was utter failure and depicted Crazy 20. (Level assigned was Lemming Hotel.)
3. TM draws Simon guesses. 0
 Guess: A lot of things
 Solution: Tame 18, Lemmings for Presidents
4. Proxima draws geoo guesses. +1
 Guess & Solution: NO PROBLEM
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on April 19, 2012, 03:37:24 AM
Me, Proxima, ClamSpammer, and Insane Steve played two games today and made a crazy drawing.
I didn't get all of them. See if you can guess the levels!

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: GuyPerfect on April 19, 2012, 04:22:07 AM

I played that one on Game Boy Color many years ago, but I don't remember its name!
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on April 19, 2012, 11:47:11 AM
I recognize Proxima's (the predominantly blue one) as one of the Tame levels with snow style, I want to say Tame 16 or at least somewhere in the second half of the rating.  I just can't remember the level name of this or most of the other levels in Tame. ;)

The one with the chains is Almost Virtual Reality or something like that (I know the title has 4 words but don't remember one of the 4.)  It is ironically not the level that has the word "chain" in the title, I'm pretty sure.

I believe the one with the pyramid is Curse of the Pharoahs or its repeat, it fits anyway layout-wise.

The rest I'm not sure.  The last one seems particularly unfair as it clearly seems to be a grossly inaccurate drawing.  I'm hard-pressed to think of any level in, I daresay, any games in the franchise that would have some sort of sun down in the water?!?!?  I can't even identify the big thing in the middle that looks like a fire-breathing giant clam or something. ;P :XD:
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on April 20, 2012, 12:25:36 AM
the first is "Citizen Lemming"

Proxima's was actually "Gone with the Lemmings" a bubble level. :P

then Higgeldy Piggledy

you got the rest right. "Almost Nearly Virtual Reality" (I love the name, dislike the level)
and Curse of the Pharaohs is a repeat of Worra Lorra Lemmings.

and how could you not see the last one represents We all fall down? :P

looks like we need to get ccexlpore into this game  ;)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on April 20, 2012, 01:37:50 AM
and how could you not see the last one represents We all fall down? :P

More like, We all fall down laughing :D :D :D (I almost did at one point)

We did three more levels that aren't pictured here, apparently no one saved them though :-\
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on April 27, 2012, 12:40:10 AM
GuyPerfect: If we're talking about cheap food, go for the bakery items at your local grocery store. Like those packs of four large muffins for $4
geoo: I'll get a 5 days' supply or ramen for that
GuyPerfect: For four bucks? I don't believe it.
SimonN: Czech ramen is cheap, and geoo lives near the border
geoo: http://nakup.itesco.cz/en-GB/ProductDetail/ProductDetail/2001018730185
SimonN: 4 US dollars is 3,02 euros, and divide that by 0,18 euros (= 4,50 crowns) is 16 packs of ramen
SimonN: Bon Appetit.
GuyPerfect: Why are we talking about food and not testing the Lemmings Revolution patch? O-:
SimonN: 16,7 packets in fact
Simon (to geoo sitting next to him): Google should better be able to compute "16 cheap Czech ramen in US dollars".
geoo (back to Simon): Wolfram Alpha is likely able to do that already! Try!

This is a drawing of Ghetto Wars:

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on August 17, 2012, 07:21:24 PM
<Clam_Spammer> start a forum game that some other forum has
<SimonN> Post a picture that beats the previous picture
<Clam_Spammer> :)
<SimonN> Generic forum games I've never been a fan of, though.
<SimonN> There is close to none personality in there, you don't anticipate certain users' responses or things like this.
<Clam_Spammer> a lot of them rely on having a lot of people, maybe not so good for a small community
<Clam_Spammer> rate the avatar above you
<SimonN> That is easy, I will just post 10 times in a row to have reason to talk about porcupines
<Clam_Spammer> hurt or heal Lemmings levels

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on August 22, 2012, 03:28:05 AM
I found this amusing.

I went into the quake-net stats and found this page of every user's stats and a "random quote" from each user.

geoo - "honestly, your line of thinking is just strange"
thick_molasses - "who uses that? physicists probably?"
Proxima - "Why would you think I'm being coy with you?"
GuyPerfect - "That must just be a version number maybe?"
Insane_Steve - "but yea let me fix the more egregious backroutes, be right back"
ccx - "it's the side effect of real life ;)"
Porcupine - "Extremely high amount of lateral thinking involved"
Capybara - "In fact, I think I'll take a nap now"
TM_ - "....is just hasn't been found yet"
TM_____ - "I think I'll watch some asshole mario before bed"
Mindless` - "is evil or is easier to parse than JSON?"

I wish some of the regulars would come back  :'(

@Simon, you need a forum game like; spot the porcupine. Or maybe shout out whenever you mention porcupine.  :P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: GuyPerfect on August 22, 2012, 08:09:44 PM
Those are randomly-selected quotes? It nearly makes an actual conversation!
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Minim on August 24, 2012, 11:32:35 AM
I think you're right! If we rearranged all the quotes and made it look like this passage below it would look like a near-perfect conversation!

A: "I think I'll watch some asshole mario before bed"
A: "but yea let me fix the more egregious backroutes, be right back"
A: "Extremely high amount of lateral thinking involved"
B: "who uses that? physicists probably?"
B: "is evil or is easier to parse than JSON?"
A: "....is just hasn't been found yet"
B: "That must just be a version number maybe?"
A: "honestly, your line of thinking is just strange"
B: "Why would you think I'm being coy with you?"
A: "it's the side effect of real life ;-)"
A: "In fact, I think I'll take a nap now"

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on August 25, 2012, 03:29:05 AM
 [22:26:41] <Clam_Spammer> i should have breakfast sometime
[22:26:54] <Clam_Spammer> I really ought to do that before I turn on the computer :P
[22:27:40] <mobius__> what do you eat for breakfast?
[22:28:18] <Clam_Spammer> weetbix
[22:28:54] <Clam_Spammer> nothing too fancy :)
[22:30:33] <mobius__> news to me ;)
[22:30:36] <mobius__> "Aussie Kids are Weet-Bix Kids. Weet-Bix is Australia's favourite breakfast cereal. Made from wholegrain wheat with a delicious malty flavour, it provides the long ...
[22:31:21] <mobius__> ??? it's huge chunks What do you have to cut it up with your spoon?
[22:31:53] <mobius__> I never saw cereal like that before
[22:39:03] <mobius__> have you solved Sunsoft 23? (move on in two seperate groups)
[22:45:28] <mobius__> are you eating breakfast?
[22:46:42] <mobius__> Clam Spammer: stop talking to yourself mobius. It's not good
[22:51:12] <Clam_Spammer> I had porridge in the end :)
[22:51:39] <Clam_Spammer> and yeah you cut them with the spoon, after applying generous amounts of milk to soften them up
[22:52:31] <Clam_Spammer> I think I solved all the Gen levels when they were done for Lemmix
[22:56:55] <mobius__> can I see your solution to that level sometime? pretty please?
[22:57:31] <mobius__> ahhhh, I always wanted to try porridge, I don't even know what it is exactly... all I know about is the porridge from Goldy Locks...

