Hi, I'm a big fan of the original Lemmings and I'm currently doing a remake. It's just about to be completed.
Except for some little bugs I'm still missing about 80% of all the sound effects. I'm preferably looking for SNES ones (SNES port is my favourite and I also built the remake in SNES fashion), but other platforms would also do, I hope.
I've tried SNESSOR95 to rip the sounds from Lemmings but it doesn't spit out a lot of clear ones.
I downloaded a Lemmings SFX pack from Lemmings Universe but it contained sfx from future Lemmings games (like Lemmings Revolution).
Google doesn't give me any useful results.
I was just wondering if any of you might have some from anywhere.
(Note that I mean sound effects, not background music.)
Oh and in case anybody is interested I ripped the (red) font from the SNES version of Lemmings (missing just 3 capitalized and one normal letter).
EDIT: Just got ahold of WinLems and it seems to have most of the important sfx.

So I could have omitted creating this thread. Sorry.
Hey Ramon, welcome to the forums!

EDIT: Just got ahold of WinLems and it seems to have most of the important sfx.
So I could have omitted creating this thread. Sorry.
Oh don't worry, we do make quite a few mistakes sometimes but still, it's a shame you can't delete threads without asking the moderator to do so.
Well, I and the community can't wait to see what the remake looks like. We'll be grateful if you get a download of it especially.
All of the legacy Lemmings sound effects are tucked away in the Lemmings Revolution .box files as well. If you need those, I can probably scrounge them up for ya.
Ah, Lemmings Revolution, In comparison between LemRev and the original game I like the revolution sound effects, because I love it when the lemmings splat when they fall. It's so funny. Is there a download for them or do I have to get my old CD out and have a look for them to help him?
I woulda had this sooner, but I lost the documentation I made for the Revolution .box archive format, so I had to re-hack it. Good thing it's easy!
Attached to this post is a ZIP file containing all of the sound effects in Lemmings Revolution; many of which were not used in the game. Note that ALL the legacy lemmings sound effects are here as well, including the "oing" exit sound from the original Amiga game.
According to the forum system, there are at least seven people who can comment on that file I posted. (-:
Okay, I examined the sounds from WinLems but they're not 100% SNES (sorry if I'm sounding... picky).
GuyPerfect thanks for that sound pack it includes some sfx I'm going to need!
Furthermore I'm missing the sfx of selecting each skill and when changing the release rate... trapdoor sound is also too high-pitched.
Can't seem to rip it (my sound card sucks) and those are not on the web.
I believe you can extract the .spc files from a SNES rom for the music, why not whatever format the sounds are?
The SPC 700 music chip in the SNES has its own bank of memory where the music program and sound data is stored during playback. It's this memory that's dumped by emulators to save .spc music files, and the same can't be done for ordinary SFX output channels.
It's a shame you can't delete threads without asking the moderator to do so.
I believe there are some cases where you can. Maybe ones that have generated so many replies won't allow the topics to be deleted by their creator?