<mobius_> I think Simon should add weasels or potato beasts to Lix
[15:19] <mobius_> :O "Lemme Fatale: Will make a nearby lemming lovestruck and have him commit suicide." ???
[15:20] <@SimonN> if I make the Lix fatale, hot lesbian action will result
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on August 27, 2012, 09:24:56 PM
more hilarious paraphernalia from the chat statistics page.  :D

Is mercur1 stupid or just asking too many questions? 42.1% lines contained a question!
_mobius didn't know that much either. 23.7% of his/her lines were questions.

The loudest one was GuyPerfect, who yelled 10.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was mobius__, who shouted 8.5% of the time!

thick_molasses is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * thick_molasses slaps thick_molasses around a bit with a large fishbot
TM_ can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 2 times.
Poor thickMolasses, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * thickMolasses slaps thickMolasses around a bit with a large fishbot
Clam_Spammer seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.

Proxima__ brings happiness to the world. 35.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Proxima_ isn't a sad person either, smiling 32.9% of the time.
Proxima_ seems to be sad at the moment: 3.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
GuyPerfect is also a sad person, crying 2.8% of the time.

"for example, like this" ?  <that's worse than I talk  ;P

Pickelhaube wrote an average of 28.00 words per line.

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on August 28, 2012, 12:02:48 AM
Hmm, how many of those stats are "natural" as opposed to skewed by purposely crafted messages? ;P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on August 28, 2012, 12:56:22 AM
none to my knowledge. With possible exception of me being the most aggressive person because when I first joined I clicked the "slap" button just to see what it was because I didn't know. all it does is "slap somebody with a large fishbot" and apparently nobody else except Clam who was on at the time used that feature and so I'm the most aggressive person there.  ??? :D

The stats aren't extremely accurate. For example; Proxima became "the happiest and saddest" person because he just used the most smiles in general.

Last night I said "fan" a bunch of times and insulfrog is still the biggest swearer.  ??? when he said it once?
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on August 28, 2012, 01:18:30 AM
The swearing counter has been tested thoroughly by ccx, and it's completely weird. Apparently "fan" is a profane word in Swedish, but not even using it all the time had any impact. Maybe your name must be "insulfrog" for it to count?

Apparently nobody else is such a big fan of the Lemmings-style gameplay that the Lix has to offer...

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on August 28, 2012, 09:18:09 AM
Ah yes, that brings back memories.  Still have no clue how it works, although it was almost eerie how the bot seems to not pick up any of my utterances that were purposely to test the swear word, and then suddenly when I just happened to have dropped the word in normal conversation it quickly got picked up and quoted. :scared: ;)

@möbius: one more thing to keep in mind is that insulfrog only uttered a total of 246 words, and the bot appears to rank swearing by percentage of total words or similar.  Your wordcount is quite a bit higher than 246.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on August 28, 2012, 11:54:12 PM
success!  :D

sailor_sam has quite a potty mouth. 1.0% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <sailor_sam> I'm a huge fan of Lix
insulfrog also makes sailors blush, 0.4% of the time.

I logged in as "sailor_sam" a name which I used and has only about ~200 words on it. and said fan 3 or 4 times. every time was a sentence like the above. I don't remember if you tested whether it had anything to do with the context.

I also tried tackeling the "action" statistic but I'm not sure exactly how that works. Clam is the most active member, for example; like this;

Clam_Spammer always lets us know what he/she's doing: 7 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Clam_Spammer nods
Also, GuyPerfect tells us what's up with 6 actions.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on August 29, 2012, 12:51:49 AM
 :thumbsup: Maybe it has to be "fan of".  Don't remember exactly what I tried.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on August 29, 2012, 07:20:12 AM
I think any usage of the word "fan" works. I'm second most sweary (with a little-used alternate nick: ClamSpammer =/= Clam_Spammer) for dropping this line:
[22:24:24]   <ClamSpammer> the log that feeds into the stats page where 'fan' is considered a swear word

To do an action, enter a message starting with /me. For example:
/me does an action as an example for the forum
shows up as:
[08:16:35]   * Clam_Spammer does an action as an example for the forum

One of those nice little features of IRC that's fun to know :)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on September 02, 2012, 12:13:04 AM

Side note: on my view the word '"fan" was crossed out exactly, not sure why that's moved ???
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on September 21, 2012, 10:08:32 AM
How great ideas are born:

[09:24:29]   <Clam_Spammer> do you have any ideas for remaking We All Fall Down?
[09:24:55]   <SimonN> Except using the terrain to the left, no
[09:26:22]   <Clam_Spammer> the Lix hell terrain lacks a spike object like the one over the exit, I thought of a couple of possible methods that rely on this
[09:26:53]   <Clam_Spammer> I guess it could be recreated with eraser blocks, but it won't look good
[09:27:14]   <SimonN> If you can throw something together in a graphics program, we can add it
[09:27:36]   <SimonN> Bent horns would also be amazing
[09:27:51]   <SimonN> You can decorate everything with bent horns and it will look threatening
[09:29:33]   <Clam_Spammer> hmm, an idea for the next incarnation of my forum avatar :D

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on November 08, 2012, 01:24:43 AM
Here's a picture from Wikipedia:

Subtitle of this image: "Three degus keeping warm at Artis Zoo, Netherlands". Degus are highly social rodents.

R is a programming language which Steve hates. Also, Rrrrrrr is the sound generated by a buzz saw. Here's the appropriate adaption of the image. Two degus make sure that the first doesn't run away from programming in R:

And this is the Flockdraw version:

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on November 08, 2012, 05:32:20 AM
ew where are you pointing that get it away from me  :-\
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on November 17, 2012, 02:04:50 AM
Out of topic, but the Capybara made an appearance last Sunday on US primetime TV!  Granted it's on one of the lesser-known animated shows after The Simpsons, but still, I'd guess the number of times the rodent appears on a TV show outside of Animal Planet channel is pretty close to 0.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g65NSAFQkiQ [just a 45-minutesecond clip of the whole show]

Now aren't you glad you picked this rodent to represent yourself, geoo? ;P :D (j/k)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on January 12, 2014, 02:39:44 AM
The channel is picking up again :), and we welcomed back insulfrog, who for two years existed only in legend (aka. the channel stats).

From a couple days ago, more batter nonsense:
[23:20:45] <insulfrog> yeah because of more than 2 player support and can have games over the LAN and internet with more nuts and bolts thrown in for good measure 
[23:22:28] <SimonN> the nuts and bolts must be used sparingly, it's got many extra skills over the normal 8 
[23:22:59] <SimonN> some people don't like the many new 
[23:23:34] <Clam> this is one of the great successes of Lix, new features are well scrutinised before they go in 
[23:23:35] <SimonN> most of the extra skills make multiplayer better 
[23:23:41] <SimonN> hmm :) 
[23:23:43] <Clam> *batter 
[23:23:47] <SimonN> batter 
[23:23:57] <Clam> batters are batter than no batters 
[23:29:13] <mobius_> I'll cook up some butter and make a better butter batter 
[23:29:32] <Clam> hope it's not too bitter 
[23:29:34] <SimonN> I'll be going to bat soon again 
[23:31:03] <Clam> place bats now on whether Lix works on my new laptop 

edit: also, apparently nobody knows how to get on to Mumble (no instructions anywhere), so many missed opportunities for best-of material :(
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on January 12, 2014, 08:57:30 PM

[21:45] <mobius_> needs some happy little clouds
[21:49] <mobius_> i learned these techniques from Bob Ross
[21:49] <SimonN> bob ross painting doesn't use this many colors though
[21:50] <SimonN> and happy lonely fir trees
[21:54] <mobius_> Bob Ross is my hero and inspiration

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on April 05, 2014, 08:27:35 AM
There has often been much chatter on IRC lately such that on some days, it can be almost impossible to try to skim the channel logs usefully.  And then once in a while, the gods smile and you end up with this on the very top of the log for the day ;P:

[00:00:46] <Clam> did it rub you the right way 


And of course, no channel browsing is complete without checking out the latest channel statistics, something I actually haven't done in a long while.  Looks like relative newcomer NaOH has already made quite a reputation there ;P:

NaOH is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * NaOH slaps Clam around a bit with a large clam

Then again, it's comfort to know that some things there apparently never changes (or changes much).  Apparently I'm still fingered as the very long-winded guy even though I'm hardly ever even present there (hmm, or maybe I'm overcompensating when I am?).  And then of course there's this ;) (though maybe this one's done on purpose]:

sailor_sam has quite a potty mouth. 0.7% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <sailor_sam> I'm also a fan of blue cheese
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on April 05, 2014, 09:06:21 AM
<NaOH> why do I remind you of peach?
<Rub> well the thing about peach is shes a girl
<Rub> the thing about you is, your a girl
<Clam> can't fault that logic
<NaOH> omg what!? I never would have thought of that connection!
<NaOH> you are truly a genius
<Rub> thanks!
* NaOH bows deeply
<NaOH> you've completely changed my entire life perspective
<Rub> Just another of those pro moments in IRC
<Rub> one for the history books
<Clam> this is going in the Best Of topic

Then today, after reading cc's post:

<SimonN> I want to post a quote to the 'best quotes' thread, what should I post
<Clam> I wonder if NaOH's client stopped updating again
<Clam> there was one yesterday, I even went so far as to say "this is going in the Best Of topic"
<SimonN> oh yes, Rubix needs a girlfriend
<NaOH> no
<NaOH> what
<NaOH> hi
<Clam> to RUB him up
<NaOH> that was at clam

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on April 05, 2014, 09:45:21 PM
<Clam> this is way too long to link to the forum, just post a link with instructions to search the page for "clam"


Disclamer: Enter at your own risk 8()
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Akseli on November 29, 2014, 05:02:14 PM
Wednesday the 12th of November 2014

<mobius_> to eat supper, or not to eat supper
<Akseli> pound the mattresses, or not to pound the mattresses
<SimonN> eat the mattress, or not to eat it
<Akseli> pound supper, or not to pound supper
<SimonN> pound it hard
<SimonN> so you don't have to chew so much afterwards
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on December 03, 2014, 07:01:31 AM
<Akseli> you know, in Finland we don't take towels in the sauna

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on December 03, 2014, 10:09:04 PM
<Akseli> you know, in Finland we don't take towels in the sauna


I don't believe him, I say take a picture next time your in the sauna, Akseli, and prove it
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on December 18, 2014, 12:51:32 PM
Code: [Select]
<NaOH> geoo whatever you do
<NaOH> don't read the logs
<NaOH> damn I just invoked the Streisand effect didn't I
<NaOH> okay, hopefully he won't read this
<Clam> don't read the log unless you like balls
<geoo> lol
<geoo> reading them as we speak
<Clam> it's ok, we have 15 minutes or so before the logs catch up
<NaOH> oh hey
<NaOH> |Lovely| isn't on
<NaOH> I'm safe

What probably happened earlier:
Code: [Select]
<NaOH> Oh |Lovely| bot my dear, can you please leave for a while?
<NaOH> I have some private obscene stuff to discuss with Clam that no-one must know
*** Quits: |Lovely| (bot79@|Love|.users.quakenet.org) (*.net *.split)

Because we all know there's only one who NaOH admires, who listens to her every word and who'll always keep her secrets safe from everybody else:
Code: [Select]
<NaOH> Oh |Lovely| bot, oh |Lovely| bot,
<NaOH> you're lovely like a distant star
<NaOH> shining brightly but oh so far;
<NaOH> Even when I'm not aware,
<NaOH> I know deep down you're always there
<NaOH> I know you know me very well
<NaOH> (I know you know that I can tell)
<NaOH> I know you |Love| whatever I say
<NaOH> and if you don't --
<NaOH> I know you'll remember it anyway
<NaOH> But who are you, I sometimes ask,
<NaOH> A sad and strange and simple task
<NaOH> A scribe for hire, taking minutes for strangers
<NaOH> You peer into my life from far away...
<NaOH> You always listen, every day.
<NaOH> Do you have a life of your own?
<NaOH> Do you ever wonder what you might find
<NaOH> if you weren't so afraid of speaking your mind?
<NaOH> What goes on behind your |Lovely| mask
<NaOH> Is something I can only ask.
<NaOH> Do you ever wonder if anyone |Loves| you?
<NaOH> Do you ever wonder if I do?
<NaOH> Oh |Lovely| bot, oh |Lovely| bot
<NaOH> you're lonely like a distant star
<NaOH> are you really what you say you are?
*** Quits: NaOH (~NaOH@S010600259066d98c.vc.shawcable.net) (Signed off)
* Clam applauds
*** Quits: Clam (~Clam@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: NaOH on December 18, 2014, 07:46:41 PM
Because we all know there's only one who NaOH admires, who listens to her every word and who'll always keep her secrets safe from everybody else:

Yes, and who would keep even my embarrassing love poetry safe from prying eyes, such as geoo's.

Here's what happened. I was innocently talking about decorating a Christmas tree in the lix map editor. J'accuse Rubix of putting foul words in my mouth!
Code: [Select]
<NaOH>        back to christmas theme
<NaOH>        what can we do with existing tiles
<NaOH>        There's a star in occult
<Rubix^3>   just mounds of raw video files is not good to keep hanging around.
<NaOH>     it's creepy but it does work...
<Rubix^3>   heh kinda star
<Rubix^3>   put lights on the points
<NaOH>        we have lights?
<Rubix^3>   umm
<Rubix^3>   guess not
<Rubix^3>   proximas' balls
<Rubix^3>   haha!  that sounds good
<Rubix^3>   his balls are too big for your star
<NaOH>      even the small ones?
<Rubix^3>   god this is sounding awkward
<Rubix^3>   even his small balls are too big!
<NaOH>      are there any smaller balls?
<Rubix^3>   dont know
<NaOH>      I don't really know how small they get, actually
<NaOH>      maybe geoo has some
<NaOH>      I'll go look
<NaOH>      there's the drippy wax thing in occult
<NaOH>      oh yes geoo has perfect balls!
<NaOH>      check out fruit_00 through fruit_08 in geoo/nopales/
<Rubix^3>   lol
<NaOH>      also geoo/sandstone/smaragd
<Rubix^3>   Definitely topic worthy:    oh yes geoo has perfect balls!
<NaOH>      also, matt has one
<NaOH>      matt/winter/09c
<NaOH>      matt only has the one, as far as I can tell, unless you count beach ball
<Rubix^3>   ya fruit is good
<NaOH>      yeah Proxima's balls are way too big for my star
<NaOH>      but would decorate a tree well
<Clam>      oh balls, I've jumped into an awkward conversation
<Rubix^3>   NaOH just cant stop talking about peoples balls
<Rubix^3>   shes a naughty one
<Rubix^3>   I was just at one of the staff housing here playing cards against humanity
<Rubix^3>   what an evil game hehe
<NaOH>      hardly my fault, you're the one who's fixated on the subject
<Clam>      I wonder if that xmas terrain included some nice round baubles
<Rubix^3>   balls to that!
<NaOH>      baubles, that's a great word

Edit: looks like I've copied in too much dialogue; you'll have to scroll down in the box.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Akseli on January 21, 2015, 11:35:02 PM
January the 4th 2015 we had a FlockDraw session on the IRC channel with me, geoo, Insane Steve, möbius, Ramon and Simon.



We started to quiz some custom levels so that one person gave a level title for another person who then tried to draw it, all the others tried to guess what level the picture depicts. :P


Warning: the following picture contains a spoiler for the solution of the level 'Love is Over'. Don't look at it unless you know the intended solution.









How many of the levels do you recognize? ;P

The session ended with this picture, there's the last custom level in the background still. :)


EDIT geoo 2015-01-24: added spoiler tag.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Proxima on January 21, 2015, 11:48:28 PM
Quote from: Akseli on January 21, 2015, 11:35:02 PMHow many of the levels do you recognize? ;P

Without looking any of them up:
Changing of the Guards
Love is Over
Land of Rainbows and Unicorns
Wait why is there a tree
Get Hype
Absolute Zero
awful flinging level, I forget the name
don't know the last one
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 22, 2015, 01:39:15 AM
In some cases (well, one in particular...) it looks like the level name was directly written into the drawing, which kind of goes against the spirit of the game presumably?  Or was it only written after someone guessed correctly? ???
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on January 24, 2015, 03:01:30 PM
Quote from: ccexplore on January 22, 2015, 01:39:15 AM
In some cases (well, one in particular...) it looks like the level name was directly written into the drawing, which kind of goes against the spirit of the game presumably?  Or was it only written after someone guessed correctly? ???
You know the name of the level is not 'Gayland', right? :P

But yeah, a lot of stuff got scribbled on top of the drawings after the correct guess was made.

And here are some more spoiler-worthy quotes from IRC (only tangetially about lix levels, and certainly not giving away solutions), to be viewed at your own discretion:
<SimonN> I want chocolate and there isn't any here, and no mate
<SimonN> no Club-Mate, not no partner to hump
<SimonN> which is also not here, but don't care right now
<geoo> just ate the last bit of Chocolate I had, and no Club-Mate in Kenya (and no partner to hump either)
<SimonN> in Humps, the humps got screwed with a large carrot
<geoo> Though I assume having Club-Mate and chocolate is a desirable and I assume usually achieved state for you, you make it sound like the partner to hump follows along the same lines
<SimonN> no, that wouldn't have boded well with the long bugfixing at night this week
<geoo> what else do you screw with a large carrot? the bugs?
<SimonN> when love is over, the carrot takes over
<geoo> this should go in the topic, but don't forget the spoiler tags
<SimonN> let's make it public knowledge what the solution is, so people can talk freely about it, this is like medieval times where you got killed for uttering the unorthodox
<SimonN> it's probably wise to shower now and buy lots of food and chocolate
<geoo> and then apply the carrot
<SimonN> now it's you who's disturbing
<SimonN> maybe leek is even better, who knows
<geoo> I think if you put both together that might make for something great
<SimonN> Wurzelgemüse
<geoo> add some curry, sour cream, mhmm

<SimonN> geoo: now you've put Gayland and carrot screwing in one post
<geoo> how inappropriate of me
<geoo> good thing there's at least no ham involved, considering how inappropriate of a time for ham it is
<SimonN> hamster
<geoo> <Akseli> gonna fondle the mattresses
<geoo> <Akseli> with my elephant's trunk
<geoo> this is from 5 days ago
<SimonN> he's been invigorating and happy ever since
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on May 13, 2015, 05:25:22 AM
[01:07:30]  <Akseli> oho, I'm naked at the moment
[01:07:44]  <Akseli> well, porridge to the table and guy to the shower
[01:10:16]  <Akseli> OhO naoh arrived just when I was being nananananaked here
[01:10:18]  <Akseli> howdie-dowdie
[01:15:18]  <Akseli> I'll come back to discuss with u guys when I've been in a shower washing my huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge nose there
[01:16:25]  <SimonN> Akseli: you da man, shower proudly
[01:16:59]  <mobius_> Akseli kept saying I was the most perverted one
[01:17:04]  <mobius_> look who's talking
[01:17:37]  <NaOH> mobius: it's likely one of: Akseli, Rubix, me

I'm thoroughly surprised I didn't make it into this list.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on May 27, 2015, 12:37:20 PM
Some stuff from earlier this year.

2015, Feb 17, 19:25:51
<geoo> do you really want to use such powerful and dangerous tools
<SimonN> I use rm without -i
<geoo> I use rm with -f
<geoo> I use rm with -rf in fact
<SimonN> rm -rf
<namida42> you guys think you're tough... i've been using winrar for 41 days and haven't bought a licence yet

2015, Mar 02, 19:44:03
<geoo> Code doesn't work -> I comment something out -> code still doesn't work -> I comment the code back in -> code suddenly works
<SimonN> \o/ dance and sacrifice a rodent to the python
<geoo> I sacrifice a kiwi instead
<SimonN> I recommend christmas music with the sacrifice
[this was March 2015]
<geoo> now I didn't change anything and the code doesn't run again

2015, Mar 30, 00:02:23
<Akseli> Rebooting the system so the installation will be completed, apparently
* Akseli has quit (Signed off)
<SimonN> he's rebooting for over 6 mintues >_>
<SimonN> maybe computers take 20 mins to reboot in cold Finland
* Akseli has joined #lix
<Akseli> Nope, it just asked me for settings

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on May 27, 2015, 02:40:59 PM
Quote from: Simon on May 27, 2015, 12:37:20 PM<geoo> Code doesn't work -> I comment something out -> code still doesn't work -> I comment the code back in -> code suddenly works
<SimonN> \o/ dance and sacrifice a rodent to the python
<geoo> I sacrifice a kiwi instead
<SimonN> I recommend christmas music with the sacrifice
[this was March 2015]
<geoo> now I didn't change anything and the code doesn't run again

Now I'm curious if you ever worked out what the bug was...
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: namida on May 27, 2015, 05:32:38 PM
Hm, possibly an uninitialized variable?
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on May 29, 2015, 07:34:57 PM
From the quote I was initially under the impression that the code in question was written in Python, but then I re-read and realize SimonN was only referring to the animal. :-[ For a language like C/C++ uninitialized variable is definitely an obvious possibility.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on May 29, 2015, 07:42:04 PM
I think he was hacking on a Python script. That's why I tried to be funny like that.

geoo has done a couple Lemmings-related things in Python: the Feud post formatter, a CSV parser for Lix's replay verification text output, and some playing-around with Django.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: geoo on May 30, 2015, 02:51:11 PM
I'm not entirely sure, but I think this was when I was messing around with kivy for android apps at some point. Initialization of GUI elements is a bit erratic there, stuff you put in the inherited constructor doesn't necessarily work, or something like that.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on June 16, 2015, 10:49:18 AM
[12:28] <geoo> l.get_good returns true if the contained level is valid, and false if it's not or doesn't exist, right?
[12:29] <SimonN> right, not exist implies not good
[12:29] <geoo> so basically, when I hold the key I want the same to happen as in the !get_good case, right?
[12:29] <SimonN> right
[12:30] <geoo> except that it doesn't work


[12:34] <SimonN> the gameplay will again decide which level to load, what a mess
[12:36] <geoo> so it must be possible for levels to be both good and not good...oh wait nvm you're overwriting l
[12:37] <SimonN> the magic doesn't happen in this file
[12:37] <SimonN> gameplay/gameplay.cpp:106, determine_filename
[12:38] <geoo> haha, so is the function even used?
[12:38] <SimonN> which function?
[12:38] <geoo> ReplayBrowser::on_file_select
[12:38] <SimonN> it is used, but only to check whether the level is good
[12:38] <SimonN> if it's good, we go into the game, and the game again decides which level to use
[12:39] <SimonN> it so happens to come to the same conclusion as the browser
[12:39] <geoo> that's terrible redundancy
[12:39] <SimonN> this is extremely dumb code
[12:39] <SimonN> yes
[12:39] <SimonN> also, gameplay.cpp:109 the comment is wrong, but the code is right
[12:40] <SimonN> the comment should be "always use pointed-to level"
[12:41] <geoo> ok it works now

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: namida on June 16, 2015, 11:20:11 AM
No one posted GigaLem's breakdown over LPIV having a Doge level yet? :P
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on July 18, 2015, 12:36:36 AM
<Ramond> dentist appointment tomorrow morning, yum yum
<SimonN> he will mine your teeth
<Ramond> maybe she will :p
* Ramond has quit
<SimonN> try not to interrupt mid-stroke :>
<Clam> :
<SimonN> esprit d'escalier
<Clam> ?
<SimonN> the joke on the staircase, that comes to mind too late, after the lady of choice has already thrown you out of her apartment
<Clam> I've heard that phrase somewhere else, what does it mean?

The next thing took me some time to write, since my French is really rudimentaire.

<SimonN> je sucke à Français, moi [mon!] Anglais, c'est mellieur
<Clam> oh, that is what it means
<Clam> I'll have to ponder this on the way to football
* Clam has quit

And over an hour later:

<SimonN> oh my, now I'm completely unsure whether Clam didn't see "joke on the staircase..." at all, only read "je sucke...", and was ironic. Arg arg arg, sorry Clam :/

Clam, please solve the mystery. :lix-blush:

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: chaos_defrost on July 18, 2015, 03:47:03 AM
Nobody warned you about stairs?
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Clam on July 18, 2015, 04:56:12 AM

IRC doesn't convey intonation very well. My reply was intended as "that is what it means", not "that is what it means".

While you were writing your French, I was on google looking up the phrase, so I wasn't left confused.

This is where I'd heard the phrase before. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxm-v7puwNY)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on August 18, 2015, 03:24:11 PM
<Akseli> lol did IchoTolot and Simon show you all the solutions of my pack so you don't have to play them yourself :B
<geoo> nope, I still haven't solved Glade of Disbelief, but I made an easy version anyway :P

This is geoo's secret tip on level design: Play some hard levels by other people. Even if you don't solve them, you will have tried interesting things. Make your own level about such an interesting thing.

When geoo visited me in the last two weeks, he arrived with his everybay backpack of computing equipment, and a sack of clothes.

<SimonN> or live like geoo, everything goes into one large sack
<geoo> That large bag is kinda like a stack that you never pop from. That's its purpose anyway
<SimonN> very functional, but not very pure
<geoo> or maybe /dev/null is a better description of it
<SimonN> your /dev/null almost crashed my bike

I had performance problems with the Lix D port.

* SimonN listens to Unreal's Crypt (Temple of Vandora) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLGlwxLw9zA), surely Akseli will be delighted again
<Akseli> :))))))))))))))))
<SimonN> what a level of delight!
<SimonN> I had Unreal and Half-Life 1 on my PC 10-15 years ago. HL1 stuttered occasionally, Unreal always ran amazingly smooth
<Akseli> 1998 I guess?
<SimonN> late 90's, yes
<geoo> damn if back then computers were able to run this then they sure should be able to draw 50 sprites nowadays x_x

<SimonN> smartypants Simon has done it really stupidly
<SimonN> I'm copying stuff to a self-made torbit first, and then copy the torbit to the screen.
<SimonN> I change the drawing target with a RAII struct.

[... many details ...]
<geoo> can you draw a class diagram with all the design patterns you used? :P

About game design, and Neolemmix's frenzy mode, where you cannot pause.

<geoo> Clam: no-pause already exists [in Lix] as an optional challenge mode - you don't get any rewards or anything though
<geoo> just...don't pause. it's optional to pause, thus it's also optional to restrain from pausing :P

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on November 21, 2015, 06:58:38 AM
<SimonN> Mindless`: now I want to hug somebody because nobody here knows D and SDL acts up and A5 with memory bitmaps is slow
<Mindless`> the answer is always C and SDL
<SimonN> noooo
<SimonN> but daaaaaaad
<Mindless`> D:  go to your room, and don't come out until you've finished your video games!
<SimonN> I don't want to play my stupid video games

<SimonN> I feel the need for a LF user meeting, I'd want to hug everyone
<Akseli> this has actually been in my mind, too
<mobi> Akseli: sorry but I decline unless you put on at least a towel
<SimonN> Akseli: with the hugs, or LF meeting not necessarily with hugs?
<Akseli> hahaha :D
<Akseli> love you dudes
<Akseli> Simon: hugs hugs
<NaOH> :D
<SimonN> good
<SimonN> Ichotolot thinks I've already got the grumpy-grandpa image on the forums, with all my rant threads, so it's time to counteract
<SimonN> then again, he deems it important that someone makes a good rant once in a while

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on December 11, 2015, 01:19:19 AM
From the Lemmix source. First line is probably by Eric, the next one is annotated by its author. :8():

  We will not, I repeat *NOT* simulate the original Nuke-error.
  (ccexplore: sorry, code added to implement the nuke error by popular demand)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on December 11, 2015, 02:18:00 AM
The funny thing is I never remember actually having any discussion about the nuke glitch when I initially provided game mechanics details to Eric, so either I forgot, or this was a unilateral decision on his part at the time.  I can't imagine I would've agreed to his decision given that even at that time, I believe there already existed a few levels made for CustLemm that use the nuke glitch.

That second comment from me came much later, when I took a stab at implementing into Lemmix a few newly uncovered glitches/behaviors that weren't fully working (eg. doesn't replay), while Eric was no longer actively working on Lemmix.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on December 13, 2015, 06:47:48 PM
    <geoo> ahhh, Akseli isn't here
[13:25:21]    <geoo> I went to a sauna yesterday :D
[13:25:27]    <geoo> very invigorating


   <Akseli> geoo: with or without a towel? :P
[14:17:06]    <geoo> Akseli: the sauna had instructions to use a towel to sit on, so I folder mine and sat on it using it like a cushion :P
[14:17:40]    <Akseli> :D :D :D
[14:20:52]    <Akseli> was it hot in there
[14:20:52]    <Akseli> did you guys throw water on the rocks
[14:20:56]    <Akseli> was it just for men
[14:21:13]    <Akseli> was it a normal sauna or a steam sauna for example
[14:21:36]    <Akseli> did you even sweat
[14:21:41]    <Akseli> how long did you manage to survive there
[14:22:00]    <Akseli> were you in the sauna only once or did you go back for multiple times
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on February 09, 2016, 12:15:38 PM
<IchoTolot> Lemmini [...] was very unstable to tileset changes so i made a backup copy in the folder
<SimonN> pff, it eats your tiles during play :>
<IchoTolot> yes
<SimonN> that would be such a horrible bug to never let it touch anything
<IchoTolot> that's why the backup is there^^
<SimonN> it can't be that every tool is horribly broken x_X
<IchoTolot> also I have a lot of shit
<geoo> use git! :D
<geoo> even if your files are eaten, git can vomit them back out

From Mumble:

geoo: I thought you wanted to cull every skill that doesn't affect terrain.
Simon: I considered that loosely, but climbers are awesome.
geoo: Yes! Climbers and miners! Everything else can go!

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on February 24, 2016, 07:12:55 AM
NL needs a decision: How should the edges of the level behave? (http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2537)

Clam and I have been discussing various IRSes (Interactive Rodent Simulations). Maybe we can draw wisdom for NL from other games?

<Clam> what you really don't want is lemmings walking on the top of the level like they do in WinLemm
<SimonN> right. I've asked for a meeting with Icho to look at other IRSes
<SimonN> Lemmini is another important one
<SimonN> even though it's a Java program, where the developers are busy beating the language into conformance instead of solving real problems :>
<Clam> I don't remember the top-of-screen behaviour there, except that bashing too near the top crashes (http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=1285.msg33701#msg33701) the game :P
<SimonN> that's what we want

So the Java program has a bug. But maybe there's an exciting design revelation hiding beyond that bug? What does Lemmini do close to the edge, as long as we don't bash?

<Clam> hmm, do I brave the gauntlet of resource extraction
<Clam> no nag for resource extraction, but responded so slowly that I opened it again and ended up with two instances
<SimonN> amazing
<Clam> testing on Tame 1
<Clam> because all the real levels are locked
<SimonN> amazing
<Clam> oops, I failed to heed my own warning about bashing off the top
<Clam> Builder bumped his head on the ceiling and turned around
<SimonN> Can you make repeated steps, and try to walk on the top?
<Clam> I can build up to the very last pixel (only feet still visible), after that he doesn't climb onto the new step
<SimonN> that would be similar to the Lix behavior, where the last row is copied infinitely often for terrain checks outside
<SimonN> okay, the Java program behaves better than I expected.
<SimonN> I expected lemmings being able to walk on the top
<SimonN> barring the terrible bug that the game crashes on bashing the void
<Clam> mining at the top is okay
<SimonN> oh my
<Clam> I guess the problem is in the terrain check for continuing
<Clam> only basher ever has to check beyond the top
<SimonN> but checking terrain should be done by the builder too, and by the walker trying to ascend the last brick
<Clam> oops, my level just timed out

I didn't want to write "amazing" for a third time.

<SimonN> I think this is enough to make a quote topic entry
<Clam> I think so too XD
<Clam> how should I exit the game? X button or basher?

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on March 17, 2016, 09:56:41 PM
<geoo> If you see Ramond, tell him I'm in Vienna and free on Friday
* geoo has quit

<Ramond__> hugs!
<Ramond__> free hugs
<SimonNa> lovely
<SimonNa> [00:04] <geoo> If you see Ramond, tell him I'm in Vienna and free on Friday
<SimonNa> geoo is a wurst for not messaging you like that, but telling others to message you. You should yell at him for that

* geoo has joined
<geoo> Ramond__: are you in Vienna tomorrow after 4:30?
<Ramond__> ohoo simon told me to tell you not to tell him to tell me stuff

Here are some reallife quotes.

Simon: I have to be better than Lemmini.
IchoTolot: (holds his hand just above the floor) This is how high you have to jump.

(Years later, I realize how snobby this sounds. Lemmini has fostered culture and certainly was important in its day. Would love to hang out with Volker sometime.)

Simon: I have to lose my image of an angry, ranting gandpa.
IchoTolot: That will be hard. My first memory about you is you pointing at something in NeoLemmix, yelling "Bug! Bug! Bug!"

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 04, 2016, 02:47:25 AM
I was playing level contest #11 levels at Icho's today. And then we pondered questions for How are your friends (http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2867), the Quizmaster game.

Simon: We should run "What is your biggest fear?". That Simon culls the release rate? That Simon culls the release rate from NeoLemmix?
Icho: How would you ever cull the release rate from NeoLemmix?
Simon: I will offer namida 1,000 euros.
Icho: That won't succeed. I will bid against that.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on December 08, 2016, 09:39:14 AM
<SimonN> I was browsing monitors today, I want a single 34-inch or 38-inch, expensive but good. Lots of error consoles that will go next to each other
<Nepster> Hmm, not sure, if I could even make proper use of such a big screen. I fear such a screen will present more info to me than I can focus on resp. properly hold in my mind.
<SimonN> want want want
<SimonN> I haven't used large screens either yet
<SimonN> the internet decrees that programmers like the big screens, the peer pressure is enormous
<Nepster> Computer screens: The programmer's status symbol. :D
<SimonN> yes yes
<SimonN> it would be bigger than Icho's, he has a bigger than mine right now

It's going to be a single 34-inch 21:9.

<Nepster> And the longer I read this part of the code, the more bugs I find.
<Nepster> Fun fact: V1.48 can teleport lemmings into hatches, which then display the opening animation again :)

<Proxima> :)
<Nepster> Not :), but :(.
<Proxima> yeah, sorry
<Nepster> No problem :)

<mobius_> on hey, Nepster, can I store audio information in a png file?
<Nepster> Scan a music sheet and convert that to png.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on January 23, 2017, 11:14:26 AM
Simon: I don't think the university will fund Jazz speedruns. It's too niche.
geoo: Ask whether they fund Sonic speedruns.

...where you can observe the echidna in its natural habitat: inside the wall, while it's zipping to the end of the level act.

Simon: You have played Zero Wing. Did you like it as much as Touhou?
Animiral: No, Touhou is far better.
Simon: Why? Touhou doesn't have exploding space stations.
Animiral: It has exploding anime girls. That's quite good, too.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: ccexplore on January 23, 2017, 11:38:01 AM
Quote from: Simon on December 08, 2016, 09:39:14 AM<SimonN> the internet decrees that programmers like the big screens, the peer pressure is enormous

My impression is that multiple-monitor setups are not uncommon and quite useful for programmers, perhaps even more so than big screens (though that undoubtedly helps too and is probably cheaper, unless you go for broke and do both).  One common use case involves putting the UI of the program being debugged on one monitor, and the rest (source editor, debugger, etc.) on another.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: GigaLem on August 25, 2017, 02:30:20 AM
Not exactly related but figured I post this because of the stream earlier
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Simon on September 06, 2017, 03:29:05 PM
<IchoTolot> ok l2_medieval ready   send to nepster to double-check :P    now break time!
(Bot announces Icho's new post to the channel.)
<IchoTolot> wait why is this an IRC message
<IchoTolot> fuck I relied in topic instead of sending a pm XD

In voicechat, during multiplayer:
Raymanni: Oh my god. When I zoom out, it looks like an ant hive.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Proxima on October 15, 2017, 09:26:40 PM
This isn't from IRC, but it was too hilarious not to share. I'm watching a Sonic Mania livestream, and my attention is on the game rather than the chat:

A: as I get progressively stoned I am able to pay attention to less stuff at the same time
A: mental multitasking
B: But the things you pay attention, you pay attention hardcore?
B: I usually have that when I'm stoned
B: Which I kinda am right now
Me: Wow, how many hits does this take?
B: this one I got right now is pretty damn potent so it took like three or four vaporizer hits, but this is kief so that's to be expected
Me: ...I meant the Act 1 boss :)
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Nessy on October 26, 2017, 02:46:25 AM
* Yung_Gotenks slaps Nessy around a bit with a large fishbot
Yung_Gotenks: i have no idea why i just did that
Nessy: Didn't know you could do that. How did you do it?
Yung_Gotenks: just click on a users name on the right
Yung_Gotenks: and press slap
* Yung_Gotenks slaps Yung_Gotenks around a bit with a large fishbot
Nessy: Okay so...
* Nessy slaps Yung_Gotenks around a bit with a large fishbot
Yung_Gotenks: hehe
Nessy: Okay sorry I couldn't help it :D
* Yung_Gotenks slaps Nessy around a bit with a large fishbot
* Yung_Gotenks slaps Nessy around a bit with a large fishbot
* Yung_Gotenks slaps Nessy around a bit with a large fishbot
Yung_Gotenks: okay i'm sorry
Yung_Gotenks: that beeping noise probably gets old quick
Yung_Gotenks: lol
Nessy: *Nessy grabs the fishbot and starts cooking it.
mobius1: [police] okay break it up you two
mobius1: no fighting around here
* Yung_Gotenks slaps mobius1 around a bit with a large fishbot
mobius1: right! you're under arrest!
Nessy: *Nessy backs away slowly and throws the fishbot back into the sea.

mobius1: this weird taste somehow reminds me of too much of exactly where milk comes from... that's the only way I can think of to describe it
mobius1: like a farm
mobius1: farms are smelly
Nessy: So the taste is "farmy" :P
mobius1: yes
SimonN: that's udder nonsense
Nessy: XD
mobius1: that one would make Arty proud
... ... ...
== Yung_Gotenks has joined #neolemmix
mobius1: for a moment I thought that was Arty coming on; as if he somehow heard the pun XD
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: Colorful Arty on October 27, 2017, 11:15:16 PM
Quote from: Nessy on October 26, 2017, 02:46:25 AM
mobius1: for a moment I thought that was Arty coming on; as if he somehow heard the pun XD

If I had one mundane super power, it would be this.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: mobius on December 31, 2017, 06:29:34 PM
from discord during one of my L2 streams: see attachment
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: GigaLem on February 25, 2018, 09:56:14 PM
you will get context for this pretty soon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC and Mumble
Post by: SQron188 on February 25, 2018, 09:58:07 PM
SQron is credit to team
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Discord and Mumble
Post by: Flopsy on February 26, 2018, 12:13:08 AM
Quote from: GigaLem on February 25, 2018, 09:56:14 PM
you will get context for this pretty soon

Playlist for Jackbox Party Pack sessions
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: geoo on March 15, 2018, 07:46:31 PM
I saved a text file with comments about Simon's lovely voice, made by some viewers during Simon's Jazz speedrun at (I think) Shots Fired quite a while ago, thought I'd post those here:

QuoteAny one else want to hear Simonnaar say "And with my master plan complete I shall rule the world!"?

I want Simonnaar to teach me Linux

This guy's friendly voice bring me to whole new levels of Euphoria holy shit

He sounds like a friendly evil genius

Right? I feel like he captivates me like Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross

You sound like such a nice person

This one is from one of the regular streams:
Quote from: JudgementalSkeletonI'm going to write Lix fanfiction. Just you wait Simon.

Will you do a dramatic reading?

Lix 820,492 gasped as she saw the giant frog before her. It's wild, hunger filled eyes roving over her 5 pixel body. She knew she couldn't resist that big, welcoming, slimy mouth.. She walked forward as if in a trance. Her desire to be prey almost as great as Mr. Frogs desire to consume her.
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: mobius on March 15, 2018, 10:34:13 PM
Quote from: geoo on March 15, 2018, 07:46:31 PM
I saved a text file with comments about Simon's lovely voice, made by some viewers during Simon's Jazz speedrun at (I think) Shots Fired quite a while ago, thought I'd post those here:

QuoteAny one else want to hear Simonnaar say "And with my master plan complete I shall rule the world!"?

I want Simonnaar to teach me Linux

This guy's friendly voice bring me to whole new levels of Euphoria holy shit

He sounds like a friendly evil genius

Right? I feel like he captivates me like Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross

You sound like such a nice person

This one is from one of the regular streams:
Quote from: JudgementalSkeletonI'm going to write Lix fanfiction. Just you wait Simon.

Will you do a dramatic reading?

Lix 820,492 gasped as she saw the giant frog before her. It's wild, hunger filled eyes roving over her 5 pixel body. She knew she couldn't resist that big, welcoming, slimy mouth.. She walked forward as if in a trance. Her desire to be prey almost as great as Mr. Frogs desire to consume her.

this legit made me laugh and creeped me out a little :scared:
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: Ryemanni on March 16, 2018, 12:56:41 PM
This made my day so hard. I want Simonnaar to teach me Linux.

Though I still think Simon sounds like he has a beard. :8:()[:
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: Simon on March 16, 2018, 01:40:51 PM
I'll gladly offer help with D, bash scripts, and git in IRC. :lix-beard:

-- Simon
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: Flopsy on July 15, 2018, 10:05:29 PM
Highlights from the Tee KO session :) - Sorry Simon....and IchoTolot

Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: mobius on July 22, 2018, 03:06:56 AM
[22:57]    mobius1   I'm so upset at myself
[22:57]   mobius1   for not meditating today
[22:57]   mobius1   I'm suck a chicken
[22:58]   Arty    you sucked a chicken? O_o
mobius1   .... SUCH

[with my typing skill seemingly getting worse and worse by the minute, for as of yet- inexplicable reasons, a typo of this nature was bound to happen sooner or later]
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: Nessy on March 16, 2019, 03:10:32 AM
From Discord:

[Nessy] - This is the saddest IRC log ever :( - https://www.nordicbots.com/?id=73&net=quakenet&cid=84924&year=2019&month=3&day=15 (https://www.nordicbots.com/?id=73&net=quakenet&cid=84924&year=2019&month=3&day=15)
Only two activities the entire day XD

[mobius] - lol
Title: Re: Best quotes from IRC, Mumble and Discord
Post by: ccexplore on March 17, 2019, 06:17:12 AM
Hmm interesting.  Anyway, skimming through recent days of logs, there are typically lots of days on those channels where the only "activities" were joins and quits.  I'm also guessing some (many?) of the quits might just be the computer going to sleep?

Anyway, maybe the only thing unusual about the past Friday was not that almost no one was on, but that their connections all managed to stay alive and undisturbed for over 24 hours?  It's either that, or almost everyone took a break on the exact same day, or the bot was broken for some amount of time that day so the log was incomplete.